894 resultados para FOCAL CEREBRAL-ISCHEMIA
O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a maior causa de mortes e incapacidades neurológicas no Brasil, e mais de 80% deles são decorrentes de evento isquêmico. Os sobreviventes de AVC apresentam uma variedade de déficits motores, cognitivos e sensoriais, que prejudicam suas atividades de vida diária, limitando assim sua independência. Portanto, torna-se cada vez mais necessário elaborar estratégias terapêuticas que promovam a recuperação funcional de pacientes acometidos por AVC. Após isquemia do tecido nervoso, ocorre no meio extracelular a super expressão de moléculas inibitórias a regeneração neuronal e à plasticidade sináptica, como os proteoglicanos de sulfato de condroitina (PGSCs), o principal componente das redes perineuronais (RPNs). A remoção destas moléculas com a ação da enzima condroitinase ABC (ChABC) tem sido usada como estratégia para induzir a plasticidade neuronal. Outro fator que tem sido utilizado para estimular a neuroplasticidade é o exercício físico específico para o membro afetado após AVC. O exercício físico está relacionado à liberação de neurotrofinas, importantes para a regeneração do sistema nervoso. Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs junto com o exercício físico pode potencializar a indução da plasticidade cerebral e recuperação funcional após lesão isquêmica experimental na área sensório-motora de ratos. Para testar nossa hipótese, utilizamos n=16 ratos (Ratus norvergicus) da linhagem Wistar, divididos nos seguintes grupos experimentais (todos com sobrevida de 21 dias após AVC isquêmico): Grupo Controle ou BSA (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA); Grupo Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com BSA + exercício físico específico); Grupo ChABC (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC); e Grupo ChABC + Exercício (Isquemia experimental, implante de Elvax saturado com ChABC + exercício físico específico). A lesão isquêmica foi induzida através de microinjeções do vasoconstritor Endotelina-1 (ET-1) no córtex sensório-motor, na representação da pata anterior. Logo em seguida foi implantado uma microfatia de polímero de Etileno vinil acetato saturado com ChABC (grupos ChABC e ChABC + Exercício) ou BSA (grupos Controle e Exercício). Foram avaliadas a área de lesão e a degradação dos PGSCs, além da recuperação funcional da pata afetada através do teste da exploração vertical e do teste da escada horizontal. Avaliamos a área de lesão (mm2) com auxílio do programa ImageJ (NIH, USA), delimitando a área com palor celular e também marcada com azul de colanil que estava presente na solução de injeção do peptídeo vasoconstritor ET-1 e verificamos que não houve diferença significativa no tamanho da área de lesão entre os grupos Controle (0,48±0,12), Exercício (0,46±0,05), ChABC (0,50±0,18) e ChABC + Exercício (0,55±0,05) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Animais que foram submetidos à remoção enzimática dos PGSCs apresentaram imunomarcação para o anticorpo anti-condroitin-4-sulfato (C4S) na área de lesão ao final da sobrevida, não havendo evidencias de degradação de PGSCs nos grupos Controle e Exercício. Verificamos ainda no teste do cilindro que a indução da lesão isquêmica não provocou perda funcional ampla, não alterando o comportamento exploratório, nem a frequência de uso da pata anterior afetada dos animais após a lesão (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,33±0,10), 3 (0,29±0,17), 7 (0,30±0,10), 14 (0,29±0,16) e 21 (0,27±0,13) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,30±0,12), 3 (0,32±0,24), 7 (0,19±0,37), 14 (0,31±0,10) e 21 (0,32±0,09) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,07), 3 (0,20±0,11), 7 (0,23±0,07), 14 (0,33±0,14) e 21 (0,39±0,16) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (0,34±0,04), 3 (0,20±0,09), 7 (0,26±0,04), 14 (0,18±0,08) e 21 (0,27±0,04) dias após a lesão) (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). O grupo que teve apenas a remoção dos PGSCs apresentou um melhor desempenho motor no teste da escada horizontal, mantendo sua frequência de acertos quando comparado aos demais grupos, sendo que ao final da sobrevida de 21 dias, os grupos Controle e ChABC + Exercício alcançaram uma recuperação espontânea (equivalente ao teste pré-lesão), se aproximando do grupo ChABC. Apenas o grupo tratado somente com Exercício não alcançou a recuperação espontânea, apresentando um desempenho motor significativamente inferior aos demais grupos em todos os momentos de reavaliação (grupo Controle: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,70±0,54), 3 (5,30±0,71), 7 (5,4±1,14), 14 (5,20±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão; grupo Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,40±0,28), 3 (4,30±0,48), 7 (4,75±0,50), 14 (5,35±0,41) e 21 (5,05±0,67) dias após a lesão; grupo ChABC: pré-lesão ou baseline (7,65±0,97), 3 (6,90±0,65), 7 (7,80±0,37), 14 (7,15±0,87) e 21 (7,45±0,32) dias após a lesão; e grupo ChABC + Exercício: pré-lesão ou baseline (8,10±0,22), 3 (3,65±1,48), 7 (4,95±1,06), 14 (7,35±0,37) e 21 (6,70±0,48) dias após a lesão (ANOVA, pós-teste de Tukey, ***p<0,001; **<0,01; *p<0,5). Portanto, a remoção dos PGSCs, o exercício físico forçado precoce e sua associação não influenciaram no tamanho da área de lesão após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Porém, apenas a remoção dos PGSCs das redes perineuronais melhorou precocemente o desempenho motor do membro afetado após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor. Enquanto que a remoção dos PGSCs associada ao exercício físico melhorou o desempenho motor do membro afetado após a lesão, porém essa melhora foi tardia. E o exercício físico aplicado precocemente após isquemia focal no córtex sensório-motor prejudicou o desempenho motor do membro afetado.
OBJECTIVES In cardiac muscle, ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury is attenuated by mitochondrial function, which may be upregulated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK). The aim of this study was to determine whether increased FAK levels reduced rhabdomyolysis in skeletal muscle too. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a translational in vivo experiment, rat lower limbs were subjected to 4 hours of ischemia followed by 24 or 72 hours of reperfusion. FAK expression was stimulated 7 days before (via somatic transfection with pCMV-driven FAK expression plasmid) and outcomes were measured against non-transfected and empty transfected controls. Slow oxidative (i.e., mitochondria-rich) and fast glycolytic (i.e., mitochondria-poor) type muscles were analyzed separately regarding rhabdomyolysis, apoptosis, and inflammation. Severity of IR injury was assessed using paired non-ischemic controls. RESULTS After 24 hours of reperfusion, marked rhabdomyolysis was found in non-transfected and empty plasmid-transfected fast-type glycolytic muscle, tibialis anterior. Prior transfection enhanced FAK concentration significantly (p = 0.01). Concomitantly, levels of BAX, promoting mitochondrial transition pores, were reduced sixfold (p = 0.02) together with a blunted inflammation (p = 0.01) and reduced rhabdomyolysis (p = 0.003). Slow oxidative muscle, m. soleus, reacted differently: although apoptosis was detectable after IR, rhabdomyolysis did not appear before 72 hours of reperfusion; and FAK levels were not enhanced in ischemic muscle despite transfection (p = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS IR-induced skeletal muscle rhabdomyolysis is a fiber type-specific phenomenon that appears to be modulated by mitochondria reserves. Stimulation of FAK may exploit these reserves constituting a potential therapeutic approach to reduce tissue loss following acute limb IR in fast-type muscle.
Slow potential recording was used for long-term monitoring of the penumbra zone surrounding an ischemic region produced by middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion in adult hooded rats (n = 32). Four capillary electrodes (El-E4) were chronically implanted at 2-mm intervals from AP -3, L 2 (El) to AP 0, L 5 (E4). Spontaneous or evoked slow potential waves of spreading depression (SD) were recorded during and 4 h after a 1-h MCA occlusion and at 2- to 3-day intervals afterward for 3 weeks. Duration of the initial focal ischemic depolarization was maximal at E4 and decreased with distance from the focus. SD waves in the penumbra zone were high at El and E2, low and prolonged at E3, and almost absent at E4. Amplitude of elicited SD waves was further reduced 3 days later and slowly increased in the following week. Cortical areas displaying marked reduction of SD waves in the first days after MCA occlusion either remained low or showed substantial (60%) recovery, the probability of which decreased with the duration of the initial focal ischemic depolarization and increased with the distance from the focus. It is concluded that the outcome of ischemia monitored by long-term SD recovery in the perifocal region can be partly predicted from the acute signs of MCA occlusion.
