185 resultados para Deadlines
Ohjelmistotuotannon yleinen ongelma on se, että toimitusprojektien läpivientiajat pitkittyvät. Kilpailun kiristyessä ohjelmistoalalla on alettu kiinnittää erityistä huomiota projektien eri vaiheiden tehostamiseen. Process Vision Oy kehittää energiatietojärjestelmiä Suomen energia-alan yrityksille. Yrityksessä on kehitetty vuonna 2010 palvelumalli, jonka avulla pyritään nopeuttamaan toimitusprojektien eri vaiheita. Valtioneuvosto valmisteli vuonna 2009 tuntimittausasetuksen, joka määritti sääntöjä mittaustiedon hallintaan energia-alalla. Kyseisen asetuksen pohjalta Energiateollisuus julkaisi vuonna 2010 ohjeistuksen, joka selkeyttää asetuksen sisällön vaatimuksia jakeluverkonhaltijoille ja sähkön myyjille. Process Vision Oy on valmistellut ohjeistuksen pohjalta tuntimittauspaketin, joka sisältää ohjeistuksen mukaiset toiminnot GENERIS-järjestelmässä. Tässä diplomityössä määritellään Process Vision Oy:n palvelumallin mukaiset standardikomponentit tuntimittauspaketin toimitusprojekteja varten. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää mahdollisimman pitkälle tuotteistettu tuntimittauspaketin toimitus uusille ja vanhoille asiakkaille. Työn lopussa pohditaan miten hyvin palvelumalli soveltuu tuntimittauspaketin toimitusprojekteihin. Lisäksi työssä kartoitetaan yrityksessä käytössä olevien automatisointityökalujen kehitystarpeita. Työn tuloksena saatiin määriteltyä GENERIS-objektit ja konfiguraatiot, jotka toimitetaan tuntimittauspaketin mukana. Työn ohessa sisällytettiin yrityksen Suomen taseselvitysjärjestelmien asennusohjeeseen tuntimittauspaketin toiminnallisuuksien konfigurointi. Uusien vientimäärittelyjen avulla voidaan tuntimittauspaketin toiminnallisuudet toimittaa jatkossa tehokkaammin kuin aiemmin.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
This thesis presents a novel design paradigm, called Virtual Runtime Application Partitions (VRAP), to judiciously utilize the on-chip resources. As the dark silicon era approaches, where the power considerations will allow only a fraction chip to be powered on, judicious resource management will become a key consideration in future designs. Most of the works on resource management treat only the physical components (i.e. computation, communication, and memory blocks) as resources and manipulate the component to application mapping to optimize various parameters (e.g. energy efficiency). To further enhance the optimization potential, in addition to the physical resources we propose to manipulate abstract resources (i.e. voltage/frequency operating point, the fault-tolerance strength, the degree of parallelism, and the configuration architecture). The proposed framework (i.e. VRAP) encapsulates methods, algorithms, and hardware blocks to provide each application with the abstract resources tailored to its needs. To test the efficacy of this concept, we have developed three distinct self adaptive environments: (i) Private Operating Environment (POE), (ii) Private Reliability Environment (PRE), and (iii) Private Configuration Environment (PCE) that collectively ensure that each application meets its deadlines using minimal platform resources. In this work several novel architectural enhancements, algorithms and policies are presented to realize the virtual runtime application partitions efficiently. Considering the future design trends, we have chosen Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) and Network on Chips (NoCs) to test the feasibility of our approach. Specifically, we have chosen Dynamically Reconfigurable Resource Array (DRRA) and McNoC as the representative CGRA and NoC platforms. The proposed techniques are compared and evaluated using a variety of quantitative experiments. Synthesis and simulation results demonstrate VRAP significantly enhances the energy and power efficiency compared to state of the art.
