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Cover title: Beauty spots of Niagara & vicinity.
On cover: Niagara.
Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont actuellement caractérisés par une triade d'altérations, incluant un dysfonctionnement social, des déficits de communication et des comportements répétitifs. L'intégration simultanée de multiples sens est cruciale dans la vie quotidienne puisqu'elle permet la création d'un percept unifié. De façon similaire, l'allocation d'attention à de multiples stimuli simultanés est critique pour le traitement de l'information environnementale dynamique. Dans l'interaction quotidienne avec l'environnement, le traitement sensoriel et les fonctions attentionnelles sont des composantes de base dans le développement typique (DT). Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des critères diagnostiques actuels, les difficultés dans les fonctions attentionnelles et le traitement sensoriel sont très courants parmi les personnes autistes. Pour cela, la présente thèse évalue ces fonctions dans deux études séparées. La première étude est fondée sur la prémisse que des altérations dans le traitement sensoriel de base pourraient être à l'origine des comportements sensoriels atypiques chez les TSA, tel que proposé par des théories actuelles des TSA. Nous avons conçu une tâche de discrimination de taille intermodale, afin d'investiguer l'intégrité et la trajectoire développementale de l'information visuo-tactile chez les enfants avec un TSA (N = 21, âgés de 6 à18 ans), en comparaison à des enfants à DT, appariés sur l’âge et le QI de performance. Dans une tâche à choix forcé à deux alternatives simultanées, les participants devaient émettre un jugement sur la taille de deux stimuli, basé sur des inputs unisensoriels (visuels ou tactiles) ou multisensoriels (visuo-tactiles). Des seuils différentiels ont évalué la plus petite différence à laquelle les participants ont été capables de faire la discrimination de taille. Les enfants avec un TSA ont montré une performance diminuée et pas d'effet de maturation aussi bien dans les conditions unisensorielles que multisensorielles, comparativement aux participants à DT. Notre première étude étend donc des résultats précédents d'altérations dans le traitement multisensoriel chez les TSA au domaine visuo-tactile. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avions évalué les capacités de poursuite multiple d’objets dans l’espace (3D-Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT)) chez des adultes autistes (N = 15, âgés de 18 à 33 ans), comparés à des participants contrôles appariés sur l'âge et le QI, qui devaient suivre une ou trois cibles en mouvement parmi des distracteurs dans un environnement de réalité virtuelle. Les performances ont été mesurées par des seuils de vitesse, qui évaluent la plus grande vitesse à laquelle des observateurs sont capables de suivre des objets en mouvement. Les individus autistes ont montré des seuils de vitesse réduits dans l'ensemble, peu importe le nombre d'objets à suivre. Ces résultats étendent des résultats antérieurs d'altérations au niveau des mécanismes d'attention en autisme quant à l'allocation simultanée de l'attention envers des endroits multiples. Pris ensemble, les résultats de nos deux études révèlent donc des altérations chez les TSA quant au traitement simultané d'événements multiples, que ce soit dans une modalité ou à travers des modalités, ce qui peut avoir des implications importantes au niveau de la présentation clinique de cette condition.
Many 3D objects in the world around us are strongly constrained. For instance, not only cultural artifacts but also many natural objects are bilaterally symmetric. Thoretical arguments suggest and psychophysical experiments confirm that humans may be better in the recognition of symmetric objects. The hypothesis of symmetry-induced virtual views together with a network model that successfully accounts for human recognition of generic 3D objects leads to predictions that we have verified with psychophysical experiments.
Firms’ compensation practices affect the protection of investors’ interests and the degree of economic inequality by changing the stakes of engaging in appropriation activities versus respecting the status quo. We use a general equilibrium model where workers can either work peacefully or join a guerrilla movement that expropriates entrepreneurs. If workers are peaceful, they receive a competitive wage. If they join a guerrilla movement, they receive a share of the appropriated wealth, which depends positively on the number of guerrilla members. In this framework, we find one low-income, low-wage equilibrium with guerrilla activity and one peaceful, high-income, high-wage equilibrium. The peaceful equilibrium can be reached through redistribution policies, which can be implemented at the firm level. In essence, through their compensation policies entrepreneurs, not the state might be able to protect their assets against expropriation and simultaneously control the internal principal-agent problem.
