941 resultados para Coluna vertebral - Anomalias


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Introdução: O trabalho portuário é composto por condicionantes socioambientais necessários à manutenção das funções operativas, mas que influenciam na produção de doenças osteomusculares. O conhecimento desses condicionantes instrumentaliza o raciocínio clínico da Enfermagem para o planejamento de ações em saúde. Desta forma, defende-se a tese de que “O conhecimento dos condicionantes socioambientais e pessoais do adoecimento osteomuscular do trabalhador portuário avulso fornece elementos ao processamento do raciocínio clínico da Enfermagem, para assistência em saúde do trabalhador”. Objetivos: identificar evidências científicas de adoecimento ocupacional do trabalhador portuário publicadas na literatura cientifica; caracterizar o tipo, a localização e a intensidade de sintomas osteomusculares relacionados com os condicionantes socioambientais do trabalho portuário; Relacionar as doenças osteomusculares autorreferidas por trabalhadores portuários e os condicionantes socioambientais deste trabalho. Percurso Metodológico: o estudo apresentou revisão sistemática, fundamentada no método Cochrane; e estudos descritivos e exploratórios de abordagem quantitativa, realizado por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com 232 trabalhadores portuários avulsos. Os dados foram analisados no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 21.0, por frequência simples, proporções e testes inferenciais não-paramétricos. A tese integra o macro projeto de pesquisa “Saúde do Trabalhador, Riscos, Acidentes e Doenças Relacionadas ao Trabalho: Estudo com Trabalhadores em um Porto no Extremo Sul do Brasil”, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (CEPAS-FURG) sob parecer número 118/2013. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática, selecionaram-se 16 publicações; todas as publicações pertenceram ao nível de evidência quatro, destacando o câncer pulmonar, doenças osteomusculares e isquêmicas, com nexo causal em riscos químicos oriundos da exaustão veicular e das cargas transportadas. Nos estudos descritivos, os sintomas prevalentes foram a dor leve em membros superiores (51,7%) e intensa a insuportável na coluna vertebral (19%). Os dois adoecimentos mais autorreferidos foram lombocitalgia (36,8%; n=50 – em terra e 28,1%; n=27 – a bordo) e tendinite (27,9% - em terra e 31,3% - a bordo). Discussão: O câncer pulmonar ocupacional foi causado por componentes químicos da exaustão veicular e do amianto transportado nas operações portuárias. Com relação à saúde muscular, a idade, o tempo e a jornada de trabalho mostraram-se condicionantes importantes na identificação de sintomas e adoecimentos, e o quanto estes fatores interveem na percepção da intensidade, contribuindo no autocuidado para prevenção e tratamento. Conclusão: O conhecimento dos condicionantes socioambientais relacionados ao trabalhador e caracterizados nos ambientes de trabalho deve ser atual e pregresso, o que somado à apreensão dos sintomas e adoecimentos autorreferidos pelos trabalhadores instrumentalizou o RC, identificando uma atuação profissional em longo prazo para dirimir os adoecimentos identificados. As características clínicas obtidas, em conjunto com a literatura, conduziram ao processamento do RC da enfermagem nesta realidade, sendo a informação em saúde um ponto chave para a promoção da saúde muscular dos trabalhadores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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Placa e espaçador de polímero derivado do óleo de mamona (PDOM) (Ricinus communis) foram avaliados clínica, radiográfica e histologicamente na tração linear, fixação e fusão vertebral cervical em 20 cães adultos, sem raça definida, pesando entre 17 e 22kg. Foram sacrificados quatro animais aos 10, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de pós-operatório. Após exposição da coluna cervical, por acesso ventral, o disco intervertebral de C4-C5 foi fenestrado e a abordagem ao canal medular foi feita por meio de fenda óssea. Um espaçador de PDOM foi colocado preenchendo o defeito ósseo. Os corpos vertebrais C4-C5 foram fixados com placa do mesmo material, utilizando-se dois parafusos corticais em cada corpo vertebral. Apenas um animal apresentou déficit neurológico no pós-operatório imediato. Radiograficamente as vértebras mostravam-se normais e alinhadas, sem colapso do espaço intervertebral, porém não houve neoformação óssea entre as vértebras. Ao exame mielográfico, não houve compressão da medula espinhal. Os implantes foram efetivos em manter a tração linear e fixação das vértebras cervicais e não ocorreu a fusão vertebral.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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As anomalias craniofaciais ocasionam comprometimentos estéticos e funcionais com grande impacto na saúde e na integração social da criança, com interferência no desenvolvimento global e social. Das anomalias craniofaciais este estudo abordou as Fissuras Labiopalatinas (FLP) e o Espectro Óculo Aurículo Vertebral (EOAV). As FLP constituem malformações resultantes de falta do fechamento completo dos tecidos que compõe o lábio e o palato. O EOAV, também conhecido como Síndrome de Goldenhar, é uma anomalia congênita de etiologia desconhecida, com manifestação genética variável e de causa bastante heterogênea. Conhecer as habilidades funcionais e o impacto destas no desenvolvimento global de crianças com EOAV e FLP pode otimizar o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção e intervenção para promover a saúde e a integração social destes indivíduos. Este estudo foi delineado com objetivo de verificar e comparar o desempenho em habilidades funcionais quanto ao desempenho nas áreas de autocuidado, mobilidade, função social e nível de independência entre crianças com EOAV, crianças com FLP e um grupo comparativo, de crianças sem anomalias. O modelo de pesquisa foi observacional descritivo transversal com uma casuística de 39 pais/responsáveis de crianças na faixa etária entre três anos e sete anos e seis meses, de ambos os gêneros. Foram convidados para participar pais/responsáveis de crianças em tratamento no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade e São Paulo (HRAC-USP) os quais foram divididos em três grupos: dois experimentais e um grupo comparativo. O instrumento para coleta dos dados das habilidades funcionais foi o Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), em sua versão adaptada para o português. A avaliação é realizada por meio de entrevista com o cuidador, o qual deve saber informar sobre o desempenho da criança em atividades e tarefas típicas da rotina diária. Os dados foram apresentados por análise descritiva com medidas de tendência central (média aritmética), dispersão (desvio-padrão) e distribuição de frequência, nas variáveis: idades, gênero e nível socioeconômico da família e caracterização da casuística. Para as análises das pontuações bruta e normativa do questionário PEDI no que se refere às habilidades funcionais e a assistência do cuidador nas três áreas de função autocuidado, mobilidade e função social, foi utilizado o teste de variância One Way, e para o teste de normalidade foi utilizado Shapiro Wilk para variável dependente. A análise comparativa foi realizada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis, adotando-se o valor de significância de p< 0,05. Os resultados deste estudo na análise comparativa nas habilidades funcionais na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore bruto, e entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV e GC vs GEFLP, no escore normativo.Na assistência do cuidador no autocuidado, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV, no escore normativo. Na assistência do cuidador na mobilidade, houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEEOAV nos escores bruto e normativo.Na assistência do cuidador na função social houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre os grupos GC vs GEFLP.


