117 resultados para Consolation


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The left hind foot.-- The f̓raid cat.-- The consolation prize.-- The first high janitor.-- Family ties.-- The ten-share horse.-- A chariot of fire.


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"Epitaphe d̓Estienne Dolet": p.[105]


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"Ed. grand format. Limited to five hundred numbered sets of which this is no. 133."


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This thesis explores the ritual of prayer among Muslim immigrants in the city of St. John's, NL. Immigration across national, cultural, religious, and ethnic borders is a moment in an individual's life marked by significant change. My premise is that in such contexts the relatively conservative nature of religious ritual can supply much-needed continuity, comfort, and consolation for individuals living through the immigrant experience. As well, ritual forms are often put under stress when transferred to a considerably different place and cultural context, where “facts on the ground” may be obstacles to traditional and familiar ritual forms. Changes to the understanding or practice of ritual are common in new cultural and geographic situations, and ritual itself often becomes not merely a means of social identification and cohesion, but a practical tool in processing change - in the context of immigration, in learning to live in a new community. St. John's is a lively and historic city and while Muslim immigrants may be a small group within it they nevertheless contribute to the city's energy and atmosphere. This thesis endeavours to better understand the life stories of ten of these newcomers to St. John's, focusing on their religious backgrounds and lives. In particular, this thesis seeks to better understand the place of prayer in the immigrant experience.


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This study argues that Chaucer's poetry belongs to a far-reaching conversation about the forms of consolation (philosophical, theological, and poetic) that are available to human persons. Chaucer's entry point to this conversation was Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy, a sixth-century dialogue that tried to show how the Stoic ideals of autonomy and self-possession are not simply normative for human beings but remain within the grasp of every individual. Drawing on biblical commentary, consolation literature, and political theory, this study contends that Chaucer's interrogation of the moral and intellectual ideals of the Consolation took the form of philosophical disconsolations: scenes of profound poetic rupture in which a character, sometimes even Chaucer himself, turns to philosophy for solace and yet fails to be consoled. Indeed, philosophy itself becomes a source of despair. In staging these disconsolations, I contend that Chaucer asks his readers to consider the moral dimensions of the aspirations internal to ancient philosophy and the assumptions about the self that must be true if its insights are to console and instruct. For Chaucer, the self must be seen as a gift that flowers through reciprocity (both human and divine) and not as an object to be disciplined and regulated.

Chapter one focuses on the Consolation of Philosophy. I argue that recent attempts to characterize Chaucer's relationship to this text as skeptical fail to engage the Consolation on its own terms. The allegory of Lady Philosophy's revelation to a disconsolate Boethius enables philosophy to become both an agent and an object of inquiry. I argue that Boethius's initial skepticism about the pretentions of philosophy is in part what Philosophy's therapies are meant to respond to. The pressures that Chaucer's poetry exerts on the ideals of autonomy and self-possession sharpen one of the major absences of the Consolation: viz., the unanswered question of whether Philosophy's therapies have actually consoled Boethius. Chapter two considers one of the Consolation's fascinating and paradoxical afterlives: Robert Holcot's Postilla super librum sapientiae (1340-43). I argue that Holcot's Stoic conception of wisdom, a conception he explicitly links with Boethius's Consolation, relies on a model of agency that is strikingly similar to the powers of self-knowledge that Philosophy argues Boethius to posses. Chapter three examines Chaucer's fullest exploration of the Boethian model of selfhood and his ultimate rejection of it in Troilus and Criseyde. The poem, which Chaucer called his "tragedy," belonged to a genre of classical writing he knew of only from Philosophy's brief mention of it in the Consolation. Chaucer appropriates the genre to explore and recover mourning as a meaningful act. In Chapter four, I turn to Dante and the House of Fame to consider Chaucer's self-reflections about his ambitions as a poet and the demands of truth-telling.


