206 resultados para Echinoderms


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Submarine cliffs are typically crowded with sessile organisms, most of which are ultimately exported downwards. Here we report a 24 month study of benthic fauna dropping from such cliffs at sites of differing cliff angle and flow rates at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland. The magnitude of 'fall out' material collected in capture nets was highly seasonal and composed of sessile and mobile elements. Sponges, ascidians, cnidarians, polychaetes, bryozoans and barnacles dominated the sessile forms. The remainder (mobile fauna) were scavengers and predators such as asteroid echinoderms, gastropod molluscs and malacostracan crustaceans. These were probably migrants targeting fallen sessile organisms. 'Fall out' material (including mobile forms) increased between May and August in both years. This increase in 'fall out' material was correlated with wrasse abundance at the cliffs (with a one month lag period). The activities of the wrasse on the cliffs (feeding, nest building and territory defence) were considered responsible for the majority of 'fall out' material, with natural mortality and the activity of other large mobile organisms (e.g. crustaceans) also being triplicated. Current flow rate and cliff profile were important in amount of 'fall out' material collected. In low current situations export of fallen material was vertical, while both horizontal and vertical export was associated with moderate to high current environments. Higher 'fall out' was associated with overhanging than vertical cliff surfaces. The 'fall out' of marine organisms in low current situations is likely to provide ail important source of nutrition in close proximity to the cliff, in an otherwise impoverished soft sediment habitat. However, in high current areas material will be exported some distance from the source, with final settlement again occurring in soft sediment habitats (as current speed decreases).


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The mobile component of a community inhabiting a submarine boulder scree/cliff was investigated at Lough Hyne, Ireland at dawn, midday, dusk and night over a 1-week period. Line transects (50 m) were placed in the infralittoral (6 m) and circumlittoral (18 m) zones and also the interface between these two zones (12 m). The dominant mobile fauna of this cliff consisted of echinoderms (6 species), crustaceans (10 species) and fish (23 species). A different component community was identified at each time/depth interval using Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) even though both species diversity (Shannon-Wiener indices) and richness (number of species) remained constant. These changes in community composition provided indirect evidence for migration by these mobile organisms. However, little evidence was found for migration between different zones with the exception of the several wrasse species. These species were observed to spend the daytime foraging in the deeper zone, but returned to the upper zone at night presumably for protection from predators. For the majority of species, migration was considered to occur to cryptic habitats such as holes and crevices. The number of organisms declined during the night, although crustacean numbers peaked, while fish and echinoderms were most abundant during day, possibly due to predator-prey interactions. This submarine community is in a state of flux, whereby, community characteristics, including trophic and energetic relationships, varied over small temporal (daily) and spatial (m) scales.


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Because of human actions, biomarkers have become important to detect and mitigate pollution. This study showed that crystalloids can be a biomarker for analyses of low levels of water-soluble fractions of oil (WSF). Antarctic sea urchins (Sterechinus neumayeri) from regions free of pollution were exposed for 2, 5, 10 and 15 days at different levels of WSF (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 ppm). No significant differences were observed in the phagocytic rates or the germicide capacity for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae; however, there was a significant increase in the quantity of intranuclear iron crystalloids in phagocytic amoebocytes of urchins exposed to higher levels of WSF. This study characterizes histological alterations in crystalloids of S. neumayeri that could be used as a biomarker for oil contaminants, with a simple and inexpensive protocol.


