383 resultados para Ethylenediamine (EDA)
The trans-dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride was synthesized in an undergraduate laboratory and its aquation reaction was carried out at different temperatures. This reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics and the rate constants, determined at 25, 35, 45, 55 and 70 º C, are 1.44 x 10-3; 5.14 x 10-3; 1.48 x 10-2; 4.21 x 10-2 and 2.21 x 10-1 s-1, respectively. The activation energy is 93.99 ± 2.88 kJ mol-1.
There has been a considerable interest in coordination complexes of molecular nitrogen (N2), partly due to a possible relationship between such complexes and the nitrogen activation process in nature. The present paper describes the synthesis and infrared spectroscopic characterization of an iron-nitrogen derivative with ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (edta) as an experiment for an undergraduate course. The topics covered here include synthesis, reactivity and spectroscopy.
Two sensitive and simple spectrophotmetric methods were developed for determination of Atazanavir Sulfate in capsule dosage form. The first method was based on the oxidative coupling of ATV with 3-Methyl Benzothiazolin-2-one hydrazone (MBTH). The resulting green product had Λmax of 627.3 nm and was stable for 2 h. The second method was based on the reaction between diazotized drug with N-(1-napthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (NEDA) in neutral medium to yield yellowish orange product which had Λmax of 517.1 nm. The product was stable for 4 h. Both methods were highly reproducible and had been applied to pharmaceutical preparations.
We describe herein the synthesis and characterization of the complexes KNiF3, [Ni(en)3]I2, [Ni(en)3]Cl2, [Ni(acac)2(H2O)2], [Ni(en)2(H2O)2]Cl2 and [Ni(NH3)6](BF4)2 (en = ethylenediamine, acac- = acetylacetonate) performed in the inorganic synthesis major course at the Chemistry Institute of UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). The compounds were characterized by infrared and electronic spectroscopy and the electrolytic conductivity was measured. The parameters 10Dq and B were obtained from the electronic spectra and the nefelauxetic and spectrochemical series were determined. The obtained spectrochemical series was F- < acac- < NH3 < en and the nefeulaxetic series was en < NH3 < acac- < F-.
Microporous molecular sieves of type Y, Beta, ZSM-5, ZSM-12 and ZSM-35, and mesoporous molecular sieves of type MCM-41 and MCM-48, and these sieves modified with triethanolamine and ethylenediamine were obtained and characterized by XRD, FTIR, TGA and nitrogen adsorption. The adsorption tests were performed by the gravimetric method under a stream of CO2 at ambient temperature and pressure. The adsorbents studied showed maximum adsorption capacity of carbon dioxide in the range of 13.1 to 85.5 mg of CO2 per gram of adsorbent.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de uma dieta suplementada com glutamina sobre as alterações adaptativas no intestino delgado de ratos com enterectomia extensa. MÉTODO: Vinte ratos Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de dez animais, foram enterectomizados e alimentados com dois tipos diferentes de dieta nos 14 dias de pós-operatório: grupo controle (GC)-dieta padrão; grupo glutamina (GG)-dietapadrão acrescida de 3,05% de glutamina. Avaliou-se evolução ponderal, peso da mucosa intestinal (PM), profundidade das criptas (PC), altura das vilosidades (AV), espessura da parede (EP) e o conteúdo de ácido desoxirribonucléico (DNA) na mucosa intestinal, no início e no final do experimento. RESULTADOS: Com exceção da PC ileal do Grupo GG, todas as variáveis estudadas tiveram um aumento significativo em seus valores finais tanto no jejuno quanto no íleo (p<0,05).Entre os grupos, a comparação do PM, AV, DNA da mucosa, no jejuno e no íleo, tanto inicialmente quanto no final do estudo, bem como da EP inicial no jejuno e íleo eda PC no jejuno final e no íleo inicial e final não mostraram diferenças significativas (p>0,05). No jejuno inicial, a PC no grupo GC foi maior (p=0,005). A EP do jejuno e íleo final foi maior no grupo GC. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação dietética com a glutamina não melhorou as alterações adaptativas que ocorrem no remanescente intestinal.
