165 resultados para Cytokinesis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld (M.hirtum) is a plant known as 'jacarandá-bico-de-pato' whose bark is commonly used against diarrhea, cough and cancer. The aim of this study was to phytochemically characterise the hydroethanolic extract of this plant, investigate its antimutagenic activities using the Ames test and evaluate its effects on cell viability, genomic instability, gene expression and cell protection in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2). Antimutagenic activity was assessed by simultaneous pre- and post-treatment with direct and indirect mutagens, such as 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (NPD), mitomycin C (MMC), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), using the Ames test, cytokinesis blocking micronucleus and apoptosis assays. Only 3 of the 10 concentrations evaluated in the MTT assay were cytotoxic in HepG2 cells. Micronucleated or apoptotic cells were not observed with any of the tested concentrations, and there were no mutagenic effects in the bacterial system. However, the Nuclear Division Index and flow cytometry data showed a decrease in cell proliferation. The extract showed an inhibitory effect against direct (NPD) and indirect mutagens (B[a]P and AFB1). Furthermore, pre- and post-treated cells showed significant reduction in the number of apoptotic and micronucleated cells. This effect is not likely to be associated with the modulation of antioxidant genes, as shown by the RT-qPCR results. Six known flavonoids were identified in the hydroethanolic extract of Machaerium hirtum leaves, and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and spectrophotometric methods. The presence of the antioxidants apigenin and luteolin may explain these protective effects, because these components can inhibit the formation of reactive species and prevent apoptosis and DNA damage. In conclusion, the M.hirtum extract showed chemopreventive potential and was not hazardous at the tested concentrations in the experiments presented here. Moreover, this extract should be investigated further as a chemopreventive agent.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Erythrosine (ErB) is a xanthene and an US Food and Drug Administration approved dye used in foods, drugs and cosmetics. Although its utilization is permitted, ErB is described as inhibitor of enzymes and protein-protein interactions and is toxic to pituitary and spermatogenesis processes. However, the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of ErB is inconclusive in the literature. This study aimed to analyze the genotoxicity of this dye using the alkaline comet assay and is the first investigation to evaluate ErB mutagenicity using the cytokinesis block micronucleus cytome (CBMN-Cyt) assay in HepG2 cells. These cells were chosen because they produce phase I and phase II enzymes that can mimic in vivo metabolism. The cells were treated with seven concentrations (0.1-70.0 mu g mL(-1)) of ErB, and the results showed genotoxicity at the two highest concentrations and mutagenicity at six concentrations. Furthermore, as micronuclei result from clastogenic and aneugenic processes, while comet assay is often considered more sensitive and detects DNA single strain breaks, we suggest that an aneugenic is responsible for the observed damage. Although ErB is approved for use in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, it must be used carefully because it damages the DNA structure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Septins are a conserved group of GTP-binding proteins that form hetero-oligomeric complexes which assemble into filaments. These are essential for septin function, including their role in cytokinesis, cell division, exocytosis and membrane trafficking. Septin 2 (SEPT2) is a member of the septin family and has been associated with neurofibrillary tangles and other pathological features of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease. An in