Des del seu descobriment, a la molècula C60 se li coneixen una varietat de derivats segons el tipus de funcionalització amb propietats fisicoquímiques específiques de gran interès científic. Una sel·lecció de derivats corresponents a addicions simple o múltiple al C60 s'ha considerat en aquest treball d'investigació. L'estudi a nivell de química computacional de diversos tipus d'addició al C60 s'han portat a terme per tal de poder donar resposta a aspectes que experimentalment no s'entenen o són poc clars. Els sistemes estudiats en referència a l'addició simple al C60 han estat en primer lloc els monoiminoful·lerens, C60NR, (de les dues vies proposades per la seva síntesi, anàlisis cinètic i termodinàmic han ajudat a explicar els mecanismes de formació i justificar l'addició a enllaços tipus [5,6]), i en segon lloc els metanoful·lerens i els hidroful·lerens substituits, C60CHR i C60HR, (raons geomètriques, electròniques, energètiques i magnètiques justifiquen el diferent caràcter àcid ente ambdós derivats tenint en compte una sèrie de substituents R amb diferent caràcter electrònic donor/acceptor). Els fluoroful·lerens, C60Fn, i els epoxid ful·lerens, C60On, (anàlisi sistemàtic dels seus patrons d'addició en base a poder justificar la força que els governa han aportat dades complementàries a les poques que existeixen experimentalment al respecte).
Genetic parameters and breeding values for dairy cow fertility were estimated from 62 443 lactation records. Two-trait analysis of fertility and milk yield was investigated as a method to estimate fertility breeding values when culling or selection based on milk yield in early lactation determines presence or absence of fertility observations in later lactations. Fertility traits were calving interval, intervals from calving to first service, calving to conception and first to last service, conception success to first service and number of services per conception. Milk production traits were 305-day milk, fat and protein yield. For fertility traits, range of estimates of heritability (h(2)) was 0.012 to 0.028 and of permanent environmental variance (c(2)) was 0.016 to 0.032. Genetic correlations (r(g)) among fertility traits were generally high ( > 0.70). Genetic correlations of fertility with milk production traits were unfavourable (range -0.11 to 0.46). Single and two-trait analyses of fertility were compared using the same data set. The estimates of h(2) and c(2) were similar for two types of analyses. However, there were differences between estimated breeding values and rankings for the same trait from single versus multi-trait analyses. The range for rank correlation was 0.69-0.83 for all animals in the pedigree and 0.89-0.96 for sires with more than 25 daughters. As single-trait method is biased due to selection on milk yield, a multi-trait evaluation of fertility with milk yield is recommended. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Nurses have successfully adopted the role of prescriber in numerous health care settings in the UK. Existing research has not addressed how Nurse Independent and Nurse Supplementary Prescribers compare with doctors in terms of the perceived advantages and disadvantages of nurse prescribing, nor has the perceived importance of nurses providing patients with an explanation about their medicines been established. The current study utilized a random sample of 31 qualified Nurse Independent and Nurse Supplementary Prescribers and 30 general practitioners who self-completed a written questionnaire in an independent groups design. The study establishes nurses’ and doctors’ perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of independent and supplementary nurse prescribing and provides some indication of the importance that nurses and doctors place on nurses providing an explanation about medicines, and the categories of information perceived to be important.
The close relationship between children’s vocabulary size and their later academic success has led researchers to explore how vocabulary development might be promoted during the early school years. We describe a study that explored the effectiveness of naturalistic classroom storytelling as an instrument for teaching new vocabulary to six- to nine-year-old children. We examined whether learning was facilitated by encountering new words in single versus multiple story contexts, or by the provision of age-appropriate definitions of words as they were encountered. Results showed that encountering words in stories on three occasions led to significant gains in word knowledge in children of all ages and abilities, and that learning was further enhanced across the board when teachers elaborated on the new words’ meanings by providing dictionary definitions. Our findings clarify how classroom storytelling activities can be a highly effective means of promoting vocabulary development.