Creativity is important to the growth and development of society, to educational institutions, and to the personal growth of individuals. Students who are aware of their creativity are assumed to have innovative ideas and fresh insights. Limited research has been conducted to see if students can identify their own creative abilities. In this study, I explored the students' perceptions and experiences in a fashion design course. This study documented the creative journey from the concept stage of an apparel collection to the final product. Participants were asked to reflect and document their creative moments, describe a creative process, and identify a creative environment. The participants were students who were enrolled in a fashion design course and were asked to participate in this study because they experienced all stages of the design process. Data were collected through personal reflection surveys, focus groups, and personal interviews. Themes of creative moments that emerged from this study were experiences that the participants had as they proceeded through the stages of the fashion design process. All of the participants identified a creative process, but the stages varied for each participant The participants identified themes related to promoting creativity in an environment, including the atmosphere, creative people, teachers, reflection, student needs, and assignments. The participants identified potential barriers in an environment, including rules and guidelines, teachers, the classroom, deadlines and time, feedback, and other important issues. The results ofthis study suggest that there needs to be a better understanding of creativity and greater support and encouragement for creativity in the classroom. Instructors need to support environments that are conducive to creative development and lead to effective learning for students. Students need to learn how to enhance their creativity as well as understand the barriers that block their creative development.
[RÉSUMÉ FRANÇAIS] Les Services documentaires adaptés aux personnes handicapées (SDAPH) de l'Université de Montréal ont pour objectif de rendre la documentation matériellement et intellectuellement accessible dans les délais les plus courts. Dans les locaux des SDAPH, plusieurs équipements adaptés sont disponibles et utilisés tant par le personnel que par les étudiants, afin de permettre la conversion des documents sous la forme convenant à chaque étudiant. Le personnel qualifié initie les personnes handicapées à l'utilisation des différents équipements adaptés à leurs besoins. Il voit à ce que chaque étudiant ait accès le plus tôt possible aux documents qui lui sont nécessaires, dans le respect de son échéancier académique et avec le support qui convient à son handicap.
Dans le développement logiciel en industrie, les documents de spécification jouent un rôle important pour la communication entre les analystes et les développeurs. Cependant, avec le temps, les changements de personel et les échéances toujours plus courtes, ces documents sont souvent obsolètes ou incohérents avec l'état effectif du système, i.e., son code source. Pourtant, il est nécessaire que les composants du système logiciel soient conservés à jour et cohérents avec leurs documents de spécifications pour faciliter leur développement et maintenance et, ainsi, pour en réduire les coûts. Maintenir la cohérence entre spécification et code source nécessite de pouvoir représenter les changements sur les uns et les autres et de pouvoir appliquer ces changements de manière cohérente et automatique. Nous proposons une solution permettant de décrire une représentation d'un logiciel ainsi qu'un formalisme mathématique permettant de décrire et de manipuler l'évolution des composants de ces représentations. Le formalisme est basé sur les triplets de Hoare pour représenter les transformations et sur la théorie des groupes et des homomorphismes de groupes pour manipuler ces transformations et permettrent leur application sur les différentes représentations du système. Nous illustrons notre formalisme sur deux représentations d'un système logiciel : PADL, une représentation architecturale de haut niveau (semblable à UML), et JCT, un arbre de syntaxe abstrait basé sur Java. Nous définissons également des transformations représentant l'évolution de ces représentations et la transposition permettant de reporter les transformations d'une représentation sur l'autre. Enfin, nous avons développé et décrivons brièvement une implémentation de notre illustration, un plugiciel pour l'IDE Eclipse détectant les transformations effectuées sur le code par les développeurs et un générateur de code pour l'intégration de nouvelles représentations dans l'implémentation.
