796 resultados para Desenvolvimento do turismo: Portugal
Tese dout., Biologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Em 1991 é estabelecido o Plano Museológico do concelho de Loulé, a partir de uma proposta discutida em reunião aberta com associações locais, investigadores e outros interessados. Desde aí, o Museu Municipal de Loulé tem desenvolvido esforços concertados com muitos actores locais, públicos ou privados no sentido de concretizar a instalação de uma rede de pólos museológicos diversificados – mas complementares – que permitam uma interpretação cultural do rico património do concelho.
Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Nesta dissertação procura-se demonstrar que os conceitos de empresas visionárias, de Collins e Porras (2000), e de empresas missionárias, de Mintzberg (2001), podem ser aplicados para entender o comportamento do Hotel Dall’Onder. Foi aplicada a metodologia do estudo exploratório de caso único, por ser um caso revelador e por representar um teste local de uma teoria significativa. A coleta de informações em vários documentos publicados pela imprensa, em livros, artigos e reportagens, além do que se pôde obter nas entrevistas de profundidade com pessoas representativas do empresariado, com micro-empresários, com colaboradores da empresa e com seus acionistas e diretores, representaram, neste, trabalho “provas testemunhais”, não sendo, assim, necessária qualquer análise estatística qualitativa ou quantitativa. A história da colonização italiana no Rio Grande do Sul aportou elementos para o melhor entendimento da formação da cultura do “colono”. O meio ambiente, embora adverso, facilitou a “acumulação primitiva” e forçou a procura de novos mercados. Foram analisados a missão, a ideologia e o comportamento histórico e presente do Hotel Dall’Onder, suas semelhanças e diferenças com os conceitos de Mintzberg (2001) e Collins e Porras (2000) e sua aderência a princípios éticos e de respeito social e ambiental, considerando a sua inserção nos projetos administrados pela Atuaserra e pelo projeto que ele próprio criou: Caminhos de Pedra. As conclusões são de que o Hotel Dall’Onder supera as exigências de Collins e Porras (op. cit.) e Mintzberg (op. cit.), podendo ser classificada como uma empresa visionário e missionária plus, pois adota os princípios éticos de Abela (op. cit) e res peita o meio ambiente, na linha do Sistema de Produto Inteligente de Blue e outros. Além disso, aplicou intuitivamente as bases teóricas do marketing social como instrumento de transformação social, visando a melhoria de vida das pessoas envolvidas, e a implantação de um novo modo de agir, criando o turismo cultural, apoiado na arquitetura, na gastronomia, na vitivinicultura, na agroindústria caseira, nos costumes e nas idiossincrasias, sem utilizar nenhum mecanismo de propaganda, difusão ou uso de mídia paga. Por isso se propõe sua qualificação como empresa sociotélica, ou seja, voltada para uma missão externa a si própria e de profundo cunho social. Apresenta diferenciais enormes: a distribuição de 10% do faturamento bruto, todos os meses, para todos os colaboradores; o estímulo ao surgimento de concorrentes em seu próprio ramo de negócios; o investimento, o apoio e a criação de atrativos turísticos sem mercado cativo e o investimento maciço no desenvolvimento do turismo regional, mesmo em prejuízo dos investimentos que lhe dariam maior escala e melhor condição competitiva, e isso por acreditar na máxima em dialeto vêneto dos colonos: Quanto pi baletere, tanto pi tordi (Quanto mais frutas, mais pássaros).
O foco dessa dissertação é direcionado ao levantamento diagnóstico do Parque das Águas da cidade de São Lourenço - MG, mais especificamente à importância das águas minerais como bem cultural. Pesquisei em duas frentes: dados colhidos junto a secretaria de turismo (SERVTUR) e duas pesquisas quantitativas. Para aprofundar a reflexão optei também pela realização entrevistas qualitativas com pessoas de diferentes perfis de renda, cultura e profissões. Partindo daí, norteei os trabalhos no levantamento de informações que possam servir como parâmetros para a elaboração de estratégias de ação nas mais diversas frentes de trabalho voltadas ao desenvolvimento do turismo e da cultura naquela cidade.
Essa dissertação versa sobre a construção da favela Paraisópolis (São Paulo- SP) como destino turístico. Estevão, Berbela e Antenor, moradores da favela, realizam “trabalhos artísticos” que compõem o elemento principal da atratividade turística de Paraisópolis. A partir do trabalho de campo, do tipo observação participante, descrevo os posicionamentos divergentes dos artistas, guias de turismo e a União de Moradores de Paraisópolis. Aponto que esses posicionamentos geram disputas simbólicas e relações de poder entre os diversos atores envolvidos no processo de transformação de Paraisópolis em um destino turístico. A intenção principal é entender como esse processo é perpassado por conflitos, tanto de ordem econômica quanto de ordem política e ideológica. A perspectiva de análise tem como enfoque central as visões em disputa sobre o turismo e as práticas que as tomam por base. Assim, procuro entender como os valores e práticas locais se articulam com ações e discursos exógenos voltados para o desenvolvimento do turismo.
The central interest of this thesis is to comprehend how the public action impels the formation and transformation of the tourist destinies. The research was based on the premise that the public actions are the result of the mediation process of state and non-state actors considered important in a section, which interact aiming for prevailing their interests and world visions above the others. The case of Porto de Galinhas beach, in Pernambuco, locus of the investigation of this thesis, allowed the analysis of a multiplicity of actors on the formation and implementation of local actions toward the development of the tourism between the years 1970 and 2010, as well as permitted the comprehension of the construction of the referential on the interventions made. This thesis, of a qualitative nature, has as theoretical support the cognitive approach of analysis of the public policies developed in France, and it has as main exponents the authors Bruno Jobert and Pierre Muller. This choice was made by the emphasis on the cognitive and normative factors of the politics, which aspects are not very explored in the studies of public policies in Brazil. As the source of the data collection, documental, bibliographic and field researches were utilized to the (re)constitution of the formation and transformation in the site concerned. The analysis techniques applied were the content and the documental analysis. To trace the public action referential, it started by the characterization of the touristic section frontiers and the creation of images by the main international body: the World Tourism Organization, of which analysis of the minutes of the meetings underscored guidelines to the member countries, including Brazil, which compounds the global-sectorial reference of the section. As from the analysis of the evolution of the tourism in the country, was identified that public policies in Brazil passed by transformations in their organization over the years, indicating changes in the referential that guided the interventions. These guidelines and transformations were identified in the construction of the tourist destination of Porto de Galinhas, of which data was systematized and presented in four historical periods, in which were discussed the values, the standard, the algorithms, the images and the important mediators. It has been revealed that the State worked in different roles in the decades analyzed in local tourism. From the 1990s, however, new actors were inserted in the formulation and implementation of policies developed, especially for local hotelkeepers. These, through their association, establishes a leadership relation in the local touristic section, thereby, they could set their hegemony and spread their own interest. The leadership acquired by a group of actors, in the case of Porto de Galinhas, does not mean that trade within the industry were neutralized, but that there is a cognitive framework that confronts the actors involved. In spite of the advances achieved by the work of the mediators in the last decades, that resulted in an amplification and diversification of the activity in the area, as well as the consolidation at the beach, as a tourist destiny of national standout, the position of the place is instable, concerned to the competitiveness, once that there is an situation of social and environmental unsustainability
Tourism in the Northeast of Brazil was introduced as an alternative economic development for the Region by federal promoting policies that focused primarily in structuring the local geographic area. With the completion of these structuring actions, mass tourism expanding the area, as well as spread actions based on cooperation and formalization of governance institutions. This study aimed to examine the relationship between the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal and the cooperation strategies in a historical perspective. Thus was submitted to the life cycle of the tourism product 'Coastal Cities of Natal ; the major projects of tourism development were mapped, the existing cooperation strategies were characterized, and investigated the influence of the cooperation actions for the current stage of product. The specific theoretical support to tourism was built on the perspective of the Theory of Population Ecology, System of Tourism and Touristic Product Life Cycle. Regarding to cooperation the theoretical foundation addressed issues of strategy, New Forms and Collective Efficiency. The survey consisted of a causal descriptive study, using a case study. We used the qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, and data collected by consulting of secondary data and semistructured interviews with twelve staff working in tourism in Natal. Results showed that the life cycle graph of product 'Coastal Cities of Natal is moving from one stage of growth to a stage of maturity, with a primary upward trend and with crises that are up over