888 resultados para Criminal procedure.
Este texto pretende desarrollar una propuesta de interpretación restrictiva de la aplicación del sistema de circunstancias de agravación de la responsabilidad en el Derecho penal colombiano, con especial acento en las circunstancias genéricas de agravación punitiva, teniendo como referente interpretativo el principio constitucional de non bis in ídem
La conformidad procesal es una de las manifestaciones más importantes del principio de oportunidad. Éste, en relación constante con el principio de legalidad, tiende a la agilización y el recorte de los trámites procesales, sin perjuicio de las garantías esenciales del procedimiento penal. Debido a sus ventajas se ha instalado tanto en el modelo norteamericano, a través del «plea bargaining», como en el modelo continental europeo.
W artykule przedstawiono istniejące w polskiej procedurze karnej formy konsensualizmu procesowego. Opisane zostały przesłanki wystąpienia z wnioskami o skazanie bez rozprawy (art. 335 § 1 i 2 Kodeksu postępowania karnego), warunki dobrowolnego poddania się odpowiedzialności karnej oraz instytucji przewidzianej w art. 338a Kodeksu postępowania karnego. Przedstawiona została również ewolucja uprawnień osoby pokrzywdzonej przestępstwem w kontekście rozwiązań konsensualnych oraz realizacja celów postępowania karnego w odniesieniu do wspomnianych trybów. Uwzględniając zmiany wprowadzone przez ostatnie nowelizacje podkreślono rolę porozumień, wskazując ich liczne zalety, zastosowanie w praktyce oraz konsekwencje, jakie wywołują w kolejnych etapach procesu. Zwrócono także uwagę na postępowanie mediacyjne, jak również na przejawy porozumień procesowych w innych aktach prawnych, do których należy zaliczyć między innymi umorzenie restytucyjne.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
As medidas cautelares e de polícia podem ser encaradas como um direito de primeira intervenção, uma vez que permitem a actuação dos órgãos de polícia criminal logo após terem obtido conhecimento da notícia do crime, mas a priori da intervenção das autoridades judiciárias. Como são um espaço de iniciativa própria dos órgãos de polícia criminal, mesmo depois da intervenção das autoridades judiciárias, em que estes podem aplicar medidas que contendem com os direitos fundamentais dos cidadãos, importa esclarecer os limites da extensibilidade da sua competência própria ao longo do processo penal. O n.º 3 do artigo 249.º do Código de Processo Penal indica de forma vaga que “mesmo após a intervenção da autoridade judiciária, cabe aos órgãos de polícia criminal assegurar novos meios de prova de que tiverem conhecimento, sem prejuízo de deverem dar deles notícia imediata àquela autoridade”, mas não especifica em que fase processual (ou fases processuais) é aplicável, nem a que tipo de meios de prova se refere. A ambiguidade da norma pode conduzir a interpretações que violem princípios constitucionais a que a Polícia, enquanto órgão da Administração Pública, deve obedecer na sua actuação, pelo que urge esclarecer o alcance do n.º 3 do artigo 249.º do Código de Processo Penal.
Frente a una nueva postura no solo dentro del sistema penal ecuatoriano sino en la mayoría de las legislaciones latinoamericanas, con orígenes europeos y norteamericanos, se encuentra una política criminal de agilidad, eficiencia, negociación, eficacia y rapidez, tendiente a solucionar los conflictos penales que a diario se ventilan mediante procedimientos especiales, distintos al procedimiento tradicional llamado Procedimiento Ordinario. Es por ello que el presente trabajo busca analizar y establecer en base al Código Orgánico Integral Penal los procedimientos especiales, particularizando nuestro estudio en el Procedimiento Abreviado, en relación a su normativa, aplicación, efectividad, haciendo un análisis conciso sobre sus antecedentes, naturaleza y sustanciación, sosteniendo en base a principios constitucionales la correcta y adecuada aplicación de éste novedoso procedimiento. Para tal propósito, es necesario dentro del Capítulo I tratar el Proceso Penal y su reseña histórica en el Ecuador seguida por un análisis de los principios constitucionales, para luego, en el Capítulo II hacer referencia a los sujetos procesales que intervienen en el procedimiento penal; el Capítulo lll trata sobre los procedimientos especiales, finalizando en el Capítulo IV con el estudio del Procedimiento Abreviado como tal.
