126 resultados para DIZZINESS
Surgical plugging and resurfacing are well established treatments of superior semicircular canal dehiscence, while capping with hydroxyapatite cement has been little discussed in literature. The aim of this study was to prove the efficacy of the capping technique. Charts of patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were reviewed retrospectively. All patients answered the dizziness handicap inventory, a survey analyzing the impact of their symptoms on their quality of life. Capping of the dehiscent canal was performed via the middle fossa approach in all cases. Ten out of 22 patients diagnosed with superior semicircular canal dehiscence were treated with surgical capping, nine of which were included in this study. No major perioperative complications occurred. In 8 out of 9 (89 %) patients, capping led to a satisfying reduction of the main symptoms. One patient underwent revision surgery 1 year after the initial intervention. Scores in the dizziness handicap inventory were lower in the surgically treated group than in the non-surgically treated group, but results were not statistically significant (P = 0.45). Overall, capping is a safe and efficient alternative to plugging and resurfacing of superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
The objectives of this study were a description of the practical implementation of the painless castration under inhalational anaesthesia with an objective assessment of animal welfare, workplace safety and time exposure. 600 questionnaires were sent to farmers all over Switzerland and 100 farms were visited during castration under inhalation anaesthesia. 44 % of the visited farmers administered analgetics during anaesthesia or less than 10 minutes before castration. 14 % of the piglets were insufficiently anaesthetised (moving or vocalising) and 18 % showed stronger bleeding tendency after castration. The mortality rate was less than 0.1 %. 22 % of the swine farmers reported headache or dizziness during or after castration work. The Isoflurane level on 2 farms was above the Swiss safety limits. The time needed for castration was with 4.3 minutes clearly above the time necessary without anaesthesia. The additional financial costs and time are at the moment not adequately compensated to the farmers.
Myoepithelioma is a dimorphic neoplasm with contractile-epithelial phenotype, originally interpreted as deriving from, but not actually restricted to the salivary glands. As a novel addition to the list of exquisitely rare intracranial salivary gland-type tumors and tumor-like lesions, we report on an example of myoepithelioma encountered in the left cerebellopontine angle of a 32-year-old male. Clinically presenting with ataxia and dizziness, this extraaxial mass of 4 × 3.5 × 3 cm was surgically resected, and the patient is alive 6 years postoperatively. Histologically, the tumor exhibited a continuum ranging from compact fascicles of spindle cells to epithelial nests and trabeculae partitioned by hyalinized septa, while lacking tubular differentiation. Regardless of architectural variations, there was robust immunoexpression of S100 protein, smooth muscle actin, GFAP, cytokeratin, and vimentin. Cytologic atypia tended to be modest throughout, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged less than 1%. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated no rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus. We interpret these results to suggest that myoepithelioma of the posterior fossa - along with related salivary epithelial tumors in this ostensibly incongruous locale - may possibly represent analogous neoplasms to their orthotopic counterparts, ones arising within aberrant salivary anlagen. The presence of the latter lends itself to being mechanistically accounted for by either postulating placodal remnants in the wake of branchial arch development, or linking them to exocrine glandular nests within endodermal cysts. Alternatively, myoepithelioma at this site could be regarded as a non tissue-specific lesion similar to its relatives ubiquitously occurring in the soft parts.
Objective: Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) is the most frequent form of acquired persisting fixation nystagmus with different symptoms such as unsteadiness of gait, postural instability, and blurred vision with reduced visual acuity (VA) and oscillopsia. However, different symptomatic therapeutic principles are required, such as 3,4-diaminopyridine and 4-aminopyridine, that effectively suppress DBN. Chlorzoxazone (CHZ) is a nonselective activator of small conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channels that modifies the activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells. We evaluated the effects of this agent on DBN in an observational proof-of-concept pilot study. Methods: Ten patients received CHZ 500 mg 3 times a day for 1 or 2 weeks. Slow-phase velocity of DBN, VA, postural sway, and the drug's side effects were evaluated. Recordings were conducted at baseline, 90 minutes after first administration, and after 1 or 2 weeks. Results: Mean slow-phase velocity significantly decreased from a baseline of 2.74°/s ± 2.00 to 2.29°/s ± 2.12 (mean ± SD) 90 minutes after first administration and to 2.04°/s ± 2.24 (p < 0.001; post hoc both p = 0.024) after long-term treatment. VA significantly increased and postural sway in posturography showed a tendency to decrease on medication. Fifty percent of patients did not report any side effects. The most common reported side effect was abdominal discomfort and dizziness. Conclusions: The treatment with the SK-channel activator CHZ is a potentially new therapeutic agent for the symptomatic treatment of DBN. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class IV evidence that CHZ 500 mg 3 times a day may improve eye movements and visual fixation in patients with DBN.
