999 resultados para Conflito social - Parana


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Analyzes the factors that unleash violence by banalization of the problems and health questions of workers in a federal public institution, in Natal/RN. It analyzes transformations in the world of the work, with its politic, social and economic determinatives and its relation to the worker health. Boarding the violence in the work enviroment and its implications to the worker health, focusing on the banalization of problems faced by the workers as a kind of violence in and with the work. It was chosen an analitic methodology with qualitative approach, through the collection tecnic and information analyzes according to the thematic oral history, with recorders of authorized personal narratives, through individual interview with a semi-structured guide. In the analyzis of results it were made empiric cathegories: the daily work enviroment and its influence to the worker profession and life; the violence presents in the work enviroment and its consequences to the worker life and health; the banalization of the social injustice, due to violence against the worker that broked their dreams concerned to the nursing contribution. The results revealed the ordinary work of these workers showing enviromental and organizational unhealthy conditions, caracterized by physical and tecnical insecurity; absence and disqualification of instrumental and human supplies; overload and complexity service; bad distribution of the duties and pressure to the deadline and productivity, producing tension, conflict and anxiety related to the users, colleagues, superiors and to the duties. In the work enviroment, it were identified a external violence, caracterized by physical and verbal aggresion, psychic suffering, worker depreciation; and internal, caracterized by: moral and psychological molestations and accupational structural violence. These kinds of violence bring consequences to the life, that is, professional, economic and moral order of factors and to the health by biological, mental and emocional factors. The banalization of social injustice during the daily work was discussed in the aspects of banalization of problems and work conditions, the health, qualification banalizations and professional valorization. The workers expectatives pointed out to the necessity of: secure conditions of work; trainning and tecnical assistance; politics of attention to the physical, mental and social health to the workers and their family. We conclude the enviromental and organizational conditions of the workers interviewed do not offer physical and tecnical security that they need to the execution of their activities, neither offer comfort or physical and psychological satisfactions. The politic the instituition has used points out to the depreciation and inhumanization of them producing feelings as unsatisfaction, frustation and indignation related to the institution and the work, bringing suffering and physical and mental sicking. We noticed the most terrible violence found in the work enviroment is the banalization of social injustice related do the problems and health of these workers, producing a slowly debility and simbolic death of their lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of a politic that promotes assurance, health and integral education, valorization and humanization of these workers


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This research analyses the silencehood use by the A República journal (Natal/RN), today not being distributed, during the Second World War. Its objective is to unveil the production condition of the news texts, and it was observed that the use of silencehood as a speech strategy with its implications that falls upon the way of behaving and thinking of the society, all that time, influencing the reader in the construction of his image of the reality. During the coverage of the conflict by the local journal it was possible to also observe different speech marks that represented the change in attitude of the Brazilian Government, responsible for the control of what was spread as news. The country lived the dictatorship of the New State and as the war went on the government changed its speech, according to political, social and economical interest s thoughts being played, silencing themes in the name of the national security. We admit as research material journalistic texts that refer to the main facts that occurred during the six years of the world conflict and that is why we used as theoric-metodological support the Speech Analysis


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This study aims to identify the relation between adolescents in conflict with the penal law, who were convicted to assisted freedom (a socio-educative measure applied by the Juvenile Justice system as a sanction to adolescent offenders), and the school. The research was developed in the Community-based Assisted Freedom Program of Pastoral do Menor , in Fortaleza (capital city of Ceará State, Brazil). The study has engaged 21 adolescents, eight program professionals, three members of the Center for Defense of Child Rights in Ceará, five teachers and eight school principals and education managers from the schools attended by the adolescents in the neighborhoods of Pirambu, Tancredo Neves, Jardim Iracema e Bom Jardim. It intends, based on dialectical and historical method, to define the investigated adolescents as persons with a very singular insertion into the social structures of neoliberal capitalism. Their adolescence is subject to consumerism appeals, to the limits imposed by these appeals and to perverse ways of insertion in the system, such as criminalization, segregation and marginalization. It reveals that the school attended by the adolescents reproduces such conditions of insertion. At the same time, these conditions are elements of identity, by which the adolescents are characterized.


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Numerous studies discuss the issue of adolescent in conflict with the law from the adolescent that committed infraction or from his perceptions. Taking into account the importance of the family in the life of all subject in development, this study sought the look of the families about the infraction of their adolescents under socio-educative measures. For this purpose, semi-open interviews were conducted with 20 families, ten of the boys and equal number of the girls. The institutions where the measures are applied in Natal / RN gave space for most family members to be interviewed. The data collected were arranged in tables and analyzed qualitatively following the socio-historical perspective. The survey revealed that the meanings attributed to the time of conflict with the law of the adolescents differ between the boys families and the girls . Most of the boys families see the infraction as a consequence of the influence of bad company, as a minor provocative of changes in the family s relations, left justified in a context marked by violence. Now for most part of the girls families, the infraction is seen as their responsibility, as generator of transformations within the family both emotional and economic , and inaugurates a search movement for conflicts resolutions. Through the testimonies of these families, it became evident that there was a family reality structured also by a conflicting social, economic and community context. Thus, before there is an infraction that demarcates the conflict in adolescence, there is a family in conflict.


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This work shows the results of the research: Attended Liberty Program Adolescents in Conflict with the Law and the Disapproval of Rights, effected in the community of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in period of august 2007 to September 2008. It aims to analyze the social-educative attendance directed to adolescents in conflict with the law through the state, since the Social-educative Measure Attended Liberty, known, as an idoneous way of confrontation to the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, that needs to give emphasis, in disadvantage of the Social-educative Measurement of Internment, to be proposed (ECA, art 118 and 199) to follow the adolescent in this quotidian, close to his family and community, proposing him through social-educative work, the access to education and occupancy, as well other public services, that help him to surpass the context of privation and disapproval of rights in which lives joined to his family. In our study, it was observed in sequence of approaching, subsidized for theoretical-methodological procedures justified in quantity and quality research, that were privileged to the documental research, the observation and the interview almost structured, besides a theoretical basis about the subject, that the relation of category and inequality in which the capitalist society sustains itself, does the practice of infraction acts imputed to the adolescent, acquires a classist character, in which the property of the money defines the access of the justice. And more, many of the poor adolescents that get into conflict with the law, dweller of the periphery districts of Natal/RN, becomes evident as for segment that has been attended in the Jurisdiction of the Infancy and Youth and in the LAN of Social-educative Attendance, becoming individual the infraction act and its confrontation. We hope in this work, to contribute for the care of the reality of the adolescent in conflict with the law in the Attended Liberty Program, without pretension to exhaust it, as well as later studies about the theme


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The dissertation proposes a discussion about the instrumentality of the Social Work, in the attempt of visualizing her, as well as the profession, in a totality perspective to the light of the rationality critical-dialetical. Understood as the capacity that the professional subjects acquire of giving answers to the demands that are placed to the profession, itself built partner-historically, in a teleologys conflicts and causalitys. So, it is proposed the discussion of the instrumentality while a group of you know specific, composed essentially by the development of three practical-formative dimensions. The theoretical-methodological refers to the capacity of apprehension of the method and of the theories and, consequently, of the relationship that does with the practice. The dimension ethical-politics concerns the development of the capacity of analyzing the society and the own profession as field of contradictory forces, being considered the character eminently political of the professional exercise, as well as the professional's conscience concerning the social direction that prints in your intervention. And the technician-operative dimension refers more strictly to the technical elements and you score for the development of the intervention. It was looked for to evidence as those dimensions they attend in the professional exercise, starting from the experience lived by the social workers of the Social Attendance Reference Centers, in Natal/RN


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Considerando o caráter multifacetado e socialmente heterogêneo da epidemia do HIV/AIDS, gostaria de refletir sobre as formas pragmáticas de apropriação, negociação e conflito de gênero em termos das disposições possíveis de masculinidade e feminilidade ou, ainda, suas amplas combinações entre homens e mulheres de diferentes identidades sexuais e diversos status sorológicos. Os contextos a serem explorados e descritos são aqueles particulares ao mundo social da AIDS, incluindo tanto o cotidiano de uma ONG AIDS específica, bem como os que se apresentam em situações tanto públicas como privadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Pretendo discutir como novas subjetividades podem se constituir a partir dos usos de categorias sexuais e sorológicas, valores morais e de expressões performativas de gênero.


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Com o objetivo de participar num debate em torno da forma ensaio em sua relação com a filosofia, discutimos essa opção formal da Escola de Frankfurt a partir do texto de Adorno O ensaio como forma. Uma vez encontrada sua proposição de que o objeto do ensaio é um conflito detido, tentamos sugerir algumas das razões sociais que induzem essa escolha.


