226 resultados para Controllability


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This paper examines change management at William Angliss Institute of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) against the three organizational dimensions of structures, processes and boundaries identified by the INNFORM Study. Its experience confirms that even when an organization adopts a systemic approach and implements change across each design dimension, optimal performance benefits depend on mutually reinforcing and complementary changes. Furthermore, improvement to processes, particularly communications and human resources practices, plays a pivotal role, as complementary change across all dimensions depends ultimately on the contribution and commitment of organization members. Case findings also highlight the need for ambidextrous forms of organizing that combine 'controllability' with 'responsiveness'. The conceptual notion of organizing dualities has been employed to provide a practical interpretation of the ostensibly competing imperatives implied by ambidexterity. This case explores the dualities that can be demonstrated for the INNFORM triumvirate of structures, processes and boundaries. The dualities interpretation emphasizes an acceptance of texture and the simultaneous presence of what are conventionally viewed as incompatible organizing forms. This was considered a useful conceptual vehicle in the analysis of a case study covering nearly ten years of serious change interventions, where one theoretical view can be misleading in understanding the subtleties and complexities of the actual changes that occurred.


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The spray forming process is a novel method of rapidly manufacturing tools and dies for stamping and injection operations. The process sprays molten tool steel from a set of arc spray guns onto a ceramic former to build up a thick steel shell. The volumetric contraction that occurs as the steel cools is offset by a volumetric expansion taking place within the sprayed steel, which allows the dimensional accurate tools to be produced. To ensure that the required phase transformation takes place, the temperature of the steel is regulated during spraying. The sprayed metal acts both as a source of mass and a source of heat and by adjusting the rate at which metal is sprayed; the surface temperature profile over the surface of the steel can be controlled. The temperature profile is measured using a thermal imaging camera and regulated by adjusting the rate at which the guns spray the steel. Because the temperature is regulated by adjusting the feed rate to an actuator that is moving over the surface, this is an example of mobile control, which is a class of distributed parameter control. The dynamic system has been controlled using a PI controller before. The paper describes the application of H∞ tracking type controller as the desire was for the average temperature to follow a desired profile. A study on the controllability of the underlying system was aimed at.


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It is argued that attribution of blame (AoB) will differ in the Self-Service Technology (SST) context versus the interpersonal services context, due to the inherent elements of the SST environment, thereby making it a construct worthy of further research in the SST setting. This paper presents a first step in this pursuit by validating a multiple-item instrument of AoB in the SST context, which, to the researchers’ knowledge, has not been done previously. The paper comments on the surprising lack of valid, unidimensional instruments to measure each of the dimensions of AoB (locus, controllability and stability), even in the interpersonal services context. Preliminary results of a pre-test and pilot study support a three-dimensional measurement model of attribution of blame, in the SST setting.


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A substantial body of literature on new forms of organizing has forecast the end of bureaucracy. More recent empirical studies, however, indicate that high-performing organizations are adopting dual forms of organizing in which the controllability advantages associated with traditional forms work to complement and support the responsiveness attributes of new forms of organizing. The paradox is that, if organizations discard the key planning, co-ordinating and direction-setting mechanisms of traditional forms of organizing, they also remove the stabilizing dimensions of organizational form that are essential in periods of uncertainty and change. The challenge for organizations lies in learning how to manage the tensions or dualities between traditional and new forms of organizing, a process demanding the arbitration of continuity and change. This paper explores the concept of dualities and its salience in the management of organizing forms. First, the nature of dualities is explained; secondly, a set of characteristics is developed to describe the behaviour of dualities; and thirdly, suggestions are presented for arbitrating the tensions that exist in organizing form dualities. These three contributions are relevant because they signal the route to the effective creation and management of organizing form dualities, the benefit of which is the constructive combination of dynamic capabilities (underpinning innovation and responsiveness, the hallmarks of new forms of organizing) and operational capabilities (underpinning stability and efficiency, the hallmarks of traditional forms of organizing).


