848 resultados para ECONOMIC-BENEFITS
Atlantic and Gulf Coast shorelines include some of the most unique and biologically rich ecosystems in the United States that provide immeasurable aesthetic, habitat and economic benefits. Natural coastal ecosystems, however, are under increasing threat from rampant and irresponsible growth and development. Once a boon to local economies, complex natural forces – enhanced by global climate change and sea level rise - are now considered hazards and eroding the very foundation upon which coastal development is based. For nearly a century, beach restoration and erosion control structures have been used to artificially stabilize shorelines in an effort to protect structures and infrastructure. Beach restoration, the import and emplacement of sand on an eroding beach, is expensive, unpredictable, inefficient and may result in long-term environmental impacts. The detrimental environmental impacts of erosion control structures such as sea walls, groins, bulkheads and revetments include sediment deficits, accelerated erosion and beach loss. These and other traditional responses to coastal erosion and storm impacts- along with archaic federal and state policies, subsidies and development incentives - are costly, encourage risky development, artificially increase property values of high-risk or environmentally sensitive properties, reduce the post-storm resilience of shorelines, damage coastal ecosystems and are becoming increasingly unsustainable. Although communities, coastal managers and property owners face increasingly complex and difficult challenges, there is an emerging public, social and political awareness that, without meaningful policy reforms, coastal ecosystems and economies are in jeopardy. Strategic retreat is a sustainable, interdisciplinary management strategy that supports the proactive, planned removal of vulnerable coastal development; reduces risk; increases shoreline resiliency and ensures long term protection of coastal systems. Public policies and management strategies that can overcome common economic misperceptions and promote the removal of vulnerable development will provide state and local policy makers and coastal managers with an effective management tool that concomitantly addresses the economic, environmental, legal and political issues along developed shorelines. (PDF contains 4 pages)
The dissertation presents a political and economic history of the federal government's program to commercialize photovoltaic energy for terrestrial use. Chapter 1 is a detailed history of the program. Chapter 2 is a brief review of the Congressional roll call voting literature. Chapter 3 develops PV benefit measures at the state and Congressional district level necessary for an econometric analysis of PV roll call voting. Chapter 4 presents the econometric analysis.
Because PV power was considerably more expensive than conventional power, the program was designed to make PV a significant power source in the long term, emphasizing research and development, although sizeable amounts have been spent for procurement (direct government purchases and indirectly through tax credits). The decentralized R and D program pursued alternative approaches in parallel, with subsequent funding dependent on earlier progress. Funding rose rapidly in the 1970s before shrinking in the 1980s. Tax credits were introduced in 1978, with the last of the credits due to expire this year.
Major issues in the program have been the appropriate magnitude of demonstrations and government procurement, whether decentralized, residential use or centralized utility generation would first be economic, the role of storage in PV, and the role of PV in a utility's generation mix.
Roll call voting on solar energy (all votes analyzed occurred from 1975-1980) was influenced in a cross-sectional sense by all the influences predicted: party and ideology, local economic benefits of the technology, local PV federal spending and manufacturing, and appropriations committee membership. The cross-sectional results for ideology are consistent with the strongly ideological character of solar energy politics and the timing of funding increases and decreases discussed in Chapter 1. Local PV spending and manufacturing was less significant than ideology or the economic benefits of the technology. Because time series analysis of the votes was not possible, it is not possible to test the role of economic benefits to the nation as a whole.
[EU]Txosten honetan konexio konikodun hortzetako inplante baten eraginkortasuna aztertzen da. Zehatzagoak izanik, inplante bat ahotik kanporatu ahal izateko beharrezkoa den indarra aztertu egiten da, kontuan hartuz aldagai horren balioa ezagutzea ezinbestekoa dela pazientearen osasuna eta konforta ziurtatzeko. Proiektu honek zein eremutan garrantzia edukiko duen ikusteko, lehenik eta behin testuingurua deskribatuko da. Horren ondoren helburu nagusiak eta onura zientifiko-tekniko zein ekonomikoak adieraziko dira. Helburuak lortzeko posibleak diren bide desberdinak aztertuko dira, eta bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak kontuan hartuz kasu honi hobeto egokitzen zaion alternatiba aukeratuko da. Jarraian, metodo horri dagokion azalpenari ekingo zaio, proiektuaren garapenean egindako lanak pausoz pauso deskribatuz. Proiektuaren hasieratik amaierara arte egindako lanen planifikazioa era argi batean adierazteko Gantt diagrama erabiliko da. Bertan hiru etapa nagusi ezberdindu daitezke: saiakuntzen aurre-diseinua, kanpaina esperimentala eta emaitzen interpretazioa. Azkenik, egindako saiakuntzen eta analisien emaitzak laburbilduko dira, horiek dakartzaten ondorioak azalduz. Puntu honekin hasiera batean planteatutako helburuei erantzun bat emango zaie, eta proiektu honen ondoren jarraitu ahal izango diren hurrengo pausoak aipatuko dira.