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We provide the first detailed systematic taxonomy and paleoecological investigation of late Paleozoic brachiopod faunas from Korea. Specifically, we focus on the brachiopods from the Geumcheon-Jangseong Formation, the lower part of the Pyeongan Supergroup in the Taebaeksan Basin. The formation yields a variety of marine invertebrate fossils, including brachiopods, molluscs, echinoderms, corals, fusulinids, and conodonts. Diverse brachiopods are described from six siliciclastic horizons of the formation at three localities, including 23 species belonging to 20 genera with two new species: Rhipidomella parva n. sp. and Stenoscisma wooi n. sp. Three brachiopod assemblages of the late Moscovian (Pennsylvanian) age are recognized based on their species compositions and stratigraphic distributions, namely the Choristites, Rhipidomella, and Hustedia assemblages. The brachiopod faunal composition varies within each assemblage as well as between the Assemblages, most likely reflecting local paleoenvironmental and hence paleoecological differences. The Choristites Assemblage includes relatively large brachiopods represented by Derbyia, Choristites, and Stenoscisma and may have inhabited open marine to partly restricted marine environments, whereas the Rhipidomella and Hustedia Assemblages consist of a small number of small-sized brachiopods living in lagoonal environments. The Choristites Assemblage shows a close affinity with Moscovian brachiopod assemblages in the eastern Paleo-Tethys regions, especially the Brachythyrina lata–Choristites yanghukouensis–Echinoconchus elegans Assemblage of North China, whereas the Rhipidomella and Hustedia assemblages both exhibit strong endemism.


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Fucan is a term used to denominate a family of sulfated polysaccharides rich in L-fucose. They are extracted mainly from the extracellular matrix of brown algae and echinoderms. The brown alga Spatoglossum schröederi (Dictyotaceae) has three heterofucans named A, B and C. Our research group have been extracted non anticoagulant heterofucan from S. schröederi which possess antithrombotic activity in vivo. However, their toxicity in vitro and in vivo has not yet been determined. For the results in toxicity in vitro, we observed that the fucan A at 20, 500 and 1000 μg/plate showed no mutagenic activity in Kado test (Microsuspension), when the bacterial strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102, with and without S9 were used. The comet assay showed that fucan A (from 20 to 1000 μg/mL) did not cause any genotoxic effect on CHO cells. There was no damage to the DNA of these cells, as evidenced by the tail length and tail moment, which were similar to that found for the negative control. The fucan A from S. schröederi was administered at 20 μg/g of rat (dose which it showed high antithrombotic activity) during two months. After that, the animals were killed and examined. The data showed that fucan A did not cause any change in biochemistry and hematological parameters, as well as, in the morphology and size of the rat s organs analyzed. In conclusion, this study indicates that fucan is a compound with potential pharmacological that has no toxicity


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Fucans is a name used for sulfated polysaccharides, which is most characteristic structure of the presence of sulfated L-fucose, are found in brown seaweed (Phaeophyceae) and echinoderms (sea urchins and sea cucumbers). These polysaccharides have been reported to possess anticoagulant, antitumor, anti-viral, anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, in the present study was evaluate the effect of the fucan from the brown seaweed Spatoglossum schroederii in models of peritonitis and non-septic shock induced by zymosan, as well as in a murine model of colitis induces by DSS. So, the mice treatment by intravenous route with the fucan was able to reduce the exudate formation and the cell migration in the model of acute peritonitis induced by zymosan during the kinetic of 6, 24 and 48 hours. Similarly, in the model of non-septic shock induced by zymosan the fucan demonstrated a protector effect to inhibited the cellular migration to the peritoneo, to decrease the levels of IL-6 in the serum and in the peritoneal exudate, to attenuate the lose of weight in the mice; beside to reduce the serum levels of hepatic transaminases and as well as the liver injury. In the model of murine colitis, the treatment with the fucan reduced the lose of weight of the animals, decreased the levels of IL-17 and IFN- produced in the gut and decrease the intestinal lesion induced by DSS. In conclusion, the fucan used in this study presented a significant protector effect in the murine models of inflammation


