956 resultados para Exhaustive Enumeration
Ao mensurar-se mortalidade materna, é necessário distinguir ' mortes por causas maternas' e 'mortes maternas' Para a Organização Mundial da Saúde-OMS-,mortes maternas são as que ocorrem na gestação, no parto e até 42 dias após o parto; e mortes por causas maternas englobam as causas classificadas no Capítulo XV da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde, Décima Revisão (CID-10), incluindo as ocorridas quando passados 42 dias do parto. Apresentam-se resultados da investigação de mortes femininas em idade fértil-10 a 49 anos- nas capitais de Estados e no Distrito Federal do Brasil, em 2002. Adotou-se a metodologia RAMOS, comparando-se as causas básicas das declarações de óbito originais com as das declarações preenchidas após o resgate de informações, obtidas em entrevistas domiciliares e prontuários. Entre as mortes por causas maternas originais, 15,9 por cento não eram mortes maternas, de acordo com a definição da OMS. Houve, concomitantemente, subenumeração de mortes maternas. Sugestões são feitas para melhorar o preenchimento das declarações de óbito e inclusão de novas categorias na CID-10, visando melhorar a informação das causas maternas
This study analyzes how the subject ""Knowledge Management"" (KM) has been published by authors of the Information Science (IS) and Administration (ADM). The research identifies the most productive periodicals, the most prolific institutions and authors in each area, as well as the results obtained. This is a study that presents the mapping of the Brazilian scientific production on KM, in national periodicals level A from CAPES, in the IS and ADM areas. The study is divided into three periods: 1997-2006, 1997-2001 and 2002-2006. The theoretical foundation is based on Nonaka and Takeuchi, Davenport and Prusak, Davenport and Cronin. Seventy-six articles are analyzed, forty in the IS area and thirty-six in the ADM area. The results indicate that the IS has published much more on the subject KM than the ADM. Although the chart presented is not exhaustive, it represents an important sample of the Brazilian scientific production on KM, from 1997-2006.
The genus Hippolyte is represented by typically small shrimps with intriguing mechanisms of reproduction. In order to study possible variability in reproductive aspects among different populations, we conducted an exhaustive comparative study of H. obliquimanus from South (Brazil) and Central American (Costa Rica) waters. The study focuses on fecundity and reproductive output. Mean size of ovigerous females was significantly larger, and both mean reproductive output and mean fecundity were significantly higher in specimens from Costa Rica then in those collected in Brazil. Embryo volume was significantly smaller in the Costa Rican population, and in both populations embryos doubled their volume during embryogenesis. We discuss and compare our findings with the information available regarding H. obliquimanus and other hippolytid shrimp. The reproductive traits of both populations of H. obliquimanus show some important differences which may reflect adaptations to local environmental conditions, demonstrating a high plasticity of reproductive features of the species in Brazilian and Costa Rican waters.
Yoghurt consumption has been increasing since 1980 decade due to the search for healthy foods by consumers, including Brazil. In order to evaluate the quality of the yoghurt commercialized in Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 36 samples were collected from markets and analyzed for coliforms (total and thermotolerant) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) enumeration and pH, considering different times for expiration. Coliforms were not detected at levels higher than 0.3 MPN/g, and only 7 (19.4%) samples showed LAB counts lower than 10(7) CFU/g. However, the mean pH observed in these samples (4.4) was not significantly different when compared to samples with higher LAB counts, suggesting addition of weak starter cultures during the processing. In the samples with less than 15 days for expiration the LAB counts and pH values were 7.4 log CFU/g and 4.1, respectively, and they were lower when compared to samples with more than 16 days of commercial viability, but without significant differences. The obtained results indicate adequate quality of yoghurt commercialized in Vicosa.
Aims. We report the discovery of very shallow (Delta F/F approximate to 3.4 x 10(-4)), periodic dips in the light curve of an active V = 11.7 G9V star observed by the CoRoT satellite, which we interpret as caused by a transiting companion. We describe the 3-colour CoRoT data and complementary ground-based observations that support the planetary nature of the companion. Methods. We used CoRoT colours information, good angular resolution ground-based photometric observations in- and out- of transit, adaptive optics imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, and preliminary results from radial velocity measurements, to test the diluted eclipsing binary scenarios. The parameters of the host star were derived from optical spectra, which were then combined with the CoRoT light curve to derive parameters of the companion. Results. We examined all conceivable cases of false positives carefully, and all the tests support the planetary hypothesis. Blends with separation >0.40 '' or triple systems are almost excluded with a 8 x 10(-4) risk left. We conclude that, inasmuch we have been exhaustive, we have discovered a planetary companion, named CoRoT-7b, for which we derive a period of 0.853 59 +/- 3 x 10(-5) day and a radius of R(p) = 1.68 +/- 0.09 R(Earth). Analysis of preliminary radial velocity data yields an upper limit of 21 M(Earth) for the companion mass, supporting the finding. Conclusions. CoRoT-7b is very likely the first Super-Earth with a measured radius. This object illustrates what will probably become a common situation with missions such as Kepler, namely the need to establish the planetary origin of transits in the absence of a firm radial velocity detection and mass measurement. The composition of CoRoT-7b remains loosely constrained without a precise mass. A very high surface temperature on its irradiated face, approximate to 1800-2600 K at the substellar point, and a very low one, approximate to 50 K, on its dark face assuming no atmosphere, have been derived.
