993 resultados para EXCITATION-ENERGIES


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Energies for the lowest 56 levels, belonging to the 3s2 3p, 3s 3p2, 3p3, 3s2 3d, 3s 3p 3d, 3s2 4ℓ and 3s2 5ℓ configurations of Si II, are calculated using the General-purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure Package (GRASP) code. Analogous calculations have also been performed (for up to 175 levels) using the FlexibleAtomicCode (FAC). Furthermore, radiative rates are calculated for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions. Extensive comparisons are made with available theoretical and experimental energy levels, and the accuracy of the present results is assessed to be better than 0.1Ryd. Similarly, the accuracy for radiative rates (and subsequently lifetimes) is estimated to be better than 20 per cent for most of the (strong) transitions. Electron impact excitation collision strengths are also calculated, with the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (DARC), over a wide energy range up to 13 Ryd. Finally, to determine effective collision strengths, resonances are resolved in a fine energy mesh in the thresholds region. These collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and results listed over a wide range of temperatures, up to 105.5 K. Our data are compared with earlier R-matrix calculations and differences noted, up to a factor of 2, for several transitions. Although scope remains for improvement, the accuracy for our results of collision strengths and effective collision strengths is assessed to be about 20 per cent for a majority of transitions. 


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Energies and lifetimes are reported for the lowest 136 levels of Fe XIV, belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p, 3s(3)p(2), 3s(2)3d, 3p(3), 3s(3)p(3)d, 3p(2)3d, 3s(3)d(2), 3p(3)d(2) and 3s(2)4l configurations. Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions. Theoretical lifetimes determined from these radiative rates for most levels show satisfactory agreement with earlier calculations, a swell as with measurements. Electron impact excitation collision strengths are also calculated with the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) over a wide energy range up to 260 Ryd. Furthermore, resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh to determine effective collision strengths, obtained after integrating the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Results are listed for all 9180 transitions among the 136 levels over a wide range of electron temperatures, up to 10(7.1) K. Comparisons are made with available results in the literature, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed.


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The time-dependent close-coupling method is used to calculate electron-impact excitation cross sections for the Li(2s)--{\textgreater}Li(nl) and Li(2p)--{\textgreater}Li(nl) transitions at incident energies just above the ionization threshold. The implementation of the time-dependent close-coupling method on a nonuniform lattice allows the study of continuum-coupling effects in excitations to high principal quantum number, i.e., n{\textless}=10. Good agreement is found with R-matrix with pseudostates calculations, which also include continuum-coupling effects, for excitations to low principal quantum number, i.e., n{\textless}=4. Poor agreement is found with standard distorted-wave calculations for excitations to all principal quantum numbers, with differences still at the 50% level for n=10. We are able to give guidance as to the accuracy expected in the n3 extrapolation of nonperturbative close-coupling calculations of low n cross sections and rate coefficients.


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Photosynthesis is a process in which electromagnetic radiation is converted into chemical energy. Photosystems capture photons with chromophores and transfer their energy to reaction centers using chromophores as a medium. In the reaction center, the excitation energy is used to perform chemical reactions. Knowledge of chromophore site energies is crucial to the understanding of excitation energy transfer pathways in photosystems and the ability to compute the site energies in a fast and accurate manner is mandatory for investigating how protein dynamics ef-fect the site energies and ultimately energy pathways with time. In this work we developed two software frameworks designed to optimize the calculations of chro-mophore site energies within a protein environment. The first is for performing quantum mechanical energy optimizations on molecules and the second is for com-puting site energies of chromophores in a fast and accurate manner using the polar-izability embedding method. The two frameworks allow for the fast and accurate calculation of chromophore site energies within proteins, ultimately allowing for the effect of protein dynamics on energy pathways to be studied. We use these frame-works to compute the site energies of the eight chromophores in the reaction center of photosystem II (PSII) using a 1.9 Å resolution x-ray structure of photosystem II. We compare our results to conflicting experimental data obtained from both isolat-ed intact PSII core preparations and the minimal reaction center preparation of PSII, and find our work more supportive of the former.


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KLL-Auger transitions of the three electron system in Ne have been recorded in a coincidence experiment frec of contaminants from other systems. Energies as well as intensities are compared with calculated values.