Objectives: To examine 397 strains of Salmonella enterica of human and animal origin comprising 35 serotypes for the presence of aadB, aphAI-IAB, aadA1, aadA2, bla(Carb(2)) or pse1, bla(Tem), cat1, cat2, dhfr1, floR, strA, sul1, sul2, tetA(A), tetA(B) and tetA(G) genes, the presence of class 1 integrons and the relationship of resistance genes to integrons and antibiotic resistance. Results: Some strains were resistant to ampicillin (91), chloramphenicol (85), gentamicin (2), kanamycin (14), spectinomycin (81), streptomycin (119), sulfadiazine (127), tetracycline (108) and trimethoprim (45); 219 strains were susceptible to all antibiotics. bla(Carb(2)), floR and tetA(G) genes were found in S. Typhimurium isolates and one strain of S. Emek only. Class 1 integrons were found in S. Emek, Haifa, Heidelberg, Mbandaka, Newport, Ohio, Stanley, Virchow and in Typhimurium, mainly phage types DT104 and U302. These strains were generally multi-resistant to up to seven antibiotics. Resistance to between three and six antibiotics was also associated with class 1 integron-negative strains of S. Binza, Dublin, Enteritidis, Hadar, Manhattan, Mbandaka, Montevideo, Newport, Typhimurium DT193 and Virchow. Conclusion: The results illustrate specificity of some resistance genes to S. Typhimurium or non- S. Typhimurium serotypes and the involvement of both class 1 integron and non-class 1 integron associated multi-resistance in several serotypes. These data also indicate that the bla(Carb(2)), floR and tetA(G) genes reported in the SG1 region of S. Typhimurium DT104, U302 and some other serotypes are still predominantly limited to S. Typhimurium strains.
The authors examined avoidance personal goals as concurrent (Study 1) and longitudinal (Study 2) predictors of multiple aspects of well-being in the United States and Japan. In both studies, participants adopted more avoidance personal goals in Japan relative to the United States. Both studies also demonstrated that avoidance personal goals were significant negative predictors of the most relevant aspects of well-being in each culture. Specifically, avoidance personal goals were negative predictors of intrapersonal and eudaimonic well-being in the United States and were negative predictors of interpersonal and eudaimonic well-being in Japan. The findings clarify and extend puzzling findings from prior empirical work in this area, and raise provocative possibilities about the nature of avoidance goal pursuit.
BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum conditions (ASC) are associated with deficits in social interaction and communication, alongside repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped behavior. ASC is highly heritable. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic system has been associated consistently with atypicalities in autism, in both genetic association and expression studies. A key component of the GABA-ergic system is encoded by the GABRB3 gene, which has been previously implicated both in ASC and in individual differences in empathy. METHODS: In this study, 45 genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within GABRB3 were tested for association with Asperger syndrome (AS), and related quantitative traits measured through the following tests: the Empathy Quotient (EQ), the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), the Systemizing Quotient-Revised (SQ-R), the Embedded Figures Test (EFT), the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), and the Mental Rotation Test (MRT). Two-loci, three-loci, four-loci haplotype analyses, and one seven-loci haplotype analysis were also performed in the AS case--control sample. RESULTS: Three SNPs (rs7180158, rs7165604, rs12593579) were significantly associated with AS, and two SNPs (rs9806546, rs11636966) were significantly associated with EQ. Two SNP-SNP pairs, rs12438141-rs1035751 and rs12438141-rs7179514, showed significant association with variation in the EFT scores. One SNP-SNP pair, rs7174437-rs1863455, was significantly associated with variation in the MRT scores. Additionally, a few haplotypes, including a 19 kb genomic region that formed a linkage disequilibrium (LD) block in our sample and contained several nominally significant SNPs, were found to be significantly associated with AS. CONCLUSION: The current study confirms the role of GABRB3 as an important candidate gene in both ASC and normative variation in related endophenotypes.