992 resultados para Cultos afro-brasileiros


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The Lucumi religion (also Santeria and Regla de Ocha) developed in 19th-century colonial Cuba, by syncretizing elements of Catholicism with the Yoruba worship of orisha. When fully initiated, santeros (priests) actively participate in religious ceremonies by periodically being possessed or "mounted" by a patron saint or orisha, usually within the context of a drumming ritual, known as a toque de santo, bembe, or tambor. Within these rituals, there is a clearly defined goal of trance possession, though its manifestation is not the sole measure of success or failure. Rather than focusing on the fleeting, exciting moments that immediately precede the arrival of an orisha in the form of a possession trance, this thesis investigates the entire four- to six-hour musical performance that is central to the ceremony. It examines the brief pauses, the moments of reduced intensity, the slow but deliberate build-ups of energy and excitement, and even the periods when novices are invited to perform the sacred bata drums, and places these moments on an equal footing with the more dynamic periods where possession is imminent or in progress. This document approaches Lucumi ritual from the viewpoint of bata drummers, ritual specialists who, during the course of a toque de santo, exercise wide latitude in determining the shape of the event. Known as omo Ana (children of the orisha Ana who is manifest in drums and rhythms), bata drummers comprise a fraternity that is accessible only through ritual initiation. Though they are sensitive to the desires of the many participants during a toque de santo, and indeed make their living by satisfying the expectations of their hosts, many of the drummers' activities are inwardly focused on the cultivation and preservation of this fraternity. Occasionally interfering with spirit possession, and other expectations of the participants, these aberrant activities include teaching and learning, developing group identity or signature sound, and achieving a state of intimacy among the musicians known as "communitas."


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The journalistic boom that occurred in Argentina from the second half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of an active afroporteña press that defend the interests of the black community. This paper, in addition to reviewing the history of the Afro-Argentines newspapers, emphasizes the role played by the elite of African descent in the promotion of modernity among his brothers, while exploring the possible bases for an identity in the ideas spread.


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La iniciativa del Encuenlro "Búsqueda de Espacios para la Vida" surge en el contexto de la vociferada globalización, que no es otra cosa que la homogenización cultural e ideológica, de acuerdo a un único patrón de referencia: el capitalismo neoliberal. Este capitalismo excluyente, idolátrico y salvaje, pretende imponer una forma de vida a su imágen y semejanza, sin tomar en cuenta que Abia Yala es un continente ricamente pluricultural y plurinacional. Francis Fukuyama, anunció el fin de la historia, con la desaparición de las contradicciones ideológicas que caracterizó la guerra fría: socialismo y capitalismo, este y oeste. El pensamiento neoliberal se fortaleció con los postulados de Karl Popper sobre la desaparición de las utoplas, es decir, de los sueños y las esperanzas. En tanto esa sensación caracteriza la neo-modernidad, desde lo profundo de la historia de los pueblos de Abia yala surgen contingentes, multitudes de organizaciones de indígenas y negros haciendo prevalecer sus esperanzas y utopías. En el fragor de los levantamientos de indígenas, de negros y de campesinos del Ecuador se percibe con gran nitidez la certeza de construir el "chaupi tutapi Pacarimun", el"amanecer en la mitad de la noche'. Las luchas de los pueblos de Chiapas y HaitÍ son hermosas lecciones de culturas de esperanza y obstinación por construir nuevas espacios de vida acordes con sus dernandas y propuestas histórico- culturales.


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Rizóbios microssimbiontes da soja; Introdução de estirpes nos solos brasileiros; Adaptação das estirpes de B. japonicum / B. elkanii aos solos brasileiros; Competitividade das estirpes de B elkanii SEMIA 587 e 29 W; Competitividade das estirpes do sorogrupo SEMIA 566 de B. japonicum; Variabilidade nas estirpes de Bradyrhizobium após a introdução nos solos brasileiros; Transferência horizontal de genes entre estirpes inoculantes e rizóbios indígenas ou naturalizados nos solos brasileiros.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação, especialização em Estudos dos Media e Jornalismo


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O objecto de estudo deste trabalho é a construção da identidade masculina afro-americana, e representação desta no cinema liberal de Hollywood. Isolam-se três momentos de particular relevo: o período do cinema mudo antes da Primeira Guerra Mundial, os anos 1960-70 e por fim, a década de 1990. Traçar-se-á um percurso analítico que examina obras-chave da história do cinema comercial de Hollywood bem como manifestações do cinema independente afro-americano entabulando um diálogo permanente com o contexto histórico e social, nomeadamente a luta pelos direitos civis, a afirmação do Black Power, traduzida cinematograficamente na Blaxploitation, para finalmente se concentrar em Boyz n the Hood escolhido como sintomático de um impulso regenerativo das representações masculinas afro-americanas, sob forte ataque dos media populares nas últimas décadas do século XX.


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Based on bibliographical research and the analysis of court rulings, this study investigates the characterization of slave-like labor by Brazilian courts. After the alteration of article 149 of the Brazilian Penal Code, introduced by Law nº 10.803/2003, which typifies the practice of contemporary slavery in Brazil, divergent characterizations of this practice remain. The courts currently employ the broadest concept of contemporary slave labor, in which the crime is characterized by the engagement in one of the following conducts established as a criminal offense: labor with the restriction of freedom, submission to exhaustive working conditions, degrading working conditions, and debt bondage. The engagement in one of the above is therefore enough to constitute a crime. Contemporary slave labor in Brazil is not characterized only by the restriction of the worker’s freedom, as in the case of forced labor or debt bondage, but also through the submission of the workers to situations that offend their human dignity. Individual freedom and the dignity of the human person, fundamental tenets of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, are juridical resources safeguarded by law. Contemporary slavery is not limited to the mere infringement of labor laws, but represents a severe violation of the human rights of the workers involved.