154 resultados para Disney
Aim Earth observation (EO) products are a valuable alternative to spectral vegetation indices. We discuss the availability of EO products for analysing patterns in macroecology, particularly related to vegetation, on a range of spatial and temporal scales. Location Global. Methods We discuss four groups of EO products: land cover/cover change, vegetation structure and ecosystem productivity, fire detection, and digital elevation models. We address important practical issues arising from their use, such as assumptions underlying product generation, product accuracy and product transferability between spatial scales. We investigate the potential of EO products for analysing terrestrial ecosystems. Results Land cover, productivity and fire products are generated from long-term data using standardized algorithms to improve reliability in detecting change of land surfaces. Their global coverage renders them useful for macroecology. Their spatial resolution (e.g. GLOBCOVER vegetation, 300 m; MODIS vegetation and fire, ≥ 500 m; ASTER digital elevation, 30 m) can be a limiting factor. Canopy structure and productivity products are based on physical approaches and thus are independent of biome-specific calibrations. Active fire locations are provided in near-real time, while burnt area products show actual area burnt by fire. EO products can be assimilated into ecosystem models, and their validation information can be employed to calculate uncertainties during subsequent modelling. Main conclusions Owing to their global coverage and long-term continuity, EO end products can significantly advance the field of macroecology. EO products allow analyses of spatial biodiversity, seasonal dynamics of biomass and productivity, and consequences of disturbances on regional to global scales. Remaining drawbacks include inter-operability between products from different sensors and accuracy issues due to differences between assumptions and models underlying the generation of different EO products. Our review explains the nature of EO products and how they relate to particular ecological variables across scales to encourage their wider use in ecological applications.
Esta Tese aborda, na vertente dos Estudos Culturais, as representações de gênero, sexualidade, raça, etnia, nação, classe social e natureza produzidas em seis desenhos animados lançados na década de 1990 pelos estúdios Disney e Dreamworks. Cinco filmes são produzidos pela Disney, sendo eles: Vida de Inseto, O Rei Leão, Rei LeãoII- o reino de Simba, Pocahontas− o encontro de dois mundos e Tarzan. Um filme é produzido pela Dreamworks: FormiguinhaZ. A escolha desses filmes deveu-se aos cenários naturais e aos seus enredos, que têm sempre como personagens determinados animais ou povos, nesse caso especialmente os índios norte-americanos, que vivem em contato com a natureza. Neste trabalho indico como os desenhos animados têm se constituído em espaços educativos que ensinam de forma prazerosa sobre uma série de aspectos, promovendo, colocando em circulação e fixando determinadas identidades e padrões culturais, ou seja, atuando na contemporaneidade como uma Pedagogia Cultural. O uso da natureza e, especialmente, de personagens animais apresentados e identificados por músicas encantadoras e produções detalhadamente elaboradas, torna os discursos e as representações que esses constróem praticamente inquestionáveis, especialmente para seu público mais fiel. Nestes filmes constróem-se tramas discursivas que entrelaçam representações de natureza e de alguns seres que nela habitam a gênero/sexualidade, raça, etnia/nacionalidade e classe social Maternidade, incapacidade de liderança e facilidade de abdicar de qualquer outra questão por um amor romântico são representações quase sempre associadas às mulheres nos filmes; agressividade e capacidade de liderança aos homens; para determinadas etnias, como por exemplo os latino-americanos, as representações vinculam-se à marginalidade social; aos/às negros/as à inferioridade.
A heterossexualidade não é natural, ela é uma condição culturalmente construída que precisa ser constantemente reiterada de modo a ‘normalizar’ os sujeitos. Esta pesquisa assume tal premissa como seu fundamento. No que se refere à perspectiva analítica, alinho-me aos Estudos Culturais em sua vertente pós-estruturalista e recorro a formulações dos Estudos Feministas e da Teoria Queer. Entendo que, no processo contínuo de reiteração da heterossexualidade como norma, inúmeras estratégias e artefatos culturais são utilizados. Nesta tese, analiso os mecanismos postos em ação pelos filmes infantis de animação da Disney, quais sejam: A Pequena Sereia, Mulan, A Bela e a Fera e O Rei Leão. Esses artefatos culturais têm grande importância não apenas no cotidiano das crianças, como também no funcionamento da economia global, movimentando milhões de dólares. Eles certamente constituem-se em importante recurso pedagógico contemporâneo. Interessam-me, aqui, especialmente os enunciados performativos que são repetidos nos filmes infantis, de modo a produzir identidades de gênero e sexuais e garantir a heterossexualidade como norma Acredito que a identidade hegemônica não é perseguida apenas e tão somente através da constante apresentação do Mesmo, mas também (e, talvez, principalmente) é reafirmada através da produção do estranho, do monstro, do abjeto, que funcionam, nesse contexto, como parâmetros de normalidade, como modos de garantir o cumprimento das normas regulatórias. Para desenvolver esta análise, utilizo como ferramentas analíticas fundamentalmente os conceitos de identidade, performatividade, abjeção e normalização.
INTRODUCTION With the advent of Web 2.0, social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn have become hugely popular. According to (Nilsen, 2009), social networking websites have global1 figures of almost 250 millions unique users among the top five2, with the time people spend on those networks increasing 63% between 2007 and 2008. Facebook alone saw a massive growth of 566% in number of minutes in the same period of time. Furthermore their appeal is clear, they enable users to easily form persistent networks of friends with whom they can interact and share content. Users then use those networks to keep in touch with their current friends and to reconnect with old friends. However, online social network services have rapidly evolved into highly complex systems which contain a large amount of personally salient information derived from large networks of friends. Since that information varies from simple links to music, photos and videos, users not only have to deal with the huge amount of data generated by them and their friends but also with the fact that it‟s composed of many different media forms. Users are presented with increasing challenges, especially as the number of friends on Facebook rises. An example of a problem is when a user performs a simple task like finding a specific friend in a group of 100 or more friends. In that case he would most likely have to go through several pages and make several clicks till he finds the one he is looking for. Another example is a user with more than 100 friends in which his friends make a status update or another action per day, resulting in 10 updates per hour to keep up. That is plausible, especially since the change in direction of Facebook to rival with Twitter, by encouraging users to update their status as they do on Twitter. As a result, to better present the web of information connected to a user the use of better visualizations is essential. The visualizations used nowadays on social networking sites haven‟t gone through major changes during their lifetimes. They have added more functionality and gave more tools to their users, but still the core of their visualization hasn‟t changed. The information is still presented in a flat way in lists/groups of text and images which can‟t show the extra connections pieces of information. Those extra connections can give new meaning and insights to the user, allowing him to more easily see if that content is important to him and the information related to it. However showing extra connections of information but still allowing the user to easily navigate through it and get the needed information with a quick glance is difficult. The use of color coding, clusters and shapes becomes then essential to attain that objective. But taking into consideration the advances in computer hardware in the last decade and the software platforms available today, there is the opportunity to take advantage of 3D. That opportunity comes in because we are at a phase were the hardware and the software available is ready for the use of 3D in the web. With the use of the extra dimension brought by 3D, visualizations can be constructed to show the content and its related information to the user at the same screen and in a clear way. Also it would allow a great deal of interactivity. Another opportunity to create better information‟s visualization presents itself in the form of the open APIs, specifically the ones made available by the social networking sites. Those APIs allow any developers to create their own applications or sites taking advantage of the huge amount of information there is on those networks. Specifically to this case, they open the door for the creation of new social network visualizations. Nevertheless, the third dimension is by itself not enough to create a better interface for a social networking website, there are some challenges to overcome. One of those challenges is to make the user understand what the system is doing during the interaction with the user. Even though that is important in 2D visualizations, it becomes essential in 3D due to the extra dimension. To overcome that challenge it‟s necessary the use of the principles of animations defined by the artists at Walt Disney Studios (Johnston, et al., 1995). By applying those principles in the development of the interface, the actions of the system in response to the user inputs became clear and understandable. Furthermore, a user study needs to be performed so the users‟ main goals and motivations, while navigating the social network, are revealed. Their goals and motivations are important in the construction of an interface that reflects the user expectations for the interface, but also helps in the development of appropriate metaphors. Those metaphors have an important role in the interface, because if correctly chosen they help the user understand the elements of the interface instead of making him memorize it. The last challenge is the use of 3D visualization on the web, since there have been several attempts to bring 3D into it, mainly with the various versions of VRML which were destined to failure due to the hardware limitations at the time. However, in the last couple of years there has been a movement to make the necessary tools to finally allow developers to use 