The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the increase in local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) elicited by focal cortical epileptic seizures was investigated in anesthetized adult rats. Seizures were induced by topical bicuculline methiodide applied through two cranial windows drilled over homotopic sites of the frontal cortex, and LCBF was measured by quantitative autoradiography by using 4-iodo[N-methyl-14C]antipyrine. Superfusion of an inhibitor of NO synthase, N omega-nitro-L-arginine (NA; 1 mM), for 45 min abolished the increase of LCBF induced by topical bicuculline methiodide (10 mM) [164 +/- 18 ml/100 g per min in the artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)-superfused side and 104 +/- 12 ml/100 g per ml in the NA-superfused side; P < 0.005]. This effect was reversed by coapplication of an excess of L-arginine substrate (10 mM) (218 +/- 22 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 183 +/- 31 ml/100 g per min in the NA + L-Arg-superfused side) but not by 10 mM D-arginine, a stereoisomer with poor affinity for NO synthase (193 +/- 17 ml/100 g per min in the aCSF-superfused side and 139 +/- 21 ml/100 g per min in the NA + D-Arg-superfused side; P < 0.005). Superfusion of the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor methylene blue attenuated the LCBF increase elicited by topical bicuculline methiodide by 25% +/- 16% (P < 0.05). The present findings suggest that NO is the mediator of the vasodilation in response to focal epileptic seizures.
Perinatal stroke leads to significant morbidity and long-term neurological and cognitive deficits. The pathophysiological mechanisms of brain damage depend on brain maturation at the time of stroke. To understand whether microglial cells limit injury after neonatal stroke by preserving neurovascular integrity, we subjected postnatal day 7 (P7) rats depleted of microglial cells, rats with inhibited microglial TGFbr2/ALK5 signaling, and corresponding controls, to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO). Microglial depletion by intracerebral injection of liposome-encapsulated clodronate at P5 significantly reduced vessel coverage and triggered hemorrhages in injured regions 24 h after tMCAO. Lack of microglia did not alter expression or intracellular redistribution of several tight junction proteins, did not affect degradation of collagen IV induced by the tMCAO, but altered cell types producing TGFβ1 and the phosphorylation and intracellular distribution of SMAD2/3. Selective inhibition of TGFbr2/ALK5 signaling in microglia via intracerebral liposome-encapsulated SB-431542 delivery triggered hemorrhages after tMCAO, demonstrating that TGFβ1/TGFbr2/ALK5 signaling in microglia protects from hemorrhages. Consistent with observations in neonatal rats, depletion of microglia before tMCAO in P9 Cx3cr1(GFP/+)/Ccr2(RFP/+) mice exacerbated injury and induced hemorrhages at 24 h. The effects were independent of infiltration of Ccr2(RFP/+) monocytes into injured regions. Cumulatively, in two species, we show that microglial cells protect neonatal brain from hemorrhage after acute ischemic stroke. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The pathophysiological mechanisms of brain damage depend on brain maturation at the time of stroke. We assessed whether microglial cells preserve neurovascular integrity after neonatal stroke. In neonatal rats, microglial depletion or pharmacological inhibition of TGFbr2/ALK5 signaling in microglia triggered hemorrhages in injured regions. The effect was not associated with additional changes in expression or intracellular redistribution of several tight junction proteins or collagen IV degradation induced by stroke. Consistent with observations in neonatal rats, microglial depletion in neonatal mice exacerbated stroke injury and induced hemorrhages. The effects were independent of infiltration of monocytes into injured regions. Thus, microglia protect neonatal brain from ischemia-induced hemorrhages, and this effect is consistent across two species.
