1000 resultados para Complexo Rio Capivari


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The current article aims to update the discussion on the South American context making use of the theory of Regional Security Regional Complexes (RSC). It begins with a theoretical discussion, based on Buzan and Wæver's work. It then presents the hypothesis that, differently from what is assumed in the literature, the South American RSC is not a standard one, but a centred one, in which the centre is not a global power. An empirical analysis follows, showing that Brazil possesses the necessary resources, and has presented some cogent political initiatives, such as the creation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) and its Defense Council (SDC), but in other moments has been reluctant take a leadership role in South America. The analysis concludes that, regarding its configuration, the South American RSC corroborates the authors' hypothesis and that Brazil should consolidate its role at the centre of such a complex.


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Atualmente, crescentes esforços vêm sendo desenvolvidos no sentido de se caracterizar a ictiofauna Neotropical de riachos do ponto de vista taxonômico e sistemático, porém a estrutura genética destas populações ainda é pouco conhecida, sendo escassos os estudos sobre filogeografia dessa ictiofauna. Considerando que Astyanax paranae representa a única espécie do complexo scabripinnis na bacia do Alto rio Paraná, a ausência de dados moleculares populacionais e as evidências citogenéticas e morfológicas de que esta espécie não represente uma unidade monofilética, faz-se necessário um amplo estudo filogeográfico e filogenético em Astyanax paranae. O presente projeto teve como objetivo caracterizar a variabilidade genética em populações de Astyanax paranae e estabelecer as relações filogenéticas filogeográficas entre as linhagens mitocondriais na bacia do rio Paranapanema. As análises foram realizadas através da análise de sequências do DNA mitocondrial a partir do gene Citocromo B (cyt b) que foram completamente seqüenciados. Foram analisadas 8 populações de Astyanax paranae: 2 populações da bacia do rio Pardo, 1 Córrego Hortelã, 2 Véu de Noiva, Botucatu/SP; 4 populações da bacia do rio Tibagi, 1 população Maria da Serra/PR; 1 Ponta Grossa/PR, 1 Cambé/PR, 1 Castrolanda/PR; 1 população do rio Itapetiniga, rio Itapetininga, Itapetiniga/SP.; o número de indivíduos por população variou de 1 a 5. Como grupo externo foram analisados 1 população de Astyanax altiparanae com 3 indivíduos (Véu de Noiva pt2, Botucatu/SP); 1 população de Astyanax fasciatus com 5 indivíduos (região de Itapetiniga/SP) e 1 população de Astyanax bockmanni com 2 indivíduos (Véu de Noiva pt2, Botucatu/SP); num total de 39 indivíduos. Entre as...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Eight Mesoproterozoic granite suites are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province, called Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite (1606-1532 Ma), Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (1500 Ma), St. Anthony Intrusive Suite (1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1387 Ma ), Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (1082-1074 Ma) and Younger Granites of Rondônia Intrusive Suite (998-974 Ma), represent successive magmatic type A (anorogenic) and the intra-plate basement rocks intruded in the metamorphic complex named Jamari separated into two distinct lithologic associations, a ortogneiss (U-Pb from 1.76 to 1.73 Ga) and a paragneiss (1675 + / - 12 Ma). Tin mineralization are widely found in the Tin Province and are associated with granitic intrusions known Mesoproterozoic more closely with the last two magmatic events, represented by the Santa Clara and Younger Granites of Rondônia. The tin mineralization are of primary and secondary, with the primary form deposits of different structural styles and is presented in the form of endo-or exogreisens, veins, stockworks and pegmatites. The secondary mineralization are related to natural processes of weathering and erosion of primary rocks, leading to placer deposits classified as colluvial, eluvial and colluvial-alluvial. The Target Alvo Sol Nascente is located in the central-eastern Rondônia Tin Province and has basement rocks of the metamorphic-magmatic region represented by Jamari Complex intrusive suites and Sierra Providence and Rio Crespo. The last tectonic event spa in the area was responsible for the intrusion of Younger Granites of Rondônia (São Carlos and Caripuanã Massifis). The anomalous levels of tin, sufficient to operate (Mina Rising Sun), indicate that there was possibly mineralization event, evidenced by pegmatite veins well defined, easily found relatively close to mine. Plaque deposits associated with Quaternary sedimentary sequences can also be observed


