997 resultados para Estudos de Avaliação Como Assunto


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The literature suggests an association between drug use and addiction and the repertoire of social skills of the individual. However, there are still relatively few studies focusing specifically on the relationship between smoking and social skills. Moreover, Brazilian studies on the subject are scarce. This paper presents a review of the literature about smoking and social skills, emphasizing the theoretical underpinning research, as well as the main data obtained so far. One of the most investigated issues is the relationship between assertiveness and smoking. It is assumed that the lack of assertiveness and in particular the ability to refuse the supply of drugs and / or peer pressure to consumption can be a risk factor for smoking initiation, especially in adolescents. However, the literature on this issue is still controversial. It is assumed that further studies to elucidate these associations could contribute to prevention programs and intervention for tobacco use, using social skills training as a strategy.


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This study aime to estimate the properties of the Escala de percepção de professores dos comportamentos agressivos de crianças na escola. The research was conducted in a socio-educational institution in two phases. In the first one different educators completed the scale concerning the children and teenagers who attended the institution (N = 100). In the second, the children and teenagers with the highest or the lowest scores on the scale above (n = 60) responded to the Children’s Action Tendency Scale, which investigates strategies of conflict resolution. The results demonstrated adequate reliability of the scale of perception. However, they indicated that the educators’ evaluation did not correspond to how children and teenagers judged the hypothetical conflicts since the boys were rated as more aggressive than girls on the perception scale.


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This paper presents a review of the literature on the opposition defiant disorder (ALL), highlighting the main factors that contribute to the emergence of the problem. Although there are relatively few studies available on the subject to date. The literature suggests that an integrated set of aspects of biological, psychological and social can influence the onset of the disorder. However, although more research is needed in order to characterize the weight or importance of different variables.


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The concern with aging has increased in recent decades throughout the world, before the gradual increase in life expectancy of the population. Researchers have been developing a diverse in nature, in order to subsidize the activities of professionals in the field of Gerontology to promote autonomy, preservation of cognitive functions and thus contribute to healthy aging. This article presents a review of the literature on memory and aging from the perspective of cognitive psychology. The bibliography contains studies focusing on different subjects, in this sense. A significant number of works have been undertaken in order to investigate mechanisms and benefits of training on memory in healthy elderly and / or cognitive improvement. A concept that deserves attention in such studies is the study of aspects of meta-memory. However, there are still relatively few controlled studies on the subject.


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This search is part of a larger study conducted at the Carlos Chagas Foundation (SP-Brazil), which aims to build a scale to assess adhesion to moral values by basic education students and their teachers. This text addresses only the value of justice. The responses of 111 10-13 year old children and 121 teenagers between 14 and 17 years of age at public and private schools in the city of São Paulo (SP-Brazil) were compared. Among the various topics addressed, some issues of distributive, retributive and commutative justice were selected. In the questionnaire, the alternatives offered were built in increasing stages of decentration from a social perspective inspired by Kohlberg. The results confirmed the two hypotheses that had been raised: there was a progression in the choice of the answers concerning the stages between children and teenagers and there were differences between the three forms of justice considered, in relation to the achievement of higher levels.


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Taking into account the consistent and important expansion of the Brazilian oil and gas pipelines network in the last years, this work discusses how these lines are planned regarding the continental environmental context. Its central objective is to show how studies to select alternative lines are made before a gas or oil pipeline is installed. These studies help to choose routes in which the environment is less affected by the pipeline, and use specific methods, technologies, and tools. Bibliographical studies combined with interviews and discussions with experts of the oil and gas sector were used to support this monograph.


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Introdução: O bullying é um termo em inglês utilizado para descrever atos de violência física e psicológica, praticados por um individuo ou um grupo de indivíduos com a intenção de intimidar ou agredir outro individuo (ou grupo de indivíduos) incapaz de se defender. O bullying pode ser dividido em duas categorias: o direto e o indireto; o primeiro é causado e praticado majoritariamente, por agressores do sexo masculino, enquanto o segundo é realizado por bullys ( aquele que pratica o bullying, que faz a ação) do sexo feminino e crianças pequenas. Deliberadamente diversas atitudes podem ser caracterizadas como pratica de bullying, agressões físicas, agressões verbais, isolamento social, mensagens enviadas e disponibilizadas através da internet (cyberbullying). Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos causados pelo bullying, sua relação com a atividade física e a educação física, a atuação do professor de educação física e suas problemáticas perante esse novo atenuante educacional, pois há carência de estudos voltados para esse assunto na literatura. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental com reportagens, artigos científicos, de revistas e jornais e sites da web, que serão analisados por blocos de conteúdo. Conclusão: No decorrer do projeto, o estudo apontou que a negligencia diante da agressividade escolar tem permitido o desenvolvimento de atitudes pouco recomendáveis ou não-sociais que interferem no desenvolvimento das relações humanas. Isto tem provocado alguns deslocamentos sócio-psicológico que gerará atitudes de inibição e medo, originando comportamentos patológicos no agredido e recompensando grosseiramente o agressor


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The Guaraní aquifer has relevant importance both as a source of water for several urban centres and the development of agriculture and livestock. In recharge areas the aquifer is free and, therefore, subject to contamination of effluents and tailings deposited on soils that cover it. Thus, it becomes crucial not only its protection at all levels, as the knowledge of its degree of natural vulnerability. The present work used geostatistics modeling techniques to study the natural vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer in the city of Rio Bonito, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, where the Guarani aquifer is exposed. These techniques, extensively used in evaluation studies of mineral deposits and oil tanks, can be adapted to produce a spatial classification or a regionalisation of probabilistic indices of vulnerability. By ordinary kriging method maps of vulnerability classification were obtained. To determine the vulnerability of the aquifer was employed the Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI), which requires knowledge of unsaturated zone thickness and permeability. The final product was a map with probabilistic index of vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer, which presented values between 0 to 0.33 years, framing the area studied in AVI class extremely high vulnerability