The number and size composition of gillnets, fishing grounds, and the quantity and composition of fish catches were related to the size of fishing boat. The overall number of gillnets per boat increased from 20.9 + or - 2.3 nets in 5-6 m long boats to 88.6 + or - 11.8 nets in 11-12 m long boats. The proportion of large mesh sizes, + or more than 127 mm, also increased from 40% in 5-6 m long boats to 100% in boats longer than 10 m. Fish catches are related to the size of boat and this should be considered when formulating management guidelines of the lake's fishery. Promotion of large fishing boats 8 m or longer and restriction on the number and/or mesh size of gillnets of smaller boats could increase ecological and socio-economic benefits.
A certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental tem se tornado quase uma obrigação para as Organizações, face ao aumento da conscientização da sociedade para os problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho busca identificar se a certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental promove a efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental de empresas Brasileiras e se estes sistemas permitem uma relação custo-benefício favorável a estas Organizações. A metodologia, baseada na pesquisa qualitativa, utiliza como instrumentos a aplicação de um questionário com questões fechadas e análise de documentos do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de Organizações certificadas há mais de dois anos. Os resultados da pesquisa conseguiram demonstrar que, embora ainda existam diversos pontos com potencial de melhoria nos sistemas pesquisados, as Organizações estão conseguindo melhorar seu desempenho ambiental ao longo do tempo e também auferir benefícios econômicos com a operação destes sistemas. Foi observado que o foco principal dos sistemas implementados nas Organizações pesquisadas está concentrado mais no sistema propriamente dito do que na busca de uma efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental, que é o ponto central do objetivo da implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, segundo a norma ABNT NBR ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004). Algumas das ações tomadas pelas Organizações já demonstram alinhamento com a tendência atual de busca da sustentabilidade, o que representa um potencial positivo para a disseminação da importância destes sistemas como uma das ferramentas a serem utilizadas para se cumprir as diretrizes estabelecidas na Agenda 21.
Considerando-se este importante momento de transição em que as tradicionais matrizes energéticas são paulatinamente substituídas por um conjunto de fontes renováveis, das quais os biocombustíves sobressaem-se pela capacidade de contribuir para o meio ambiente, trazendo igualmente benefícios econômicos e sociais a seus produtores; o presente trabalho visa contribuir para o panorama energético global que se começa a se delinear. Diante da impotência do Estado em lidar hodiernamente com determinadas questões, testemunha-se a participação de atores privados (organizações não governamentais, empresas transnacionais e sociedade civil, entre outros) atuando como vetores na transmissão de compromissos internacionais junto a estruturas nacionais para a solução de problemas comuns da humanidade. A essa nova arquitetura jurídica e política convencionou-se designar de governança global. Diante da inexistência de uma governança energética global que opere no interesse de países importadores, exportadores e investidores do setor de energia, agindo também como promotora de desenvolvimento social e econômico junto a países em desenvolvimento; e, por fim, em face da ausência de uma regulação internacional exclusiva na área energética, o presente estudo se dedica a investigar as possibilidades de disciplinamento do comércio internacional dos biocombustíveis. Admitindo-se o relevante desempenho que o Brasil detém na produção e exportação deste produto, inclusive na área tecnológica, a presente tese busca identificar o foro adequado, condições justas de produção, investimento, concessão de subsídios, adoção de medidas técnicas, de compra e venda, concorrência entre outros itens que o tema relaciona.
