938 resultados para Currency forecast errors
OBJECTIVE: To access the incidence of diagnostic errors in the initial evaluation of children with cardiac murmurs. METHODS: We evaluated our 7-years of experience in a public pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic. Of 3692 patients who were sent to the hospital, 2603 presented with a heart murmur and were investigated. Patients for whom a disagreement existed between the initial and final diagnoses were divided into the following 2 groups: G1 (n=17) with an initial diagnosis of an innocent murmur and a final diagnosis of cardiopathy, and G2 (n=161) with an initial diagnosis of cardiopathy and a final diagnosis of a normal heart. RESULTS: In G1, the great majority of patients had cardiac defects with mild hemodynamic repercussions, such as small ventricular septal defect and mild pulmonary stenosis. In G2, the great majority of structural defects were interventricular communication, atrial septal defect and pulmonary valve stenosis. CONCLUSION: A global analysis demonstrated that diagnostic error in the initial evaluation of children with cardiac murmurs is real, reaching approximately 6% of cases. The majority of these misdiagnoses were in patients with an initial diagnosis of cardiopathy, which was not confirmed through later complementary examinations. Clinical cardiovascular examination is an excellent resource in the evaluation of children suspected of having cardiopathy. Immediate outpatient discharge of children with an initial diagnosis of an innocent heart murmur seems to be a suitable approach.
Los eventos transitorios únicos analógicos (ASET, Analog Single Event Transient) se producen debido a la interacción de un ión pesado o un protón de alta energía con un dispositivo sensible de un circuito analógico. La interacción del ión con un transistor bipolar o de efecto de campo MOS induce pares electrón-hueco que provocan picos que pueden propagarse a la salida del componente analógico provocando transitorios que pueden inducir fallas en el nivel sistema. Los problemas más graves debido a este tipo de fenómeno se dan en el medioambiente espacial, muy rico en iones pesados. Casos típicos los constituyen las computadoras de a bordo de satélites y otros artefactos espaciales. Sin embargo, y debido a la continua contracción de dimensiones de los transistores (que trae aparejado un aumento de sensibilidad), este fenómeno ha comenzado a observarse a nivel del mar, provocado fundamentalmente por el impacto de neutrones atmosféricos. Estos efectos pueden provocar severos problemas a los sistemas informáticos con interfaces analógicas desde las que obtienen datos para el procesamiento y se han convertido en uno de los problemas más graves a los que tienen que hacer frente los diseñadores de sistemas de alta escala de integración. Casos típicos son los Sistemas en Chip que incluyen módulos de procesamiento de altas prestaciones como las interfaces analógicas.El proyecto persigue como objetivo general estudiar la susceptibilidad de sistemas informáticos a ASETs en sus secciones analógicas, proponiendo estrategias para la mitigación de los errores.Como objetivos específicos se pretende: -Proponer nuevos modelos de ASETs basados en simulaciones en el nivel dispositivo y resueltas por el método de elementos finitos.-Utilizar los modelos para identificar las secciones más propensas a producir errores y consecuentemente para ser candidatos a la aplicación de técnicas de endurecimiento a radiaciones.-Utilizar estos modelos para estudiar la naturaleza de los errores producidos en sistemas de procesamiento de datos.-Proponer soluciones novedosas para la mitigación de estos efectos en los mismos circuitos analógicos evitando su propagación a las secciones digitales.-Proponer soluciones para la mitigación de los efectos en el nivel sistema.Para llevar a cabo el proyecto se plantea un procedimiento ascendente para las investigaciones a realizar, comenzando por descripciones en el nivel físico para posteriormente aumentar el nivel de abstracción en el que se encuentra modelado el circuito. Se propone el modelado físico de los dispositivos MOS y su resolución mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. La inyección de cargas en las zonas sensibles de los modelos permitirá determinar los perfiles de los pulsos de corriente que deben inyectarse en el nivel circuito para emular estos efectos. Estos procedimientos se realizarán para los distintos bloques constructivos de las interfaces analógicas, proponiendo estrategias de mitigación de errores en diferentes niveles.Los resultados esperados del presente proyecto incluyen hardware para detección de errores y tolerancia a este tipo de eventos que permitan aumentar la confiabilidad de sistemas de tratamiento de la información, así como también nuevos datos referentes a efectos de la radiación en semiconductores, nuevos modelos de fallas transitorias que permitan una simulación de estos eventos en el nivel circuito y la determinación de zonas sensibles de interfaces analógicas típicas que deben ser endurecidas para radiación.
We present a model of learning in which agents learn from errors. If an action turns out to be an error, the agent rejects not only that action but also neighboring actions. We find that, keepng memory of his errors, under mild assumptions an acceptable solution is asymptotically reached. Moreover, one can take advantage of big errors for a faster learning.
This paper studies behavior in experiments with a linear voluntary contributions mechanism for public goods conducted in Japan, the Netherlands, Spain and the USA. The same experimental design was used in the four countries. Our 'contribution function' design allows us to obtain a view of subjects' behavior from two complementary points of view. If yields information about situations where, in purely pecuniary terms, it is a dominant strategy to contribute all the endowment and about situations where it is a dominant strategy to contribute nothing. Our results show, first, that differences in behavior across countries are minor. We find that when people play "the same game" they behave similarly. Second, for all four countries our data are inconsistent with the explanation that subjects contribute only out of confusion. A common cooperative motivation is needed to explain the date.
Among the largest resources for biological sequence data is the large amount of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) available in public and proprietary databases. ESTs provide information on transcripts but for technical reasons they often contain sequencing errors. Therefore, when analyzing EST sequences computationally, such errors must be taken into account. Earlier attempts to model error prone coding regions have shown good performance in detecting and predicting these while correcting sequencing errors using codon usage frequencies. In the research presented here, we improve the detection of translation start and stop sites by integrating a more complex mRNA model with codon usage bias based error correction into one hidden Markov model (HMM), thus generalizing this error correction approach to more complex HMMs. We show that our method maintains the performance in detecting coding sequences.
This paper contributes to the on-going empirical debate regarding the role of the RBC model and in particular of technology shocks in explaining aggregate fluctuations. To this end we estimate the model’s posterior density using Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) methods. Within this framework we extend Ireland’s (2001, 2004) hybrid estimation approach to allow for a vector autoregressive moving average (VARMA) process to describe the movements and co-movements of the model’s errors not explained by the basic RBC model. The results of marginal likelihood ratio tests reveal that the more general model of the errors significantly improves the model’s fit relative to the VAR and AR alternatives. Moreover, despite setting the RBC model a more difficult task under the VARMA specification, our analysis, based on forecast error and spectral decompositions, suggests that the RBC model is still capable of explaining a significant fraction of the observed variation in macroeconomic aggregates in the post-war U.S. economy.
Block factor methods offer an attractive approach to forecasting with many predictors. These extract the information in these predictors into factors reflecting different blocks of variables (e.g. a price block, a housing block, a financial block, etc.). However, a forecasting model which simply includes all blocks as predictors risks being over-parameterized. Thus, it is desirable to use a methodology which allows for different parsimonious forecasting models to hold at different points in time. In this paper, we use dynamic model averaging and dynamic model selection to achieve this goal. These methods automatically alter the weights attached to different forecasting models as evidence comes in about which has forecast well in the recent past. In an empirical study involving forecasting output growth and inflation using 139 UK monthly time series variables, we find that the set of predictors changes substantially over time. Furthermore, our results show that dynamic model averaging and model selection can greatly improve forecast performance relative to traditional forecasting methods.
The implications of local currency pricing (LCP) for monetary regime choice are analysed for a country facing foreign monetary shocks. In this analysis expenditure switching is potentially welfare reducing. This contrasts with the existing LCP literature, which focuses on productivity shocks and thus analyses a world where expenditure switching is welfare enhancing. This paper shows that, when home and foreign producers follow LCP, expenditure switching is absent and a floating rate is preferred by the home country. But when only home producers follow LCP, expenditure switching is present and a fixed rate can be welfare enhancing for the home country.
We study a psychologically based foundation for choice errors. The decision maker applies a preference ranking after forming a 'consideration set' prior to choosing an alternative. Membership of the consideration set is determined both by the alternative specific salience and by the rationality of the agent (his general propensity to consider all alternatives). The model turns out to include a logit formulation as a special case. In general, it has a rich set of implications both for exogenous parameters and for a situation in which alternatives can a¤ect their own salience (salience games). Such implications are relevant to assess the link between 'revealed' preferences and 'true' preferences: for example, less rational agents may paradoxically express their preference through choice more truthfully than more rational agents.
This paper provides a modelling framework for evaluating the exchange rate dynamics of a target zone regime with undisclosed bands. We generalize the literature to allow for asymmetric one-sided regimes. Market participants' beliefs concerning an undisclosed band change as they learn more about central bank intervention policy. We apply the model to Hong Kong's one-sided currency board mechanism. In autumn 2003, the Hong Kong dollar appreciated from close to 7.80 per US dollar to 7.70, as investors feared that the currency board would be abandoned. In the wake of this appreciation, the monetary authorities finally revamped the regime as a symmetric two-sided system with a narrow exchange rate band.
Block factor methods offer an attractive approach to forecasting with many predictors. These extract the information in these predictors into factors reflecting different blocks of variables (e.g. a price block, a housing block, a financial block, etc.). However, a forecasting model which simply includes all blocks as predictors risks being over-parameterized. Thus, it is desirable to use a methodology which allows for different parsimonious forecasting models to hold at different points in time. In this paper, we use dynamic model averaging and dynamic model selection to achieve this goal. These methods automatically alter the weights attached to different forecasting model as evidence comes in about which has forecast well in the recent past. In an empirical study involving forecasting output and inflation using 139 UK monthly time series variables, we find that the set of predictors changes substantially over time. Furthermore, our results show that dynamic model averaging and model selection can greatly improve forecast performance relative to traditional forecasting methods.
In this paper we investigate the ability of a number of different ordered probit models to predict ratings based on firm-specific data on business and financial risks. We investigate models based on momentum, drift and ageing and compare them against alternatives that take into account the initial rating of the firm and its previous actual rating. Using data on US bond issuing firms rated by Fitch over the years 2000 to 2007 we compare the performance of these models in predicting the rating in-sample and out-of-sample using root mean squared errors, Diebold-Mariano tests of forecast performance and contingency tables. We conclude that initial and previous states have a substantial influence on rating prediction.
The monetary policy reaction function of the Bank of England is estimated by the standard GMM approach and the ex-ante forecast method developed by Goodhart (2005), with particular attention to the horizons for inflation and output at which each approach gives the best fit. The horizons for the ex-ante approach are much closer to what is implied by the Bank’s view of the transmission mechanism, while the GMM approach produces an implausibly slow adjustment of the interest rate, and suffers from a weak instruments problem. These findings suggest a strong preference for the ex-ante approach.
The monetary policy reaction function of the Bank of England is estimated by the standard GMM approach and the ex-ante forecast method developed by Goodhart (2005), with particular attention to the horizons for inflation and output at which each approach gives the best fit. The horizons for the ex-ante approach are much closer to what is implied by the Bank’s view of the transmission mechanism, while the GMM approach produces an implausibly slow adjustment of the interest rate, and suffers from a weak instruments problem. These findings suggest a strong preference for the ex-ante approach.