3D in a useful way, using X3D or OpenGL but especially flash. This thesis argues that there is a need for a better social network visualization that shows all the dimensions of the information connected to the user and that allows him to move through it. But there are several characteristics the new visualization has to possess in order for it to present a real gain in usability to Facebook‟s users. The first quality is to have the friends at the core of its design, and the second to make use of the metaphor of circles of friends to separate users in groups taking into consideration the order of friendship. To achieve that several methods have to be used, from the use of 3D to get an extra dimension for presenting relevant information, to the use of direct manipulation to make the interface comprehensible, predictable and controllable. Moreover animation has to be use to make all the action on the screen perceptible to the user. Additionally, with the opportunity given by the 3D enabled hardware, the flash platform, through the use of the flash engine Papervision3D and the Facebook platform, all is in place to make the visualization possible. But even though it‟s all in place, there are challenges to overcome like making the system actions in 3D understandable to the user and creating correct metaphors that would allow the user to understand the information and options available to him. This thesis document is divided in six chapters, with Chapter 2 reviewing the literature relevant to the work described in this thesis. In Chapter 3 the design stage that resulted in the application presented in this thesis is described. In Chapter 4, the development stage, describing the architecture and the components that compose the application. In Chapter 5 the usability test process is explained and the results obtained through it are presented and analyzed. To finish, Chapter 6 presents the conclusions that were arrived in this thesis.
This work has as purpose to show what are the influences of media in the education and in the shaping the thinking and understand that ideologies are present in the films used in the classroom in kindergarten. For this, I directed the discussion beginning by concepts as Ideology and its more different definitions by several thinkers over the years, the thinkers of Critical Theory of Frankfurt School, called “frankfurtians” of first and second generation of this school, also making an association between Cinema and Education, evidencing concepts involving this association as Cultural Industry, using films properly in classrooms in kindergarten, with the teacher as mediator and then discussed what amounts of movies on children's education, how they assist and deepen the knowledge developed by students in schools of infantile education. Additionally, they are exposed the different opinions about the subject Film and Education for students from kindergarten, what benefits and what disadvantages in the use of films, the different opinions on the subject. We also discuss, in this work, the ideologies present in three films produced by Walt Disney, they are Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Alice in Wonderland, relating them to how they can contribute to the development and learning students in kindergarten. I associated more as possible the previous discussions to analyze the ideologies present in these films, by summarizing these, and decomposing them through an analysis tool called frame. Finally, I completed everything that was discussed and analyzed, which students in kindergarten may develop with the use of films in schools, what they contribute, in some way, for the learning and education of students as viewers using the school as access to different cultures and the teacher as a mediator of this relationship
This article consists in a discourse analysis of the feature film in animation Wall.e produced by Pixar in association to Disney in 2008. Pixar has been known to produce films that contain various discursive levels, making its products appealing not only for children, but also for adults. However, Wall-e proves to be a masterpiece in Pixar carrier, because it is the one which focuses on the analysis and critique of contemporary society associated with technological development. For this, the plot has as its starting point the question of sustainability and unbridled consumerism. But the film expands the debate, tracing the relationship between technology and humanity, discussing how one affects the other. The project therefore aims to show how the animation works such concepts and constructs his discourse. To this end, the work seeks to identify the signs that make up the discourse and draw the intertextuality between WALL.E and other works that also discuss the same elements such as Stanley Kubrick‟s 2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)
Este texto pretende analisar o filme de animação Valente, produzido pela Walt Disney Pictures e pela Pixar Animation Studios, em busca de elementos que abordem o tema “gênero” e, assim, utilizá-lo de modo a propor a discussão em sala de aula sobre este mesmo tema, levando em consideração o contexto atual da imagem da mulher e pontos históricos que sejam interessantes ao debate
