900 resultados para Desempregados - Aspectos sociais - Uberlândia (MG)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de professores de inglês em curso livre a respeito de sua identidade profissional, seus processos formativos e seus saberes docentes. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou-se nos conceitos de representação social (Serge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet) e de dialogicidade (Mikhail Bakhtin e Ivana Marková). Foram realizadas considerações a respeito de fatores históricos, sociais e econômicos que originaram as atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm a respeito do idioma bem como dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo. Os dados foram coletados através de dois questionários e analisados com os recursos de um software para análise lexical, o ALCESTE. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes consideram a fluência no idioma como central para sua identidade profissional e a experiência em sala de aula como mais importante do que a vivência acadêmica. A falta de reflexão acerca de aspectos sociais relacionados à sua prática pedagógica também foi observada. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo foi uma melhor compreensão das representações de professores de inglês a respeito do idioma e dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo, bem como de seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas atuais relacionadas à formação inicial e continuada de professores de língua estrangeira.(AU)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representação Social enunciados por Sèrge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas considerações acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no país e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem às atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm sobre a profissão docente. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para análise lexical, e EVOC, para evocação livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo é compreendida como um processo de construção e reconstrução e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e não de sacerdócio, anunciando que, embora exista um padrão social estabelecido para o exercício profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profissão. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo é melhor compreender as representações de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formação de professores a respeito de sua profissão, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre a formação em Pedagogia.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representação Social enunciados por Sèrge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas considerações acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no país e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem às atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm sobre a profissão docente. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para análise lexical, e EVOC, para evocação livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo é compreendida como um processo de construção e reconstrução e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e não de sacerdócio, anunciando que, embora exista um padrão social estabelecido para o exercício profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profissão. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo é melhor compreender as representações de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formação de professores a respeito de sua profissão, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre a formação em Pedagogia.
Introdução: Estudos recentes têm mostrado que as quedas são a causa externa de morte mais importante entre idosos, podendo levar a hospitalização, lesões, dependência e aumento nos custos dos serviços sociais e de saúde. O comprometimento da mobilidade funcional é um importante fator de risco para quedas, mas aspectos sociais, ambientais e comportamentais também podem influenciar nesse evento. Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos socioeconômicos e contextuais associados com a mobilidade funcional e quedas em idosos residentes no município de São Paulo. Métodos: Foram utilizados os dados do Estudo Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), uma amostra representativa para os indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos do município de São Paulo, em 2010. As variáveis dependentes do estudo foram a ocorrência de alguma queda no último ano e o comprometimento da mobilidade funcional, mensurada pelo teste Timed Up and Go (TUG). Fatores individuais (estado marital, raça/cor, anos de estudo e percepção de suficiência de renda) e contextuais (Índice de Gini, área verde/ habitante, taxa de homicídio e percentual de domicílios em favelas) foram analisados por modelos logísticos multiníveis. Resultados: De 1.190 idosos inclusos, 29 por cento relataram ter caído no último ano e 46 por cento apresentaram comprometimento da mobilidade funcional. Os fatores individuais socioeconômicos não apresentaram associação com a ocorrência de queda, mas ter 8 anos ou mais de anos de estudo foi um fator protetor para comprometimento da mobilidade em todos os modelos testados (OR: 0,56). Morar em subprefeituras com taxa de homicídio moderada apresentou associação com chance aumentada de cair (OR: 1.51, 95 por cento IC: 1.09-2.07). Moderada área verde se associou com maior chance de cair entre os indivíduos com 80 anos e mais (OR:2,63, 95 por cento IC: 1.23-5.60). Conclusão: Os resultados estão de acordo com a literatura em relação à associação das características do bairro de residência com quedas e mobilidade funcional em idosos. Estratégias voltadas para prevenção de quedas e de dificuldade na mobilidade funcional devem considerar aspectos sociais e ambientais de locais públicos. Este estudo foi financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) (nº processo: 2014/06721-4)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de professores de inglês em curso livre a respeito de sua identidade profissional, seus processos formativos e seus saberes docentes. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou-se nos conceitos de representação social (Serge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet) e de dialogicidade (Mikhail Bakhtin e Ivana Marková). Foram realizadas considerações a respeito de fatores históricos, sociais e econômicos que originaram as atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm a respeito do idioma bem como dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo. Os dados foram coletados através de dois questionários e analisados com os recursos de um software para análise lexical, o ALCESTE. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes consideram a fluência no idioma como central para sua identidade profissional e a experiência em sala de aula como mais importante do que a vivência acadêmica. A falta de reflexão acerca de aspectos sociais relacionados à sua prática pedagógica também foi observada. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo foi uma melhor compreensão das representações de professores de inglês a respeito do idioma e dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem do mesmo, bem como de seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas atuais relacionadas à formação inicial e continuada de professores de língua estrangeira.(AU)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representação Social enunciados por Sèrge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas considerações acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no país e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem às atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm sobre a profissão docente. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para análise lexical, e EVOC, para evocação livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo é compreendida como um processo de construção e reconstrução e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e não de sacerdócio, anunciando que, embora exista um padrão social estabelecido para o exercício profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profissão. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo é melhor compreender as representações de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formação de professores a respeito de sua profissão, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre a formação em Pedagogia.
Even after its abolition, the slave labor still exists in the world. In a new socio-historic context, the shackles and slave quarters have been left behind, nowadays the workers are tempted, subjected to degrading conditions and have their rights retrenched. The contemporary slave labor has been emerging as subject of research in the Organizational Studies since the early 2000s, calling attention to many gaps to be filled about the way organizations all around the world use this practice. Contemporary slave labor is found in many and various economic activities, since coal to textile industries or even stores. In this dissertation, we have incorporated the consumption dimension to the field of Organizational Studies, discussing the modern slavery, aiming to understand the consumers’ point of view about this topic, that is, we have researched the consumers’ interpretations concerning the slave labor in the fashion industry. Our objective is to analyze consumer’s argumentative construction in the decision of buying or not products made by industries from the fashion field that were denounced because of slave labor usage. We have adopted fashion industry as research focus because it obscures the reflection of the consumers that feel like in a new world while shopping, a world of beauty and fantasy, seeking their own satisfaction. Furthermore, the Brazilian fashion industry is one of the biggest of the world (ABIT, 2015), with a huge symbolic strength in the country. We have realized a qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with 35 consumers to identify their arguments according to the criteria defined by Liakopoulos (2002): data, propositions, guarantees, supports and refutations. The data are the statements used by the interviewees categorically, that is, those which are clear in the interviews. The propositions are what qualifies and justifies the used data. The guarantees are related to the nature of the data, they are what gives the sense to the data and are introduced implicitly in the interviewee speech. The supports are universal premises introduced in order to legitimate the arguments. The refutations, when present, counter the used arguments. As results, we’ve found consumers who developed arguments pro-consumption and anti-consumption and who have defended ideas about the responsibility of different actors for the existence of this practice and for the fight against it. From these two categories: (1) pro-consumption – consume despite the complaints and (2) anti-consumption – don’t consume, because of the accusations; we have identified the following argumentative lines: skepticism, faultfinding and moral engagement. By the end, we have presented the interviewees’ argumentative construction and the obtained results.
This work aimed to analyze the so called June Journeys which happened in Brazil in 2013, in an effort to establish a proper ontology for cyberspace that goes beyond old dichotomies that put men and techniques in polar opposites, making difficult to perform a constructive – and not merely pessimist – analysis of the crossroads between politics and technology. This analysis uses as basis and methodological guidance the Theory of Actor-Network (ANT or TAR) widely used in social studies of science and technology to overcome these dichotomies and allow the analysis of networks, so that is clear the political instability that arises in this context which profoundly changes the political game.
We find in Brazil the reality of religious pluralism. From the end of XIX century until now, the religious scenario became more diversified in a process of acceptance and legitimation of different religions. In the same period, the Third Sector was largely developed up until its current form: complex, broad and plural as well. In this context, we find non profitable organizations that provide services under a religious phylosophy. One in particular, placed in Uberlândia-MG, protestant, has the fearures of a big company and is the largest one among the ones that provide social services and receive public funds in the city: Missão Luz. Thinking about the organization, some questions came to mind: is there a noticeable influence of the religious orientation on practices? How do managers understand and make sense of their practices? Adopting Chanlat’s (1996) concept of management mode, the perspective proposed by the Practice Based Studies (GHERARDI, 2013) and the sensemaking studies (WEICK, 1995), I developed a research that intended to understand Missão Luz’ management practices. Three sources of data were used – documents, shadowing and interviews – to understand, in the most complete way, organization’s management practices, using managers’ perspective. Results pointed to a noticeable relation between faith and management. Ten practices were identified among managers: council decisions, appreciation for excellence, respect for authority figures, giving second chances to employees, desire to be a reference, results quantification, search for professionalization, organization, formalization and standardization. The first five practices were heavily influenced by religious principles, and the five last were influenced by instrumental rationality, usually found in the Second Sector. It was noticed that faith was also related to those last practices, justifying them for their contribution for achieving excellence e consequent action of glorifying God. Practices are maintained e passed by the cultivation of the Mission’s DNA, an organization’s way of doing things, and by the belief of the role of the leader maintaining this DNA. Associated to practices, sensemaking moments were analyzed, situations where there order was disrupted and managers had to make sense e act on this understanding. These situations were divided in three themes: “fly the flag of the company”, changes in schools’ management and God’s purpose and sovereignty. The paper is finished with some suggestions for future researches.
Between 2003 and 2014 Brazil has increased exports by 52%, increased the formal employment and paid employment by 19% and reduced multidimensional poverty by 42%. The purpose of this work is to test the hypothesis that there is a Brazilian Growth Virtuous Circle where these three variables would be connected in order to increase exports and reduce poverty through the salaries transfer of funds. The construction of the hypothesis is made for Export Industry through ideas Verdoorn, Kaldor and Thirlwall presenting the export industry as an engine of economic growth. To present employment acting directly on economic growth is used Wage Led Rowthorn approach. The Capability Approach of Amartya Sen is used to understand the Multidimensional Poverty. The hypothesis was tested using data from the National Household Survey and Aliceweb between 2003 and 2014 with the use of the Generalized Method of Moments and the generation of elasticities between export and employment, employment and poverty, and export and poverty.
The human being is understood as an integral being, complex, which has multiple dimensions: social, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and others. As its biological dimension, the man presents the possibility of physical illness, which means that the body requires care. The sick away from humans in health and safety conditions, approaching them directly from the finitude and vulnerability condition, leading us to contact the major uncertainties of life: suffering of disease and death. Religiosity and spirituality are important coping strategy for human when faced with borderline situations. When people turn to religion to cope with stress is the religious and spiritual coping. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between the views on death and the religious-spiritual coping in patients with chronic diseases hospitalized. The study included ten patients hospitalized for chronic disease complications Medical Clinic Unit of a public hospital in the city of Uberlândia/MG. two psychological scales were used: Scale Religious-Spiritual Coping Brief (CRE-Brief Scale) and Scale Brief Diverse Perspectives of Death and a structured interview (audiogravada) on the subject of death and religious and spiritual coping. The results indicated that 80% of the sample (N = 8) consisted of patients hospitalized due to chronic diseases, while 20% accounted for patients with AIDS complications. Analyzing the results of scale CRE-Brief, it emphasizes the use of strategies of religious and spiritual coping by participants as compared to CRE Total, all study participants had average or high scores for this index, with a low utilization CRE negative and average utilization CRE Positive. Regarding views on death, the results obtained by the Different Perspectives Quick Scale on Death suggest that this sample agrees with the view death as something that is part of the natural cycle of life (M8 - Death as a natural end) and features the prospect of death as uncertainty, mystery and ignorance (M4 - death as Unknown). The correlations between the measures the factors and items of CRE-Bref and dimensions of Short scales on different perspectives of Death notes the prevalence of correlations of M4 dimensions - Death as unknown and M8 - Death as a natural order to the creditor scale soon. In the interview analysis revealed a positive influence of religion/ spirituality on health, from the perspective of the respondent, highlighting the protection promoted by religion. It also noticed the use of prayer as a coping strategy of hospitalization and illness. Regarding the interview about the topic of death, there was a predominance of issues related to "afterlife", "unknown" and "abandonment", which are associated with the visions of death and mystery and death as a natural end. In the interviews there belief clues about death as a terrifying mystery connected, so the unknown and the feeling of fear on the same. The experience of illness can therefore be considered as a source of vulnerability, since it is present personal perception of danger (external) - own illness and possible death, especially in those patients undergoing ICU - and where control is insufficient for the sense of security, since the hospital providing care to the patient are delegated to third parties and patients assume a passive role. This fact is important and relevant to health professionals who deal daily with patients hospitalized for chronic diseases, since the recourse to religion and spirituality as a coping strategy that psychic movement was not constituted in a form of negative distance or even denial of health condition. On the contrary, it refers to a movement in search of comfort and security provided by the religion and spirituality.
This thesis presents a research that links cultural history and visual culture in a sociobiographical approach. It gives a “political treatment” to the educational experience in the transition of art teaching from the modern to the postmodern. By taking into account my experiences as an educator and the poetic practice in Daniel Francisco de Souza’s visual art, I propose a dialogue with his art and a series of visual narratives this artist/student produced at the time of his education and recently. Such visual narratives were taken as research source and research subject. They were created in a rural setting in dialogue with formal art teaching in two phases: 1992–6, when Daniel Fran cisco attended elementary school in the rural area of Uberlândia, MG; and 2008–10, when he attended Visual Arts graduation at Federal University of Uberlândia city. I analyze historical processes related to art and teaching, from the early sixteenth century to the present times, to realize residues in students’ poetic experiences. I relate Brazilian educational public policies with experi- ences in that rural school. I try to show the extent to which our educational practices triggered experiences — from ones common to intense ones — and promoted forms of “emancipation-knowledge” or “regulation-knowledge” and how the “selective tradition” was and how art predetermined history images gave way to everyday visual references, pointing to the “broad field” of visual culture. I make an effort to show Daniel Francisco’s work as an adult by tak- ing it according to different approaches. In a poetic reading, first, I emphasixe the material and the symbolic in his art. In a second look, I approach his work through the intertwining experiences of three characters from different times and places that participated in the making of his art: the artist farmer, the artist teacher and the teacher researcher. I assume the existence of a mutual cultural incompleteness in these three characters; which means that parts of their “structures of feeling” built on the interrelationship among them are part of the artist’ work as a historical content decanted. Thirdly, I demonstrate how the artist sees his place as a key re ference to his poetic creation. His work does not reflect the rural bucolic as something untouched. In showing the difficulty in distinguishing the archaic residual, I identify emerging issues in his work. I conclude that the artist — Daniel Francisco — and the researcher — myself — present maverick features: both are scavengers; their productions approach the working with scraps in art and in the academy; even momentarily, they live in exile in the warmth of the borders or the edges, from where one sees the center clearly. In these spaces, when certain structures and normative codes enter into coalition, they fragment pre-established strategies and stimulate the creation of survival tactics.
The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlândia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.
The nursing staff is now the largest contingent of professionals in healthcare environments, with more than 1.8 million professionals, and of these 15% are men, showing a masculinization of the historical profession and culturally conceived and carried out by women (COFEN / FIOCRUZ, 2013). This dissertation discusses the profession forward to some issues related to gender, quality of life and night work. Objective: To analyze the impact that shift work has the professional quality of life male, through a specific instrument to identify the main problems and joint damage to that front group to his professional activity. Methods: descriptivo, Cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, performed with 72 professional male nursing staff, 41 (56.9%) nursing technicians, 18 (25%) of nursing assistants and 13 (18.1%) of nurses, in January 2015 in a university hospital in the city of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais). For this, we used the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Quantitative variables were described as mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum, in addition to the Shapiro-Wilk test and Kruskal-Wallis used in the data analysis, with a confidence level of 5% (p <0.05). Results: the profile of respondents, most are married 42 (58.3%) under the employment contract via Single Legal Regime 50 (69.4%) with mean age of 40 and having 16 years of service; and within a range of 0 to 100, the areas with better evaluation were the Social Relations (70.1) and psychological (67.5); already the worst were the Environment (57.4) and Physical (65.4). In the overall assessment, the average was 63.3 and staying below the national average (65-70). Thus, the professionals who were married obtained better scores, regardless of the category which is in the nursing team. Conclusions: The group is average, taking into account the standard deviation, but we can say that working conditions affect their profession, and these results allow the detection of the difficulties experienced by men of the nursing team, and can cooperate with the design strategies that benefit or minimize the search for conflicts that affect the health of these workers and their quality of life.
This work presents results, reflections, conclusions and considerations about the research entitled "Social representations of environmental education and objectivations in teaching practices in elementary school ". She intended to make known research whose objectives were to know the current environmental education framework (EA) developed by the teachers of the early years of elementary school of that city; identify their social representations about EA and the ways in which these representations are objectified in their teaching practices. Thus, the methodology is characterized by the qualitative approach; whose data collection instruments were the Free Evocation Questionnaire (QEV), the semi-structured interviews and documentary research. The QEV consists of free recall questions and essay questions, whose data is quantitative and qualitative. Data from this instrument were analyzed according to the procedures of the Structural Approach to Theory of Social Representations. In turn, the analysis of data obtained through the interview and reading the documents followed the guidelines of the Content Analysis method. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research was the Theory of Social Representations and critical approach to environmental education. Thus, the results obtained in the investigation allowed us to identify the social representations of EA of participants; confirm that such representations are being targeted in their pedagogical practices that are characterized as conservative. Also confirm that the teaching documents of the surveyed network are in line with the official documents on EA; the AE actions developed in the network are referenced in the teaching documents of the network and in the official documents of EA and the EA practices of survey participants teachers relate directly with their social representations on Environmental Education.