O turismo vem sendo considerado como solução de problemas econômicos em muitas comunidades de baixa renda, mas também pode ser causador de impactos negativos. O condicionamento de animais selvagens através da alimentação artificial facilita o trabalho dos operadores de turismo de natureza ao criar mais situações de encontro e diminuir as distâncias entre os turistas e esses animais, mas casos ao redor do mundo demonstram numerosos impactos negativos resultantes de tais atividades. No estado do Amazonas, Brasil, cinco casos de atividade turística onde botos-da-Amazônia (Inia geoffrensis) foram condicionados ao contato humano através da alimentação articial vêm ocorrendo, sendo o caso do Parque Nacional de Anavilhanas (PNA), em Novo Airão (NA), o precursor. Assim, os objetivos da presente tese são: descrever os casos de condicionamento de botos como atração turística no estado do Amazonas, avaliar se as atividades turísticas de alimentação artificial influenciam a agressividade e o comportamento social dos botos condicionados do PNA, produzir uma avaliação acurada da percepção da comunidade local de NA com relação aos possíveis impactos socioeconômicos desta atividade turística, acessar a percepção dos pescadores locais quanto às interações entre cetáceos (incluindo o tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis) e atividades de pesca e os impactos do condicionamento de botos nessas interações, na região de NA e conduzir uma análise das expectativas prévias e experiências realizadas pelos turistas participantes das atividades de interação com os botos em NA, avaliando também sua percepção geral sobre este tipo de turismo, em especial com relação à sua proximidade com os animais. Os métodos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram: entrevistas etnográficas semi-estruturadas, observação participante, questionários auto-aplicáveis e métodos de amostragem comportamental. Os resultados demonstraram que as atividades baseadas no condicionamento geram vários impactos negativos. Pode-se concluir que a atividade turística baseada no condicionamento de botos através da alimentação artificial: tem se dispersado pelo estado do Amazonas ao longo dos últimos anos, altera o comportamento social e causa o aumento da competição entre os botos condicionados em NA, apesar de gerar empatia pelo boto em parte da população de Novo Airão, é percebida pelos moradores como gerando poucos benefícios econômicos, sendo que a maioria se sente excluída do compartilhamento de benefícios gerados pela mesma, aparentemente não resulta em uma grande mudança na percepção negativa dos botos por parte dos pescadores, que também se percebem como estando excluídos do compartilhamento de benefícios gerados pela atividade e geram um alto grau de satisfação nos turistas participantes e atendem às atuais expectativas dos turistas, mas através de atividades invasivas que provavelmente disseminam a ideia de que condicionar animais silvestres ao contato humano através da alimentação artificial é correto. Assim, possivelmente a atividade em questão não está em completo acordo com as leis brasileiras, conceitos de ecoturismo e funções das unidades de conservação. Propostas de manejo para superar a controversa questão relacionada à alimentação artificial como prática turística e fortalecimento de práticas menos negativamente impactantes de caráter participativo para NA são sugeridas.
468 p.
The temporal variation of components of a moderately diverse (H=1.46) tropical estuarine fish assemblage (long. 146°30'E, lat. 8°45'S) was directed by salinities that had been determined by local oceanographic and probably topographic conditions. For this assemblage, two types of intrayear component profiles are predicted. Pooled data (1988-91) reveal a large component of regular/resident species (43%) in an assemblage which has been under a narrow temperature regime «5T). These results facilitate a discussion on the relevance and usefulness of three hypotheses often cited in studies concerning species diversity and component characteristics of the subtropical/tropical coastal nonreef fish assemblages. Manifestations of the assemblage are reflected in catch composition and weights of 39 trials conducted for a selective prawning gear whose performance in bycatch reduction, mainly for finfishes, is judged by an index, E, we have previously proposed. This gear is capable of harvesting the prawn while conserving the demersal fish. Behavioral responses to netting of the prawns and the finfishes, especially the nearshore surface schoolers such as leiognathids, are discussed from several points of view. An adaptation in terms of group selection for leiognathids of their locking mechanism of median fin spines has been interpreted. For the purpose of bycatch reduction or E enhancement, suggestions for improvements in net design and trawl configuration by considering the behavioral features of fish are made. Our original formula of E is modified for general use. Bycatch problems in the regional prawn fisheries and their possible impacts on fishery planning and development in Papua New Guinea as a developing country are discussed. The gear tested may offer enormous ecological and economic benefits. The gear is multipurpose, extremely simple, and can also be used as a biological sampler.
This paper gives an overview of the economic rationale for limited entry as a method of fishery management and discusses general advantages and disadvantages of license limitation and catch rights as the two primary methods of restricting access to marine fisheries. Traditional open-access methods of regulation (e.g., gear restrictions, size limits, trip limits, quotas, and closures) can be temporarily effective in protecting fish populations, but they generally fail to provide lasting biological or economic benefits to fishermen because they do not restrict access to the fishery. The general result of regulation with unrestricted access to a fishery is additional and more costly and complex regulations as competition increases for dwindling fishery resources. Regulation that restricts access to a fishery in conjunction with selected traditional methods of regulation would encourage efficient resource usage and minimize the need for future regulatory adjustments, provided that enforcement and monitoring costs are not too great. In theory, catch rights are superior to license limitation as a means of restricting access to a fishery.
