942 resultados para Designer de Moda


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This study investigates whether commercial offices designed by signature architects in the United States achieve rental premiums compared to commercial offices designed by nonsignature architects. Focusing on buildings designed by winners of the Prizker Prize and the Gold Medal awarded by the American Institute of Architects, we create a sample of commercial office buildings designed by signature architects drawing on CoStar's national database. We use a combination of hedonic regression model and a logit model to estimate the various rent determinants. While the first stage measures the typical rental price differential above the typical building in a particular sub-market over a specific timeframe, the second stage identifies a potential price differential over a set of buildings closely matched on important characteristics (such as age, size, location etc.). We find that in both stages offices design by signature architects exhibit a premium. However these results are preliminary. The premium could be indeed an effect of the name of the architect, but others factors such as micro-market conditions might be the cause. Further tests are needed to confirm the validity of our results.


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Tagging provides support for retrieval and categorization of online content depending on users' tag choice. A number of models of tagging behaviour have been proposed to identify factors that are considered to affect taggers, such as users' tagging history. In this paper, we use Semiotics Analysis and Activity theory, to study the effect the system designer has over tagging behaviour. The framework we use shows the components that comprise the tagging system and how they interact together to direct tagging behaviour. We analysed two collaborative tagging systems: CiteULike and Delicious by studying their components by applying our framework. Using datasets from both systems, we found that 35% of CiteULike users did not provide tags compared to only 0.1% of Delicious users. This was directly linked to the type of tools used by the system designer to support tagging.


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Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur digitala nomader utövar sitt yrke som grafiska designers, varför de valde att bli digitala nomader samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar som finns. Totalt intervjuades 10 före detta och nuvarande digitala nomader via email och svaren sammanställdes och analyserades för att finna teman och sammanhang. Resultatet visar att deltagarna valde en digital nomadisk livsstil främst på grund av den frihet det innebär. De är även helt beroende av internet, då det är den grundläggande teknologin som möjliggör distansarbete. Att vara digital nomad verkar inte ha en negativ inverkan på den grafiska designprocessen och alla verktyg som behövs anser de finns tillgängliga digitalt. Den del av det traditionella designyrket på en byrå som deltagarna i studien saknade mest var kreativa diskussioner med kollegor.


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This paper backgrounds the current approach to ecologically sustainable design (ESD) while outlining the prevailing technological zeitgeist within which architecture operates. In differentiating between ecology and ecosophy a quantum shift in attitude is explored. This allows the psychodynamics behind the act of commitment to be brought up for discussion and places the designer within a more holistic understanding of ESD.


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Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child with an incurable genetic disease. Features the case of a Tasmanian couple who, with their help, have this life-saving baby, at their third try. The pioneering IVF treatment, which is legal only in N.S.W., hit the news headlines, sparking an ethical storm. Examines the moral and ethical issues that genetic manipulation raises, including the potential uses and misuses of genetic technology. Raises also the spectre of an extreme form of eugenics, as seen in the World War II Nazi push to create a master race through human genetics. Some view eugenics as another form of PGD. Presents the diverse views of eminent ethicists and the Catholic Church, world wide.


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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the instructional interactive multimedia (IMI) production processes of adult novice multimedia production course. The study aimed at discovering whether a constructivistic teacher-learning environment facilitated these multimedia novice designer / producers to further develop metacognitivestates of higher-order thinking like schema formation, problem-solving and cognitive construction when producing their interactive multimedia project. To achieve this study examined the facilitative and limiting activities in planning, design and development that have assisted or hindered the NMDPs during their multimedia production work This research utilises a qualitative paradigm and makes extensive use of multiple data sources such as the participants’ proposals, planning aids, logs and final projects for single as well as cross-case analyses and discussion. Three cases were selected for in-depth analysis in the study because they provided interviews and more complete documentation and "thick descriptions" of their multimedia production activities. Findings about the NMDPs multimedia production endeavours showed that they learnt best about multimedia technology for teacing and learning by producing an interactive multimedia project themselves. Factors that enabled some of the NMDPs to flourish in a constructivistic environment included their ability to utilise their new and extended schemata to problem solve, their self regulation and a creative and positive attitude to demanding multimedia work NMDPs who utilised facilitative planning aids and design strategies produced impressive work. The study further indicates that the NMDPs’ holistic multimedia production experience made them aware of the levels of complexity involved and boosted their confidence about multimedia production for educational purposes. Suggestions for further research include examining the production styles of adult multimedia novices and young novices and investigating the implications of designing multimedia for large audience presentation rather than for single or small group learner usage.