We investigated the effects of dalfampridine, the sustained-release form of 4-aminopyridine, on slow phase velocity (SPV) and visual acuity (VA) in patients with downbeat nystagmus (DBN) and the side effects of the drug. In this proof-of-principle observational study, ten patients received dalfampridine 10 mg bid for 2 weeks. Recordings were conducted at baseline, 180 min after first administration, after 2 weeks of treatment and after 4 weeks of wash-out. Mean SPV decreased from a baseline of 2.12 deg/s ± 1.72 (mean ± SD) to 0.51 deg/s ± 1.00 180 min after first administration of dalfampridine 10 mg and to 0.89 deg/s ± 0.75 after 2 weeks of treatment with dalfampridine (p < 0.05; post hoc both: p < 0.05). After a wash-out period of 1 week, mean SPV increased to 2.30 deg/s ± 1.6 (p < 0.05; post hoc both: p < 0.05). The VA significantly improved during treatment with dalfampridine. Also, 50 % of patients did not report any side effects. The most common reported side effects were abdominal discomfort and dizziness. Dalfampridine is an effective treatment for DBN in terms of SPV. It was well-tolerated in all patients.
AIMS γ-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is used as a treatment for narcolepsy and alcohol withdrawal and as recreational substance. Nevertheless, there are limited data on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of GHB in humans. We characterized the pharmacokinetic profile and exposure-psychotropic effect relationship of GHB in humans. METHODS Two oral doses of GHB (25 and 35 mg/kg) were administered to 32 healthy male subjects (16 for each dose) using a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over design. RESULTS Maximal concentrations of GHB were (geometric mean and 95%CI): 218 (176-270) nmol/ml and 453 (374-549) nmol/ml for the 25 and 35 mg/kg GHB doses, respectively. The elimination half-lives (mean ± SD) were 36 ± 9 and 39 ± 7 min and the AUC∞ values (geometric mean and 95%CI) were 15,747 (12,854-19,290) and 40,113 (33,093-48,622) nmol∙min/ml for the 20 and 35 mg/kg GHB doses, respectively. Thus, plasma GHB exposure (AUC0-∞ ) rose disproportionally (+40%) with the higher dose. γ-Hydroxybutyrate produced mixed stimulant-sedative effects, with a dose-dependent increase in sedation and dizziness. It did not alter heart rate or blood pressure. A close relationship between plasma GHB exposure and its psychotropic effects was found, with higher GHB concentrations associated with higher subjective stimulation, sedation, and dizziness. No clockwise hysteresis was observed in the GHB concentration effect plot over time (i.e., no acute pharmacological tolerance). CONCLUSION Evidence was found of a non-linear dose-exposure relationship (i.e., no dose proportionality) at moderate doses of GHB. The effects of GHB on consciousness were closely linked to its plasma exposure and exhibited no acute tolerance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
An unusual stroke-like clinical presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: acute vestibular syndrome
INTRODUCTION Vertigo and dizziness are common neurological symptoms in general practice. Most patients have benign peripheral vestibular disorders, but some have dangerous central causes. Recent research has shown that bedside oculomotor examinations accurately discriminate central from peripheral lesions in those with new, acute, continuous vertigo/dizziness with nausea/vomiting, gait unsteadiness, and nystagmus, known as the acute vestibular syndrome. CASE REPORT A 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department with acute vestibular syndrome for 1 week. The patient had no focal neurological symptoms or signs. The presence of direction-fixed, horizontal nystagmus suppressed by visual fixation without vertical ocular misalignment (skew deviation) was consistent with an acute peripheral vestibulopathy, but bilaterally normal vestibuloocular reflexes, confirmed by quantitative horizontal head impulse testing, strongly indicated a central localization. Because of a long delay in care, the patient left the emergency department without treatment. He returned 1 week later with progressive gait disturbance, limb ataxia, myoclonus, and new cognitive deficits. His subsequent course included a rapid neurological decline culminating in home hospice placement and death within 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed restricted diffusion involving the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. Spinal fluid 14-3-3 protein was elevated. The rapidly progressive clinical course with dementia, ataxia, and myoclonus plus corroborative neuroimaging and spinal fluid findings confirmed a clinicoradiographic diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. CONCLUSIONS To our knowledge, this is the first report of an initial presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease closely mimicking vestibular neuritis, expanding the known clinical spectrum of prion disease presentations. Despite the initial absence of neurological signs, the central lesion location was differentiated from a benign peripheral vestibulopathy at the first visit using simple bedside vestibular tests. Familiarity with these tests could help providers prevent initial misdiagnosis of important central disorders in patients presenting vertigo or dizziness.