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The nature of religion on the domestic front in Britain during the Second World War has, hitherto, been relatively unexplored. This study focuses on Birmingham and describes wartime popular religion, primarily as recounted in oral testimony. The difference the War made to people’s faith, and the consolation wrought by prayer and a religious outlook are explored, as are the religious language and concepts utilised by the wartime popular media of cinema and wireless. Clerical rhetoric about the War and concerns to spiritualise the war effort are dealt with by an analysis of locally published sources, especially parish magazines and other religious ephemera, which set the War on the spiritual as much as the military plane. A final section of the study is devoted to measuring the extent of the influence of the churches in the creation of a vision for post-war Britain and Birmingham.


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Alors qu’elle se trouve au Mont Parnasse, la narratrice du Chemin de Long Estude de Christine de Pizan affirme reconnaître l’endroit pour l’avoir déjà lu chez Dante. Cette mention surprend considérant la quasi absence de la Comédie dans la littérature française de la fin du Moyen Âge, et si la tradition critique a eu tendance à y voir la revendication d’un projet mimétique, où le poème de Christine de Pizan serait une tentative d’imitation de la Comédie, les nombreux échos dantesques de l’oeuvre témoignent à l’inverse d’un important travail d’appropriation, en mettant systématiquement l’accent sur l’acquisition du savoir et l’inscription dans une filiation intellectuelle. Plus qu’une recension, le présent mémoire aspire à faire le point sur les présences de la Comédie dans le Chemin de Long Estude de même qu’à inscrire ces dernières dans un réseau. Cela amène non seulement à considérer l’oeuvre de Christine de Pizan dans sa totalité, mais aussi en regard des considérations littéraires de l’époque. Dans le premier cas, les renvois à Dante permettent de réfléchir au projet général de l’oeuvre, alors que le poème italien, plus que de représenter un idéal à reproduire, participe à une conquête de l’ordre par le savoir, aux côtés de la Consolation de Philosophie de Boèce et du Chemin de Long Estude lui-même. Dans le second cas, le fait de fonder le travail d’écriture sur la lecture préalable d’un auteur italien témoigne de la bibliophilie du siècle et de l’importance de la lecture, mais aussi de l’émergence timide de nouvelles autorités vernaculaires.


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When first approaching a topic such as the concept of material or natural soul in Greek literature, the researcher might be puzzled. While in diverse contemporary cultures, numerous theriomorphic figures (bears, ravens, mice, wasps, bees, dragonflies, and dung-beetles) serve to represent the human soul in its transmigration from life to death, this is not the case in Greek culture. At least, this is what one may conclude from the monograph written by the Dutch scholar J. Bremmer, The early Greek Concept of the Soul: "importunely, there are no other indications of a possible connection between the butterfly and the soul of the living and the dead" (1987: 64). Given Plutarch’s great interest in the soul, which can be seen in a variety of texts referring to its generation, form, internal dichotomy, material substance, origin and destination, etc., the question arises as to whether Plutarch also includes such a representation of the soul when departing from the dead body. Does the corpus plutarcheum preserve and transmit such conception of the human soul? And if it does, are we dealing with survival of ancestral beliefs or motifs or is it a simple metaphor by means of which ancients intended to express the departing of the life-breath? In the following pages I will focus on three texts that allegedly include the butterfly-motif to represent the human soul, to wit, Table Talks 636C, Consolation to his Wife 611F, and the fragment 177 Sandbach.


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The present work submitted as a PhD thesis has the aim of studying from a philological point of view, the Latin text Consolatoria super obitu inclyti principis Hispaniarum Iohannis, written by the Castilian canon Alfonso Ortiz, who lived in the late 15th century in the time of the Catholic Monarchs (Isabel and Fernando), on the death of Prince John, first and only son of the sovereigns. The core of this work is the critical edition (the first complete edition ever made) on the comparison of two extant manuscripts (S and St), the second having the Spanish self-translation of the first. On the basis of this critical text we study the literary references as well as its structure and the literary genre to which it may be ascribed and, besides, we point out some features of the language used therein (Latin), the scope and characteristics of the self-translation and other style and rhetorical topics (e.g. the use of rhythmic clausulae at the end of sentences). Several appendices are added to complete and improve the text-study From that study it may be concluded that although the work follows a long time proven tradition based on medieval religious Ideas, the author, nonetheless, continuously shows within the text that he is willing to adapt that tradition into the new tunes of early Renaissance, not only by means of language and style features, but also through matter nuances that made it clear that life/death concepts were gradually shifting from the medieval times to the ideas of the new epoch. As the value of human life was rising, it needed a more attentive, profound and meticulous consolation through both conceptual and rhetorical arguments...