This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1996 produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The principal aim of the Environment Agency in respect of fisheries is to maintain improve and develop fish stocks, the basic fisheries resource, in order to optimise the social and economic benefits from their sustainable exploitation. This report is the second collation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the Environment Agency. For the years 1989-94, these statistics were published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the years 1983-88 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research in its Data Report series. The 1996 data, have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1995. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.
This paper advances the proposition that in many electronic products, the partitioning scheme adopted and the interconnection system used to interconnect the sub-assemblies or components are intimately related to the economic benefits, and hence the attractiveness, of reuse of these items. An architecture has been developed in which the residual values of the connectors, components and sub-assemblies are maximized, and opportunities for take-back and reuse of redundant items are greatly enhanced. The system described also offers significant manufacturing cost benefits in terms of ease of assembly, compactness and robustness.
Sea turtles are counted as rare and extincting species. During the last century the population of sea turtles are drastically reducd and the remaining ones are considerd either threatend or endangerd because of some factors as sea pollution, economic benefits, intense fishing effort, beach man-made structures and so on. So, in recent years, more attention to conserving and surviving them is assumed. After a preliminary studies on some of the biological specifications in northern beach of Persian Gulf, three islands ; Hormoz, Hengam and Larak for the biometry of the turtles, a total number of 179, from 1999 to 2002 (4 years) are chosen. Some of the biological attributes as weight, length and their egg-laying are recorded, these items are then analyzed using SPSS software. The observed results are as follows . The lowest weight of the turtles was 35 kg, the highest 59 kg, and the average 45.24 kg. The lowest carapace length was 64 cm. the highest 86 cm and the average 76.79. the lowest number of laying eggs was 73, the highest 126, and the average 86.79. The results are discussed in three following sections: 1-A contrastive analysis of the biometric characteristics during 1999 in the three mentiond islands. 2-A contrastive analysis of the biometric characteristics in Hormoz island from 1999 to 2002. 3-A contrastive analysis of all the biometric characteristics in the three islands and other parts of the world. The results obtained from the turtles biometry in 1999 shows that the average of the turtles weight in Larak is lower than the other mentioned ones, and the heighest average is observed in Hormoz island. The turtles of Hengm have laid more eggs than the others. The results of Hengani turtles biometry during 1999-2002 indicates that the average of their weight in 2002 is more than the other three years in the same place. The least number of eggs laid during these years are 53 and the most are 126. The most number of eggs are laid in Hormoz in 2002, but the average number does not show any significant change.
The aquatic ecosystem of the Upper Victoria Nile is part of a wider complex of water bodies (lakes and rivers) in Uganda that is of immense socioeconomic importance, especially the fisheries. A source of food, income, energy, irrigation and drinking water, the protection, sustainable use and management of the Upper Victoria Nile water resources are vital to Uganda's economy. The Upper Victoria Nile,due to its abundance of socio-economic benefits,provides a significant contribution to Uganda's economy. The fisheries contribute to the sector as a major source of the export earnings, second to coffee (NEMA,1996), sustain small fishing villages,provide income and generally improve nutrition. Apart from the socio-economic significance of the fisheries,the riverine features of the Upper Victoria Nile, especially its hydropower potential,distinguish this river from the rest of the aquatic ecosystems in the country.
Decision-making in the façade design process has a significant influence on several aspects of indoor environment, thereby making it a complex and multi-objective optimisation process. There are two principal barriers in the process of indentifying an optimal façade solution. Firstly, most existing indoor environmental evaluation methods do not account for all the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) aspects relevant to façade design. Secondly, the relationship between the physical properties of a particular façade design option and the resulting economic benefits accrued during its service-life is unknown. In this paper, we introduce the bases for establishing relationships between occupant productivity and the combinatorial effects of four key façade-related IEQ aspects, namely, thermal comfort, aural comfort, visual comfort and air quality, on occupant productivity. The proposed framework's potential is tested against seven existing experimental investigations and its applicability is illustrated by a simple façade design example. The proposed approach ultimately aims to provide a quantitative economic measure of alternative façade design options that would be applicable to early design stage. Aspects of the work that require further experimental validation are identified. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.