silico analysis of the amino acid sequence of SEPT2 identified regions with a significant tendency to aggregate and/or form amyloid. These were all observed within the GTP-binding domain. This was consistent with the experimental identification of a structure rich in beta-sheet during temperature induced unfolding transitions observed for both the full length protein and the GTP-binding domain alone. This intermediate state is characterized by irreversible aggregation and has the ability to bind Thioflavin-T, suggesting its amyloid nature. Under electron microscopy, fibers extending for several micrometers in length could be visualized. The results shown in this study support the hypothesis that single septins, when present in excess or with unbalanced stoichiometries, may be unstable and assemble into amyloid-like structures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Die Morphogenese einer Pflanzenzelle wird in großem Maße durch die Dynamik kortikaler Mikrotubuli (MT) bestimmt, die auf die Zellwandsynthese Einfluß nehmen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Transkriptmengen der alpha-Tubulin-Isotypen und des gamma-Tubulin während der Entwicklung des Gerstenblattes analysiert, um Zusammenhänge zu bereits beschriebenen Umwandlungen im kortikalen MT-Cytoskelett der Mesophyllzellen aufzudecken. Erstmals konnte bei einer höheren Pflanze die Genexpression auf RNA-Ebene innerhalb einer Tubulin-Multigenfamilie im Verlauf der Blattentwicklung umfassend dargestellt werden.Es wurden blattspezifische cDNA-Bibliotheken erstellt und mittels RT-PCR homologe DNA-Gensonden für die Screeningprozesse der cDNA-Bibliotheken hergestellt. cDNA-Sequenzen von alpha-, beta-, und gamma-Tubulin konnten isoliert werden. Weitere, weniger abundante alpha-Tubulin-Sequenzen wurden während zusätzlicher Screeningrunden über PCR-Ausschluß häufig vertretener, bereits bekannter Isotypen isoliert.Die cDNA-Sequenzen von insgesamt fünf verschiedenen Isotypen des alpha-Tubulin konnten aufgeklärt werden, drei Isotypen wiesen bis zu fünf im nicht kodierenden 3´-Bereich verkürzte Varianten auf, die aber in ihrer Anzahl deutlich unterrepräsentiert waren. Die abgeleiteten Aminosäuresequenzen umfassten bei drei Isotypen 451 Aminosäuren (AS), zwei Isotypen waren im C-Terminus um eine bzw. um zwei AS kürzer. Die fünf alpha-Tubulin-Isotypen wiesen charakteristische Expressionsmuster auf, die in drei Klassen unterteilbar waren. Die Isotypen HVATUB1 und HVATUB5 (MT-Band-Isotypen) hatten den maximalen Gehalt in Blattbereichen, in denen auch hauptsächlich Mesophyllzellen mit kortikalen MT-Bänderungen vorkommen, wobei HVATUB5 den am schwächsten exprimierte Isotyp darstellte. HVATUB3 (Random-MT-Isotyp) zeigte die stärksten Expressionsraten. Die im Meristem und meristemnahen Bereichen bereits recht hohe Abundanz erreichte erst nach der Zellstreckungszone in einer Blattzone das Maximum, in dem hauptsächlich Mesophyllzellen mit zerstreut angeordneten MT anzutreffen sind. Die Isotypen HVATUB2 und HVATUB4 (MImax-Isotypen) waren in mitotisch aktiven, basalen Blattbereichen dominant.Die cDNA-Sequenz vom gamma-Tubulin der Gerste, HVGTUB, wurde ermittelt; die abgeleitete Aminosäuresequenz bestand aus 469 AS. Das Auftreten einer im nicht kodierenden 3´-Bereich kürzeren Variante konnte erstmals bei pflanzlichem gamma-Tubulin beschrieben werden. Southernblot-Analysen ließen darauf schließen, daß gamma-Tubulin nur als Einzelkopie im Genom der Gerste vorkommt. gamma-Tubulin wurde im mitosereichen Meristem der Blattbasis am stärksten exprimiert. Da die Abnahme der Transkriptmenge weitaus langsamer verlief als die Abnahme der Zellteilungsaktivität, ist anzunehmen, daß gamma-Tubulin neben der Erfüllung von mitose- und zellteilungsspezifischen Funktionen auch eine Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der Dynamik des kortikalen MT-Cytoskeletts spielt. Einen ersten Schritt zur Aufklärung der Genfamilie des beta-Tubulin bei Gerste stellt die Isolierung drei verschiedener cDNA-Sequenzen von beta-Tubulin dar.