the graph. They have been mapped six of tourism development projects of relevance to the product: The Politics of Mega Projects, PRODETUR/NE, Municipalization National Program of Tourism, Regionalization Program, Urbanization Project Beach do Meio and Actions for the Promotion of Destiny. They have been identified sixty-four participating players in process of tourism development, which twenty were considered relevant to the respondents. The main strategies identified for cooperation were the consortium, collective strategy and clusters. Results indicated that co-operation strategies were adopted so that the benefits were obtained at the collective level, dedicated to the strengthening of Natal Destiny and its products. The main reasons were the need of cooperative marketing, international market entry and actions inducing the state. Finally, it was concluded that strategies for cooperation related to product life cycle 'Coastal Cities of Natal' as that work in the consolidation of projects for development of tourism, when the efficiency of collective action is achieved
The Social Representation Theory provides subsidies to scientifically analyze what is called common sense, suggesting that thought be given credibility to the individual, from the assignment of logic to it. The Representations allow us to interpret, understand, explain and thus classify information, events and people. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze how social representations of the actors of the intinerant traders who operate in Ponta Negra/RN can be used as an element for tourism planning. To achieve the desired goals, we conducted a qualitative study, from a descriptive study, using methods of data collection the research literature, the technique of free association of words and the questionnaire, applied with 90 intinerant traders who work in Ponta Negra/RN beach. As tools of data analysis were used to analyze literature, and software EVOC and SPHINX. This research has revealed the predominance of people in itinerant male, between 18 and 28 years, with incomplete primary education, no contributors of Previdência Social and working seven days a week. The core elements of representations brings that explain that their knowledge is guided by collectively shared knowledge in the culture of tourism, which is seen as something that brings economics benefits (money) to the society, from the travel and entertainment. The plan represents the forward thinking, based on development plans that seek improvements and organization. The structure and operation of tourism planning in Natal/RN, there were no representation of intinerant traders. It is concluded that understanding the needs of itinerant traders provides grants to developing strategies for the development of tourism. This is achieved from its inclusion in tourism planning, since it enables tourism managers to understand how they are capturing, interpreting and acting on their next reality, since these representations are fundamental in forming opinions and the establishment of individual attitudes and collective. Thus, it is an important theory to be used to subsidize social research with individuals living reality and local needs, but which is the margin of decision-making processes of economic in the Brazil
The research here undertaken analyzes the process of urbanization on the coast of Panamirim - RN and Nísia Floresta - RN, arising from leisure, the main leisure expression was considered the second residence and coastal tourism. The leisure promoted the growth of businesses and public and private services to meet consumer demand in that area, which initially occurred with users of second home, and which also gradually begin to occupy the coastline of these municipalities in 1980 and more recently with the development of tourism in the 1990s until now. To undertake such an analysis, we did the georeferencing about the trade and also public and private services of that coast, characterizing them; evaluated the extent to which services deployed in this area meets the demands of tourists and users of second residence; it was also identified how the centrality of Natal interferes in the expansion of services in these locations. The spatial area of research includes the coastal municipalities of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta, considering the limits of the census of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística- IBGE, and about the time frame, it was considered the 1990s to the present day. The methodology consists of: 1. survey and reading of the literature related to the researched topic, serving as the theoretical analysis in the construction of the object studied; 2. collection and organization of secondary data by the IBGE and tourism sectors of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal and main municipalities of the research; 3. Questionnaires and / or interviews with the traders, service providers, tourists, users of second homes, local residents, and government. The analysis of such data collected allowed the preparation of graphs, maps and tables that illustrate the results obtained in the research field, basing so the study. The relevance of the study is shown by the extensive survey data involving agents of the research, including tourists, users of second homes and, above all, the data for the service sector that did not exist in the analyzed area. The study results identified in the area analyzed the emergence of three new centers, arising from the urbanization process from leisure, one of them located in the municipality of Nísia Foresta Beach in Barra de Tabatinga, and two in Parnamirim, more specifically in locality Pium and Beach Pirangi do Norte. It was further observed that, being located in tourist areas, the main feature of these new centers is seasonality
This study aimed to analyse the factors that can contribute to the support of residents in the process of management of environmental tourism projects. The importance of reflecting on the municipal planning, including the management of stakeholders, is justified by changes in economic and social values of local communities, the concern with their space and quality of life. Thus, the support of the dwellers to the management process of an attractive allows motivate and prioritize the opinion of this community, strengthening social groups and integrating them into projects and local actions. The study was described as descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. As the analysis model. They were used the research variables done by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), as a way to assess the support of local dwellers on the development of Revitalization project of Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros, in the management of environmental tourist destination, in Sousa/PB. Results show the relationship among the dimensions, confidence in government agencies, benefits and costs occasioned by tourism development in the attractive as influencers support elements of the deweller. Thus, it is intended to corroborate to the inclusion of stakeholdersin the planning process in the development of tourism in this location in order to involve them in decision making about planning and management of tourism in the city, with a view to sustainable local development
The work aims to analyze the criteria that supported the geographic distribution of credit with FNE funds for the private tourism sector in the period 1998-2004 the Northeast, which is the maturing of a significant part of investments in the region I PRODETUR . The working hypothesis is that the credit allocation for the tourism industry, with FNE funds among the Northeastern states during the period analyzed broke with the trend towards concentration of credit in the richer economies of the region. The investigation concluded that there is enough evidence to enhance the degree of confidence in that hypothesis. However, the allocation criteria do not only benefited the poorest economies, nor directed lending while building on the weight that the tourism sector held in state economies
This dissertation aims to analyze the territory of the new economies and their social implications in the district of Barra do Cunhaú / Canguaretama. We used techniques of qualitative research (document analysis, interviews and observations in situ). It was found that the changes occurring in the territory are linked to the pressures caused by factors internal and external orders, such as the deployment and expansion of projects for development of tourism and shrimp in place, which led to the advancement of real estate speculation and intensification of the deforestation of areas of mangroves along the estuary of the river Curimataú / Cunhaú, contributing to the abandonment of fishing and agriculture for livelihood in this community, therefore, the loss of traditional knowledge applied in the conduct of this activity. It was also found that changes in the use of territory and resources threaten biodiversity and have contributed to the reduction of fish stocks of the Municipality of Canguaretama and thus bar the Cunhaú, especially the stock of crab, Uca (ucides cardatus ). The results indicated that the production in large scale in a market economy, as is the shrimp, ignores the search for balance in regional settings. Thus the environmental disturbances resulting from the shrimp and tourism have consequences for social and cultural aspects, directly affecting the livelihood of the residents of Barra do Cunhaú. Companies of shrimp and related to tourism have absorbed the fishermen who are leaving the fishing activity. However, the low level of education associated with age are factors that make them far outside the framework of employees of these companies. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that allow the development of the shrimp and tourism without putting at risk the sustainability of the region
The broach presented in this dissertation, linked to post graduate Geography´s of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, more exactly about the research group entitled interdisciplinary studies unit on space and housing built . The research developed through this study has this central theme on vertical grounding of the construction in the neighborhood of ponta negra in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Realizing this momentum as a way of accumulation of capital in city. Rio Grande do Norte´s city. During the 2000 s , the neighborhood of Ponta Negra went through an intense process of vertical integration of its ground, Provided by many factor of conditions created from new economic, political and social functions which start to be outlined mainly from the tourism development in this neighborhood since the 80´s decade. The Tourism development and the landing planning of the ponta negra´s neighborhood promoted for the government by using order to police the city´s urbanization, beyond the sense of the civilian building actors. They enabled this neighborhood to become propitious to the real estate investments. Many ventures were built before the year of 2010 while another are on building, which, over the years, changed the sociospatyal dinamics of the neighborhood. Considering the urban space is socially built, product and condition for the reproductive process of the capitalist society, the goal of this research is to investigate the verticalization of the ground, for capital reproduction purposes. This research aims to analyze the vertical this quarter through the theory of social production of space by Henri Lefebvre. The Methodology adopted pervades for secondary and primary research, compound for bibliographic research, documentary, journal, magazines, camp research and interview, to reach the best way to analyse the dynamics of the refered neighborhood
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE