997 resultados para Encephalitis-virus
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the leukocyte count and the oxidative metabolism of neutrophil in Saanen goats during periods of pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. Were used 20 Saanen goats, clinically healthy and serologically negative for caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture 49 (M1), 42 (M2), 35 (M3), 28 (M4), 21 (M5), 14 (M6), seven (M7), three (M8) days before the parturition, on the day of birth (M9), three (M10) and seven (M11) days postpartum, for the leukocyte count, and serum for cortisol, estradiol and progesterone determination. From 28 days (M4) before parturition until seven days postpartum (M11) blood samples were collected for evaluation of oxidative metabolism of neutrophils by the nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test (NBT). The results showed that at parturition day there were an increase in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum, neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, decrease of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. There was a neutrophilic leukocytosis and an increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte on the seventh day postpartum. There were not significant alterations in oxidative metabolism of neutrophils during pregnancy, parturition and postpartum. It was concluded that parturition causes an elevation in cortisol and estradiol levels and a decrease in progesterone serum determining a neutrophilic leukocytosis and left shift slight, with a reduction of lymphocytes, increase in the neutrophil:lymphocyte, eosinopenia, monocytosis and basophilia. Neutrophilic leukocytosis, increase in the neutrophil: lymphocyte and fibrinogen are detected on the seventh day postpartum. Pregnancy, parturition and the postpartum do not change the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils evaluated by NBT reduction test.
Introduction: Culex flavivirus (CxFV) was first isolated in 2007 from Culex pipiens in Japan and then identified in several other countries. Characterization of the CxFV showed that all strains are related to the cell fusing agent virus. In this manuscript we report the first identification of CxFV in South America. Material and Methods: We have collected Culex sp. mosquitoes using BG-Sentinel traps and manual aspirators. They were pooled according to genus, species, sex and location. Viral RNA was extracted and multiplex nested PCR was performed to test the presence of Flavivirus. The positive samples were isolated in C6/36 cells and sequenced for phylogenetic analyses. Results: 265 female Culex mosquitoes pooled in 83 pools were tested with specific CxFV, Saint Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV) and West Nile virus (WNV) primers. Our sequence data indicated maximum sequence similarity of 97% with CxFV. Discussion: In this study we report the circulation of CxFV in an urban setting where SLEV had previously caused an outbreak. In terms of public health, this is an important finding due to the assumption that the previous exposition of mosquitoes to CxFV might lessen the susceptibility of these mosquitoes to other flaviviruses. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
Mosquitoes are vectors of arboviruses that can cause encephalitis and hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Aedes serratus (Theobald), Aedes scapularis (Rondani) and Psorophora ferox (Von Humboldt) are potential vectors of arboviruses and are abundant in Vale do Ribeira, located in the Atlantic Forest in the southeast of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this study was to predict the spatial distribution of these mosquitoes and estimate the risk of human exposure to mosquito bites. Results of the analyses show that humans are highly exposed to bites in the municipalities of Cananeia, Iguape and Ilha Comprida. In these localities the incidence of Rocio encephalitis was 2% in the 1970s. Furthermore, Ae. serratus, a recently implicated vector of yellow fever virus in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, should be a target for the entomological surveillance in the southeastern Atlantic Forest. Considering the continental dimensions of Brazil and the inherent difficulties in sampling its vast area, the habitat suitability method used in the study can be an important tool for predicting the distribution of vectors of pathogens.
Background: Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLV) are widespread in Canadian sheep and goats and represent an important health issue in these animals. There is however no data about the genetic diversity of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) or Maedi Visna Virus (MVV) in this country. Findings: We performed a molecular and phylogenetic analysis of sheep and goat lentiviruses from a small geographic area in Canada using long sequences from the gag region of 30 infected sheep and 36 infected goats originating from 14 different flocks. Pairwise DNA distance and phylogenetic analyses revealed that all SRLV sequences obtained from sheep clustered tightly with prototypical Maedi visna sequences from America. Similarly, all SRLV strains obtained from goats clustered tightly with prototypical US CAEV-Cork strain. Conclusions: The data reported in this study suggests that Canadian and US SRLV strains share common origins. In addition, the molecular data failed to bring to light any evidence of past cross species transmission between sheep and goats, which is consistent with the type of farming practiced in this part of the country where single species flocks predominate and where opportunities of cross species transmissions are proportionately low.