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Scopo: L’obiettivo del presente programma di studio è stato quello di identificare e validare nuovi possibili bersagli terapeutici per l’osteosarcoma (OS) partendo dall’analisi del chinoma umano. Risultati: L’analisi del profilo di espressione genica ottenuta su 21 campioni clinici di OS ad alto grado di malignità ha permesso di selezionare le seguenti chinasi di possibile rilevanza biologica per l’OS: AURK-A, AURK-B, CDK2, PIK3CA, PLK-1. Le chinasi selezionate sono state validate tramite RNA interference. Successivamente è stata valutata l’efficacia dei relativi inibitori specifici: VX-680 e ZM-447439 inibitori delle Aurora-chinasi, Roscovitina di CDK2 e NMS1 di PLK-1, già inclusi in studi clinici. In termini d’inibizione della crescita cellulare le linee sono risultate maggiomente sensibili ai farmaci VX-680 e NMS1. E’ stata osservata una minor sensibilità ai farmaci VX-680, ZM447439 e NMS1 nelle linee doxorubicina(DX)-resistenti (caratterizzate da elevati livelli di espressione di ABCB1), indicando questi farmaci come potenziali substrati di ABCB1. La Roscovitina, nonostante i valori di IC50 elevati, non sembrerebbe substrato di ABCB1. La validazione preclinica di VX-680 e ZM447439 è stata completata. La forte inibizione della crescita è causata da endoreduplicazione per mancata citodieresi con conseguente formazione di una popolazione iperploide e apoptosi. Inoltre, VX-680 inibisce la motilità e la capacità di formare colonie. Esperimenti di associazione farmacologica mostrano che VX-680 interagisce positivamente con tutti i chemioterapici convenzionali impiegati nel trattamento dell’OS. NMS-1 produce interazioni positive con la DX in linee cellulari DX-resistenti, probabilmente grazie all’effetto revertante esercitato su ABCB1. La Roscovitina produce interazioni positive con CDDP e DX nelle varianti resistenti, effetto probbilmente dovuto al ruolo di CDK2 nei meccanismi di riparo del DNA. Conclusioni: L’analisi in vitro dell’attività degli inibitori ha permesso di identificare VX-680 come nuovo farmaco di potenziale interesse clinico, soprattutto in virtù delle sue interazioni sinergiche con i chemioterapici di uso convenzionale nel trattamento dell’osteosarcoma.


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In recent years, several surveys have highlighted the presence of the rodent carcinogen furan in a variety of food items. Even though the evidence of carcinogenicity of furan is unequivocal, the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. In particular, the role of genotoxicity in furan carcinogenicity is still not clear, even though this information is considered pivotal for the assessment of the risk posed by the presence of low doses of furan in food. In this work, the genotoxic potential of furan in vivo has been investigated in mice, under exposure conditions similar to those associated with cancer onset in the National Toxicology Program long-term bioassay. To this aim, male B6C3F1 mice were treated by gavage for 4 weeks with 2, 4, 8 and 15 mg furan/kg b.w./day. Spleen was selected as the target organ for genotoxicity assessment, in view of the capability of quiescent splenocytes to accumulate DNA damage induced by repeat dose exposure. The induction of primary DNA damage in splenocytes was evaluated by alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) and by the immunofluorescence detection of foci of phosphorylated histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX). The presence of cross-links was probed in a modified comet assay, in which cells were irradiated in vitro with gamma-rays before electrophoresis. Chromosome damage was quantitated through the detection of micronuclei in mitogen-stimulated splenocytes using the cytokinesis-block method. Micronucleus induction was also assessed with a modified protocol, using the repair inhibitor 1-beta-arabinofuranosyl-cytosine to convert single-strand breaks in micronuclei. The results obtained show a significant (P < 0.01) increase of gamma-H2AX foci in mitogen-stimulated splenocytes of mice treated with 8 and 15 mg furan/kg b.w. and a statistically significant (P < 0.001) increases of micronuclei in binucleated splenocytes cultured in vitro. Conversely, no effect of in vivo exposure to furan was observed when freshly isolated quiescent splenocytes were analysed by immunofluorescence and in comet assays, both with standard and radiation-modified protocols. These results indicate that the in vivo exposure to furan gives rise to pre-mutagenic DNA damage in resting splenocytes, which remains undetectable until it is converted in frank lesions during the S-phase upon mitogen stimulation. The resulting DNA strand breaks are visualized by the increase in gamma-H2AX foci and may originate micronuclei at the subsequent mitosis.


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The liver stage of the Plasmodium parasite remains one of the most promising targets for intervention against malaria as it is clinically silent, precedes the symptomatic blood stage and represents a bottleneck in the parasite life cycle. However, many aspects of the development of the parasite during this stage are far from understood. During the liver stage, the parasite undergoes extensive replication, forming tens of thousands of infectious merozoites from each invading sporozoite. This implies a very efficient and accurate process of cytokinesis and thus also of organelle development and segregation. We have generated for the first time Plasmodium berghei double-fluorescent parasite lines, allowing visualization of the apicoplast, mitochondria and nuclei in live liver stage parasites. Using these we have seen that in parallel with nuclear division, the apicoplast and mitochondrion become two extensively branched and intertwining structures. The organelles then undergo impressive morphological and positional changes prior to cell division. To form merozoites, the parasite undergoes cytokinesis and the complex process of organelle development and segregation into the forming daughter merozoites could be analysed in detail using the newly generated transgenic parasites.