Tutkielmassa tutkitaan Euroopan puolustusviraston toiminnallisia mahdollisuuksia boydilaisessa viitekehyksessä. Eversti John Boyd on tunnettu ja arvostettu yhdysvaltalainen strategi, jonka kehittämää OODA-mallia sovelletaan laajasti yhteiskunnan eri osa-alueilla. Päätutkimuskysymyksenä on, millaisia toiminnallisia mahdollisuuksia Euroopan puolustusvirastolla on, ja olisiko perusteltua vaihtaa Puolustusviraston nimi Turvallisuusvirastoksi. Tutkimus on metodologiselta lähtökohdaltaan kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen kirjallisuus-analyysi. Deduktiivista sisällönanalyysiä käytetään tutkimuksessa luomaan selkeä runko asiakirjoista ja lähteistä, joita tutkimuksen tarpeisiin on kerätty. Aineistona käytetään Boydin omaa materiaalia sekä EU:n asiakirjoja turvallisuudesta, Puolustusviraston perustamisesta ja sen tehtävistä. Tarkasteltaessa Euroopan puolustusvirastoa boydilaisessa viitekehyksessä voidaan havaita viraston tämänhetkisten tehtävien mahdottomuus. Viraston resurssit, tehtävät ja roolitus eivät ole tasapainossa, jolloin tehtävien hoitaminen tuloksellisesti ei ole mahdollista. OODA-mallin soveltuminen viraston tehtävien tukemiseen on vähintäänkin kyseenalaista, koska malli sivuuttaa Euroopan unionin virastojen tärkeimmän elementin, politiikan. Lisäksi malli on liian kaavamainen ja se yksinkertaistaa liikaa monimutkaisia ilmiöitä.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of the Finnish Defence Forces’ NH90 helicopter for parachuting operations with the T-10 static line parachute system. The work was based on the Army Command’s need to compensate for the reduction in the outsourced flight hours for the military static line parachuting training. The aim of the research was to find out the procedures and limitations with which the NH90 IOC+ or FOC version helicopter could be used for static line parachutist training with the T- 10B/MC1-1C parachutes. The research area was highly complicated and non-linear. Thus analytical methods could not be applied with sufficient confidence, even with present-day computing power. Therefore an empirical research method was selected, concentrating on flight testing supported with literature study and some calculated estimations. During three flights and 4.5 flight hours in Utti, Finland on 17−20 September 2012, a total of 44 parachute drops were made. These consisted of 16 dummy drops and 28 paratrooper jumps. The test results showed that when equipped with the floor mounted PASI-1 anchor line, the deflector bar of the NHIndustries’ Parachuting Kit and Patria’s floor protection panels the Finnish NH90 variant could be safely used for T-10B/MC1-1C static line parachuting operations from the right cabin door at airspeed range of 50−80 KIAS (∼90–150 km/h). The ceiling mounted anchor lines of the NHI’s Parachuting Kit were not usable with the T-10 system. This was due to the static lines’ unsafe behaviour in slipstream when connected to the cabin ceiling level. In conclusion, the NH90 helicopter can be used to meet the Army Command’s requirement for an additional platform for T-10 static line parachutist training. Material dropping, the effect of additional equipment and jumping from the rear ramp should be further studied.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Euroopan Unionin yhteisen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikan tulevaisuutta Suomen näkökulmasta, kansallisen päätöksenteon ja poliittisten linjausten pohjalta. Tutkimuksen tiedonintressi rakentuu käsitykselle, että poliittisista selonteoista ja hallitusohjelmista voidaan vetää johtopäätöksiä Suomen sitoutumisesta Lissabonin sopimuksen tavoitteisiin ja vaatimuksiin sekä tulevaisuuden visiosta Euroopan Unionin yhteisen puolustuksen käsitteeseen. Tutkimusongelmana ja päätutkimuskysymyksenä on selvittää, miten halu sitoutua YTPP:aan näkyy Suomen poliittisissa linjauksissa (Valtioneuvoston turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittiset selonteot ja selonteot EU-politiikasta) ja hallitusohjelmissa tarkasteltavana ajanjaksona? Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysiä ja siitä johdettua abduktiivista päättelyä. Valittujen lähteiden sisällöstä pyrittiin etsimään Suomen näkökulmaa ja visiota Euroopan Unionin yhteisestä turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikasta, niiden mahdollisia muutoksia sekä osaltaan sisällön erilaisia tulkintamahdollisuuksia. Ajallisesti tutkimus rajoittuu Lissabonin sopimuksen voimaantulosta 2009 vuoden 2013 loppuun, joulukuun Euroopan Neuvoston kokoukseen. Tutkimusongelmaa tarkasteltiin kolmen pääteeman kautta, jotka ovat Lissabonin sopimuksen avunantovelvoite ja yhteisvastuulauseke sekä Euroopan Turvallisuusvirasto (EDA). Tarkastelu rajoittuu myös nimenomaan kansalliseen päätöksentekoon ja poliittisiin linjauksiin sekä hallitusohjelmiin, joista myös ulkovaltojen edustajat saavat näkemyksensä Suomen suhtautumisesta Euroopan Unionin yhteiseen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikkaan. Kvantitatiivisilla menetelmillä olisi kyetty tutkimaan tutkittavan aihepiirin määrää ja sijoittumista tutkinnan kohteena olevissa teksteissä, josta olisi myös voitu tehdä johtopäätöksiä aihepiirin merkityksen muutoksista käsiteltävällä ajanjaksolla. Aiheen laaja-alaisuuden takia oli kuitenkin mielekkäämpää tarkastella sisältöä laadullisesti ja sitä kautta kyetä löytämään eroja tekstien sanavalinnoista ja painopisteen muutoksia aihepiirin sisällä. Tutkimuksen havaintoina suhtautuminen avunantovelvoitteen käsitteeseen on muuttunut radikaalimmin käsiteltävän ajanjakson aikana. Avunantovelvoite