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Purpose: – Research into office design and its effect on employee satisfaction and performance has attracted considerable contemporary research interest. However, most studies have tended to concentrate on the impact of the built environment on human performance, ignoring the actual needs of employees working in different organizational settings. This paper hence aims to investigate the nature and extent of occupant satisfaction with the built environment in different organizational settings in Australia for a range of climates.

: – A survey was conducted in Australia from 2004-2005, comprising 41 buildings, including six government buildings, 14 educational buildings and 21 commercial buildings. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to explore whether there are differences in the mean ranking of office environment satisfaction amongst the three organizational settings, and the Mann-Whitney U test was employed to further test whether there are differences in the mean ranking of office environment satisfaction between any two groups.

Findings: – Significant differences were found in aspects of air, temperature, space suitability, flexibility, usability and controllability. Employees in commercial settings seem to be more satisfied with their physical work environment than employees in other organization types. Employees in educational settings showed the highest satisfaction with most variables in the workspace design and management category. Government employees showed a lower level of satisfaction with their physical work environment and workspace design and management.

Originality/value: – Moreover, the government and educational groups showed more similarity with each other, while the commercial group displayed significant difference.


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Self-service technologies (SSTs) are commonplace for consumers' use, which is reflected in the growing body of literature that pertains to SSTs. The bulk of this literature has focussed on the adoption of SSTs, while relatively little attention has been given to consumers' consumption and evaluation of SSTs. Arguably, this is an area worthy of exploration in the light of frequent reports of consumers' dissatisfaction with SSTs. Therefore, this paper examines the antecedents of consumers' overall dissatisfaction with an SST encounter, and finds that consumers' dissatisfaction with the attributes of the SST and consumers' perceptions of causal controllability explain 50 per cent of the variance in consumers' overall dissatisfaction with the SST Insights into removing the causes of SST dissatisfaction are offered to managers, which are, arguably, important for consumer retention.


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Haptic human-machine interfaces and interaction techniques have been shown to offer advantages over conventional approaches. This work introduces the 3D virtual haptic cone with the aim of improving human remote control of a vehicle's motion. The 3D cone introduces a third dimension to the haptic control surface over existing approaches. This approach improves upon existing methods by providing the human operator with an intuitive method for issuing vehicle motion commands whilst simultaneously receiving real-time haptic information from the remote system. The presented approach offers potential across many applications, and as a case study, this work considers the approach in the context of mobile robot motion control. The performance of the approach in providing the operator with improved motion controllability is evaluated and the performance improvement determined.


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An optimization problem arising in the analysis of controllability and stabilization of cycles in discrete time chaotic systems is considered.


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Microrobotic cell injection is an area of growing research interest. Typically, operators rely on visual feedback to perceive the microscale environment and are subject to lengthy training times and low success rates. Haptic interaction offers the ability to utilise the operator’s haptic modality and to enhance operator performance. Our earlier work presented a haptically enabled system for assisting the operator with certain aspects of the cell injection task. The system aimed to enhance the operator’s controllability of the micropipette through a logical mapping between the haptic device and microrobot, as well as introducing virtual fixtures for haptic guidance. The system was also designed in such a way that given the availability of appropriate force sensors, haptic display of the cell penetration force is straightforward. This work presents our progress towards a virtual replication of the system, aimed at facilitating offline operator training. It is suggested that operators can use the virtual system to train offline and later transfer their skills to the physical system. In order to achieve the necessary representation of the cell within the virtual system, methods based on a particle-based cell model are utilised. In addition to providing the necessary visual representation, the cell model provides the ability to estimate cell penetration forces and haptically display them to the operator. Two different approaches to achieving the virtual system are discussed.


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Functional observers estimate a linear function of the state vector directly without having to estimate all the individual states. In the past various observer structures have been employed to design such functional estimates. In this paper we discuss the generality of those various observer structures and prove the conditions under which those observer structures are unified. The paper also highlights and clarifies the need to remove the self-convergent states from the system and also from the functions to be estimated before proceeding with the design of a functional observer or else incorrect conclusions regarding the existence of functional observers can be arrived at.