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável a partir da atuação de diferentes atores sob a ótica da gestão social e o processo de cidadania deliberativa. Analisa-se a construção do "Programa de Manejo Agroambiental da Bacia do Rio Almada" na região pertencente ao território de cidadania Litoral Sul da Bahia. Organizaram-se os dados, as informações e as entrevistas por meio de estudo de caso. Para construção do caso, foi utilizada a triangulação de técnicas da história oral e do sensemaking. O caso em tela contribui para a reflexão sobre os desafios e oportunidades referentes à gestão social, indicando que o processo de cidadania deliberativa pode se constituir em estratégia necessária para o desenvolvimento territorial sustentável. Assim, fica claro que o diálogo, a participação dos atores na elaboração e implantação de políticas públicas é algo complexo, porém imprescindível, quando se almejam transformações das realidades sociais.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma análise da interação do Exército Brasileiro perante os 42 (quarenta e dois) órgãos civis e militares no conjunto de favelas da Maré e de que forma estas influenciaram na doutrina das operações militares de pacificação. A Operação São Francisco - iniciada em 5 de abril de 2014 pela Força de Pacificação (F Pac), foi designada aos componentes do Ministério da Defesa para assegurar e promover a garantia da lei e da ordem (GLO) pública nas comunidades do Complexo da Maré, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia proposta baseou-se em uma pesquisa aplicada com técnica de abordagem mista, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, da análise dos documentos e relatórios da F Pac e da realização de entrevistas aos integrantes das forças militares e dos civis que prestaram serviços públicos na região supracitada. Para isso, foi utilizado o método indutivo por meio dos testes estatísticos, que visaram identificar relacionamentos causais entre as demandas de serviços públicos civis atendidos nas comunidades, bem como a influência destas nas operações de pacificação e nas políticas de defesa voltadas à atualização da doutrina e das operações militares. As contribuições teóricas esperadas foram a observação das mudanças no emprego operacional em um ambiente com alta criminalidade e baixo Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) e fornecer informações para o emprego colaborativo das instituições civis sob a proteção militar (mas não sob o controle militar). Isto visou proporcionar à população o acesso aos serviços públicos básicos com segurança e minimizou o desgaste das ações de GLO através da conquista da opinião pública local. As contribuições práticas esperadas residiram no aumento do potencial militar, através da integração de políticas públicas efetivas das pastas civis. As implicações referiram-se a abordagem e a maior interação entre as pastas governamentais militares e civis através da mediação da Seção de Assuntos Civis. As pesquisas deste trabalho evidenciaram por serem restritas ao contexto da pacificação de um conjunto de favelas da capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2014.


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The taxonomic delimitation at the species level in plants is not an easy task due to the large polymorphism of plants. In this project we aimed to evaluate three morphotypes (forms) of Cryptanthus zonatus (Vis.) Beer ( Bromeliaceae, Bromelioideae ) described in the literature using fl oral biology and phenology, as well as flo ral morphology and leaf anatomy . These studies were conducted in the Parque Estadual das Dunas de Natal, Rio Grande Norte (RN) and Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Mata Estrela , in the municipality of Ba í a Form osa. The survey of the phenology of the morphotypes involved monthly specimen observation in the field, during one year. In each visit, we observed the status of flowering and fruiting phenophases of the population of the three forms of C. zonatus . For flo ral biology we sought to evaluate data like: observed floral visitors, nectar volume and concentration, time of anthesis and closing of flowers . Flowers of the three fo rms were collected in the field , analyzed by stereomicroscope, and measurements of the f loral pieces were made with the help of a caliper . Transversal and paradermal sections of the leaves of the three forms were stained and then examined under an optical microscope. Observations of the epidermis under scanning electron microscopy were also conducted. The three m orphotypes could not be sepated based on all evidence investigated. Thus, we conclude that there is not evidences to support the recognition of C. zonatus morphotypes as taxonomic entities, and also that the tools of phenology, anatomy, biology and floral morphology were not useful to delimit these three forms . Yet to characterize better the Flora of Bromeli aceae of RN, the leaf anatomy of Orthophytum disjunctum was also studied. Orthophytum is the sister genus to Cryptanthus and only recently documented in the semiarid of RN. The anatomical comparison between Cryptanthus and Orthophytum allowed the separatio n of both genera based on the arrangement of stomata and thickness of aquiferous parênquima . During the fieldwork, it was still possible to document the first occurrence of Aechmea muricata in RN, inside the Mata Estrela preserve, aiding the understanding of the distribution of the taxon that is currently threatened with extinction.