on Lissabonin sopimuksen kaikkein voimakkain tavoite, jonka perusteella Euroopan unionin yhteisen puolustuksen käsite on lähtenyt kehittymään. Erheellisesti jopa turvatakuut -termiä on Suomessa käytetty tarkastelujakson alkuaikana. Kehityskulku on vienyt käsitykseen avunantovelvoitteesta, jossa velvoite edellyttää jäsenmailta myös valmiutta antaa tarvittaessa apua, jos jokin jäsenvaltio joutuu alueeseensa kohdistuvan aseellisen hyökkäyksen kohteeksi. On tiedostet-tu, että kukin jäsenvaltio tekee omat päätöksensä avun antamisesta ja sen muodoista ja se, että jäsenmaiden kesken EU:ssa ei ole käynnistetty keskustelua siitä, miten avunantovelvoitetta pantaisiin toimeen ja ettei unionilla ole omaa puolustussuunnittelua eikä yhteisen puolustuksen järjestelyjä. Yhteisvastuulauseke voidaan nähdä poliittisesti helpommaksi käsitellä, kuin avunantovel-voite. Tästä syystä se onkin pysynyt stabiileimpana kokonaisuutena teksteissä. Sen toteut-tamisen edellyttämät lakimuutostarpeet on tiedostettu ja yhteisvastuulausekkeen toteuttamisedellytysten luomiseksi tehdään töitä. Kriisinhallinta, ja etenkin siviilikriisinhallinta on noussut YTPP:ssa päärooliin lähteitä tarkasteltaessa. EDA on alun vaikean roolin jälkeen, mikä johtui pääasiassa jäsenmaiden eri intresseistä puolustusmateriaalien suhteen, nostanut merkitystään YTPP:ssa. Suurimpana syynä tähän on ollut kansainvälinen talouskriisi sekä jäsenmaiden pienenevät puolustusmäärärahat, jotka pakottavat tekemään EU-kontekstissa tiiviimpää yhteistyötä. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä johtopäätöksenä on se, että NATO:n rooli Euroopan puolus-tuksen takaajana on tunnustettu, eikä EU:n yhteiselle puolustukselle nähdä kehitystä. EU:n YTPP:n roolin nähdään painottuvan kriisinhallinnan ja puolustusteollisen yhteistyön saralle, mutta yhteisvastuulausekkeen toimintoja halutaan mahdollistaa ja kehittää.
Two intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic peptides containing o-aminobenzoyl (Abz) and ethylenediamine 2,4-dinitrophenyl (EDDnp) groups at amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues, Abz-DArg-Arg-Leu-EDDnp (Abz-DRRL-EDDnp) and Abz-DArg-Arg-Phe-EDDnp (Abz-DRRF-EDDnp), were selectively hydrolyzed by neutral endopeptidase (NEP, enkephalinase, neprilysin, EC at the Arg-Leu and Arg-Phe bonds, respectively. The kinetic parameters for the NEP-catalyzed hydrolysis of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp were Km = 2.8 µM, kcat = 5.3 min-1, kcat/Km = 2 min-1 µM-1 and Km = 5.0 µM, kcat = 7.0 min-1, kcat/Km = 1.4 min-1 µM-1, respectively. The high specificity of these substrates was demonstrated by their resistance to hydrolysis by metalloproteases [thermolysin (EC, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; EC], serineproteases [trypsin (EC, a-chymotrypsin (EC] and proteases present in tissue homogenates from kidney, lung, brain and testis. The blocked amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acids protected these substrates against the action of aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases and ACE. Furthermore, DR amino acids ensured total protection of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp against the action of thermolysin and trypsin. Leu-EDDnp and Phe-EDDnp were resistant to hydrolysis by a-chymotrypsin. The high specifity of these substrates suggests their use for specific NEP assays in crude enzyme preparations
The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the emotion assumptions underlying just-world theory. This theory proposes that people have a need to believe in a just world - a world where people get what they deserve. The first emotion assumption is that people, therefore, find injustices (Le., undeserved outcomes) threatening and thus emotionally arousing. Second, it is this arousal that is assumed to drive subsequent strategies for maintaining the belief in a just world. One strategy an individual may use to maintain this belief is derogating victims of injustice, or seeing their character in a more negative light. To test these two assumptions, 102 participants viewed a video depicting either a victim who presumably presented a high threat to people's belief in ajust world (she was innocent and, therefore, undeserving of her fate) or low threat (she was not innocent and, therefore, more deserving of her fate) while their heart rate and EDA was measured. Half of the participants were then given the opportunity to help the victim whereas the other half were not given this opportunity. The manipulations were followed by both explicit and indirect measures of evaluations ofthe victim as well as self-report measures of affect experienced while watching the victim video, and an individual difference scale assessing the strength of participants' just-world beliefs (as well as other measures that were part ofa larger study). Results indicated that participants did report feeling more threatened by the innocent victim. Although there was some evidence of victim derogation on the implicit measure of victim evaluation, there was no evidence that emotional arousal drove the negative evaluations of the victim who could not be helped. Some interaction effects with individual differences in just-world beliefs did occur, but these were not entirely consistent with the rationale behind the individual difference scales. These results provide only weak support for the first emotion assumption ofjust-world theory. Implications of these findings as well as limitations of the study and future directions concerning just-world theory are discussed.