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After nearly 80 years since the construction of its core, represented today by the city's central area, Londrina, located in the state of Parana, has the appearance of a new city but its features and trends of planning policies depict the bad examples of Brazilian cities. With a booming urban growth, from north to south of the county, the urban interstices represented by big voids in the middle of the city created speculation and the concept of an ideal city slowly disappeared. With a metropolitan appearance and, at the same time, with small town aspects, Londrina stands out as an automobile-oriented city, a fact that has impacted the livelihood of the population, generating environmental impacts for all social classes. This paper discusses how the form of occupation in Londrina, characterized by the sprawl phenomenon and its relation to car preference as a mode of transportation has generated urban environmental impacts. It was concluded that the choice of using cars in Londrina, as well in other medium-sized Brazilian cities studied by the comparative method, has increased and has generated bottlenecks in traffic. As a consequence, there is a constant expropriation of properties for widening roads and at the same time, the presence of various densities and urban voids that form an uneven urban space and an obstacle to efficient urban planning. © 2012 WIT Press.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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A presente dissertação de mestrado trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica fundamentada na psicanálise e na psicopatologia fundamental e propõe um estudo sobre agressividade e o adolescente em conflito com a lei. Primeiramente demonstra-se como a agressividade é constitutiva da subjetividade, ou seja, existe em todos os sujeitos humanos, tomando como base a análise feita por Freud em o Mal-estar na civilização (1930); posteriormente estuda-se a agressividade em Winnicott (2002) o qual também afirma ser esta constitutiva da subjetividade e enfatiza a importância de se compreender este conceito em sua relação com a tendência anti-social e a delinquência. Em seguida, apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre a conduta anti-social e a delinquência onde se destaca o pensamento de Vilhena (2002) que diferencia agressividade e violência ao mesmo tempo em que articula os conceitos de de-privação com aspectos da contemporaneidade, destacando que a família é o lugar do suporte para o adolescente que transgride as leis sociais, assim como a falência dos papéis parentais deve ser levada em consideração no estudo da agressividade, tendência anti-social e delinquência. Por fim apresenta-se a teoria de Marta Gerez-Ambertín (2004) sobre o "sujeito do ato" Para a autora o sujeito deve ter um comprometimento subjetivo com seus atos através de seu discurso. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que os adolescentes em conflito com a lei tentam encontrar respostas a seus conflitos e desejos inconscientes. Outrossim, ao adolescente em conflito com a lei, deve-se oferecer a possibilidade de falar sobre seu ato e assumir as responsabilidades por sua conduta.


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O presente estudo objetiva desvelar, a memória de escola de adolescentes em conflito com a Lei e que cumprem medidas na Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente do Pará, na Unidade Socioeducativa de Internação de Val-de-Cães. A intenção é traçar por meio dos enunciados discursivos destes sujeitos, suas incursões no ambiente educacional e assim identificar o que os fizeram abandonar a escola de forma precoce e/ou apresentarem em seus currículos escolares um alto índice de repetência. As questões que norteiam este estudo são: Que fatores contribuíram para que estes adolescentes abandonassem o ambiente educacional de forma precoce? Até que ponto a escola e a exclusão social foram fatores relevantes para o envolvimento destes adolescentes com a violência e criminalidade? Qual o comprometimento da escola na formação dos adolescentes em conflito com a Lei, levando em consideração o papel da escola na formação do sujeito? Partindo das questões norteadoras o estudo objetiva identificar que Rede de Significados estão envolvidas nestes questionamentos. A amostra contou com a participação de 18 adolescentes na faixa etária de 12 a 17 anos de idade, com escolaridade de 13 série do ensino básico até a 83 série do ensino fundamental, nascidos no Estado do Pará, cumprindo medidas socioeducativas pelo ato infracional que vai do dano ao patrimônio público (Art. 163) a assalto seguido de morte (Art.12l c/c Art. 14). Foi utilizado como instrumentos de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada e documentos cedidos pela Fundação, como os prontuários, com os dados pessoais e acompanhamento de cada adolescente. O corpus da pesquisa foi analisado por meio dos seguintes eixos-temáticos: Escola; Família; Violência e Criminalidade; Relações Interpessoais e Perspectivas Futuras. O referencial teórico utilizado para análise dos dados segue a concepção de Bakhtin sobre a rede de significados e de autores que discutem aspectos relacionados aos eixos temáticos. Para tal utilizei autores como ROSSETTI e FERRElRA (2004); ARROYO (1997); BOSSA (2002); CORDIÉ (1996); VYGOTSKY (2000); PINTO (2002), entre outros. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo foi o de encontrar correspondência com os princípios e critérios que pudessem contribuir para a fundamentação desta análise, favorecendo a interação entre as diferentes formas de produção de conhecimento, sobretudo, pelos dados apresentados ao processo de escolarização destes sujeitos, uma vez que contribuiu para reprovações, repetências, defasagens, e não raro, para a evasão escolar.