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A series of InxAl1-xAs samples (0.51≪x≪0.55)coherently grown on InP was studied in order to measure the band-gap energy of the lattice matched composition. As the substrate is opaque to the relevant photon energies, a method is developed to calculate the optical absorption coefficient from the photoluminescence excitation spectra. The effect of strain on the band-gap energy has been taken into account. For x=0.532, at 14 K we have obtained Eg0=1549±6 meV


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Tin dioxide (SnO2) thin film photoconductivity spectra were measured for a large temperature range using a deuterium source, the intensity of photocurrent spectra in the range 200-400 nm is temperature dependent, and the photocurrent increases in the ultraviolet even for illumination with photon energies much higher than the bandgap transition. This behavior is related to recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs with oxygen adsorbed at grain boundaries, which is consistent with nanoscopic crystallite size of sol-gel deposited films. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Positronium formation and target excitation in positron-helium scattering have been investigated using the close-coupling approximation with realistic wave functions for the positronium and helium atoms. The following eight states have been used in the close-coupling scheme: He(1s1s), He(1s2(1)s), He(1s2(1)p), He(1s3(1)s), He(1s3(1)p), Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p), where Ps stands for the positronium atom. Calculations are reported of differential cross sections for elastic scatering,, inelastic target excitation to He(1s2(1)s) and He(1s2(1)p) slates, and rearrangement transition to Ps(1s), Ps(2s), and Ps(2p) states for incident positron energies between 40 and 200 eV. The coincidence parameters for the transition to the He(1s2(1)p) state of helium are also reported and briefly discussed. [S1050-2947(98)05101-4].


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Monochromatic light excitation in conjunction with thermally stimulated depolarization current measurements are applied to indirect bandgap AlxGa1-xAs. The obtained average activation energy for dipole relaxation is in very close agreement with the DX center binding energy. Monochromatic light induces state transition in the defect and makes possible the identification of dipoles observed in the dark. Charge relaxation currents are destroyed by photoionization of Al0.5Ga0.5As using either 647 nm Kr+ or 488 nm Ar+ laser lines, which are above the DX center threshold photoionization energy. It suggests that correlation may exist among charged donor states DX--d+. Sample resistance as a function of temperature is also measured in the dark and under illumination and shows the probable X valley effective mass state participation in the electron trapping. Ionization with energies of 0.8 eV and 1.24 eV leads to striking current peak shifts in the thermally stimulated depolarization bands. Since vacancies are present in this material, they may be responsible for the secondary band observed in the dark as well as participation in the light induced recombination process.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde der instabile, Neutronenarme Kern 108Sn mit Hilfe der Coulomb-Anregung bei intermediaeren Energien in inverser Kinematik studiert. Diese Methode wurde bisher zur Untersuchung der ersten angeregten 2+ Zustaende und deren E2 Zerfallsraten in Kernen mit Kernladungszahl Z< 30 angewendet. 108Sn ist somit der Kern mit der groeßten Kernladungszahl, bei dem diese Studien bisher stattfanden. Das Ziel dieses Experiments war die Messung der unbekannten reduzierten Uebergangswahrscheinlichkeit B(E2,0+ -> 2+). Der B(E2)-Wert von 0.230(57) e2b2 wurde relativ zu dem bekannten Wert des Isotops 112Sn bestimmt. Das Experiment wurde an der GSI Darmstadt mit Hilfe des RISING Detektors und des Fragmentseperators (FRS) durchgefuehrt. Sekundaere Strahlen (108Sn, 112Sn) mit einer Energie von ca. 150 MeV pro Nukleon wurden auf ein 386 mg/cm2 dickes 197Au Target geschossen. Die Projektilfragmente wurden mit Hilfe des Fragmentseparators selektiert und identifiziert. Zur Selektion des Reaktionskanals und zur Bestimmung des Winkels der gestreuten Fragmente wurde das Teilchenteleskop CATE, das sich hinter dem Target befand, verwendet. Gammastrahlung, die in Koinzidenz mit den Projektilrestkernen emittiert wurde, wurde in den Germanium-Cluster Detektoren des RISING Detektors nachgewiesen. Der gemessene B(E2,0+ -> 2+)-Wert von 108Sn ist in Uebereinstimmung mit neueren Schalenmodellrechnungen, die auf realistischen effektiven Wechselwirkungen basieren und im Rahmen eines verallgemeinerten Seniorit¨ats-Schemas erklaert werden.