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The constructivist methodology of literacy has been adopted in many schools, however, there are many criticism regarding the way teacher are devising the way how to teach children. To reflect on this aspect this research were carried out theoretical studies about the subject, as well as observations and reflections about the current process of literacy in Brazilian schools. Thus, in this research, the constructivist methodology of literacy was analyzed from its bases, in order to observe if the teachers are actually accomplishing their practice according to this “theory”, as well as the difficulties encountered by students on this methodology. Also was analyzed the methodology syllabic literacy, to be able to make a mapping of the positive aspects and the limitations presented by this method, in this way being able to reflect about adequacy of the analyzed methods of a better learning process of written language by children. This research aims to show that more important than the stark choice between a literacy method and the another is the commitment of the literacy teacher with the students who want to alphabetize, noting that the teacher should used, sometimes several methods to get the largest number of literate children in the classroom, emphasizing the work with good texts, so that children feel the taste and enjoyment of reading in their daily lives


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The aim of this study is to investigate the judgments about the virtue of generosity or justice by teachers in early childhood education and compare their judgments with the children’s judgments about generosity or justice. We interviewed 26 teachers and 90 children aged 4, 5 and 6 years at this level of education. The instrument used was a moral dilemma in which the protagonist of the story would have to choose between giving a prize to the child who drew the most beautiful picture (justice) or to the child who was sad (generosity). The results indicate that justice is the virtue most valued by teachers and that it is already valued by children and may be a need for them. And generosity is valued more by children than by teachers.


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Understanding and assessing the extent of psychological mechanisms that operate in actions of specific violence acts such as bullying can contribute to the discussion of educational interventions that promote moral education as desired by educational institutions. The current research aimed toD correlateD this form of violence called bullying to representations of the self and even to the ways in which the subjects self-regulate themselves in hypothetical situations which pose the problem, thus identifying their moral commitments or non-commitments. The procedures followed to check the presence of these correlationsDindicate that subjects whose self-representations are individualistic are less morally committed and more likely to be perpetrators in bullying situations. This shows that more than a social problem, the issues of coexistence should be treated from a moral perspective.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA


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Determinou-se incidência de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) que levaram crianças a atendimento de emergência em um hospital universitário de São Paulo, SP. Foram analisadas, retrospectivamente, 23.286 fichas de atendimento (FA) em emergência pediátrica, a partir de código CID que indicasse possível RAM. Observaram-se 83 (0,36%) RAMs. A maioria ocorreu na faixa etária entre 1 a 5 anos com leve predominância no sexo masculino (51,8%). Os medicamentos mais implicados foram antibacterianos para uso sistêmico (53,0%), vacinas (9,6%) e analgésicos (7,2%). A maior parte das RAMs foram manifestações dérmicas (54,2%) ou gastrointestinais (22,9%). Duas RAMs foram consideradas graves (2,4%) e levaram a internação; enquanto 61,4% foram leves e 36,1% foram moderadas. A incidência foi inferior à literatura, provavelmente por ser estudo retrospectivo, utilizando-se o CID para seleção das FA. Observou-se que, no Brasil, as RAMs levam crianças a atendimento de emergência, com características semelhantes às de outros países. Intervenções são necessárias para melhorar o diagnóstico e a utilização de antimicrobianos, uma vez que foram os medicamentos mais implicados nas RAMs observadas. A pesquisa no setor de emergência hospitalar é importante para se conhecer as RAMs que ocorrem fora do contexto hospitalar, podendo contribuir para identificar aquelas de maior gravidade. A metodologia utilizada, apesar das limitações, requer poucos recursos humanos e materiais, sendo uma boa alternativa para um diagnóstico inicial, que deve ser sucedido por estudos mais elaborados e de maior sensibilidade para detectar essas reações e propor medidas dirigidas à sua prevenção.


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OBJETIVO: Levantar artigos científicos internacionais sobre a fisiologia da deglutição de alimentos nas consistências néctar, mel, pudim, pastosa heterogênea, semissólida e sólida, nas fases oral e faríngea. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo de revisão qualitativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos artigos, foi utilizada a base de dados PubMed com emprego dos descritores "Swallowing and consistency", "Swallowing and solid" e "Swallowing and pasty", limitando-se a pesquisas publicadas no idioma inglês, entre os anos de 2005 e 2010, realizadas com seres humanos maiores de 18 anos. A metodologia empregada envolveu formulação da pergunta, localização e seleção dos estudos, e avaliação crítica dos artigos, conforme os preceitos do Cochrane Handbook. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 211 estudos, dos quais 18 foram analisados, pois permitiam acesso ao texto completo e eram diretamente relacionados ao tema. CONCLUSÃO: Os estudos apresentam metodologia pouco uniforme, não havendo padronização, principalmente quanto aos métodos de avaliação. Em geral, as pesquisas foram realizadas com sujeitos saudáveis ou remeteram a um tipo de patologia, sem utilização de casos-controle. A heterogeneidade dos estudos possibilita que diferentes grupos de patologias sejam avaliados, porém, a variabilidade metodológica dificulta a definição e generalização dos padrões encontrados. Sendo assim, não é possível evidenciar dados que embasem a prática clínica fonoaudiológica no que diz respeito à fisiologia normal ou alterada da deglutição de diferentes consistências alimentares, tanto para sujeitos normais quanto para os acometidos por alguma desordem.