This study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the cover stories of magazines Atrevida, published by Escala, Capricho, published by Abril, and Todateen, published by AltoAstral, published between 2008 and 2012, which give prominence to the phenomena with more recurring presence on the covers. The objective of the research is to analyze the criteria for newsworthiness adopted by publications targeting a teenage audience, relating them to cover highlights involving idols of that audience. As object, we study the press coverage given to four magazines phenomena of cultural industry: the actors in the Twilight saga, the actors of the Disney Channel series, singer Justin Bieber and actors of Brazilian soap opera Rebelde. The work begins with a history of magazine journalism, from its origin to the journalism geared toward teenage readers, through the history of women's magazines and variety. Then, we present the theoretical concepts from the Theory News (Traquina) in confrontation with the notions of consumption (Canclini) and behavior (Featherstone). Finally, analysis of the corpus, which was defined by a cutout thematic within this period, divided into two major groups of news reports: those in which the idol is the news, and those in which he serves as a guide for the reader
In front of the vast and widespread use of new technology in 3D animation currently, this research aims to give an overview adjacent to major film productions with Studio Ghibli and its main director/animator: Hayao Miyazaki. Showing up as an interesting exception to worldwide success, the Ghibli feature films are made with the predominance of 2D hand-drawn art. Its process dates back to the first animations created in the early twentieth century, though such tools have been “overcome” by big studios like Walt Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks, the works of Miyazaki still get considerable highlight, preferring the pencil and paper than the computer. With the aid of some authors in particular as McCloud and the founders of Anima Mundi, and other theorists of design and subjective philosophy, some analyzes are mapped to better understand the connection between the work of Miyazaki and his contribution to the field of illustration and originality as a whole. The objective is to find the key points of Ghibli animations which will drive new parameters between creativity, illustration and Western and Eastern praxis.
In the mid-1820s, Anglo-American fur trappers, known as "mountain men," entered Arizona and began trapping beaver (Castor canadensis). In Arizona there have been a number of famous mountain men such as Sylvester and James Pattie, Ewing Young, Jededia Smith, and Bill Williams who trapped along the waterways in northern and southern Arizona. Although the heyday of mountain men lasted only a few decades due to a population decline of beaver, management of these animals continues to this day. The purpose of managing beavers shifted from monetary gain to controlling wildlife damage. During the late 1900s, beaver were still widely distributed in limited numbers throughout much of the state. We provide a historical overview of beaver management in Arizona with emphasis on the mountain men, recreational trapping, wildlife damage management, and beaver research in Arizona.
Coexistence of sympatric species is mediated by resource partitioning. Pumas occur sympatrically with jaguars throughout most of the jaguar's range but few studies have investigated space partitioning between both species. Here, camera trapping and occupancy models accounting for imperfect detection were employed in a Bayesian framework to investigate space partitioning between the jaguar and puma in Emas National Park (ENP), central Brazil. Jaguars were estimated to occupy 54.1% and pumas 39.3% of the sample sites. Jaguar occupancy was negatively correlated with distance to water and positively correlated with the amount of dense habitat surrounding the camera trap. Puma occupancy only showed a weak negative correlation with distance to water and with jaguar presence. Both species were less often present at the same site than expected under independent distributions. Jaguars had a significantly higher detection probability at cameras on roads than at off-road locations. For pumas, detection was similar on and off-road. Results indicate that both differences in habitat use and active avoidance shape space partitioning between jaguars and pumas in ENP. Considering its size, the jaguar is likely the competitively dominant of the two species. Owing to its habitat preferences, suitable jaguar habitat outside the park is probably sparse. Consequently, the jaguar population is likely largely confined to the park, while the puma population is known to extend into ENP's surroundings. (C) 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Saugetierkunde. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Un'analisi dove si possono riscontrare le problematiche della traduzione dei film d'animazione comparando le soluzioni traduttive degli adattatori delle versioni del film Frozen in inglese, italiano, spagnolo e spagnolo sudamericano. Nello specifico tratta della presenza di riferimenti culturali, della tradizione linguistica del doppiaggio italiano, della scelta delle voci e dello stile del canto nei lungometraggi Disney.
