169 resultados para Convexity


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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A agenesia dental é a anomalia de número mais freqüente na dentição permanente e o incisivo lateral superior permanente (ILSP) é um dos dentes mais acometidos por essa condição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência da agenesia de ILSP sobre a morfologia dentofacial. A amostra consistiu de 100 telerradiografias da cabeça, em norma lateral, de indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, na fase de dentição permanente, com idades variando de 11 a 25 anos (média de 14.3), que foram divididos em dois grupos pareados individualmente segundo o gênero e a idade: um grupo de 50 casos de agenesia uni ou bilateral de ILSP e outro grupo sem agenesia dental, o grupo controle. As telerradiografias laterais foram traçadas e as medidas angulares e lineares foram comparadas entre os dois grupos, através do teste “t” de Student. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os dois grupos não diferiram significantemente quanto à direção de crescimento facial. A maxila e a mandíbula mostraramse na mesma disposição sagital, quando avaliadas isoladamente em relação à base craniana, e com comprimentos semelhantes nos dois grupos. Entretanto, a convexidade facial mostrou-se significantemente reduzida no grupo com agenesia, medida através do ângulo NAP (P=0.008), bem como a relação maxilo-mandibular entre si, medida pelo ângulo ANB (P=0.017). As alterações mais significantes foram observadas nos incisivos superiores e inferiores, que apresentaram redução significante na inclinação axial e protrusão (P<0.05), com conseqüente aumento do ângulo nasolabial, no grupo com agenesia. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a agenesia de ILSP está associada a alterações na morfologia dentofacial.


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In this paper a novel Branch and Bound (B&B) algorithm to solve the transmission expansion planning which is a non-convex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP) is presented. Based on defining the options of the separating variables and makes a search in breadth, we call this algorithm a B&BML algorithm. The proposed algorithm is implemented in AMPL and an open source Ipopt solver is used to solve the nonlinear programming (NLP) problems of all candidates in the B&B tree. Strategies have been developed to address the problem of non-linearity and non-convexity of the search region. The proposed algorithm is applied to the problem of long-term transmission expansion planning modeled as an MINLP problem. The proposed algorithm has carried out on five commonly used test systems such as Garver 6-Bus, IEEE 24-Bus, 46-Bus South Brazilian test systems, Bolivian 57-Bus, and Colombian 93-Bus. Results show that the proposed methodology not only can find the best known solution but it also yields a large reduction between 24% to 77.6% in the number of NLP problems regarding to the size of the systems.


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This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space setting. By making use of a real-valued Lagrangian and the concept of generalized subconvex-like functions, weakly efficient solutions are characterized through saddle point type conditions. The results, jointly with the notion of generalized Hessian (introduced in [Cominetti, R., Correa, R.: A generalized second-order derivative in nonsmooth optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 28, 789–809 (1990)]), are applied to achieve second order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions (without requiring twice differentiability for the objective and constraining functions) for the particular case when the functionals involved are defined on a general Banach space into finite dimensional ones.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the facial profile changes due to natural growth and induced by Herbst appliance and Bionator in the treatment of Class II, division 1 malocclusion. In order to do that, we used a sample of 90 lateral radiographs of 45 individuals in pre-pubertal stage, divided up in two experimental groups and one control. The first group, composed of 15 brazilian individuals, with initial mean age of 9.4 years, was treated with the Herbst appliance for a period of seven months. The second experimental group consisting of 15 brazilian individuals, initial mean age of 9.9 years has gone through bionator therapy for an average period of 21 months. The control group of 15 individuals, who were not treated orthodontically, comes up from the Burlington Growth Centre, University of Toronto, Canada. The intragroup comparison was performed using the Student t test and intergroup comparisons by ANOVA complemented by the Bonferroni test. The results have shown that only the group treated with the Herbst appliance presented significant changes in facial profile with improvement of its convexity and lower lip protrusion.


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The current reports the case of a young patient with malocclusion Class II division 1 on permanent dentition treated in two stages, rthopedics and orthodontics, respectively. At first, the banded Herbst appliance was used duringa 7 months period, followed by a T4K appliance, Trainer for Kids used as retention, and on the second stage the corrective Orthodontics was performed. The results showed the acquirement of a Class I dental relationship, which was kept stable, with excellent intercuspation, even after 5 years of the removal of the Herbst appliance, as well as the correction of the overjet and the reduction of the facial profile convexity. It can be concluded that the Herbst appliance was very efficient in correcting the Class II malocclusion, long term, also providing a very favorable effect on the facial profile.


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Objective: evaluate the immediate dental and skeletal changes induced by the Herbst appliance on early treatment of Angle´s Class II malocclusion. Material and Method: several electronic databases such as Scopus, Pub Med, Medline, Cochrane Library, Lilacs and Scielo were searched. The abstracts that fullfilled the selection criteria were selected and those that did not provide enough information about these criteria were selected but the final decision of including them or not on the research, was taken after the complete reading of the article. The selection criteria were: clinical studies with Class II individuals, both male and female, with initial age of 7 to 10 years, treated with the Herbst appliance that analysed the dental and/or skeletal changes evaluated on lateral cephalometric radiographs; researches where the treatment performed did not involve extractions or surgical interventions; studies that included patients without syndromes or health concerns and articles published in English or Portuguese. Results and Conclusions: five articles were selected. The articles showed that significant changes happened in the mandibular sagittal lenght, on facial convexity angle, on maxillo-mandibular relationship, on retroclination of the upper incisors and on distal movement of the upper molars, on proclination of the lower incisors and on extrusion of the lower molars. The appliance exerted a limited effect on the anterior relocation of the maxillary complex and on facial heights. However, more studies about the performance of the Herbst appliance on early treatment of Class II are needed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Meningiomas are the most common benign neoplasm of the brain whereas ectopic presentation, although reported, is rare. Among these ectopic tumors, there are a group of purely intraosseous meningiomas, which usually are diagnosed differentially from common primary osseous tumor such as fibrous dysplasia and osteoid osteoma. We report a 62-year-old female with a history of headaches and 6 months of progressive right parietal bulging, with no neurological signs. Parietal craniotomy was performed with immediate titanium cranioplasty of the parietal convexity. Histopathology exams revealed an ectopic intradiploic meningioma without invasion of cortical layers, with positive staining for progesterone receptors and epithelial membrane antigen. Ectopic intraosseous meningiomas remain a rare neoplasm with only a few cases reported. The main theories to justify the unusual topography appear to be embryological remains of neuroectodermal tissue or cellular dedifferentiation. Surgical treatment seems the best curative option.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)