OBJECTIVE Vestibular neuritis is often mimicked by stroke (pseudoneuritis). Vestibular eye movements help discriminate the two conditions. We report vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain measures in neuritis and stroke presenting acute vestibular syndrome (AVS). METHODS Prospective cross-sectional study of AVS (acute continuous vertigo/dizziness lasting >24 h) at two academic centers. We measured horizontal head impulse test (HIT) VOR gains in 26 AVS patients using a video HIT device (ICS Impulse). All patients were assessed within 1 week of symptom onset. Diagnoses were confirmed by clinical examinations, brain magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion-weighted images, and follow-up. Brainstem and cerebellar strokes were classified by vascular territory-posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) or anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA). RESULTS Diagnoses were vestibular neuritis (n = 16) and posterior fossa stroke (PICA, n = 7; AICA, n = 3). Mean HIT VOR gains (ipsilesional [standard error of the mean], contralesional [standard error of the mean]) were as follows: vestibular neuritis (0.52 [0.04], 0.87 [0.04]); PICA stroke (0.94 [0.04], 0.93 [0.04]); AICA stroke (0.84 [0.10], 0.74 [0.10]). VOR gains were asymmetric in neuritis (unilateral vestibulopathy) and symmetric in PICA stroke (bilaterally normal VOR), whereas gains in AICA stroke were heterogeneous (asymmetric, bilaterally low, or normal). In vestibular neuritis, borderline gains ranged from 0.62 to 0.73. Twenty patients (12 neuritis, six PICA strokes, two AICA strokes) had at least five interpretable HIT trials (for both ears), allowing an appropriate classification based on mean VOR gains per ear. Classifying AVS patients with bilateral VOR mean gains of 0.70 or more as suspected strokes yielded a total diagnostic accuracy of 90%, with stroke sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 92%. CONCLUSION Video HIT VOR gains differ between peripheral and central causes of AVS. PICA strokes were readily separated from neuritis using gain measures, but AICA strokes were at risk of being misclassified based on VOR gain alone.
BACKGROUND Primary hyperventilation is defined as a state of alveolar ventilation in excess of metabolic requirements, leading to decreased arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide. The primary aim of this study was to characterise patients diagnosed with primary hyperventilation in the ED. METHODS Our retrospective cohort study comprised adult (≥16 years) patients admitted to our ED between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2012 with the primary diagnosis of primary (=psychogenic) hyperventilation. RESULTS A total of 616 patients were eligible for study. Participants were predominantely female (341 [55.4%] female versus 275 [44.6%] male respectively, p <0.01). The mean age was 36.5 years (SD 15.52, range 16-85). Patients in their twenties were the most common age group (181, 29.4%), followed by patients in their thirties (121, 19.6%). Most patients presented at out-of-office hours (331 [53.7%]. The most common symptom was fear (586, 95.1%), followed by paraesthesia (379, 61.5%) and dizziness (306, 49.7%). Almost a third (187, 30.4%) of our patients had previously experienced an episode of hyperventilation and half (311, 50.5%) of patients had a psychiatric co-morbidity. CONCLUSION Hyperventilation is a diagnostic chimera with a wide spectrum of symptoms. Patients predominantly are of young age, female sex and often have psychiatric comorbidities. The severity of symptoms accompanied with primary hyperventilation most often needs further work-up to rule out other diagnosis in a mostly young population. In the future, further prospective multicentre studies are needed to evaluate and establish clear diagnostic criteria for primary hyperventilation and possible screening instruments.