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In astrophysical regimes where the collisional excitation of hydrogen atoms is relevant, the cross-sections for the interactions of hydrogen atoms with electrons and protons are necessary for calculating line profiles and intensities. In particular, at relative velocities exceeding ∼1000 km s−1, collisional excitation by protons dominates over that by electrons. Surprisingly, the H–H+ cross-sections at these velocities do not exist for atomic levels of n≥ 4, forcing researchers to utilize extrapolation via inaccurate scaling laws. In this study, we present a faster and improved algorithm for computing cross-sections for the H–H+ collisional system, including excitation and charge transfer to the n≥ 2 levels of the hydrogen atom. We develop a code named BDSCX which directly solves the Schrödinger equation with variable (but non-adaptive) resolution and utilizes a hybrid spatial-Fourier grid. Our novel hybrid grid reduces the number of grid points needed from ∼4000n6 (for a ‘brute force’, Cartesian grid) to ∼2000n4 and speeds up the computation by a factor of ∼50 for calculations going up to n= 4. We present (l, m)-resolved results for charge transfer and excitation final states for n= 2–4 and for projectile energies of 5–80 keV, as well as fitting functions for the cross-sections. The ability to accurately compute H–H+ cross-sections to n= 4 allows us to calculate the Balmer decrement, the ratio of Hα to Hβ line intensities. We find that the Balmer decrement starts to increase beyond its largely constant value of 2–3 below 10 keV, reaching values of 4–5 at 5 keV, thus complicating its use as a diagnostic of dust extinction when fast (∼1000 km s−1) shocks are impinging upon the ambient interstellar medium.


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Oxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon?photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core?valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast, the partial fluorescence yield in the wavelength window 300?650 nm and the excitation functions of selected O+ and C+ emission lines in the wavelength range 400?500 nm display all of the absorption features. The relative intensity of ionic emission in the visible range increases towards higher photon energies, which is attributed to O 1s shake-off photoionization. VUV photon?photoion coincidence spectra reveal major contributions from the C+ and O+ ions and a minor contribution from C2+. No conclusive changes in the intensity ratios among the different ions are observed above the O 1s threshold. The line shape of the VUV?O+ coincidence peak in the mass spectrum carries some information on the initial core excitation


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We have studied the radial dependence of the energy deposition of the secondary electron generated by swift proton beams incident with energies T = 50 keV–5 MeV on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA). Two different approaches have been used to model the electronic excitation spectrum of PMMA through its energy loss function (ELF), namely the extended-Drude ELF and the Mermin ELF. The singly differential cross section and the total cross section for ionization, as well as the average energy of the generated secondary electrons, show sizeable differences at T ⩽ 0.1 MeV when evaluated with these two ELF models. In order to know the radial distribution around the proton track of the energy deposited by the cascade of secondary electrons, a simulation has been performed that follows the motion of the electrons through the target taking into account both the inelastic interactions (via electronic ionizations and excitations as well as electron-phonon and electron trapping by polaron creation) and the elastic interactions. The radial distribution of the energy deposited by the secondary electrons around the proton track shows notable differences between the simulations performed with the extended-Drude ELF or the Mermin ELF, being the former more spread out (and, therefore, less peaked) than the latter. The highest intensity and sharpness of the deposited energy distributions takes place for proton beams incident with T ~ 0.1–1 MeV. We have also studied the influence in the radial distribution of deposited energy of using a full energy distribution of secondary electrons generated by proton impact or using a single value (namely, the average value of the distribution); our results show that differences between both simulations become important for proton energies larger than ~0.1 MeV. The results presented in this work have potential applications in materials science, as well as hadron therapy (due to the use of PMMA as a tissue phantom) in order to properly consider the generation of electrons by proton beams and their subsequent transport and energy deposition through the target in nanometric scales.


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Modelling of massive stars and supernovae (SNe) plays a crucial role in understanding galaxies. From this modelling we can derive fundamental constraints on stellar evolution, mass-loss processes, mixing, and the products of nucleosynthesis. Proper account must be taken of all important processes that populate and depopulate the levels (collisional excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination, photoionization, bound–bound processes). For the analysis of Type Ia SNe and core collapse SNe (Types Ib, Ic and II) Fe group elements are particularly important. Unfortunately little data is currently available and most noticeably absent are the photoionization cross-sections for the Fe-peaks which have high abundances in SNe. Important interactions for both photoionization and electron-impact excitation are calculated using the relativistic Dirac atomic R-matrix codes (DARC) for low-ionization stages of Cobalt. All results are calculated up to photon energies of 45 eV and electron energies up to 20 eV. The wavefunction representation of Co III has been generated using GRASP0 by including the dominant 3d7, 3d6[4s, 4p], 3p43d9 and 3p63d9 configurations, resulting in 292 fine structure levels. Electron-impact collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths across a wide range of astrophysically relevant temperatures are computed for Co III. In addition, statistically weighted level-resolved ground and metastable photoionization cross-sections are presented for Co II and compared directly with existing work.