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O turismo desportivo é um fenómeno que tem sido estudado a partir da segunda metade do século XX, começando a existir uma oferta mais diversificada e planeada de férias em conjunto com a prática desportiva que, segundo Pereira & Carvalho (2004), favoreceu a consolidação do conceito Desporto e Turismo. Segundo Higham (2005), os destinos turísticos são lugares que atraem e satisfazem as necessidades dos visitantes, nomeadamente ao nível: dos recursos, das infra-estruturas e dos serviços necessários para facilitar as viagens para o destino, e da realização de experiências satisfatórias. Neste âmbito, os objetivos deste estudo são identificar a perceção dos gestores quanto à procura desportiva e analisar a oferta desportiva nas unidades de alojamento de 4 e 5 estrelas da região do Algarve. Para este estudo foi feita uma recolha de dados em 43 unidades de alojamento, através de um inquérito por questionário e utilizado como método de análise de dados a estatística descritiva para tratamento de questões fechadas e a análise de conteúdo nas questões abertas. Os resultados mostram que o perfil do turista do Algarve mudou, revelando que os turistas de nacionalidade inglesa pertencentes ao segmento de famílias se apresenta valores mais elevados de procura na época alta, enquanto que na época baixa o segmento de turismo sénior é o que surge em primeiro lugar da procura, sendo o tipo de turismo de sol e mar mais procurado em ambas as épocas. Conclui-se que não existem valores elevados de procura por parte de turistas cuja principal motivação seja a prática desportiva. Verificou-se ainda que tem havido uma evolução ao nível dos serviços desportivos com a existência de mais instalações e responsáveis de seção desportiva nas unidades de alojamento. Os gestores afirmam ter uma oferta adequada em matéria de desporto e que nos próximos 6 meses não irão investir. Relativamente à frequência de utilização das instalações é muito baixa. Ser pago ou gratuito também é um fator influenciador para haver uma maior frequência de utilização.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore through narrative accounts one family's expérience of critical care, after the admission of a family member to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and their subséquent death five weeks later. Numerous studies support the need for effective communication and clear information to be given to the family. In this instance it was évident from their stories that there were numerous barriers to communication, including language and a lack of insight into the needs of the family. Many families do not understand the complexities of nursing care in an ICU so lack of communication by nursing staff was identified as uncaring behavior and encounters. Facilitating a family's proximity to a dying patient and encouraging them to participate in care helps to maintain some sensé of personal control. Despite a commitment to involving family members in care, which was enshrined in the Unit Philosophy, relatives were banished to the waiting room for hours. They experienced feelings of powerlessness and helplessness as they waited with other relatives for news following investigations or until 'the doctor had completed his rounds'. Explanations of "we must make 'the patient' comfortable" was no consolation for those who wished to be involved in care. The words "I'il call you when we are ready" became a mantra to the forgotten families who waited patiently for those with power to admit them to the ICU. Implications are this family felt they were left alone to cope with the traumatic expériences leading up to and surrounding the death. They felt mainly supported by the priest, who not only administered the last rites but provided spiritual support to the family and dealt sensitively with many issues. Paternalism in décision making when there is a moral obligation to ensure that discussions on end of life dilemmas are an inclusive process with families, doctors, nurses was not understood, therefore it caused conflict within the family over EOL décision making. The family felt that the opportunity to share expériences through telling and retelling their stories would enable them to reconfigure the past and create purpose in the future.


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The extended program notes include historical background on the composers and pieces being performed, as well as the analytical form regarding the works: Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je-maman," K. 265 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Sonata in C minor, op. 13 "Pathétique," by Ludwig van Beethoven; Consolation No. 3 and Funerailles by Franz Liszt; Fantasie in F minor, op. 49 by Frédéric Chopin.