We consider a polling model with multiple stations, each with Poisson arrivals and a queue of infinite capacity. The service regime is exhaustive and there is Jacksonian feedback of served customers. What is new here is that when the server comes to a station it chooses the service rate and the feedback parameters at random; these remain valid during the whole stay of the server at that station. We give criteria for recurrence, transience and existence of the sth moment of the return time to the empty state for this model. This paper generalizes the model, when only two stations accept arriving jobs, which was considered in [Ann. Appl. Probab. 17 (2007) 1447-1473]. Our results are stated in terms of Lyapunov exponents for random matrices. From the recurrence criteria it can be seen that the polling model with parameter regeneration can exhibit the unusual phenomenon of null recurrence over a thick region of parameter space.
Aim. It has been demonstrated that branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) transaminase activation occurs simultaneously with exercise-induced muscle glycogen reduction, suggesting that BCAA supplementation might play an energetic role in this condition. This study aimed to test whether BCAA supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation in glycogen-depleted subjects. Methods. Using a double-blind cross-over design, volunteers (N.=7) were randomly assigned to either the BCAA (300 mg . kg . day (-1)) or the placebo (maltodextrine) for 3 days. On the second day, subjects were submitted to an exercise-induced glycogen depletion protocol. They then performed an exhaustive exercise test on the third day, after which time to exhaustion, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), plasma glucose, free fatty acids (HA), blood ketones and lactate were determined. BCAA supplementation promoted a greater resistance to fatigue when compared to the placebo (+17.2%). Moreover, subjects supplemented with BCAA showed reduced RER and higher plasma glucose levels during the exhaustive exercise test. Results. No significant differences appeared in FFA, blood ketones and lactate concentrations. Conclusion. In conclusion, BCAA supplementation increases resistance to fatigue and enhances lipid oxidation during exercise in glycogen-depleted subjects.
This research was carried out to evaluate and compare 11 organic honey samples and six non organic honey samples, respectively, harvested from islands of the triple frontier (Sao Paulo, Parana and Mato Grosso do Sul states) and from the state of Parana, Brazil. The samples were studied for the presence of coliforms from 35 degrees C, to 45 degrees C and the enumeration of moulds and yeast, a minimum of 1.9 x 10(2) and a maximum of 1.1 x 10(3) CFU/g were observed in organic honey and a minimum of 1.8 x 10(1) and a maximum of 2.5 x 10(2) CFU/g were in non organic honey. In this studied region, the organic honey presented a microbiological quality inferior to the non organic honey.
Bulk milk was collected from 100 farms throughout the year and analysed after storage for either 24, 48 or 72 h, using flow cytometry. The total bacterial counts obtained by two methods - flow cytometry and standard plate count were compared and the conversion relationship between them was assessed: the results showed no effect of the age of the samples relationship between these two methods.