Pharmacological MRI (phMRI) techniques can be used to monitor the neurophysiological effects of central nervous system (CNS) active drugs. In this study, we investigated whether dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging employing the use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Resovist) could be used to measure hemodynamic response to d-amphetamine challenge in human subjects at both 1.5 and 4 T. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) were found in focal regions associated with the nigrostriatal circuit and mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic pathways. More significant CBF responses were found at higher field strength, mainly within striatal structures. The results from this study indicate that DSC perfusion imaging using Resovist can be used to assess the efficacy of CNS-active drugs and may play a role in the development of novel psychiatric therapies at the preclinical level. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background and purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of developing plasma predictive value biomarkers of cerebral ischemic stroke before imaging evidence is acquired. Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 198 patients who attended our neurology department as emergencies - with symptoms of vertigo, numbness, limb weakness, etc. - within 4.5 h of symptom onset, and before imaging evidence was obtained and medical treatment. After the final diagnosis was made by MRI/DWI/MRA or CTA in the following 24-72 h, the above cases were divided into two groups: stroke group and non-stroke group according to the imaging results. The levels of baseline plasma antithrombin III (AT-III), thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT), fibrinogen, D-dimer and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in the two groups were assayed. Results: The level of the baseline AT-III in the stroke group was 118.07 ± 26.22%, which was lower than that of the non-stroke group (283.83 ± 38.39%). The levels of TAT, fibrinogen, hsCRP were 7.24 ± 2.28 μg/L, 5.49 ± 0.98 g/L, and 2.17 ± 1.07 mg/L, respectively, which were higher than those of the non-stroke group (2.53 ± 1.23 μg/L, 3.35 ± 0.50 g/L, 1.82 ± 0.67 mg/L). All the P-values were less than 0.001. The D-dimer level was 322.57 ± 60.34 μg/L, which was slightly higher than that of the non-stroke group (305.76 ± 49.52 μg/L), but the P-value was 0.667. The sensitivities of AT-III, TAT, fibrinogen, D-dimer and hsCRP for predicting ischemic stroke tendency were 97.37%, 96.05%, 3.29%, 7.89%, but the specificity was 93.62%, 82.61%, 100% and 100%, respectively, and all the P-values were less than 0.001. High levels of D-dimer and hsCRP were mainly seen in the few cases with severe large-vessel infarction. Conclusions: Clinical manifestations of acute focal neurological deficits were associated with plasma AT-III and fibrinogen. These tests might help the risk assessment of acute cerebral ischemic stroke and/or TIA with infarction tendency in the superacute stage before positive imaging evidence is obtained.
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The Valsalva maneuver (VM) produces large and abrupt changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) that challenge cerebral blood flow and oxygenation. We examined the effect of VM intensity on middle cerebral artery blood velocity (MCAv) and cortical oxygenation responses during (phases I-III) and following (phase IV) a VM. Healthy participants (n = 20 mean +/- SD: 27 +/- 7 years) completed 30 and 90% of their maximal VM mouth pressure for 10 s (order randomized) whilst standing. Beat-to-beat MCAv, cerebral oxygenation (NIRS) and MAP across the different phases of the VM are reported as the difference from standing baseline. There were significant interaction (phase * intensity) effects for MCAv, total oxygenation index (TOI) and MAP (all P < 0.01). MCAv decreased during phases II and III (P < 0.01), with the greatest decrease during phase III (-5 +/- 8 and -19 +/- 15 cm.s(-1) for 30 and 90% VM, respectively). This pattern was also evident in TOI (phase III: -1 +/- 1 and -5 +/- 4%, both P < 0.05). Phase IV increased MCAv (22 +/- 15 and 34 +/- 23 cm.s(-1)), MAP (15 +/- 14 and 24 +/- 17 mm Hg) and TOI (5 +/- 6 and 7 +/- 5%) relative to baseline (all P < 0.05). Cerebral autoregulation, indexed, as the % MCAv/%MAP ratio, showed a phase effect only (P < 0.001), with the least regulation during phase IV (2.4 +/- 3.0 and 3.2 +/- 2.9). These data illustrate that an intense VM profoundly affects cerebral hemodynamics, with a reactive hyperemia occurring during phase IV following modest ischemia during phases II and III.