Los dibujos animados norteamericanos, sigilosamente, han ido ocupando un lugar cada vez más relevante en la industria cultural. Tanto es así, que hoy se pueden discriminar canales específicamente destinados a la animación y, a su vez, series de animaciones producidas para diversos públicos: niños, adolescentes y adultos. Frente a esta gran cantidad y diversidad de textos llama especialmente mi atención la convivencia de contrapuestos sistemas de valor. Numerosas tiras de dibujos animados, dirigidos especialmente a los niños, ayudan a conformar el gusto infantil contemporáneo (en el sentido de Calabrese) que no responde a un único sistema unificador de valores. Es decir, lo feo o lindo, lo malo o bueno, lo conforme o informe, lo disfórico o eufórico no está dictaminado hoy por un solo discurso axiológico imperante. En este escrito pretendo describir, desde una perspectiva semiótica, las particularidades que resultan de la coexistencia de morfologías, éticas y tímicas distintas. Para ello, me detendré en un grupo de cartoons que se presentan como las antípodas de los tradicionales y conocidos textos audiovisuales de Disney y de las clásicas y exitosas series animadas de la Warner Bross o la Metro Goldywn Mayer. Estas creaciones buscaron exhibir, desde su nacimiento, estabilidad en las formas, armonía cromática y uniformidad de comportamientos. Contrariamente, los mundos posibles que hoy también integran el universo de dibujos animados, evidencian lo que Calabrese denomina el placer de lo impreciso, lo indefinido, lo vago y lo ambiguo. Estas representaciones sincréticas exaltan notorias diferencias en sus homologaciones axiológicas liberándose de las pretensiones de perfección, tanto de sus escenarios como de sus actores figurativos: seres híbridos, animales aversivos, niños nefastos, criaturas deformes y escenarios difusos son algunas de las características que definen a los últimas producciones animadas para televisión.
Estudo sobre as construções simbólicas e identitárias da mulher presentes na narrativa e na estrutura das personagens femininas do filme Malévola (2014) – produção dos estúdios Disney (EUA). A narrativa é inspirada no conto de fadas “A Bela Adormecida do Bosque” e distingue-se pela perspectiva feminina, modificando as possibilidades de interpretação, além de possibilitar a quebra do paradigma dicotômico relacionado ao Bem e ao Mal. A pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar a evolução das construções imaginárias da mulher no cinema e traçar paralelos entre as características arquetípicas das personagens de Malévola em relação à identidade da mulher na contemporaneidade. Para tal, será tomado como referencial teórico os estudos do imaginário social, com as obras de Gilbert Durand, Edgar Morin e, em especial, Michel Maffesoli; conceitos da psicanálise a partir dos trabalhos de C.G. Jung, Erich Neumann, Marie-Louise Von Franz e Clarissa Pinkola Estés; as teorias de Stuart Hall, Laura Mulvey e Gilles Lipovetsky relacionadas aos estudos culturais com ênfase em gênero; e também o ecofeminismo através dos trabalhos de autoras como Vandana Shiva e Maria Mies. Nosso referencial teórico-metodológico é a Hermenêutica de Profundidade (HP) visando à interpretação da estrutura simbólica de nosso objeto. Resultam desta pesquisa a verificação de um processo de saturação de padrões identitários e simbólicos provindos da modernidade e a evolução de novas dinâmicas nas narrativas presentes nas mídias e na comunicação
El presente trabajo abordará el estudio de los protagonistas de las películas de animación Shrek (Dreamworks, 2001), Gru, mi villano favorito (Universal, 2010) y Brave (Disney-Pixar, 2012), con el fin de identificar aquellas estructuras y características básicas sobre las que se sustenta la historia y la evolución de los protagonistas, en tanto héroes de cada uno de los relatos analizados. El cine es un arte vivo, en constante evolución, que busca incesante nuevas formas de expresión. Sin embargo, bajo estas nuevas formas narrativas, heredadas de la tradición literaria, subyacen estructuras primitivas, muy entroncadas con los relatos míticos, y sobradamente testadas a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad por su efectividad a la hora de transmitir mensajes de generación en generación, desde que el hombre comenzó a transmitir historias alrededor de una hoguera. Así, nuevas formas narrativas y nuevas formas de expresión nacen de la búsqueda incesante de nuevos relatos que, sin abandonar del todo los recursos narrativos existentes, incorporan elementos nuevos para hacerlos atractivos a un público cada vez más moderno y exigente. Este estudio busca la impronta de estas estructuras esenciales en los relatos animados contemporáneos de principios del siglo XXI seleccionados que, a primera vista, quedan muy lejos de las estructuras míticas de las que se nutren...