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 An exploration of the chemiluminescence from reactions of a large number of benzyl and phenylpiperazine analytes with tris(2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) was carried out providing information towards the emission intensity of this chemiluminescent reagent and the structure of analytes it interacts with.


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The objective behind building domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs) is to provide users with the most appropriate concepts and notations that best fit with their domain and experience. However, the existing DSVL designers do not support integrating environment and user context information when modeling, editing or viewing DSVL models at different locations, permissions, devices, etc. In this paper, we introduce HorusCML, a context-aware DSVL designer, which supports DSVL experts in integrating necessary context details within their DSVLs. The resultant DSVLs can reflect different facets, layouts, and behaviours according to context it is used in. We show a case study on developing a context-aware data flow diagram DSVL tool using HorusCML.


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Additive Manufacturing, a technology which has been in existence since three decades, is now successfully being transitioned from a research setting to finding technologically and financially viable end-user applications. A key sector in which Additive Manufacturing is being used is the medical devices and healthcare sector. Drivers in this sector include the ability to create customized, patient specific devices and implants with quick turnaround time in a cost-effective manner. Doctors and surgeons are important change agents and innovators in the creation of new healthcare devices as well as surgical methods. Often times, they may find it necessary at first to build devices and plan surgeries which are not even being thought of or acted upon by the major healthcare companies. In this sense, they perform the roles of designers, creating new ideas and improving on them until they can be implemented and adopted by others. However, the scope for performing this creative activity is often limited in their workplaces, with resource, time and financial impediments often being present. Additive Manufacturing can be helpful to speed up the iterative process of designing such medical devices or planning surgeries as well as help convince people outside of the surgery room of the feasibility and business case for such innovations. This paper proposes to introduce a framework of design, processes and tools which will enable non-engineers (specifically surgeons) to create custom-built products. It is hoped that this paper will motivate more surgeons and non-engineers to get involved in the process of designing for additive manufacturing.


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If you’ve made it this far—and I’m sure many of you have—then you know what this article is about: QR codes, or Quick Response codes (also referred to, though less frequently, as mobile codes 2d barcodes, or 2d codes). QRs are not new by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, they’ve been around for about a decade and a half.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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A atuação das crianças no seio familiar transformou-se profundamente ao longo dos anos. Atualmente, inserem-se na sociedade como atores expressivos, inclusive no consumo precoce. No contexto da moda, a criança tem preferência por modelos, cores e marcas, o que inspira organizações a investir na produção de roupas infantis e em sua comunicação. Como protagonista de anúncios de moda, a criança é representada socialmente de diversas formas, caso da tipologia adultizada. Este viés mostrou-se predominante nos anúncios de moda veiculados na revista Vogue kids Brasil, suporte midiático especializado em moda infantil.


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Esta dissertação fala sobre o corpo. Mais especificamente sobre representações de corpo adolescente feminino produzidas e/ou veiculadas pela revista Capricho. Considerada por mim como um produto da mídia cujas imagens e textos falam às adolescentes deste tempo, analisei todas as edições publicadas nos anos de 2000 e 2001 buscando compreender o que a Capricho ensina às garotas com relação aos seus corpos. Fundamentada no campo teórico dos Estudos Culturais e na História do Corpo, teci minhas análises a partir de três temas: saúde, beleza e moda. Temas esses que emergiram da própria revista uma vez que ela está a falar deles o tempo todo. Decorrente das análises realizadas é possível afirmar que a Capricho, como parte integrante de uma pedagogia cultural, educa as garotas no que respeita à construção de um corpo jovem, moderno e saudável. Um corpo que, ao ser visto, sustenta um look. O look produzido pelas suas páginas e para o qual a garota deve investir diferenciados esforços, seja na aquisição de um jeito atlético e saudável de ser, seja na valorização da magreza e, ainda, na composição de um estilo baseado nos hits da moda.