Objetivo: Determinar condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de cuatro hospitales de primer nivel y dos de segundo nivel en el departamento del Quindío - Colombia 2012. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con una muestra de 577 trabajadores del sector sanitario de cuatro hospitales de primer nivel y dos de segundo nivel en el departamento de Quindío – Colombia mediante la recolección de datos demográficos y la aplicación de las siguientes encuestas: “Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo” del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo de España (INSHT), en su versión validada para el idioma español: “Irritation Index”. Con fines de analizar la información obtenida se creó una base de datos con base en lo contenido en las encuestas válidas y se realizaron tablas dinámicas en Excel Resultados: participaron 577 trabajadores hospitalarios, encontrándose un 72% de personal femenino y un 28% de personal masculino con una relación H:M 2:6. De la población total encuestada, un 72% corresponde a trabajadores del área asistencial y un 28% al área administrativa. Se encontró una alta percepción de riesgo ergonómico (manejo de cargas, 81%, movimientos repetitivos 91%, posturas forzadas, 49%). Los síntomas osteomusculares referidos fueron: dolor cervical 20%, dolor en región dorsal media 17%, dolor en el hombro 62%, dolor en muñeca 27% y dolor en codo 10%. En la percepción de carga mental y factores de riesgo psicosocial se observó que el 92% de los trabajadores requiere un alto nivel de atención en la ejecución de sus tareas, el 77%, debe atender varias tareas al mismo tiempo, el 52% realiza tarea complejas, el 49% ve necesario esconder sus emociones en el sitio de trabajo, el 13% considera que su trabajo es excesivo, el 43% manifiesta la necesidad de trabajar rápido en el desarrollo de sus funciones, el 69% trabaja con plazos estrictos muy cortos el66% considera que el ritmo de trabajo está determinado por plazos temporales a cumplir. Por otro lado se encuentra una adecuada percepción de la autonomía (93-94%) en la escogencia del método de trabajo, ritmo de trabajo, establecimiento del orden de las tareas a cumplir. En general las relaciones interpersonales son percibidas de manera positiva encontrándose que el 98% recibe ayuda de sus compañeros y el 97% afirma contar con la ayuda de sus superiores. En cuanto a la violencia física en el lugar de trabajo se encuentra que un 6 % ha sido víctima de agresión por parte de personas ajenas al lugar de trabajo. En lo concerniente al percepción de la salud física, el 48% refiere un óptimo estado de salud, mientras que en lo referente a la salud mental se encuentra más frecuentemente alteraciones del sueño (20%), sensación de tensión (20%), tristeza y/o depresión (13%), dificultad para desconectarse del trabajo (15%). Discusión: En la población estudiada se encontró una alta percepción de condiciones ergonómicas inadecuadas dadas por posturas forzadas, manipulación de cargas y movimientos repetitivos, así como exposición a riesgo biológico y factores de riesgo psicosocial. Resulta importante destacar que los hallazgos obtenidos reflejan lo reportado en la literatura internacional y dejan de manifiesto la importancia de reflexionar sobre la necesidad de identificar los riesgos, sensibilizar a la población y de priorizar las actuaciones preventivas.
Introducción: Los conductores de transporte público, están expuesto a factores de riesgo ergonómicos y de condiciones de trabajo que pueden estar asociados a la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares, afectando su estado de salud. Objetivo: evaluar los factores de riesgo ergonómico y las condiciones de trabajo asociadas a sintomatología osteomuscular en conductores de una cooperativa del sector de transporte público. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal realizado a 158 conductores. La evaluación de las condiciones de trabajo se realizó por medio de la “Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo” y para la identificación de los síntomas y factores de riesgo ergonómicos, se usó el “Cuestionario Ergopar”. Resultados: La prevalencia de los síntomas osteomusculares fue mayor en espalda lumbar (41.1%), seguida del síntoma en cuello, hombros y/o espalda dorsal (36.7%). los factores asociados significativamente con la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares en cuello/hombros y/o espalda dorsal fueron: edad (p= 0.04) y el movimiento que realiza el cuello y la cabeza (p= 0.039); en espalda lumbar: intensidad del esfuerzo físico (p=0.011) y la frecuencia con la que la iluminación les permitía trabajar en una postura adecuada (p=0.025); en manos y muñecas: puesto de trabajo (p= 0.019), acción que realizan con las manos (p= 0.019), peso que manipulan (p=0.028), la frecuencia de huecos, aberturas, escaleras, plataformas y desniveles (p=0.021). Conclusiones: La morbilidad osteomuscular presentó una asociación mayor con las condiciones no ergonómicas (postura, manipulación de carga, movimientos repetitivos) y condiciones de trabajo (infraestructura de vías, velocidad del trabajo, plazos y metas para realizar el trabajo).