The compartmentalization of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) subtype A (Maedi-Visna virus) and B (caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus) variants was analyzed in colostrum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of four naturally infected goats. Sequence analysis of DNA and RNA encompassing the V4-V5 env regions showed a differential distribution of SRLV variants between the two compartments. Tissue-specific compartmentalization was demonstrated by phylogenetic analysis in three of the four cases. In these animals colostrum proviral sequences were clustered relative to the blood viral sequences. In one goat, the blood and colostrum-derived provirus sequences were intermingled, suggesting trafficking of virus between the two tissues or mirroring a recent infection. Surprisingly, the pattern of free virus variants in the colostrum of all animals corresponded only partially to that of the proviral form, suggesting that free viruses might not derive from infected colostral cells. The compartmentalization of SRLV between peripheral blood and colostrum indicates that lactogenic transmission may involve specific viruses not present in the proviral populations circulating in the blood.
Live attenuated vaccines provide the most consistent protective immunity in experimental models of lentivirus infections. In this study we tested the hypothesis that animals infected with a naturally attenuated small ruminant lentivirus field strain of genotype E may control a challenge infection with a virulent strain of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV-CO). Within genotype E, Roccaverano strain has been described as attenuated since decreased arthritic pathological indexes were recorded in Roccaverano-infected animals compared to animals of the same breed infected with genotype B strains. Moreover, under natural conditions, animals double-infected with genotypes B and E appear less prone to develop SRLV-related disease, leading to a putative protective role of Roccaverano strain. Here we present evidence that goats experimentally infected with the avirulent genotype E SRLV-Roccaverano strain control the proviral load of a pathogenic challenge virus (CAEV-CO strain) more efficiently than naïve animals and appear to limit the spread of histological lesions to the contralateral joints.
Three field isolates of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) were derived from a mixed flock of goats and sheep certified for many years as free of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). The phylogenetic analysis of pol sequences permitted to classify these isolates as A4 subtype. None of the animals showed clinical signs of SRLV infection, confirming previous observations which had suggested that this particular subtype is highly attenuated, at least for goats. A quantitative real time PCR strategy based on primers and probes derived from a highly variable env region permitted us to classify the animals as uninfected, singly or doubly infected. The performance of different serological tools based on this classification revealed their profound inadequacy in monitoring animals infected with this particular SRLV subtype. In vitro, the isolates showed differences in their cytopathicity and a tendency to replicate more efficiently in goat than sheep cells, especially in goat macrophages. By contrast, in vivo, these viruses reached significantly higher viral loads in sheep than in goats. Both env subtypes infected goats and sheep with equal efficiency. One of these, however, reached significantly higher viral loads in both species. In conclusion, we characterized three isolates of the SRLV subtype A4 that efficiently circulate in a mixed herd of goats and sheep in spite of their apparent attenuation and a strict physical separation between goats and sheep. The poor performance of the serological tools applied indicates that, to support an SRLV eradication campaign, it is imperative to develop novel, subtype specific tools.
In order to detect a large spectrum of small ruminant lentiviruses, primers for PCR were chosen in conserved parts of the LTR and GAG genes of Icelandic Visna virus 1514 and of the POL gene of caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus. This set of primers was tested in six different caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV)- and Maedi-Visna virus isolates of Dutch, American and Swiss origin. The LTR primers allowed the detection of the corresponding fragments of all isolates. The GAG primers allowed amplification of the corresponding fragments of all but the Swiss Maedi-Visna virus strain OLV. Using the POL primers, one Maedi-Visna- and two caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus strains were detected after one round of amplification. Sequencing of the GAG and POL amplification products and comparison to Icelandic Visna virus and CAEV strain CO revealed total heterogeneity of 38% for the GAG- and 28% for the POL fragment. The virus strains studied fall into two groups which are more closely related to one another than to Icelandic Visna virus.