The focus of this chapter is to study feature extraction and pattern classification methods from two medical areas, Stabilometry and Electroencephalography (EEG). Stabilometry is the branch of medicine responsible for examining balance in human beings. Balance and dizziness disorders are probably two of the most common illnesses that physicians have to deal with. In Stabilometry, the key nuggets of information in a time series signal are concentrated within definite time periods are known as events. In this chapter, two feature extraction schemes have been developed to identify and characterise the events in Stabilometry and EEG signals. Based on these extracted features, an Adaptive Fuzzy Inference Neural network has been applied for classification of Stabilometry and EEG signals.
Introducción: En 2009, 2 casos de convulsiones en adolescentes tras la administración de la vacuna tetravalente frente al virus del papiloma humano (VPH) generaron impacto mediático y afectaron negativamente la confianza del público en esta vacuna. Nuestros objetivos fueron describir las sospechas de reacciones adversas (SRA) notificadas al Centro Autonómico de Farmacovigilancia de la Comunidad Valenciana (CAFCV) tras la administración de la vacuna frente al VPH y comparar la tasa de notificación de síncope y convulsiones de esta vacuna con la de otras vacunas administradas en adolescentes. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de las notificaciones de SRA relacionadas con esta vacuna recibidas por el CAFCV entre 2007 y 2011. Resultados: Las manifestaciones clínicas más comunicadas fueron mareos, cefalea y síncope. Las tasas de notificación de síncope o pérdida de conciencia y convulsiones con la vacuna frente al VPH fueron de 17 y 3,2 por 100.000 dosis administradas, respectivamente, y de 15 y 1,6 para síncope o pérdida de conciencia y convulsiones sincopales ocurridas el día de la vacunación. Las tasas de notificación de síncope o pérdida de conciencia y convulsiones fueron de 6,4 y 0,4 para otras vacunas. Conclusiones: Las tasas de notificación de síncope o pérdida de conciencia y convulsiones fueron mayores para la vacuna frente al VPH que para otras vacunas administradas en adolescentes; esto es consistente con la atención mediática originada por la vacuna y con hallazgos de estudios previos. No obstante, la información obtenida sobre las SRA a la vacuna sugiere un buen perfil de seguridad.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Dizziness and or unsteadiness, associated with episodes of loss of balance, are frequent complaints in those suffering from persistent problems following a whiplash injury. Research has been inconclusive with respect to possible aetiology, discriminative tests and analyses used. The aim of this pilot research was to identify the test conditions and the most appropriate method for the analysis of sway that may differentiate subjects with persistent whiplash associated disorders (WAD) from healthy controls. The six conditions of the Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction in Balance was performed in both comfortable and tandem stance in 20 subjects with persistent WAD compared to 20 control subjects. The analyses were carried out using a traditional method of measurement, total sway distance, to results obtained from the use of wavelet analysis. Subjects with WAD were significantly less able to complete the tandem stance tests on a firm surface than controls. In comfortable stance, using wavelet analysis, significant differences between subjects with WAD and the control group were evident in total energy of the trace for all test conditions apart from eyes open on the firm surface. In contrast, the results of the analysis using total sway distance revealed no significant differences between groups across all six conditions. Wavelet analysis may be more appropriate for detecting disturbances in balance in whiplash subjects because the technique allows separation of the noise from the underlying systematic effect of sway. These findings will be used to direct future studies on the aeitiology of balance disturbances in WAD. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cervical joint position error (JPE) has been used as a measure of cervical afferent input to detect disturbances in sensori-motor control as a possible contributor to a neck pain syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cervical JPE, balance and eye movement control. It was of particular interest whether assessment of cervical ME alone was sufficient to signal the presence of disturbances in the two other tests. One hundred subjects with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) and 40 healthy controls subjects were assessed on measures of cervical JPE, standing balance and the smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNT). The results indicated that over all subjects, significant but weak-to-moderate correlations existed between all comfortable stance balance tests and both the SPNT and rotation cervical ME tests. A weak correlation was found between the SPNT and right rotation cervical JPE. An abnormal rotation cervical JPE score had a high positive prediction value (88%) but low sensitivity (60%) and specificity (54%) to determine abnormality in balance and or SPNT test. The results suggest that in patients with persistent WAD, it is not sufficient to measure ME alone. All three measures are required to identify disturbances in the postural control system. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.