The objective of this study was to compare the results of an on-farm test, named Somaticell, with results of electronic cell counting and for milk somatic cell count (SCC) among readers. The Somaticell test correctly determined the SCC in fresh quarter milk samples. Correlation between Somaticell and electronic enumeration of somatic cells was 0.92 and. coefficient 0.82. Using a threshold of 205,000 cells/mL, the sensitivity and specificity for determination of intramammary infections were 91.3 and 96.0%, respectively. The SCC was greater for milk samples from which major mastitis pathogens were recovered. Minor variation among readers was observed and most likely associated with the mixing procedure. However, the final analysis indicated that this variation was not significant and did not affect the amount of samples classified as having subclinical mastitis. The on-farm test evaluated in this study showed adequate capacity of determining SCC on quarter milk samples and may be considered as an alternative for on-farm detection of subclinical mastitis.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a potentially pathogenic bacterium that occurs naturally in estuarine environments worldwide, and is often associated with gastroenteritis in humans following consumption of raw bivalve mollusks, especially raw oysters. The occurrence of total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in 74 samples of raw oysters collected in restaurants, supermarkets, groceries and beach huts in Sao Paulo State, was monitored between February 2006 and January 2007. Enumeration of V. parahaemolyticus was performed according to the most probable number (MPN) procedure. Five to ten typical colonies were selected from thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar plates for confirmation by the presence of the species-specific gene tlh and the virulence genes tdh and trh by multiplex PCR. V. parahaemolyticus was detected in 100% of samples. The densities of total V. parahaemolyticus varied from 1.78 to 6.04 logio (MPN/g), with higher densities being detected in fall and summer, and lower densities in winter (P < 0.05). There was no statistical difference among densities of V parahaemolyticus regarding the site of collection. None of the 1943 V parahaemolyticus isolates contained tdh and/or trh. These data provide information for the assessment of exposure to V. parahaemolyticus in oysters consumed in Sao Paulo, State, Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effects of refrigeration, freezing and substitution of milk fat by inulin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) on the texture and sensory features of synbiotic guava mousses supplemented with the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, and the prebiotic fibre oligofructose, were studied. The frozen storage (-18 +/- 1 degrees C), followed by thawing at 4 degrees C before the analyses, and the complete replacement of the milk fat by inulin plus WPC, led to significant differences in the instrumental texture parameters of mousses (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, these changes did not affect the sensory acceptability of the products studied. The frozen storage may be employed to extend the shelf-life of synbiotic guava mousses. Additionally, to obtain a texture profile similar to the traditional product, the simultaneous addition of inulin and WPC is recommended only for the partial replacement of milk fat in refrigerated and frozen mousses, and the total proportion of both ingredients together should not exceed 2.6%. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Linguica is a highly popular and appreciated pork product in Brazil, frequently consumed undercooked. Aiming at collection of data for a future risk assessment, this study evaluated the prevalence and counts of Listeria monocytogenes in linguica samples collected at retail level in Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. ISO methods were used for detection and enumeration of the pathogen (11290-1 and 11290-2, respectively). Isolates were submitted to Simplex-PCR for hlyA gene and those with biochemical features of L. monocytogenes and hlyA positive were serotyped using a Multiplex PCR. Ninety percent of the samples were positive for Listeria spp., and L monocytogenes was detected in 42% of the samples, with counts below 10(2) CFU/g in all samples. A prevalence of uncommon serotypes 4a and 4c was observed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: We investigated the effect of supplementation with the dipeptide L-alanyl-L-glutamine (DIP) and a solution containing L-glutamine and L-alanine, both in the free form, on the plasma and tissue concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and glutathione (GSH) in rats subjected to long-duration exercise. Methods: Rats were subjected to sessions of swim training. Twenty-one days before sacrifice, the animals were supplemented with DIP (1.5 g/kg, n = 6), a solution of free L-glutamine (1 g/kg) and free L-alanine (0.61 g/kg; GLN + ALA, n = 6), or water (CON, n = 6). Animals were sacrificed before (TR, n = 6) or after (LD, n = 6) long-duration exercise. Plasma concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, glucose, and ammonia and liver and muscle concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and reduced and oxidized (GSSG) GSH were measured. Results: Higher concentrations of plasma glutamine were found in the DIP-TR and GLN + ALA-TR groups. The CON-LD group showed hyperammonemia, whereas the DIP-LD and GLN + ALA-LD groups exhibited lower concentrations of ammonia. Higher concentrations of glutamine, glutamate, and GSH/GSSG in the soleus muscle and GSH and GSH/GSSG in the liver were observed in the DIP-TR and GLN + ALA-TR groups. The DIP-LD and GLN + ALA-LD groups exhibited higher concentrations of GSH and GSH/GSSG in the soleus muscle and liver compared with the CON-LD group. Conclusion: Chronic oral administration of DIP and free GLN + ALA before long-duration exercise represents an effective source of glutamine and glutamate, which may increase muscle and liver stores of GSH and improve the redox state of the cell. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Minimally processed vegetables (MPV) may be important vehicles of Salmonella spp. and cause disease. This study aimed at detecting and enumerating Salmonella spp. in MPV marketed in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A total of 512 samples of MPV packages collected in retail stores were tested for Salmonella spp. and total coliforms and Escherichia coil as indication of the hygienic status. Salmonella spp. was detected in four samples, two using the detection method and two using the counting method, where the results were 8.8 x 10(2) CFU/g and 2.4 x 10(2) CFU/g. The serovars were Salmonella Typhimurium (three samples) and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica O:47:z4,z23:- (one sample). Fourteen samples (2.7%) presented counts of E. coli above the maximum limit established by the Brazilian regulation for MPV (10(2) CFU/g). Therefore, tightened surveillance and effective intervention strategies are necessary in order to address consumers and governments concerns on safety of MPV. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.