La tesi approfondisce gli aspetti problematici del rapporto tra processo penale e informazione giornalistica. Si è così ritenuto opportuno suddividere la ricerca in due sezioni, una casistica, l’altra prettamente teorica. Nella sezione teorica si è posta l’attenzione sulle questioni più dibattute: tutela della verginità cognitiva del giudice, dei segreti processuali, della libertà di cronaca, della riservatezza di quanti siano anche solo occasionalmente accostati ad un’indagine penale, dell’autodeterminazione delle persone che partecipano al processo e del sereno svolgimento di quest’ultimo. Il fine ultimo è stato quello di porre sotto esame gli attuali equilibri delineati dal codice. Laddove si è potuta osservare una inadeguatezza legislativa si è tentato di avanzare una proposta di riforma. Sul punto, da un lato si sono potute osservare alcune incongruenze oggi riscontrabili nell’art. 114 c.p.p. Il tutto nella ritrovata consapevolezza che il dilemmatico rapporto tra processo e mass media può rischiare finanche di impattare sulle dinamiche probatorie, col serio rischio di inquinamento di alcune prove dichiarative. Il futuribile testimone esposto all’influenza dell’opinione pubblica può restarne scosso o turbato, al punto da potere soffrire di un’alterazione mnemonica del suo ricordo. Non per ultimo, di ausilio si è mostrata la prospettiva comparata, dalla quale si sono potuti trarre validi spunti per una ideale soluzione dei problemi passati in rassegna. Su questo versante, si è osservato il sistema spagnolo, interessati a cogliere gli equilibri costituzionali sui quali si erge il rapporto tra libertà di cronaca e processo penale e le regole codicistiche in tema di propalazione di atti giudiziari all’opinione pubblica iberica. All’esito, si sono potute trarre le conclusioni ripercorse nel testo.
La tesi si prefigge di far luce sui rapporti intercorrenti tra il procedimento applicativo delle misure di prevenzione personale di competenza giudiziale e il processo penale. Nello specifico, l’obiettivo è quello di mettere in evidenza tanto le interferenze, quanto le somiglianze e le inaccettabili divergenze tra i due riti. Nonostante dall’art. 29 cod. ant. traspaia un’apparente indifferenza tra azione penale e azione di prevenzione, infatti, le due sfere di tutela sono così intrecciate da rendere estremamente difficile sostenere che l’una in qualche modo non sia almeno condizionata dall’andamento dell’altra. Il fatto poi che l’unica disposizione contenente la disciplina del procedimento preventivo rinvii, per quanto non espressamente previsto e sempreché vi sia compatibilità, a quella dell’incidente di esecuzione ex art. 666 c.p.p., rimarca la vicinanza con il rito penale; una vicinanza che obbliga dottrina e giurisprudenza a interrogarsi per comprendere se almeno le principali tra le regole e i principi dettati per il processo penale possano valere anche per quello di prevenzione. Il cuore del lavoro sarà dunque dedicato a questa controversa opera di ricostruzione, al fine di individuare le garanzie che devono (o almeno dovrebbero) essere riconosciute al proposto.
Nowadays, cities deal with unprecedented pollution and overpopulation problems, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are supporting them in facing these issues and becoming increasingly smart. IoT sensors embedded in public infrastructure can provide granular data on the urban environment, and help public authorities to make their cities more sustainable and efficient. Nonetheless, this pervasive data collection also raises high surveillance risks, jeopardizing privacy and data protection rights. Against this backdrop, this thesis addresses how IoT surveillance technologies can be implemented in a legally compliant and ethically acceptable fashion in smart cities. An interdisciplinary approach is embraced to investigate this question, combining doctrinal legal research (on privacy, data protection, criminal procedure) with insights from philosophy, governance, and urban studies. The fundamental normative argument of this work is that surveillance constitutes a necessary feature of modern information societies. Nonetheless, as the complexity of surveillance phenomena increases, there emerges a need to develop more fine-attuned proportionality assessments to ensure a legitimate implementation of monitoring technologies. This research tackles this gap from different perspectives, analyzing the EU data protection legislation and the United States and European case law on privacy expectations and surveillance. Specifically, a coherent multi-factor test assessing privacy expectations in public IoT environments and a surveillance taxonomy are proposed to inform proportionality assessments of surveillance initiatives in smart cities. These insights are also applied to four use cases: facial recognition technologies, drones, environmental policing, and smart nudging. Lastly, the investigation examines competing data governance models in the digital domain and the smart city, reviewing the EU upcoming data governance framework. It is argued that, despite the stated policy goals, the balance of interests may often favor corporate strategies in data sharing, to the detriment of common good uses of data in the urban context.
Mode of access: Internet.
In order for young people to meaningfully participate in the criminal justice system they must possess an understanding of their rights and legal procedures. To examine their understanding, 50 young people between the ages of 13-17 who received an extrajudicial sanction or were sentenced to probation, were recruited from the Finch Courthouse in Toronto, Ontario. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants regarding their understanding of their due process rights and their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Youth who indicated involvement in plea bargaining were also asked about their experiences during this procedure. In addition, the present study examined youths' perceptions of power differences in their interactions with criminal justice officials working within an institution that has tremendous control over offenders' lives. The results indicate that while youth seem to have some understanding oftheir rights and legal procedures, they nevertheless feel ill-equipped to invoke their rights in an adult-led criminal justice system. Furthermore, while past literature has often conceptualized youth understanding based on age (e.g., Crawford & Bull, 2006) the findings of the present study demonstrate that while age plays some role, the lack of power experienced by youth vis-a-vis adults, and specifically criminal justice professionals, has the most bearing on the inability of youth to exercise their rights.
The thesis, prepared with basis on deductive reasoning (through the utilization of general concepts of the fundamental rights theory) and on inductive logic (by means of the consideration of particular situations in which the theme has been approached) deals with the criminal investigation and the prohibition of anonymity in the Brazilian law system. The state criminal investigation activity presents not only a substantial constitutional basis, due to the objective dimension of fundamental rights (which imposes an obligation to protect these essential values), but also a formal constitutional basis, arising from the administrative principles of rule of law, morality and efficiency, referred to in article 37 of the Constitution. The criminal investigation, however, is not an unlimited pursuit, being restrained by the duty to consider fundamental rights that oppose to its realization. One of the limits of the state investigation activity, in the Brazilian law system, is the prohibition of anonymity, referred to in article 5°, IV, of the Constitution. This prohibition is a direct constitutional restriction to the freedom of expression that aims to ensure the credibility of the diffusion of ideas and prevent the abusive exercise of this fundamental right, which could harm both persons and the state, with no possibility of punishment to the offending party. Generally, based on this prohibition, it is affirmed that a criminal investigation cannot begin and progress founded on anonymous communication of crimes. Informations about crimes to the investigative authorities require the correct identification of the stakeholders. Therefore, it is sustained that the prohibition of anonymity also comprehends the prohibition of utilization of pseudonyms and heteronyms. The main purpose of this essay is to recognize the limits and possibilities in starting and conducting criminal investigations based on communication of crimes made by unidentified persons, behind the veil of anonymity or hidden by pseudonyms or heteronyms. Although the prohibition of article 5°, IV, of the Constitution is not submitted to direct or indirect constitutional restrictions, this impediment can be object of mitigation in certain cases, in attention to the constitutional values that support state investigation. The pertinence analysis of the restrictions to the constitutional anonymity prohibition must consider the proportionality, integrated by the partial elements of adequacy, necessity and strict sense proportionality. The criminal investigation is a means to achieve a purpose, the protection of fundamental rights, because the disclosure of facts, through the investigatory activity, gives rise to the accomplishment of measures in order to prevent or punish the violations eventually verified. So, the start and the development of the state criminal investigation activity, based on a crime communication carried out by an unidentified person, will depend on the demonstration that the setting up and continuity of an investigation procedure, in each case, are an adequate, necessary and (in a strict sense) proportional means to the protection of fundamental rights
It is conceivable that criminal proceedings cause psychological harm to the crime victims involved, that is, cause secondary victimization. To investigate this hypothesis, negative and positive effects of criminal proceedings were investigated, as perceived by 137 victims of violent crimes who were involved in trials several years previously. Trial outcome and procedure variables were measured as potential causes of secondary victimization. Results show a high proportion of victims reporting overall negative effects. Powerful predictors were outcome satisfaction and procedural justice, but not subjective punishment severity, interactional justice, and psychological stress by criminal proceedings. The practical implications of the results pertain to whether victims should be advised to report the crime to the police or not, and to appropriate prevention and intervention measures of secondary victimization by criminal proceedings.