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The symbiotic lifestyle is widespread among porcellanid crabs, which maintain ecological and co-evolutionary associations with annelid polychaetes, poriferans, cnidarians, echinoderms, gastropod. mollusks, and other crustaceans such as shrimps and hermit crabs, among others. We investigated the ecological association between the hermit crab Dardanus insignis and the porcellanid Porcellana sayana, in southeastern Brazil. Porcellanid crabs, hermit crabs, and available shells were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a shrimp boat equipped with two double-rig trawl nets. The majority of P. sayana specimens were collected in shells occupied by D. insignis (96.6%); a few were found in empty shells (3.4%). The catch of both symbionts and hosts increased with increasing depth, with the highest occurrence at 35 m. The F. sayana crabs of various sizes could be found solitary or forming aggregations of up to 14 individuals per host, showing no sex or size segregation. In spite of the high diversity of shell species occupied by the hermit crabs and also available in the field, only a few of them were also utilized by P. sayana. The majority (93%) of shells utilized by P. sayana also hosted other symbiont species, constituting the basis of extensive symbiotic complexes. Thus, the ecological relationship between D. insignis and P. sayana may be classified as a non-obligate and non-specific symbiosis that may also involve other facultative organisms such as sea anemones. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fucans, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown algae and some echinoderms, have been extensively studied for its diverse biological activities and because of its interference with molecular mechanisms of cell to cell recognition, including leukocyte trafficking from blood vessels into sites of inflammation mediated by selectin, a family of adhesion molecules. In the present study, we examined structural features of a heterofucan extracted from brown algae Padina gymnospora and its effect on the leukocyte migration to the peritoneum. The sulfated polysaccharides were extracted from the brown seaweed by proteolysis with the proteolytic enzyme maxatase. The presence of protein and uronic acid contamination was detected in the crude polysaccharide extract. Fractionation of the crude extract with growing concentrations of acetone produced five fractions with different concentrations of fucose, xylose, uronic acid, galactose, glucose and sulfate. The fraction precipitated with 1.5 volumes of acetone was characterized by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance, through which can be observed the presence of sulfate groups in the C4 of -L-fucose. The anti-inflammatory action of this composite was assessed by a sodium thioglycollate-induced peritonitis assay and through nitric oxide production by the peritoneal macrophages using Griess reagent. Fraction F1.5 was efficient in reducing leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity when 10 mg/kg and 25mg/kg were used, resulting in a decrease of 56 and 39%, respectively. A decrease of nitric oxide production occurred when high concentrations of fucana were used. The cytotoxicity of the composite was also assessed using the reduction of 3-(4,5 dimethylthiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Fraction F1.5 had no cytotoxicity when 500 μg/mL of the fraction was used. This study suggests the use of fraction F1.5 (heterofucan) as an anti-inflammatory


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Dermatoses caused by marine organisms are frequently seen in dermatology clinics worldwide. Cutaneous injuries after exposure to marine environments include bacterial and fungal infections and lesions caused by aquatic plants and protists. Some of these diseases are well known by dermatologists, such as Vibrio vulnificus septicemia and erysipeloid, but others are uncommon, such as envenomation caused by ingestion or contact with certain dinoflagellates or cyanobacteria, which are associated with rashes that can begin Within minutes after exposure. Many marine/aquatic invertebrates, such as sponges, cnidarians, echinoderms, crustaceans, and mollusks, are associated with different kinds of dermatologic lesions that call vary from irritant or allergic contact dermatitis to physical trauma and envenomations. These cutaneous lesions May result in mild local reactions or can be associated with severe systemic reactions. Invertebrate animals, such as cnidarians, sea urchins, and worms, and aquatic vertebrates, such as venomous fishes and stingrays, are commonly associated with skin lesions in many countries, where they call constitute occupational dermatoses among fishermen and scuba divers, but they can also be observed among persons who contact these animals in kitchens or beaches. The presence of unusual lesions, a recent travel history, and/or a report of contact with an aquatic environment (including ownership of a marine or freshwater aquarium) should alert the dermatologist to the etiology of the cutaneous problems. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2009;61:733-50.)