Background: Currently, all pharmacists and technicians registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain must complete a minimum of nine Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record (entries) each year. From September 2010 a new regulatory body, the General Pharmaceutical Council, will oversee the regulation (including revalidation) of all pharmacy registrants in Great Britain. CPD may provide part of the supporting evidence that a practitioner submits to the regulator as part of the revalidation process. Gaps in knowledge necessitated further research to examine the usefulness of CPD in a pharmacy revalidation Project aims: The overall aims of this project were to summarise pharmacy professionals’ past involvement in CPD, examine the usability of current CPD entries for the purpose of revalidation, and to examine the impact of ‘revalidation standards’ and a bespoke Outcomes Framework on the conduct and construction of CPD entries for future revalidation of pharmacy professionals. We completed a comprehensive review of the literature, devised, validated and tested the impact of a new CPD Outcomes Framework and related training material in an empirical investigation involving volunteer pharmacy professionals and also spoke with our participants to bring meaning and understanding to the process of CPD conduct and recording and to gain feedback on the study itself. Key findings: The comprehensive literature review identified perceived barriers to CPD and resulted in recommendations that could potentially rectify pharmacy professionals’ perceptions and facilitate participation in CPD. The CPD Outcomes Framework can be used to score CPD entries Compared to a control (CPD and ‘revalidation standards’ only), we found that training participants to apply the CPD Outcomes Framework resulted in entries that scored significantly higher in the context of a quantitative method of CPD assessment. Feedback from participants who had received the CPD Outcomes Framework was positive and a number of useful suggestions were made about improvements to the Framework and related training. Entries scored higher because participants had consciously applied concepts linked to the CPD Outcomes Framework whereas entries scored low where participants had been unable to apply the concepts of the Framework for a variety of reasons including limitations posed by the ‘Plan & Record’ template. Feedback about the nature of the ‘revalidation standards’ and their application to CPD was not positive and participants had not in the main sought to apply the standards to their CPD entries – but those in the intervention group were more likely to have referred to the revalidation standards for their CPD. As assessors, we too found the process of selecting and assigning ‘revalidation standards’ to individual CPD entries burdensome and somewhat unspecific. We believe that addressing the perceived barriers and drawing on the facilitators will help deal with the apparent lack of engagement with the revalidation standards and have been able to make a set of relevant recommendations. We devised a model to explain and tell the story of CPD behaviour. Based on the concepts of purpose, action and results, the model centres on explaining two types of CPD behaviour, one following the traditional CE pathway and the other a more genuine CPD pathway. Entries which scored higher when we applied the CPD Outcomes Framework were more likely to follow the CPD pathway in the model above. Significant to our finding is that while participants following both models of practice took part in this study, the CPD Outcomes Framework was able to change people’s CPD behaviour to make it more inline with the CPD pathway. The CPD Outcomes Framework in defining the CPD criteria, the training pack in teaching the basis and use of the Framework and the process of assessment in using the CPD Outcomes Framework, would have interacted to improve participants’ CPD through a collective process. Participants were keen to receive a curriculum against which certainly CE-type activities could be conducted and another important observation relates to whether CE has any role to play in pharmacy professionals’ revalidation. We would recommend that the CPD Outcomes Framework is used in the revalidation of pharmacy professionals in the future provided the requirement to submit 9 CPD entries per annum is re-examined and expressed more clearly in relation to what specifically participants are being asked to submit – i.e. the ratio of CE to CPD entries. We can foresee a benefit in setting more regular intervals which would act as deadlines for CPD submission in the future. On the whole, there is value in using CPD for the purpose of pharmacy professionals’ revalidation in the future.
This paper aims to examine the perception of key actors regarding the costs and benefits that result from adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Ukraine. Authors showed that IFRS implementation impacts on internal reporting quality, the relationship with customers, creditors and shareholders, the access to international markets and external financing. They also indicated that financial managers have serious concerns about implementation costs related to the introduction of IFRS. These costs relate to training, instruction on IFRS adoption and translation of current IFRS, changes in software systems, double purpose accounting and deadlines for IFRS adoption and consulting services.
