946 resultados para Complex Processes


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Los territorios rurales de América Latina, y de la Argentina en particular, han sufrido cambios profundos en las últimas décadas producto de transformaciones en materia productiva, demográfica y social. Los cambios son complejos y han dado lugar a una multiplicidad de miradas y de enfoques sobre la nueva realidad. Frente a esta creciente complejidad, se plantea la construcción de un modelo interpretativo de la realidad rural de la Argentina que bien puede contribuir también para abordar las realidades de otros mundos rurales latinoamericanos. El modelo conceptual que se ofrece se construyó a partir del análisis empírico de numerosos casos de territorios rurales de la Argentina. Dicho modelo permite comprender los complejos procesos de organización y la dinámica rural, además de constituirse en una herramienta de prognosis para la definición de políticas públicas acordes que alienten nuevas dinámicas de desarrollo rural en la Argentina


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Action selection and organization are very complex processes that need to exploit contextual information and the retrieval of previously memorized information, as well as the integration of these different types of data. On the basis of anatomical connection with premotor and parietal areas involved in action goal coding, and on the data about the literature it seems appropriate to suppose that one of the most candidate involved in the selection of neuronal pools for the selection and organization of intentional actions is the prefrontal cortex. We recorded single ventrolateral prefrontal (VLPF) neurons activity while monkeys performed simple and complex manipulative actions aimed at distinct final goals, by employing a modified and more strictly controlled version of the grasp-to-eat(a food pellet)/grasp-to-place(an object) paradigm used in previous studies on parietal (Fogassi et al., 2005) and premotor neurons (Bonini et al., 2010). With this task we have been able both to evaluate the processing and integration of distinct (visual and auditory) contextual sequentially presented information in order to select the forthcoming action to perform and to examine the possible presence of goal-related activity in this portion of cortex. Moreover, we performed an observation task to clarify the possible contribution of VLPF neurons to the understanding of others’ goal-directed actions. Simple Visuo Motor Task (sVMT). We found four main types of neurons: unimodal sensory-driven, motor-related, unimodal sensory-and-motor, and multisensory neurons. We found a substantial number of VLPF neurons showing both a motor-related discharge and a visual presentation response (sensory-and-motor neurons), with remarkable visuo-motor congruence for the preferred target. Interestingly the discharge of multisensory neurons reflected a behavioural decision independently from the sensory modality of the stimulus allowing the monkey to make it: some encoded a decision to act/refraining from acting (the majority), while others specified one among the four behavioural alternatives. Complex Visuo Motor Task (cVMT). The cVMT was similar to the sVMT, but included a further grasping motor act (grasping a lid in order to remove it, before grasping the target) and was run in two modalities: randomized and in blocks. Substantially, motor-related and sensory-and-motor neurons tested in the cVMTrandomized were activated already during the first grasping motor act, but the selectivity for one of the two graspable targets emerged only during the execution of the second grasping. In contrast, when the cVMT was run in block, almost all these neurons not only discharged during the first grasping motor act, but also displayed the same target selectivity showed in correspondence of the hand contact with the target. Observation Task (OT). A great part of the neurons active during the OT showed a firing rate modulation in correspondence with the action performed by the experimenter. Among them, we found neurons significantly activated during the observation of the experimenter’s action (action observation-related neurons) and neurons responding not only to the action observation, but also to the presented cue stimuli (sensory-and-action observation-related neurons. Among the neurons of the first set, almost the half displayed a target selectivity, with a not clear difference between the two presented targets; Concerning to the second neuronal set, sensory-and-action related neurons, we found a low target selectivity and a not strictly congruence between the selectivity exhibited in the visual response and in the action observation.


