857 resultados para Constructivism paradigms
DANTAS, Rodrigo Assis Neves; NÓBREGA, Walkíria Gomes da; MORAIS FILHO, Luiz Alves; MACÊDO, Eurides Araújo Bezerra de ; FONSECA , Patrícia de Cássia Bezerra; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; MENEZES, Rejane Maria Paiva de; TORRES , Gilson de Vasconcelos. Paradigms in health care and its relationship to the nursing theories: an analytical test . Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line. v.4,n.2, p.16-24.abr/jun. 2010. Disponível em < http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista>.
Se examina la experiencia de los estudiantes y los profesores de dos grupos de un curso de Elocución con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs), para mejorar sus habilidades de expresión oral en inglés. Se presenta el diseño del curso y la metodología en la cual se fundamentó, así como las apreciaciones de los trabajos de estos a lumnos a la hora de mejorar las habilidades comunicativas orales por medio del enfoque constructivista. Se incluyen recomendaciones para poner en práctica esta metodología.A description is provided here of the experience of the students and teachers of two Elocution courses in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) were used to improve oral communication skills in English. Reference is made to the design of the course and the methodology it is based on, together with some insights of the assignments that students did to improve their English speaking skills through the constructivism approach. Recommendations are also provided for others interested in using this type of methodology.
The main objectives of this thesis are to validate an improved principal components analysis (IPCA) algorithm on images; designing and simulating a digital model for image compression, face recognition and image detection by using a principal components analysis (PCA) algorithm and the IPCA algorithm; designing and simulating an optical model for face recognition and object detection by using the joint transform correlator (JTC); establishing detection and recognition thresholds for each model; comparing between the performance of the PCA algorithm and the performance of the IPCA algorithm in compression, recognition and, detection; and comparing between the performance of the digital model and the performance of the optical model in recognition and detection. The MATLAB © software was used for simulating the models. PCA is a technique used for identifying patterns in data and representing the data in order to highlight any similarities or differences. The identification of patterns in data of high dimensions (more than three dimensions) is too difficult because the graphical representation of data is impossible. Therefore, PCA is a powerful method for analyzing data. IPCA is another statistical tool for identifying patterns in data. It uses information theory for improving PCA. The joint transform correlator (JTC) is an optical correlator used for synthesizing a frequency plane filter for coherent optical systems. The IPCA algorithm, in general, behaves better than the PCA algorithm in the most of the applications. It is better than the PCA algorithm in image compression because it obtains higher compression, more accurate reconstruction, and faster processing speed with acceptable errors; in addition, it is better than the PCA algorithm in real-time image detection due to the fact that it achieves the smallest error rate as well as remarkable speed. On the other hand, the PCA algorithm performs better than the IPCA algorithm in face recognition because it offers an acceptable error rate, easy calculation, and a reasonable speed. Finally, in detection and recognition, the performance of the digital model is better than the performance of the optical model.
This article reviews recent attempts at mapping research paradigms in Management and Organizational History and argues that the old distinctions between supplementarist, integrationist, and reorientationist approaches have been superseded by attempts at integrating historical research in organization studies. A typology of these integrationist approaches differentiates between pluralist and unitary integration, as well as between models based on either historical theory or organization theory. Each has distinct weaknesses and strengths, but essentially all limit their integration of historical research paradigms to only a few. As a result, there is a danger that history might become reduced to a methodology, an empirical endeavor, narrative representations, or indeed be considered the subject of research rather than a research approach in its own right. I argue that all of these present an impoverished picture of the rich research traditions available in the discipline of history, which has unique insights and approaches to offer to the study of organizations.
