134 resultados para Employment Relations


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Terms such as Globalisation and cross-cultural management are widely used by both organisational managers and academics. While it is the intention of academics and industry analysts to explain the phenomena and discover principles to guide the practitioners, human resource managers are dealing with the workplace changes implicit in these terms on an increasingly frequent basis. These managers are facing increasingly diverse workforces, and must cope with all the challenges and opportunities inherent in such diversity. This article presents a new approach to examining the key literature on organisational and national culture in three main areas. Firstly, areas of convergence between various theories on culture are identified. Secondly, the article illustrates and discusses where these theories diverge from each other. Thirdly, drawing on the principles discussed in the article, a framework of national culture is developed from existing literature that highlights the convergence found in existing models.


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Work-related characteristics representative of the ethos for medical specialists have been relatively unexplored, particularly compared to the array of research on primary care physicians. Analyses of 4,166 specialists, from the first wave of the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) study, revealed that specialists have a choice between either challenging work in the public sector or straightforward yet well-paid work in the private sector. Despite more challenging conditions, health and intent to leave were not key issues for specialists in the public sector, with specialists in private rooms more likely to leave the profession despite more positive work conditions. This result may be due to the public sector ethos suggested in other studies. Ultimately this study provides evidence that suggests differences in the ethos between medical specialists in the public and private sectors.


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In light of new legislation pertaining to information and consultation in the UK, the need to reassess the realms of employee involvement and participation, especially non-union forms, is critically apparent. This article explores the character of non-union employee representation arrangements established in the context of the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004, drawing on case study evidence from two UK-based manufacturing organisations. The findings highlight some important dynamics concerning the use of non-union employee representation; not least that the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations have impacted in very different ways from those anticipated by the legislation.


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This article develops a context-sensitive approach to analyse how and why voice operates in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), an area that remains under-theorised and under-researched. By building on a priori frameworks with proven ability to unpack complexity and take account of the wider context of SMEs, this article explores how resources (human and social capital) and constraints (product market, labour market and strategic orientation) interact to shape voice practices. The article finds significant differences between 'reported' compared with 'actual' practices in situ, and identifies different types of firms ('strategic market regulation', 'strategic market-led' and 'non-strategic market-led') along with the factors that influence the form and practice of voice. Overall, the article argues that researchers should further pursue research that appreciates the layered nature of ontology and the role played by firm context to explain complex organisational phenomena, if we are to advance our understanding of voice practices in SMEs and beyond.


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O presente estudo discute o movimento das privatizações recentemente ocorridas e seus impactos nas relações trabalhistas e sindicais brasileiras. A discussão está focada em estudo de caso de três organizações, pertencentes a ramos de negócio diferentes e busca entender os reflexos havidos nas relações entre os agentes SOCIaIS envolvidos: empregados, empregadores, gerentes, sindicatos e autoridades. O fenômeno estudado se situa a partir da década de noventa e trás conseqüências ao movimento trabalhista, ao emprego e às relações capital e trabalho pelo potencial de conflito que as privatizações apresentam. Para organizar o pensamento desenvolvemos uma abordagem histórica que mostra o desenvolvimento das relações trabalhistas, com as organizações aperfeiçoando os instrumentos de regulação de conflito e construindo, com os empregados, uma considerável experiência de convivência ainda que marcada por interesses imediatos conflitantes. Um pouco à frente observamos uma ruptura que é explicitada pela definição do modelo vigente, pela internacionalização da economia que é imposta como um determinismo histórico e pela necessidade de sobrevivência das empresas submetidas à globalização e competição sem fronteiras. Ainda procuramos entender o movimento de flexibilização dos direitos trabalhistas que de algum modo se constituem em obstáculo à equalização competitiva dos custos das empresas e estão a sofrer forte pressão para que possam se adequar às novas realidades econômicas e necessidades empresariais. Na narrativa dos fatos apontamos erros e acertos observados e, de forma crítica, sugerimos alternativas aos modelos políticos e gerenciais adotados.


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Brazilian Law n° 9.615 of 24 March, 1998 established new paradigms in the employment relations existent between the soccer athlete and the sport association, both of whom are accustomed to the former legislation. They do not seem to have organized themselves in the sense of understanding the practical effects of the legal precepts currently in force, raising doubts that hinder the professional practice of the former and the performance of the latter in relation to managing these human resources. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of knowledge displayed by the professional soccer athlete about the legal recourses at his disposal in relation to the employment relations established in his work contract, as well as investigating the stress habits and stress situations that he most often experiences. This descriptive study consisted of a sample of 105 players under contract with clubs participating in the final phase of the state soccer championship. A questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument, whose analysis allows us to verify the lack of knowledge, on the part of the subjects studied, about the laws that regulate their profession, as well as identifying the stress habits and stress situations that are most reflected in their lifestyle. The lack of knowedge of regulate norms of their profession influences, in a negative way, in the lifestyle of soccer professional athlete from Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil


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Includes bibliography


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A pesquisa desenvolve-se no âmbito das relações de emprego, e trata dos limites e da abrangência do direito à intimidade e à vida privada do empregado, e do poder de direção do empregador. Aquele na qualidade de direito fundamental, garantido pela Constituição Brasileira a todos os cidadãos, e este como mecanismo indispensável para o desenvolvimento das atividades de gestão no âmbito de um contrato de trabalho, como por exemplo, contratar, fiscalizar, estipular regulamentos, punir, dentre outros. O primeiro possui fundamento no art. 5º, X da Constituição Federal de 1988 – CF/88, e o segundo, no art. 2º da Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho – CLT. O assunto é relevante, principalmente pela constatação de limites ao poder de direção do empregador, impostos pelo dever de respeito aos direitos fundamentais do empregado. De outra sorte, este também encontra limitações na existência desses direitos no exercício de sua atividade laboral em razão do caráter subordinativo inerente ao contrato de trabalho. O presente estudo perfaz a análise de princípios e de fundamentos dos direitos em questão, apresentando ao final possíveis diretrizes na composição dos conflitos referentes ao tema proposto.


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O objetivo do texto é expor os elementos da nova morfologia do trabalho organizado no Brasil no contexto sóciohistórico da reorganização do capitalismo. Para isso, são apresentados alguns indicadores do mercado de trabalho nas duas últimas décadas, enfatizando-se as principais características do processo de precarização do trabalho vivenciado no país. Se na década de 1990 o crescente desemprego e a informalização das relações de emprego foram a tônica do mundo do trabalho no Brasil, na década de 2000, principalmente a partir de 2003, é a natureza flexível do emprego e da organização do trabalho que se torna a tendência dominante, potencializada pelo cenário de expansão da economia capitalista.


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"Includes data for 45 towns (of over 10,000 population) and 79 villages (of over 5,000 population)"


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In the 1990s workers in Australia were increasingly subjected to negative work pressures. Irregular work patterns, work intensification, and the transformation of the notion of career, often in the name of ‘flexibility’, were increasingly common. This period was also characterised by scant regard for the quality of working life of young people in entry-level employment, which is often portrayed as a transition stage prior to their admission into the full-time core workforce. This paper explores the experiences of twenty-two young people at the beginning of their careers, in the hospitality and retail industries, with reference to three quality of working life (QWL) elements: hours flexibility, work-life balance and career potential. Qualitative evidence reveals a variety of experiences but, on balance, suggests a negative quality of working life and limited commitment to their current industry. In conclusion, the paper suggests that these industries must pay more attention to QWL issues in order to attract and retain quality staff.