The financial crisis of 2007-2009 has precipitated large scale regulatory change. Tight deadlines for implementation require organizations to start working on remediation projects before final drafts of regulations are crystalized. Firms are faced with engaging in complex and costly change management programs at a time when profits are diminished. As a consequence of these factors, pre-crisis logics for organizing compliance practices are being questioned and new approaches introduced. Our study explores the use of Investment Management Systems (IMS) in facilitating compliance arrangements. Our motivation is to understand the new logics and the part played by IMS in supporting these approaches. The study adopts an institutional logics perspective to explore the use of such systems at eight financial organizations. The study found new logics for organizing compliance include consolidation, centralization, harmonization and consistency and that the IMS plays an important role in supporting and enabling related activities.
Kasparov-World, initiated by Microsoft and also sponsored by First USA, was a novel correspondence game played on the World Wide Web at one ply per day. This was the first time that any group had attempted to form on the Web and then solve shared problems against fixed, short-term deadlines. The first author first became involved in his role as a Web consultant, observing the dynamics and effectiveness of the group. These are fully described, together with observations on the technological contribution and the second author's post-hoc computation of some relevant Endgame Tables.
The 2008-2009 financial crisis and related organizational and economic failures have meant that financial organizations are faced with a ‘tsunami’ of new regulatory obligations. This environment provides new managerial challenges as organizations are forced to engage in complex and costly remediation projects with short deadlines. Drawing from a longitudinal study conducted with nine financial institutions over twelve years, this paper identifies nine IS capabilities which underpin activities for managing regulatory themed governance, risk and compliance efforts. The research shows that many firms are now focused on meeting the Regulators’ deadlines at the expense of developing a strategic, enterprise-wide connected approach to compliance. Consequently, executives are in danger of implementing siloed compliance solutions within business functions. By evaluating the maturity of their IS capabilities which underpin regulatory adherence, managers have an opportunity to develop robust operational architectures and so are better positioned to face the challenges derived from shifting regulatory landscapes.
En grafisk designer måste kunna producera oavsett vilka förhållanden som råder. Rapporten behandlar vad korta och långa deadlines har för inverkan på denna förmåga och hur kreativiteten kan främjas vid stressiga situationer. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer utfördes med åtta Art- och Creative directors i Gävledala-regionen för att undersöka hur de upplevde att vara kreativa under stressiga förhållanden. Resultatet visade att det generellt inte var ett problem för studiens respondenter att vara kreativa på beställning men att de inte heller följde några specifika metoder för att underlätta arbetsflödet. Det visade sig även att det snarare var arbetsbördan och mängden arbetsuppgifter som påverkade stressfaktorn än en specifik tidsram.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um método de desenvolvimento integrado baseado no paradigma de orientação a objetos, que visa abordar todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento de uma aplicação tempo real. Na fase de especificação o método proposto baseia-se no uso de restrições temporais padronizadas pelo perfil da UML-TR, sendo que uma alternativa de mapeamento destas restrições para o nível de programação é apresentada. Este mapeamento serve para guiar a fase de projeto, onde utilizou-se como alvo a interface de programação orientada a objetos denominada TAFT-API, a qual foi projetada para atuar junto ao ambiente de execução desenvolvido no âmbito desta tese. Esta API é baseada na especificação padronizada para o Java-TR. Este trabalho também discute o ambiente de execução para aplicações tempo real desenvolvido. Este ambiente faz uso da política de escalonamento tolerante a falhas denominada TAFT (Time-Aware Fault- Tolerant). O presente trabalho apresenta uma estratégia eficiente para a implementação dos conceitos presentes no escalonador TAFT, que garante o atendimento a todos os deadlines mesmo em situações de sobrecarga transiente. A estratégia elaborada combina algoritmos baseados no Earliest Deadline, sendo que um escalonador de dois níveis é utilizado para suportar o escalonamento combinado das entidades envolvidas. Adicionalmente, também se apresenta uma alternativa de validação dos requisitos temporais especificados. Esta alternativa sugere o uso de uma ferramenta que permite uma análise qualitativa dos dados a partir de informações obtidas através de monitoração da aplicação. Um estudo de caso baseado em uma aplicação real é usado para demonstrar o uso da metodologia proposta.