In the last decade, manufacturing companies have been facing two significant challenges. First, digitalization imposes adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and allows creating smart, connected, self-aware, and self-predictive factories. Second, the attention on sustainability imposes to evaluate and reduce the impact of the implemented solutions from economic and social points of view. In manufacturing companies, the maintenance of physical assets assumes a critical role. Increasing the reliability and the availability of production systems leads to the minimization of systems’ downtimes; In addition, the proper system functioning avoids production wastes and potentially catastrophic accidents. Digitalization and new ICT technologies have assumed a relevant role in maintenance strategies. They allow assessing the health condition of machinery at any point in time. Moreover, they allow predicting the future behavior of machinery so that maintenance interventions can be planned, and the useful life of components can be exploited until the time instant before their fault. This dissertation provides insights on Predictive Maintenance goals and tools in Industry 4.0 and proposes a novel data acquisition, processing, sharing, and storage framework that addresses typical issues machine producers and users encounter. The research elaborates on two research questions that narrow down the potential approaches to data acquisition, processing, and analysis for fault diagnostics in evolving environments. The research activity is developed according to a research framework, where the research questions are addressed by research levers that are explored according to research topics. Each topic requires a specific set of methods and approaches; however, the overarching methodological approach presented in this dissertation includes three fundamental aspects: the maximization of the quality level of input data, the use of Machine Learning methods for data analysis, and the use of case studies deriving from both controlled environments (laboratory) and real-world instances.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Em 1999, as células-tronco foram eleitas "Scientific Breakthrough of the Year" (avanço científico do ano) pela revista Science¹. Naquele ano, foi demonstrado que células-tronco de tecidos adultos mantinham a capacidade de se diferenciar em outros tipos de tecidos. No ano anterior, as primeiras linhagens de células-tronco embrionárias humanas foram estabelecidas. Desde então, o número de artigos científicos sobre células-tronco vem crescendo exponencialmente, onde novos paradigmas são estabelecidos. Neste artigo, farei uma revisão da área de células-tronco com um foco especial em seu uso como agente terapêutico em doenças comuns como diabetes e cardiopatias. As células-tronco serão tratadas em dois grupos distintos: as embrionárias e as adultas. Enquanto o potencial de diferenciação das primeiras está bem caracterizado em camundongos e em humanos, seu uso em terapia celular e em pesquisa tem sido dificultado por questões de histocompatibilidade, segurança e ética. Em contraste, células-tronco adultas não apresentam estes empecilhos, apesar da extensão de sua plasticidade ainda estar sob investigação. Mesmo assim, diversos testes clínicos em humanos estão em andamento utilizando células-tronco adultas, principalmente derivadas da medula óssea. Discutirei ainda a importância de se trabalhar com as duas classes de células-tronco humanas de forma a se cumprir suas promessas terapêuticas.
Happy emotional states have not been extensively explored in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies using autobiographic recall paradigms. We investigated the brain circuitry engaged during induction of happiness by standardized script-driven autobiographical recall in 11 healthy subjects (6 males), aged 32.4 ± 7.2 years, without physical or psychiatric disorders, selected according to their ability to vividly recall personal experiences. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) changes were recorded during auditory presentation of personal scripts of happiness, neutral content and negative emotional content (irritability). The same uniform structure was used for the cueing narratives of both emotionally salient and neutral conditions, in order to decrease the variability of findings. In the happiness relative to the neutral condition, there was an increased BOLD signal in the left dorsal prefrontal cortex and anterior insula, thalamus bilaterally, left hypothalamus, left anterior cingulate gyrus, and midportions of the left middle temporal gyrus (P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Relative to the irritability condition, the happiness condition showed increased activity in the left insula, thalamus and hypothalamus, and in anterior and midportions of the inferior and middle temporal gyri bilaterally (P < 0.05, corrected), varying in size between 13 and 64 voxels. Findings of happiness-related increased activity in prefrontal and subcortical regions extend the results of previous functional imaging studies of autobiographical recall. The BOLD signal changes identified reflect general aspects of emotional processing, emotional control, and the processing of sensory and bodily signals associated with internally generated feelings of happiness. These results reinforce the notion that happiness induction engages a wide network of brain regions.
O artigo discute a trajetória de Manuel Luís da Veiga que, como comerciante em Portugal (seu território natal), investiu na instalação de uma fábrica em Pernambuco após a chegada da família real no Rio de Janeiro, tendo em vista as transformações que à época se processavam no Império português. O foco da análise centra-se no campo das sociabilidades políticas, com destaque para a atuação de Veiga na corte carioca e sua produção literária sobre economia política, entendendo-as como duas dimensões indissociáveis de sua prática social. Defende-se aqui que sua trajetória ilumina um mundo em profunda mudança nos seus paradigmas, impossível de ser sintetizado pelo estabelecimento de um padrão preciso de distinção entre o que era antigo e o que era novidade no início dos oitocentos.
Professores são convidados a introduzir uma aula expositiva numa sequência didática planejada. Os professores tiveram bastante dificuldade para localizar a atividade dentro do que concebiam sobre ensino e aprendizagem significativa. Diante da tarefa proposta, procuraram sistematizar os conteúdos anteriormente desenvolvidos na sala de aula, atribuindo novo sentido à estratégia, sem abandonar a importância de ouvir o aluno e de articular adequadamente os conceitos. A aula expositiva de cada um foi ressignificada, aparecendo com posição definida na sequência pedagógica e com conteúdo significativo em relação ao nível de conhecimento do aprendiz. A conclusão fundamental foi que, mesmo sem ser explícito, era possível haver diálogo entre os saberes do professor e dos alunos, o que parece ter ocorrido também com os professores enquanto aprendizes no programa de formação.