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O entendimento da comunidade fitoplanctônica em sistemas instáveis, como por exemplo reservatórios, necessita conhecimento de escalas de variabilidade. Com base nisso, um estudo sobre a heterogeneidade espacial e variabilidade temporal de dois reservatórios com diferentes graus de trofia, no Estado de São Paulo foi realizado em 20 estações no reservatório de Salto Grande e em 19 no reservatório do Lobo, em 3 dias consecutivos, em quatro períodos: outubro de 1999, janeiro, abril e junho e julho de 2000. Para tanto foram determinadas as concentrações de nutrientes totais e dissolvidos, material em suspensão, carbono inorgânico, clorofila a, biomassa, densidade, composição e produtividade primária da comunidade fitoplanctônica e os perfis de oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, pH e condutividade. Os dois reservatórios tiveram estruturas espaciais semelhantes com a formação de três zonas distintas. A zona de rio, misturada, com menor penetração de luz e maior concentração de nutrientes, a zona de transição, e a zona lacustre, mais estratificada, com maior penetração de luz e menor concentração de nutrientes. Apesar dessa compartimentalização a heterogeneidade espacial no reservatório de Salto Grande foi maior que no reservatório do Lobo, sobretudo em função do gradiente longitudinal de nutrientes e luz. A variabilidade diária (3 dias) nos dois reservatórios não foi significativa na determinação da comunidade fitoplanctônica. A escala de variabilidade sazonal, nos dois reservatórios, foi determinada, principalmente pela variação nos padrões de estratificação e mistura sendo, assim, determinante na composição da comunidade fitoplanctônica. Essa influência foi mais evidente no reservatório do Lobo. A variação temporal e heterogeneidade espacial das mais abundantes espécies e grupos taxonômicos da comunidade fitoplanctônica, (Microcystis aeruginosa, Anabaena crassa e Anabaena circinalis em Salto Grande e Aphanocapsa delicatissima, Coelastrum reticulatum e Aulacoseira granulata no Lobo) nos dois reservatórios foram determinados pelos complexos processos de estratificação e mistura e da disponibilidade de luz. Os resultados obtidos são importantes para o entendimento da variabilidade ambiental de reservatórios tropicais e no planejamento de amostragens que visem o gerenciamento desses sistemas.


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This dissertation interrogates the assertion in postcolonial scholarship, especially from the work of Homi Bhabha that the construction and performance of hybrid identities act as a form of resistance for marginalized communities against structures of oppression. While this study supports this assertion, it also critiques how hybridity fails to address issues of unequal power relations. This has led to an uncritical use of hybridity that reproduces the very idea of static identity which its proponents claim to transcend. Through qualitative study of Chinese members of a Pentecostal church in Malaysia, this study argues that church members engage in "unequal belonging" where they privilege certain elements of their identities over others. In concert with Pierre Bourdieu's conceptions of habitus, field, and capital, unequal belonging highlights how hybridity fails to capture the intersecting and competing loyalties, strategies, and complexities of identity formation on a contextual level. Unequal belonging challenges postcolonial scholars to locate the subtle workings of power and privilege that manifest even among marginalized communities. The study first situates the Chinese through an analysis of the historical legacy of British colonialism that has structured the country's current socio-political configuration along bounded categories of identification. The habitus constrains church members to accept certain Chinese ethnic markers as "givens." Although they face continuous marginalization, interviewee data demonstrates that church members negotiate their Chineseness and construct a "Modern Chinese" ethnic identity as a strategic move away from Chinese stereotypes. Moreover, conversion to Christianity affords church members access to cultural capital. Yet, it is limited and unequal capital. In particular, the "Chinese Chinese," who church members have demarcated as backward and traditional, are unable to gain access to this capital because they lack fluency in English and knowledge in modern, westernized worldviews. Unequal belonging nuances monolithic conceptions of hybridity. It demonstrates how church members' privilege of Christianity over Chineseness exposes the complex processes of power and privilege that makes westernized-English-speaking Chinese Christians culturally "higher" than non-English-speaking, non-Christian, Chinese. This study provides significant contribution to the complex aspect of hybridity where it is both a site of resistance and oppression.