Tick borne encephalitis virus (TBE) is an endemic infectious agent in northeastern Switzerland causing mainly meningoencephalomyelitis in dogs. We report a canine case of tick born meningoencephalomyelitis resulting in flaccid tetraplegia and, subsequently, fatal respiratory failure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated intra-axial bilateral, symmetric, and hyperintense lesions in T2-weighted and Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) sequences affecting thalamus, basal nuclei, cerebral white matter and ventral horns of the caudal cervical spine. These radiological findings overlap those described during flavivirus encephalitis affecting human beings. These lesions in MRI and diffusion weighted images correlated with areas of vasogenic edema detected histopathologically. In endemic regions, clinicians should be aware that bilateral, symmetrical hyperintense thalamic lesions in T2WI can be suggestive of flavivirus infection in dogs with encephalitis
BACKGROUND Small ruminant lentiviruses escaping efficient serological detection are still circulating in Swiss goats in spite of a long eradication campaign that essentially eliminated clinical cases of caprine arthritis encephalitis in the country. This strongly suggests that the circulating viruses are avirulent for goats.To test this hypothesis, we isolated circulating viruses from naturally infected animals and tested the in vitro and in vivo characteristics of these field isolates. METHODS Viruses were isolated from primary macrophage cultures. The presence of lentiviruses in the culture supernatants was monitored by reverse transcriptase assay. Isolates were passaged in different cells and their cytopathogenic effects monitored by microscopy. Proviral load was quantified by real-time PCR using customized primer and probes. Statistical analysis comprised Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni Multiple Comparison Test. RESULTS The isolated viruses belonged to the small ruminant lentiviruses A4 subtype that appears to be prominent in Switzerland. The 4 isolates replicated very efficiently in macrophages, displaying heterogeneous phenotypes, with two isolates showing a pronounced cytopathogenicity for these cells. By contrast, all 4 isolates had a poor replication capacity in goat and sheep fibroblasts. The proviral loads in the peripheral blood and, in particular, in the mammary gland were surprisingly high compared to previous observations. Nevertheless, these viruses appear to be of low virulence for goats except for the mammary gland were histopathological changes were observed. CONCLUSIONS Small ruminant lentiviruses continue to circulate in Switzerland despite a long and expensive caprine arthritis encephalitis virus eradication campaign. We isolated 4 of these lentiviruses and confirmed their phylogenetic association with the prominent A4 subtype. The pathological and histopathological analysis of the infected animals supported the hypothesis that these A4 viruses are of low pathogenicity for goats, with, however, a caveat about the potentially detrimental effects on the mammary gland. Moreover, the high proviral load detected indicates that the immune system of the animals cannot control the infection and this, combined with the phenotypic plasticity observed in vitro, strongly argues in favour of a continuous and precise monitoring of these SRLV to avoid the risk of jeopardizing a long eradication campaign.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women with approximately 180,000 new cases being diagnosed yearly in the United States (1). HER2/neu gene amplification and subsequent protein overexpression is found in 20–30% of breast cancer patients and can lead to the promotion of various metastasis-related properties (2–4) and/or resistance to cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation (5). ^ The protein product of the HER2/neu gene, p185, is a proven target for immunological therapy. Recently, passive immunotherapy with the monoclonal antibody Trastuzumab® has validated an immunological approach to HER2/neu+ breast cancer. Immunity to HER2/ neu, when found in breast cancer patients, is of low magnitude. Vaccination-induced HER2/neu-specific antibodies and HER2/neu-specific cytotoxic T cells could result in long-lived immunity with therapeutic benefit. Many features of DNA vaccines and attenuated viral vectors may contribute to the efficacy of prime-boost vaccination. In particular, vaccines capable of eliciting strong cell-mediated immunity are thought to hold the greatest promise for control of cancer (6–9). ^ To optimize cellular immunization to HER2/neu in my