Ischaemic injury impairs the integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In this study, we investigated the molecular causes of this defect with regard to the putative correlations among NAD(P)H oxidase, plasminogen-plasmin system components, and matrix metalloproteinases. Hence, the activities of NAD(P)H oxidase, matrix metalloproteinase-2, urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), and superoxide anion levels, were assessed in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) alone or OGD followed by reperfusion (OGD + R). The integrity of an in vitro model of BBB comprising HBMECs and astrocytes was studied by measuring transendothelial electrical resistance and the paracellular flux of albumin. OGD with or without reperfusion (OGD ± R) radically perturbed barrier function while concurrently enhancing uPA, tPA and NAD(P)H oxidase activities and superoxide anion release in HBMECs. Pharmacological inactivation of NAD(P)H oxidase attenuated OGD ± R-mediated BBB damage through modulation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tPA, but not uPA activity. Overactivation of NAD(P)H oxidase in HBMECs via cDNA electroporation of its p22-phox subunit confirmed the involvement of tPA in oxidase-mediated BBB disruption. Interestingly, blockade of uPA or uPA receptor preserved normal BBB function by neutralizing both NAD(P)H oxidase and matrix metalloproteinase-2 activities. Hence, selective targeting of uPA after ischaemic strokes may protect cerebral barrier integrity and function by concomitantly attenuating basement membrane degradation and oxidative stress.
Purpose: The aim of this educational poster is to introduce the technical principles of cerebral perfusion CT and to provide examples of its clinical applications and potential limitations in the everyday emergency practice. Methods and materials: Cerebral perfusion CT is a well established investigatory tool for many vascular and parenchymal brain dysfunctions. CT perfusion maps allow a semiquantitative assessment of cerebral perfusion. Results: Currently, cerebral perfusion CT has a pivotal role in differentiating reversible from irreversible ischemic parenchymal insult besides its integral role in grading vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Furthermore, cerebral perfusion CT can be coupled to acetazolamide administration in order to assess the cerebrovascular reserve capacity before performing extra-/intra-cranial bypass surgery in patients with cerebral vascular insufficiency. Cerebral perfusion CT can also identify diffuse abnormalities of cerebral perfusion in children with traumatic brain injury showing a low initial GCS in order to predict the final outcome regarding the late occurrence of irreversible parenchymal damage. Cerebral Perfusion CT is also able to detect focal parenchymal perfusion abnormalities in acute epileptic seizures. Conclusion: Cerebral perfusion CT can be integrated in the management of many vascular, traumatic and functional disorders of the brain.
Introducción: La trombosis venosa cerebral es una entidad que se presenta más a menudo en gestantes especialmente durante el puerperio debido a que tanto el embarazo como el puerperio se consideran estados procoagulantes. Desafortunadamente al ser la cefalea el síntoma más común, hace que el diagnóstico sea difícil por ser un síntoma común e inespecífico, tan solo en el 40% de los casos hay déficit neurológico focal. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura, evaluando la incidencia, curso clínico, factores de riesgo, principales complicaciones de esta patología con el fin de medir el impacto en lasgestantes. Los artículos fueron clasificados por nivel de evidencia y se calculó un componente meta-analítico. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 40 artículos que cumplieron criterios de inclusión, el 27.5% fueron evidencia III y 72.5% fueron evidencia IV. Su cuadro clínico fue más común durante el puerperio, estando la cefalea presente en el 90% de los casos. El impacto es alto debido al riesgo de complicarse (OR 13.9, IC95% 2.8 – 69.3) y presentar secuelas neurológicas a largo plazo e incluso muerte materno fetal. Resultados significativos. Discusión: La gran variedad de signos y síntomas en la presentación clínica de la trombosis cerebral sumado a la baja frecuencia y poca conciencia de esta patología en la comunidad médica, hacen que la TVSC tenga un nivel bajo de sospecha clínica, con un alto impacto tanto en la morbilidad como la mortalidad materna.