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La realidad metropolitana de los países desarrollados está experimentando cambios importantes asociados a la creciente separación entre los espacios de residencia y trabajo. En las áreas metropolitanas se dan los procesos de este tipo más complejos cuyas consecuencias territoriales inmediatas son la potenciación de ciertas centralidades a la vez que crecen centros nuevos o tradicionales en sus áreas de influencia. La estructura territorial (la red urbana y de transportes, fundamentalmente) en el Área Metropolitana de Valencia (AMV) incide claramente en los problemas asociados a la equidad social y a la sostenibilidad ambiental. La comunicación que aquí se presenta se centra en el análisis de dichos cambios en la última década, a partir del comportamiento demográfico de los municipios, las pautas generales de movilidad y los cambios en la ocupación del suelo en el AMV.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016


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Los territorios rurales de América Latina, y de la Argentina en particular, han sufrido cambios profundos en las últimas décadas producto de transformaciones en materia productiva, demográfica y social. Los cambios son complejos y han dado lugar a una multiplicidad de miradas y de enfoques sobre la nueva realidad. Frente a esta creciente complejidad, se plantea la construcción de un modelo interpretativo de la realidad rural de la Argentina que bien puede contribuir también para abordar las realidades de otros mundos rurales latinoamericanos. El modelo conceptual que se ofrece se construyó a partir del análisis empírico de numerosos casos de territorios rurales de la Argentina. Dicho modelo permite comprender los complejos procesos de organización y la dinámica rural, además de constituirse en una herramienta de prognosis para la definición de políticas públicas acordes que alienten nuevas dinámicas de desarrollo rural en la Argentina


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Los territorios rurales de América Latina, y de la Argentina en particular, han sufrido cambios profundos en las últimas décadas producto de transformaciones en materia productiva, demográfica y social. Los cambios son complejos y han dado lugar a una multiplicidad de miradas y de enfoques sobre la nueva realidad. Frente a esta creciente complejidad, se plantea la construcción de un modelo interpretativo de la realidad rural de la Argentina que bien puede contribuir también para abordar las realidades de otros mundos rurales latinoamericanos. El modelo conceptual que se ofrece se construyó a partir del análisis empírico de numerosos casos de territorios rurales de la Argentina. Dicho modelo permite comprender los complejos procesos de organización y la dinámica rural, además de constituirse en una herramienta de prognosis para la definición de políticas públicas acordes que alienten nuevas dinámicas de desarrollo rural en la Argentina


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The concentration of ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N) frequently exceeds that of nitrate-N (NO3--N) in Australian wet tropical sugarcane soils. The amount of mineral N in soil is the net result of complex processes in the field, so the objective of this experiment was to investigate nitrification and ammonification in these soils under laboratory conditions. Aerobic and saturated incubations were performed for 1 week on 2 wet tropical soils. Net NO3--N increased significantly in both soils during both types of incubation. A second series of aerobic incubations of these soils treated with NH4+-N and inoculated with subtropical nitrifying soils was conducted for 48 days. Nitrification in the wet tropical soils was not significantly affected by inoculation, and virtually all added N was nitrified during the incubation period. Mineral N behaviour of the 48-day incubations was captured with the APSIM-SoilN model. As nitrification proceeded under laboratory conditions and was able to be captured by the model, it was concluded that nitrification processes in the wet tropical soils studied were not different from those in the subtropical soils. Processes that remove NO3- from the soil, such as leaching and denitrification, may therefore be important factors affecting the proportions of NH4+-N and NO3--N measured under field conditions.


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Objective: To assess and explain deviations from recommended practice in National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in relation to fetal heart monitoring. Design: Qualitative study. Setting: Large teaching hospital in the UK. Sample: Sixty-six hours of observation of 25 labours and interviews with 20 midwives of varying grades. Methods: Structured observations of labour and semistructured interviews with midwives. Interviews were undertaken using a prompt guide, audiotaped, and transcribed verbatim. Analysis was based on the constant comparative method, assisted by QSR N5 software. Main outcome measures: Deviations from recommended practice in relation to fetal monitoring and insights into why these occur. Results: All babies involved in the study were safely delivered, but 243 deviations from recommended practice in relation to NICE guidelines on fetal monitoring were identified, with the majority (80%) of these occurring in relation to documentation. Other deviations from recommended practice included indications for use of electronic fetal heart monitoring and conduct of fetal heart monitoring. There is evidence of difficulties with availability and maintenance of equipment, and some deficits in staff knowledge and skill. Differing orientations towards fetal monitoring were reported by midwives, which were likely to have impacts on practice. The initiation, management, and interpretation of fetal heart monitoring is complex and distributed across time, space, and professional boundaries, and practices in relation to fetal heart monitoring need to be understood within an organisational and social context. Conclusion: Some deviations from best practice guidelines may be rectified through straightforward interventions including improved systems for managing equipment and training. Other deviations from recommended practice need to be understood as the outcomes of complex processes that are likely to defy easy resolution. © RCOG 2006.