study, the HER2/neu gene was presented to the immune system using a priming vector followed by a second vector used as the boost. In both animals and humans, priming with DNA and boosting with a poxviruses, vaccinia or canarypox appears to be particularly promising for induction of a broad immune responses (10). ^ I tested three gene vaccines encoding the HER2/neu gene: (1) a plasmid, SINCP, that contains part of the genome of Sindbis virus; (2) Viral Replicon Particles (VRP) of Venezuela Equine Encephalitis virus (VEE) and (3) E1/E2a-deleted human Type 5 Adenovirus. In SINCP and the VRP, the caspid and envelope genes of the virus were deleted and replaced with the gene for HER2/neu. SINCP-neu, VRP- neu and Adeno-neu when used alone were effective vaccines protecting healthy mice from challenge with a breast cancer cell line injected in the mammary fat pad or injected i.v. to induce experimental lung metastasis. However, SINCP-neu, VRP-neu or Adeno-neu when used alone were not able to prolong survival of mice in therapeutic models in which vaccination occurred after injection of a breast cancer cell line. ^ When the vaccines were combined in a mixed regimen of a SINCP- neu prime VRP-neu or Adeno-neu boost, there was a significant difference in tumor growth and survival in the therapeutic vaccine models. In vitro assays demonstrated that vaccination with each of the three vaccines induced IgG specific for p185, the gene product of HER2/neu, induced p185-specific T lymphocytes, as measured by tetramer analysis. Vaccination also induced intracellular INF-γ and a positive ELISPOT assay. These findings indicate that SINCP-neu, VRP-neu and Adeno-neu, used alone or in combination, may have clinical potential as adjuvant immunotherapy for the treatment of HER2/neu-expressing tumors. ^
Harris County, which includes Houston, Texas, is an endemic and epidemic area for two viruses transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses). These viruses are maintained in cycles involving mosquitoes and wild birds, and transmission to humans is accidental. The majority of human infections is asymptomatic or may result in a flu-like syndrome. However, some infections can result in meningitis or encephalitis. These neuroinvasive infections may cause death, and those who survive may experience serious neurological complications requiring costly and lengthy medical care. The most important arboviruses in terms of morbidity are St. Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses. In fact, Harris County reports more SLEV encephalitis cases than any other county in the U.S. Most arboviral human cases occur from July through September, when mosquitoes are most active. Those at risk for encephalitis and death are the elderly and those with a history of hypertension or immunosuppresion. There is no specific treatment and no human vaccines are commercially available in the U.S. The approach for control of arboviruses in Harris County during epidemics is multidisciplinary and executed by several agencies. It includes surveillance, vector control, and educational messages for the population. Prevention of outbreaks consists of elimination of the vector and its breeding grounds, and practicing personal protective measures to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. ^ Current findings indicate that mosquito-borne viruses other than SLEV and WNV could pose an additional threat for the population. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) activity has been detected in dogs and sentinel chickens in Houston and surrounding areas. Several serotypes of dengue virus have caused recent outbreaks in south Texas, and some locally-acquired cases have been detected in Houston. Since the clinical presentation of all arboviruses that cause encephalitis is very similar, and current surveillance is focused on detecting SLEV and WNV, there is a possibility that other arboviruses could be present in the area but are not being detected. Additionally, Harris County's ample annual rainfall and flooding problems, warm weather, multiple mosquito species, local and migrating birds that are susceptible to arboviral infection, and a constant flow of goods and travelers from many parts of the world could favor the emergence or re-emergence of other arboviruses. ^ The aims of this project were to determine if other arboviruses were circulating in the county, to assess the knowledge and attitudes about mosquito-borne viruses in a sample of the population, and to conduct an analysis of the initial WNV epidemic in Harris County. Through the retrospective analysis of clinical specimens collected during the 2002-2005 epidemic seasons, serologic evidence of dengue infection was detected suggesting the possibility that this virus may be co-circulating with SLEV and WNV. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness about arboviruses but not a consistent use of protective measures to avoid mosquitoes. The third component for this project included a retrospective review and geographical analysis of the 2002 WNV epidemic. ^ Overall, this study documented valuable information about the dengue virus, a potentially emerging arbovirus in Texas, revealed the need for more educational preventative programs, reinforced the value of mosquito and avian surveillance, and indicated the importance of continuing to investigate the factors that contribute to the development of outbreaks. ^
Alfuy virus (ALFV) is classified as a subtype of the flavivirus Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV); however, despite preliminary reports of antigenic and ecological similarities with MVEV, ALFV has not been associated with human disease. Here, it was shown that ALFV is at least 10(4)-fold less neuroinvasive than MVEV after peripheral inoculation of 3-week-old Swiss outbred mice, but ALFV demonstrates similar neurovirulence. In addition, it was shown that ALFV is partially attenuated in mice that are deficient in alpha/beta interferon responses, in contrast to MVEV which is uniformly lethal in these mice. To assess the antigenic relationship between these viruses, a panel of monoclonal antibodies was tested for the ability to bind to ALFV and MVEV in ELISA. Although the majority of monoclonal antibodies recognized both viruses, confirming their antigenic similarity, several discriminating antibodies were identified. Finally, the entire genome of the prototype strain of ALFV (MRM3929) was sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. Nucleotide (73%) and amino acid sequence (83 %) identity between ALFV and IMVEV confirmed previous reports of their close relationship. Several nucleotide and amino acid deletions and/or substitutions with putative functional significance were identified in ALFV, including the abolition of a conserved glycosylation site in the envelope protein and the deletion of the terminal dinucleotide 5'-CUOH-3' found in all other members of the genus. These findings confirm previous reports that ALFV is closely related to IMVEV, but also highlights significant antigenic, genetic and phenotypic divergence from MVEV. Accordingly, the data suggest that ALFV is a distinct species within the serogroup Japanese encephalitis virus.
A central event in the invasion of a host cell by an enveloped virus is the fusion of viral and cell membranes. For many viruses, membrane fusion is driven by specific viral surface proteins that undergo large-scale conformational rearrangements, triggered by exposure to low pH in the endosome upon internalization. Here, we present evidence suggesting that in both class I (helical hairpin proteins) and class 11 (beta-structure-rich proteins) pH-dependent fusion proteins the protonation of specific histidine residues triggers fusion via an analogous molecular mechanism. These histidines are located in the vicinity of positively charged residues in the prefusion conformation, and they subsequently form salt bridges with negatively charged residues in the postfusion conformation. The molecular surfaces involved in the corresponding structural rearrangements leading to fusion are highly conserved and thus might provide a suitable common target for the design of antivirals, which could be active against a diverse range of pathogenic viruses.
Over the past 6 years, a number of zoonotic and vectorborne viral diseases have emerged in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Vectorborne disease agents discussed in this article include Japanese encephalitis, Barmah Forest, Ross River, and Chikungunya viruses. However, most emerging viruses have been zoonotic, with fruit bats, including flying fox species as the probable wildlife hosts, and these will be discussed as well. The first of these disease agents to emerge was Hendra virus, formerly called equine morbillivirus. This was followed by outbreaks caused by a rabies-related virus, Australian bat lyssavirus, and a virus associated with porcine stillbirths and malformations, Menangle virus. Nipah virus caused an outbreak of fatal pneumonia in pigs and encephalitis in humans in the Malay Peninsula. Most recently, Tioman virus has been isolated from flying foxes, but it has not yet been associated with animal or human disease. Of nonzoonotic viruses, the most important regionally have been enterovirus 71 and HIV.