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The main objective of the present work is to contribute to the development of the coordination chemistry of macromolecules such as resorcinarene with the synthesis and characterization of new copper complexes with chloride, vanillin and resorcinarene binders, all coordinated to phenanthroline, a biologically active molecule with important properties in biological systems. The complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)], was synthesized from the direct reaction of the metals with resorcinarene and generates several possibilities for coordination, which hinders its characterization. Therefore, in order to limit the coordination sites of the ligand, the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 was formed from a new synthetic methodology. The complex cis-[Cu(phen)Cl2], cis-[Cu(phen)(van)]Cl, [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)] and [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 were characterized by spectroscopic techniques such as IR, UV-vis and EPR. By using infrared it has been possible to demonstrate the presence of the phenanthroline ligand in the synthesized complexes, and vanillin in the complex cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl and resvan ligand in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)], besides this indicating the formation of resorcinarene in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4. The electronic spectra of these coordination compounds indicated the presence of the phenanthroline ligand, by its intense bands in the ultraviolet region. For the complex cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl it still indicated the presence of the ligand vanillin based on intraligand bands of vanillin and charge transfer, LMCT. Furthermore, the spectra showed d-d bands, confirming the formation of metal compounds. The amount of copper atoms present in the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 was estimated from a comparative analysis of the absorbances of solutions of the same concentration of [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 and cis- [Cu(phen)(van)]Cl, which indicates that these compounds have copper atoms in the ratio 4:1. The EPR spectra of the complex cis-[Cu(phen)Cl2], cis-[Cu(phen)(van)]Cl and [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)]Cl4 showed axial profiles, while the complex [(Cu(phen))4(resvan)] showed of axial and rhombic profiles, indicating a change in the symmetry of the Cu (II) to this complex environment. The binders vanillin and resvan underwent biological assays with satisfactory results, both exhibited antioxidant activity and low toxicity, as well vanillin present antitoxoplásmico character.


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This work describes the synthesis and aplication of homogeneous and heterogenized iron catalysts in the alkylation reaction of toluene with propene, empolying experimental design. The homogenous complex was obtained trough the synthesis of the organic ligand folowed by the complexation of the iron(II) chloride. As to the heterogenized complexes, first were synthetized the inorganic supports (SBA-15, MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41). Then, it was synthetized the ligand again, that through funcionalization with chloropropyltrimethoxysilane (CPTMS), was anchored on the support previously calcinated. To these anchored ligands, was complexed the iron(II) chloride, previously solubilizated in tetrahydrofuran (THF). The organic ligand characterization was accomplished trough nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Infrared spectroscopy (IV). The supports were characterized with x-ray diffraction (DRX), texture analysis with nitrogen adsorption/desorption (before and after the anchoring), termogravimetric analysis (TG) and infrared (IV). The metalic content was quantified trough the atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The complexes were tested in catalytic reactions emolying ethylaluminium sesquichloride (EASC) as co-catalyst in steel reactor, under mecanic stirring. The reaction conditions ranged from 4 to 36 ◦C, with many aluminum/iron ratios. The catalysts were actives in homogeneous and heterogenized ways. The homogenous catalytic complex showed a maximum turnover frequency (TOF) of 8.63 ×103 · h −1 , while, in some conditions, the anchored complexes showed better results, with TOF of until 8.08 ×103 · h −1 . Aditionally, it was possible to determine an equation, to the homogenous catalyst, that describes the product quantity in function of reacional temperature and aluminum/iron ratio.


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Nicotine administration in humans and rodents enhances memory and attention, and also has a positive effect in Alzheimer's Disease. The Medial Septum / Diagonal Band of Broca complex (MS/DBB) – a main cholinergic system – massively projects to the hippocampus through the fimbria-fornix, and this pathway is called the septohippocampal pathway. It has been demonstrated that the MS/DBB acts directly on the local field potential (LFP) rhythmic organization of the hippocampus, especially in the rhythmogenesis of Theta (4-8Hz) – an oscillation intrinsically linked to hippocampus mnemonic function. In vitro experiments gave evidence that nicotine applied to the MS/DBB generates a local network Theta rhythm within the MS/DBB. Thus, the present study proposes to elucidate the function of nicotine in the MS/DBB on the septo-hippocampal pathway. In vivo experiments compared the effect of MS/DBB microinfusion of saline (n=5) and nicotine (n=8) on Ketamine/Xylazine anaesthetized mice. We observed power spectrum density in the Gamma range (35 to 55 Hz) increasing in both structures (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.038) but with no change in coherence between these structures in the same range (Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, p=0.60). There was also a decrease in power of the ketamineinduced Delta oscillation (1 to 3 Hz). We also performed in vitro experiments on the effect of nicotine on membrane voltage and action potential. We patch-clamped 22 neurons in current-clamp mode; 12 neurons were responsive to nicotine, half of them increased firing rate and other 6 decreased, and they significantly differed in action potential threshold (-47.3±0.9 mV vs. -41±1.9 mV, respectively, p=0.007) and halfwidth time (1.6±0.08 ms vs. 2±0.12 ms, respectively, p=0.01). Furthermore, we performed another set of in vitro experiments concerning the connectivity of the three major neuronal populations of MS/DBB that use acetylcholine, GABA or glutamate as neurotransmitter. Paired patch-clamp recordings found that glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons realize intra-septal connections that produce sizable currents in MS/DBB postsynaptic neurons. The probability of connectivity between different neuronal populations gave rise to a MS/DBB topology that was implemented in a realistic model, which corroborates that the network is highly sensitive to the generation of Gamma rhythm. Together, the data available in the full set of experiments suggests that nicotine may act as a cognitive enhancer, by inducing gamma oscillation in the local circuitry of the MS/DBB.