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Neuroimaging literature has identified several regions involved in encoding and recognition processes. A review of the literature illustrated considerable variations in the precise location and mechanisms of these processes, and it was these variations that were investigated in the studies in this thesis. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used as the neuroimaging tool and a preliminary study identified Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry (SAM) and not a traditional dipole fitting technique, as an appropriate tool for identifying the multiple cortical regions involved in recognition memory. It has been suggested that there is hemispheric asymmetry in encoding and recognition processes. There are two main hypotheses: the first suggesting that there is task-specificity, the second that this specificity is determined by stimulus modality. A series of experiments was completed with two main aims: first to produce consistent and complementary recognition memory data with MEG, and second to determine whether there exists any hemispheric asymmetry in recognition memory. The results obtained from five experiments demonstrated activation of prefrontal and middle temporal structures, which were consistent with those reported in previous neuroimaging studies. It was suggested that this diverse activation may be explained by the involvement of a semantic network during recognition memory processes. In support of this, a subsequent study involving a semantic encoding task demonstrated that category-specific differences in cortical activation also existed in the recognition memory phase. Controlling for the involvement of such semantic processes produced predominantly bilateral activation. It was suggested that the apparent hemispheric asymmetry findings reported in the literature may be due to the 'coarse' temporal analysis available with earlier imaging techniques, which over-simplified the networks reported by being unable to recognise the early complex processes associated with semantic processing which these MEG studies were able to identify. The importance of frequency-specific activations, specifically theta synchronisation and alpha desynchronisation, in memory processes was also investigated.


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In the developed world we are surrounded by man-made objects, but most people give little thought to the complex processes needed for their design. The design of hand knitting is complex because much of the domain knowledge is tacit. The objective of this thesis is to devise a methodology to help designers to work within design constraints, whilst facilitating creativity. A hybrid solution including computer aided design (CAD) and case based reasoning (CBR) is proposed. The CAD system creates designs using domain-specific rules and these designs are employed for initial seeding of the case base and the management of constraints. CBR reuses the designer's previous experience. The key aspects in the CBR system are measuring the similarity of cases and adapting past solutions to the current problem. Similarity is measured by asking the user to rank the importance of features; the ranks are then used to calculate weights for an algorithm which compares the specifications of designs. A novel adaptation operator called rule difference replay (RDR) is created. When the specifications to a new design is presented, the CAD program uses it to construct a design constituting an approximate solution. The most similar design from the case-base is then retrieved and RDR replays the changes previously made to the retrieved design on the new solution. A measure of solution similarity that can validate subjective success scores is created. Specification similarity can be used as a guide whether to invoke CBR, in a hybrid CAD-CBR system. If the newly resulted design is suffciently similar to a previous design, then CBR is invoked; otherwise CAD is used. The application of RDR to knitwear design has demonstrated the flexibility to overcome deficiencies in rules that try to automate creativity, and has the potential to be applied to other domains such as interior design.


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This paper aims at development of procedures and algorithms for application of artificial intelligence tools to acquire process and analyze various types of knowledge. The proposed environment integrates techniques of knowledge and decision process modeling such as neural networks and fuzzy logic-based reasoning methods. The problem of an identification of complex processes with the use of neuro-fuzzy systems is solved. The proposed classifier has been successfully applied for building one decision support systems for solving managerial problem.