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This work focuses the geological and geomorphological characterization of the inner shelf in the West Coast of the Rio Grande do Norte state, particularly the reef coral barrier offshore of Maracajaú (Maxaranguape district). If developed without the necessary concerns, tourism and entertainment activities that have been widely increased during the last five years can lead to irreversible environmental damages to the biotic and abiotic ecosystems of the region. Regarding these aspects, it is crucial the realization of a detailed study to envisage the achievement of a self-sustainable development, especially with respect to the possibilities of a rational usage of the region. This is the aim of this manuscript, which consisted of an initial stage of digital modeling of the terrain with basis on digitalization and vectorization of the Nautical map number 803 (Naval Service of Brazil, 1971). Information obtained in this phase was improved with the digital processing of small format aerial photos acquired from six flights, which were integrated to form a photomosaic of the area. The refined maps produced with the data from Nautical and aerial photo-interpretations aided to locate 9 bathymetric profiles, which provided information about the sea floor relief of the whole area. This later aided in the choosing of areas to bottom sampling that, in its turn, helped to characterize sediments present in floor of the inner shelf. Sixty-four samples collected during this work were studied by granulometrical and chemical analysis; with the later one developed in order to measure carbonate and organic matter contents. Forty-two of these samples showed carbonate content higher than 80% and organic matter in the range of 0.58% to 24.06%. With respect to grain size, these samples are in the interval between fine- to mid-grained sands. Sands with grain sizes higher than this one are also composed by carbonate carapaces such as pale yellow to red rhodolites with ellipsoidal and spheroidal shapes. During determination of the submerse features, the small format aerial photos demonstrated to be a useful methodology to aid the delineation of the sea floor topography through shallow deep waters. The bathymetry, for its turn, revealed several features at the bottom of the platform, in which the most conspicuous are undulations and morphological details of the São Roque Channel. Examination of bottom, aside from sand, yielded the identification of bivalves, ostracods, fragments of bryozoans, spikes of sponges, spines of echinoderms, operculum of gastropods and foraminifers. From the above it is concluded that the multi-methodological approach developed in this study worked efficiently, permitting the geomorphological and environmental characterization of the inner shelf of the North Maracajaú


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Body size and prior residence can modulate agonistic interaction in several animal species, but scientists know little about these relationships in echinoderms. In this study, we tested the effects of these traits on interactions in the black sea urchin (Echinometra lucunter). After a sea urchin was isolated for 24-h in a glass tank to establish prior residence, we introduced an intruder animal adjacent to the resident in the tank and observed interactions for 30 min. The intruder animal was larger, smaller, or size-matched to the resident. We found body size and prior residence concomitantly modulated interactions among black sea urchins, with prior residence as the major determinant. Black sea urchins mainly exhibited opponent inspection and fleeing responses during interaction to avoid fights, especially when a fight could be seriously disadvantageous (small intruder vs. large resident). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os acidentes por animais aquáticos traumatizantes e venenosos podem provocar morbidez importante em humanos. Equinodermos marinhos incluem mais de 6000 espécies de estrelas-do-mar, ouriços-do-mar, bolachas-de-praia e pepinos-do-mar. Vários equinodermos têm sido responsabilizados por acidentes em humanos. Granulomas por ouriço-do-mar são lesões de caráter granulomatoso, crônicas, causada por acidentes com espículas de ouriço-do-mar. Os autores relatam um caso típico de granulomas por ouriço-do-mar ocorrido em um pescador e enfatizam as implicações terapêuticas aplicadas.