We examined the role of altered emotional functioning across the spectrum of injury severity (mild head injury [MHI], moderate/severe traumatic brain injury [TBI]), its implications for social behaviours, and the effect of modifying arousal and its relation to cognitive performance. In the first study (N = 230), students with self-reported MHI endorsed engaging in socially unacceptable and erratic behaviours significantly more often than did those with no MHI. We did not find significant differences between the groups in the measure of emotional intelligence (EI); however, for students who reported a MHI, scores on the EI measure significantly predicted reports of socially unacceptable behaviours such that lower scores predicted poorer social functioning, accounting for approximately 20% of the variance. Also, the experience of postconcussive symptoms was found to be significantly greater for students with MHI relative to their peers. In the second study (N = 85), we further examined emotional underarousal in terms of physiological (i.e., electrodermal activation [EDA]) and self-reported responsivity to emotionally-evocative picture stimuli. Although the valence ratings of the stimuli did not differ between students with and without MHI as we had expected, we found evidence of reduced and/or indiscriminate emotional responding to the stimuli for those with MHI which mimics that observed in other studies for persons with moderate/severe TBI. We also found that emotional underarousal followed a gradient of injury severity despite reporting a pattern of experiencing more life stressors. In the third study (N = 81), we replicated our findings of emotional underarousal for those with head trauma and also uniquely explored neuroendocrine aspects (salivary cortisol; cortisol awakening response [CAR]) and autonomic indices (EDA) of emotional dysregulation in terms of stress responsivity across the spectrum of injury severity (MHI [n = 32], moderate/severe TBI [n = 9], and age and education matched controls [n = 40]). Although the manipulation was effective in modifying arousal state in terms of autonomic and self-reported indices, we did not support our hypothesis that increased arousal would be related to improved performance on cognitive measures for those with prior injury. To our knowledge, this is the only study to examine the CAR with this population. Repeated measure analysis revealed that, upon awakening, students with no reported head trauma illustrated the typical CAR increase 45 minutes after waking, whereas, students who had a history of either mild head trauma or moderate/severe TBI demonstrated a blunted CAR. Thus, across the three studies we have provided evidence of emotional underarousal, its potential implications for social interactions, and also have identified potentially useful indices of dysregulated stress responsivity regardless of injury severity.
Client-directed long-term rehabilitative goals and life satisfaction following head injury emphasize the importance of social inclusion, rather than cognitive or physical, outcomes. However, very little research has explored the socio-emotional factors that pose as barriers to social reintegration following injury. This study investigates social barriers following head injury (i.e., decision-making - Iowa Gambling Task [IGT] and mood – depression) and possible amelioration of those challenges (through treatment) in both highly functioning university students with and without mild head injury (MHI) and in individuals with moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI). An arousal manipulation using emotionally evocative stimuli was introduced to manipulate the subject’s physiological arousal state. Seventy-five university students (37.6% reporting a MHI) and 11 patients with documented moderate TBI were recruited to participate in this quasi-experimental study. Those with head injury were found to be physiologically underaroused (on measures of electrodermal activation [EDA] and pulse) and were less sensitive to the negative effects of punishment (i.e., losses) in the gambling task than those without head injury, with greater impairment being observed for the moderate TBI group. The arousal manipulation, while effective, was not able to maintain a higher state of arousal in the injury groups across trials (i.e., their arousal state returned to pre-manipulation levels more quickly than their non-injured cohort), and, subsequently, a performance improvement was not observed on the IGT. Lastly, head injury was found to contribute to the relationship between IGT performance and depressive symptom acknowledgment and mood status in persons with head injury. This study indicates the possible important role of physiological arousal on socio- emotional behaviours (decision-making, mood) in persons with even mild, non-complicated head injuries and across the injury severity continuum.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL