985 resultados para Democracia radical


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The first glycyl radical in an enzyme was described 20 years ago and since then the family of glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) has expanded to include enzymes catalysing five chemically distinct reactions. The type enzymes of the family, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase (RNRIII) and pyruvate formate lyase (PFL) had been studied long before it was known that they are GREs. Spectroscopic measurements on the radical and an observation that exposure to oxygen irreversibly inactivates the enzymes by cleavage of the protein proved that the radical is located on a particular glycine residue, close to the C-terminus of the protein. Both anaerobic RNRIII and PFL, are important for many anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria as RNRIII is responsible for the synthesis of DNA precursors and PFL catalyses a key metabolic reaction in glycolysis. The crystal structures of both were solved in 1999 and they revealed that, although the enzymes do not share significant sequence identity, they share a similar structure - the radical site and residues necessary for catalysis are buried inside a ten stranded $\ualpha $/$\ubeta $-barrel. GREs are synthesised in an inactive form and are post-translationally activated by an activating enzyme which uses S-adenosyl methionine and an iron-sulphur cluster to generate the radical. One of the goals of this thesis work was to crystallise the activating enzyme of PFL. This task is challenging as, like GREs, the activating component is inactivated by oxygen. The experiments were therefore carried out in an oxygen free atmosphere. This is the first report of a crystalline GRE activating enzyme. Recently several new GREs have been characterised, all sharing sequence similarity to PFL but not to RNRIII. Also, the genome sequencing projects have identified many PFL-like GREs of unknown function, usually annotated as PFLs. In the present thesis I describe the grouping of these PFL family enzymes based on the sequence similarity and analyse the conservation patterns when compared to the structure of E. coli PFL. Based on this information an activation route is proposed. I also report a crystal structure of one of the PFL-like enzymes with unknown function, PFL2 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. As A. fulgidus is a hyperthermophilic organism, possible mechanisms stabilising the structure are discussed. The organisation of an active site of PFL2 suggests that the enzyme may be a dehydratase. Keywords: glycyl radical, enzyme, pyruvate formate lyase, x-ray crystallography, bioinformatics


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Reaction of the bromoketals 3, 7a-g and 11 with tri-n-butyltin chloride and sodium cyanoborohydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of AIBN furnished the ethers 5, 8a-g and 13 via a tandem sequence comprising of a radical cyclisation reaction and tri-n-butylhalostannane and sodium cyanoborohydride mediated reductive demethoxylation of the resulting cyclic ketals.


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Formation of oxygen radicals during reduction of H2O2 or diperoxovanadate with vanadyl sulfate or ferrous sulfate was indicated by the 1:2:2:1 electron spin resonance (ESR) signals of the DMPO adduct typical of standard radical dotOH radical. Signals derived from diperoxovanadate remained unchanged in the presence of ethanol in contrast to those from H2O2. This gave the clue that they represent a different radical, possibly radical dotOV(O2)2+, formed on breaking a peroxo-bridge of diperoxovanadate complex. The above reaction mixtures evolved dioxygen or, when NADH was present, oxidized it rapidly which was accompanied by consumption of dioxygen. Operation of a cycle of peroxovanadates including this new radical is suggested to explain these redox activities both with vanadyl and ferrous sulfates. It can be triggered by ferrous ions released from cellular stores in the presence of catalytic amounts of peroxovanadates.


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A few simple three-atom thermoneutral radical exchange reactions (i.e. A + BC --> AB + C) are examined by ab initio SCF methods. Emphasis is laid on the detailed analysis of density matrices rather than on energetics. Results reveal that the sum of the bond orders of the breaking and forming bonds is not conserved to unity, due to development of free valence on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. Bond orders, free valence and spin densities on the atoms are calculated. The present analysis shows that the bond-cleavage process is always more advanced than the bond-formation process in the transition state. Further analysis shows a development of the negative spin density on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. The depletion of the alpha-spin density on the radical site "A" in the reactant during the reaction lags behind the growth of the alpha-spin density on the terminal atom "C" of the reactant bond, 'B-C' in the transition state. But all these processes are completed simultaneously at the end of the reaction. Hence, the reactions are asynchronous but kinetically concerted in most cases.


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A new strategy for the total synthesis of (±)-seychellene which involves (i) a regiospecific construction of a bicyclo(2.2.2)octene moiety having a methyl group at the bridgehead and (ii) a vinyl radical induced intramolecular Michael addition is described.


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Contrary to that of phenyl derivative 1 the radical 4 adds to radicophiles in an inter- followed by intra-molecular radical Michael addition (radical annulation), furnishing a novel route to chiral isotwistanes 5.


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Radical cyclization of the bromide Image , obtained in 5 steps from the ketone Image , furnished exclusively Image Image 6-endo trig cyclization with out any observable amount of 5-exo trig product Image . 5-Exo dig radical cyclizatlon of the bromo acetate Image , prepared from Image Image the aldehyde Image , followed by routine transformations furnished the cyclopentenone Image , an immediate precursor to β-cuparenone (Image ). Similarly, total synthesis of laurenes Image and Image was achieved Image the 5-exo dig radical cyclization of the xanthate Image , obtained from the aldehyde Image .Syntheses to title compounds based on 5-exo-dig radical cyclisation, along with two unsuccessful approaches to cuparene, are described.