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Research on drug delivery devices is progressing rapidly with the main objective being the delivery of precise quantity of drugs into the target area of the body. A drug delivery device (DDD) needs to accurately control the flow rate of drug delivery and protects the body from undesired additional doses. An integrated microfluidic drug delivery device (IMDDD) is a miniature device that can regulate and monitor the delivery of the right amount of drug using micro-scale components. IMDDDs offer several advantages including ease of use, electro-chemical controllability, low power consumption, simplicity, fast fabrication, and good bio-compatibility. Various IMDDDs have been developed for treatment of cancer, cardiovascular disorder, eye and brain diseases, stress, and diabetes. This paper presents a generic architecture for IMDDDs, discusses the existing drug delivery methods, summarizes the specifications of the components, and identifies a number of performance evaluation parameters. The operation of IMDDDs is presented through fourteen potential internal components. In addition, recommendations on how enhance the design and fabrication process of IMDDDs are given.


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In this paper the Wheeled Acrobot (WAcrobot), a novel mechanical system consisting of an underactuated double inverted pendulum robot (Acrobot) equipped with actuated wheels, is described. This underactuated and highly nonlinear system has potential applications in mobile manipulators and leg-wheeled robots. It is also a testbed for researchers studying advanced methodologies in nonlinear control. The control system for swing-up of the WAcrobot based on collocated or non-collocated feedback linearisation to linearise the active or passive Degree Of Freedom (DOF) followed by Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to stabilise the robot is discussed. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is validated with numerical simulation. The numerical results are visualised by graphical simulation to demonstrate the correlation between the numerical results and the WAcrobot physical response.


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The ability to perform accurate micromanipulation offers wide-reaching benefits and is of increasing interest to researchers. Recent research into microgripper, microtweezer, and microforcep systems contributes toward accurate micrograsping and manipulation. Despite these efforts, achieving adequate operator control remains a distinct research challenge. Haptic interfaces interact with the human's haptic modality and offer the ability to enhance the operator's controllability of micromanipulation systems. Our previous work introduced single-point haptic guidance to assist the operator during intracellular microinjection. This paper extends the approach to propose multipoint haptic guidance for micrograsping tasks. Accurate micrograsping is valuable in many applications, including microassembly and biomanipulation. A multipoint haptic gripper facilitates haptic interaction, and haptic guidance assists the operator in controlling systems suitable for micrograsping. Force fields are used to guide the operator to suitable grasp points on micrometer-sized objects and consist of attractive and repulsive forces. The ability of the force field to effectively assist the operator in grasping the cell is evaluated using a virtual environment. Evaluation results demonstrate the ability of the approach to significantly reduce participants' average grasping error.


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Real road vehicle tests are time consuming, laborious, and costly, and involve several safety concerns. Road vehicle motion simulators (RVMS) could assist with vehicle testing, and eliminate or reduce the difficulties traditionally associated with conducting vehicle tests. However, such simulators must exhibit a high level of fidelity and accuracy in order to provide realistic and reliable outcomes. In this paper, we review existing RVMS and discuss each of the major RVMS subsystems related to the research and development of vehicle dynamics. The possibility of utilising motion simulators to conduct ride and handling test scenarios is also investigated.


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This study contributes a rigorous diagnostic assessment of state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) and highlights key advances that the water resources field can exploit to better discover the critical tradeoffs constraining our systems. This study provides the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment of MOEAs for water resources to date, exploiting more than 100,000 MOEA runs and trillions of design evaluations. The diagnostic assessment measures the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, and controllability of ten benchmark MOEAs for a representative suite of water resources applications addressing rainfall-runoff calibration, long-term groundwater monitoring (LTM), and risk-based water supply portfolio planning. The suite of problems encompasses a range of challenging problem properties including (1) many-objective formulations with 4 or more objectives, (2) multi-modality (or false optima), (3) nonlinearity, (4) discreteness, (5) severe constraints, (6) stochastic objectives, and (7) non-separability (also called epistasis). The applications are representative of the dominant problem classes that have shaped the history of MOEAs in water resources and that will be dominant foci in the future. Recommendations are provided for which modern MOEAs should serve as tools and benchmarks in the future water resources literature.