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Contact between humans and coastal areas has increased in recent decades, which has led to an increase in injuries from aquatic animals. The majority of these present dermatological manifestations, and some of them show typical lesions. The highest percentages of injuries that occur in marine environments are associated with invertebrates such as sea urchins, jellyfish and Portuguese men-of-war (echinoderms and cnidarians). In this review, we discuss the clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspects of injuries caused by marine and freshwater invertebrates, focusing on first aid measures and diagnosis for dermatologists and professionals in coastal areas. © 2013 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Registros sedimentares do Neocarbonífero, particularmente do Moscoviano, na Bacia do Amazonas, Norte do Brasil, caracterizam a zona de contato entre as formações Monte Alegre (rochas siliciclásticas) e Itaituba (rochas carbonáticas). A análise faciológica da sucessão Moscoviana de até 40 m de espessura, exposta na região de Monte Alegre e Itaituba, Estado do Pará, permitiu identificar 5 associações de fácies (AF), que correspondem a depósitos estabelecidos no ambiente costeiro, representados por dunas/intedunas eólicas (AF1), lençóis de areia/wadi (AF2), laguna/washover (AF3), praia/planície de maré (AF4) e laguna/delta de maré (AF5). A associação de campo de dunas/interdunas (AF1) é constituída por arenitos finos a médios, bimodais com estratificação cruzada de médio porte, laminação cavalgante transladante subcrítica e arenitos com gradação inversa. Arenitos finos com acamamento maciço, marcas de raízes e, subordinadamente, verrugas de aderência (adhesion warts), ocorrem nos limites dos sets de estratificação cruzada e indicam, respectivamente, paleossolos e migração de grãos por ação eólica sobre interduna úmida. Depósitos de lençóis de areia/wadi (AF2) são compostos de arenitos finos a médios com estratificação plano-paralela e laminação cavalgante transladante subcrítica, relacionados a superfícies de deflação (lençóis de areia), enquanto arenitos finos a médios com estratificações cruzadas tangencial e recumbente, e acamamento convoluto, caracterizam rios efêmeros com alta energia. Pelitos laminados e arenitos finos com laminação cruzada cavalgante, contendo o icnofóssil Palaeophycus, representam sedimentação em ambiente de baixa energia e foram agrupados na associação de laguna/washover (AF3). Os depósitos de praia/planície de maré (AF4) consistem em arenitos finos a médios, com estratificação plano-paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, intercalados com lentes de dolomito fino maciço, localmente truncados por arenitos finos a médios. Estas fácies foram formadas pelo fluxo-refluxo em ambiente de praia, localmente retrabalhadas por pequenos canais, enquanto o carbonato é interpretado como precipitado em poças (ponds). Na AF4 encontram-se também pelitos laminados com gretas de contração, lâminas curvadas de argila e arenitos com estratificação cruzada tabular de pequeno a médio porte, contendo filmes de argila sobre foresets e superfícies de reativação, sugerindo a migração de sandwaves na intermaré. A associação de laguna/delta de maré (AF5) é constituída por calcários dolomitizados (mudstones, wackestones, packstones e grainstones) com poros do tipo vug e móldicos e bioclastos de braquiópodes, equinodermas, foraminíferos, ostracodes, briozoários, trilobitas, moluscos e coral isolado não fragmentado, além do ichnofóssil Thalassinoides. Conglomerados com seixos de calcário dolomitizado, arenitos finos com estratificação cruzada de baixo ângulo e superfícies de reativação, localmente sobrepostos por arenitos finos com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal e laminação cruzada cavalgante, foram interpretados como depósitos de tidal inlet e delta de maré. As associações de fácies/microfácies e os dados paleontológicos descritos neste trabalho corroboram a predominância de ambientes lagunares, em parte, conectados a um ambiente desértico costeiro para o intervalo de transição entre as formações Monte Alegre e Itaituba. A abundância de grãos arredondados de areia fina nas fácies carbonáticas corrobora influxo siliciclástico advindo do ambiente desértico adjacente ao ambiente costeiro. Condições mais quentes e tropicais para a sucessão estudada são também indicadas pela presença de carbonatos e argilominerais como illita e, principalmente, esmectita, bem como uma fauna diversificada. Os litotipos siliciclásticos e carbonáticos intercalados que caracterizam a fase final da deposição Monte Alegre e o início da sedimentação Itaituba, justificam sua representação em um mesmo sistema deposicional costeiro.