La lesión neurológica es un riesgo latente en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca, en cirugía para corrección de cardiopatías congénitas puede tener una incidencia tan alta como del 26%, por lo cual es necesario contar con herramientas cada vez más acertadas y que puedan ayudar a disminuir esta incidencia; la saturación regional cerebral medida por NIRS constituye una herramienta válida, que permite una evaluación continua y de forma no invasiva, que puede servir para este fin. El presente estudio pretende determinar una asociación entre los niveles de saturación regional de oxígeno cerebral en los pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas cianosantes y las variables fisiológicas determinantes del aporte de oxígeno, asumiendo una hipoxemia crónica para estos pacientes. Se realizó un estudio de correlación para estas variables, para lo cual se evaluaron de forma sistemática estas en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca en la Fundación Cardioinfantil Instituto de Cardiología, que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, hasta completar una muestra de 31 pacientes, en los cuales no se realizó ninguna intervención, catalogándolo como riesgo menor que el mínimo, cumpliendo con los criterios de Helsinki.Se encontró una correlación significativa entre los valores de NIRS cerebral con los contenidos arteriales, capilares y venoso de oxígeno en el análisis bivariado, encontrándose para estos pacientes niveles más bajos de estos contenidos como también para el consumo de oxígeno, no se encontró asociación significativa con la saturación arterial ni venosa de oxígeno, parece existir una relación significativa entre los niveles más bajos de NIRS con el resultado neurológico, estos hallazgos sin embargo no fueron significativos en el análisis multivariado.
Characterization of neural and hemodynamic biomarkers of epileptic activity that can be measured using noninvasive techniques is fundamental to the accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) in the clinical setting. Recently, oscillations at gamma-band frequencies and above (N30 Hz) have been suggested to provide valuable localizing information of the EZ and track cortical activation associated with epileptogenic processes. Although a tight coupling between gamma-band activity and hemodynamic-based signals has been consistently demonstrated in non-pathological conditions, very little is known about whether such a relationship is maintained in epilepsy and the laminar etiology of these signals. Confirmation of this relationship may elucidate the underpinnings of perfusion-based signals in epilepsy and the potential value of localizing the EZ using hemodynamic correlates of pathological rhythms. Here, we use concurrent multi-depth electrophysiology and 2- dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy to examine the coupling between multi-band neural activity and cerebral blood volume (CBV) during recurrent acute focal neocortical seizures in the urethane-anesthetized rat. We show a powerful correlation between gamma-band power (25–90 Hz) and CBV across cortical laminae, in particular layer 5, and a close association between gamma measures and multi-unit activity (MUA). Our findings provide insights into the laminar electrophysiological basis of perfusion-based imaging signals in the epileptic state and may have implications for further research using non-invasive multi-modal techniques to localize epileptogenic tissue
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is one of the most important causes of end-stage renal failure. The bradykinin B1 receptor has been associated with tissue inflammation and renal fibrosis. To test for a role of the bradykinin B1 receptor in podocyte injury, we pharmacologically modulated its activity at different time points in an adriamycin-induced mouse model of FSGS. Estimated albuminuria and urinary protein to creatinine ratios correlated with podocytopathy. Adriamycin injection led to loss of body weight, proteinuria, and upregulation of B1 receptor mRNA. Early treatment with a B1 antagonist reduced albuminuria and glomerulosclerosis, and inhibited the adriamycin-induced downregulation of podocin, nephrin, and alpha-actinin-4 expression. Moreover, delayed treatment with antagonist also induced podocyte protection. Conversely, a B1 agonist aggravated renal dysfunction and even further suppressed the levels of podocyte-related molecules. Thus, we propose that kinin has a crucial role in the pathogenesis of FSGS operating through bradykinin B1 receptor signaling. Kidney International (2011) 79, 1217-1227; doi:10.1038/ki.2011.14; published online 16 March 2011