974 resultados para Copper vapor laser irradiation


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Calcium fluoride (CaF2) is one of the key lens materials in deep-ultraviolet microlithography because of its transparency at 193 nm and its nearly perfect optical isotropy. Its physical and chemical properties make it applicable for lens fabrication. The key feature of CaF2 is its extreme laser stability. rnAfter exposing CaF2 to 193 nm laser irradiation at high fluences, a loss in optical performance is observed, which is related to radiation-induced defect structures in the material. The initial rapid damage process is well understood as the formation of radiation-induced point defects, however, after a long irradiation time of up to 2 months, permanent damage of the crystals is observed. Based on experimental results, these permanent radiation-induced defect structures are identified as metallic Ca colloids.rnThe properties of point defects in CaF2 and their stabilization in the crystal bulk are calculated with density functional theory (DFT). Because the stabilization of the point defects and the formation of metallic Ca colloids are diffusion-driven processes, the diffusion coefficients for the vacancy (F center) and the interstitial (H center) in CaF2 are determined with the nudged elastic band method. The optical properties of Ca colloids in CaF2 are obtained from Mie-theory, and their formation energy is determined.rnBased on experimental observations and the theoretical description of radiation-induced point defects and defect structures, a diffusion-based model for laser-induced material damage in CaF2 is proposed, which also includes a mechanism for annealing of laser damage. rn


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of CO2 laser treatment through topically applied amine fluoride solution on demineralised enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty extracted human molar crowns were selected and cut longitudinally into half. One half was subjected to a 10-day pH-cycling procedure to create caries-like lesions, whereas the other was left non-demineralised. The following treatments were randomly assigned (one treatment per tooth, on respective non-demineralised and demineralised matched specimens): exposure to a 1% amine fluoride solution for 15 s without irradiation (group I), irradiation for 15 s with a continuous-wave CO2 laser (group II), or laser-treatment for 15 s through the amine fluoride solution applied immediately beforehand (group III). Fluoride uptake (n = 30) and acid resistance (n = 30) were determined after treatment. Enamel surface alterations after laser irradiation were monitored using scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: In groups I and III, an increased fluoride uptake was detected (p < or = 0.05). Laser irradiation through topical fluoride resulted in an increased acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel specimens in deeper layers (p < or = 0.05). In addition, less surface alterations were observed in SEM examination of specimens irradiated through the amine fluoride solution compared with counterparts treated with laser only. CONCLUSIONS: CO2 laser light application through an amine fluoride solution may be instrumental in enhancing acid resistance of sound and demineralised enamel.


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When aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods are irradiated with a pulsing laser (808 nm), pressure waves appear even at low frequencies (pulse repetition rate of 25 kHz). We found that the pressure wave amplitude depends on the dynamics of the phenomenon. For fixed concentration and average laser current intensity, the amplitude of the pressure waves shows a trend of increasing with the pulse slope and the pulse maximum amplitude.We postulate that the detected ultrasonic pressure waves are a sort of shock waves that would be generated at the beginning of each pulse, because the pressure wave amplitude would be the result of the positive interference of all the individual shock waves.


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Optical hyperthermia systems based on the laser irradiation of gold nanorods seem to be a promising tool in the development of therapies against cancer. After a proof of concept in which the authors demonstrated the efficiency of this kind of systems, a modeling process based on an equivalent thermal-electric circuit has been carried out to determine the thermal parameters of the system and an energy balance obtained from the time-dependent heating and cooling temperature curves of the irradiated samples in order to obtain the photothermal transduction efficiency. By knowing this parameter, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatments, thanks to the possibility of predicting the response of the device depending on the working configuration. As an example, the thermal behavior of two different kinds of nanoparticles is compared. The results show that, under identical conditions, the use of PEGylated gold nanorods allows for a more efficient heating compared with bare nanorods, and therefore, it results in a more effective therapy.


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We have used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a novel method to investigate the causes of colour changes in a reddish limestone under irradiation by a Q-switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser. We irradiated clean dry and wet surfaces of Pidramuelle Roja, a building stone frequently used in the Asturian heritage, at fluences ranging from 0.12 to 1.47 J cm−2. We measured the colour coordinates and undertook XPS analysis of the state of oxidation of iron both before and after irradiation. Visible colour changes and potential aesthetic damage occurred on dry surfaces from a fluence of 0.31 J cm−2, with the stone showing a greening effect and very intense darkening. The colour change on dry surfaces was considerably higher than on wet surfaces, which at the highest fluence (1.47 J cm−2) was also above the human visual detection threshold. The use of XPS demonstrated that the change in colour (chroma and hue) is associated with a reduction in the iron oxidation state on dry surfaces during laser irradiation. This points out to a potential routinary use of XPS to analyse causes of colour changes during laser cleaning in other types of coloured building stones.


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We have observed a positive change or refractive index and formation of waveguides in YAG:Cr4+ crystals, exposed to a high-intensity femtosecond laser beam. The technique is potentially suitable for fabrication of waveguide lasers in crystal materials.


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Biomembrane transformations are closely related to many biological processes including endo/exocytosis and the cellular response to the local physical environment. In this work, we investigated the transformation between lipid membranes and lipid vesicles/tubes modulated by the solid substrate of graphene oxide (GO) aggregates under laser irradiation. We firstly fabricate a novel type of lipid@GO composite consisting of micrometer-sized GO aggregates surrounded by lamellar lipid membranes. Upon laser irradiation, lipid protrusion occurs and leads to the formation of vesicles adsorbed on the GO aggregate surface, with an average size as 0.43 times of the radius of GO aggregate. Both the location and the dynamic formation process of vesicles can be modulated. The arising of vesicles prefers to occur at edges of the GO planes rather than on surface of individual GO sheets within the GO aggregate. Furthermore, at a reduced laser power density, the lipid protrusion mainly grows to tubes instead of vesicles. Such transformations from lipid membrane to vesicles and tubes is ascribed to the reduction of GO to reduced-GO (rGO) under laser irradiation, probably along with the release of gases leading to the deformation of lipid membrane surrounding the GO surface.


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Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation


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Ag particles were generated on Ag+-doped polyimide film by laser direct writing, followed by selective copper deposition using the metallic silver particles as seeds. Laser irradiation caused in situ reduction and agglomeration of silver on the polyimide film. The copper lines were less uniform and compact with higher scanning velocity and the width of the deposited copper line could reach 25 mu m. Equations of the relationship between scanning velocity and connectivity of the deposited copper patterns have been derived. The process was characterised by AFM, XPS, SEM, and semiconductor characterisation system.