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Fusionless scoliosis surgery is an emerging treatment for idiopathic scoliosis as it offers theoretical advantages over current forms of treatment. Anterior vertebral stapling using a nitinol staple is one such treatment. Despite increasing interest in this technique, little is known about the effects on the spine following insertion, or the mechanism of action of the staple. The aims of this study were threefold; (1) to measure changes in the bending stiffness of a single motion segment following staple insertion, (2) to describe the forces that occur within the staple during spinal movement, and (3) to describe the anatomical changes that occur following staple insertion. Results suggest that staple insertion consistently decreased stiffness in all directions of motion. An explanation for the finding may be found in the outcomes of the strain gauge testing and micro-CT scan. The strain gauge testing showed that once inserted, the staple tips applied a baseline compressive force to the surrounding trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate. This finding would be consistent with the current belief that the clinical effect of the staples is via unilateral compression of the physis. Interestingly however, as each specimen progressed through the five cycles of each test, the baseline load on the staple tips gradually decreased, implying that the force at the staple tip-bone interface was decreasing. We believe that this was likely occurring as a result of structural damage to the trabecular bone and vertebral end-plate by the staple effectively causing ‘loosening’ of the staple. This hypothesis is further supported by the findings of the micro-CT scan. The pictures depict significant trabecular bone and physeal injury around the staple blades. These results suggest that the current hypothesis that stapling modulates growth through physeal compression may be incorrect, but rather the effect occurs through mechanical disruption of the vertebral growth plate.


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Thoracoscopic instrumented anterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has clinical benefits that include reduced pulmonary morbidity, postoperative pain, and improved cosmesis. However, quantitative data on radiological improvement of vertebral rotation using this method is lacking. This study’s objectives were to measure preoperative and postoperative axial vertebral rotational deformity at the curve apex in endoscopically-treated anterior-instrumented scoliosis patients using CT, and assess the relevance of these findings to clinically measured chest wall rib hump deformity correction. This is the first quantitative CT study to confirm that endoscopic anterior instrumented fusion for AIS substantially improves axial vertebral body rotational deformity at the apex of the curve. The margin of correction of 43% compares favourably with historically published figures of 24% for patients with posterior all-hook-rod constructs. CT measurements correlated significantly to the clinical outcome of rib hump deformity correction.


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Top screw pullout occurs when the screw is under too much axial force to remain secure in the vertebral body. In vitro biomechanical pullout tests are commonly done to find the maximum fixation strength of anterior vertebral body screws. Typically, pullout tests are done instantaneously where the screw is inserted and then pulled out immediately after insertion. However, bone is a viscoelastic material so it shows a time dependent stress and strain response. Because of this property, it was hypothesised that creep occurs in the vertebral trabecular bone due to the stress caused by the screw. The objective of this study was therefore to determine whether the axial pullout strength of anterior vertebral body screws used for scoliosis correction surgery changes with time after insertion. This study found that there is a possible relationship between pullout strength and time; however more testing is required as the sample numbers were quite small. The design of the screw is made with the knowledge of the strength it must obtain. This is important to prevent such occurrences as top screw pullout. If the pullout strength is indeed decreased due to creep, the design of the screw may need to be changed to withstand greater forces.


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Vertebrplasty involved injecting cement into a fractured vertebra to provide stabilisation. There is clinical evidence to suggest however that vertebroplasty may be assocated with a higher risk of adjacent vertebral fracture; which may be due to the change in material properties of the post-procedure vertebra modifying the transmission of mechanical stresses to adjacent vertebrae.


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Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people worldwide, with an estimated 1.5 million fractures annually in the United States alone, and with attendant costs exceeding $10 billion dollars per annum. Osteoporosis reduces bone density through a series of structural changes to the honeycomb-like trabecular bone structure (micro-structure). The reduced bone density, coupled with the microstructural changes, results in significant loss of bone strength and increased fracture risk. Vertebral compression fractures are the most common type of osteoporotic fracture and are associated with pain, increased thoracic curvature, reduced mobility, and difficulty with self care. Surgical interventions, such as kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty, are used to treat osteoporotic vertebral fractures by restoring vertebral stability and alleviating pain. These minimally invasive procedures involve injecting bone cement into the fractured vertebrae. The techniques are still relatively new and while initial results are promising, with the procedures relieving pain in 70-95% of cases, medium-term investigations are now indicating an increased risk of adjacent level fracture following the procedure. With the aging population, understanding and treatment of osteoporosis is an increasingly important public health issue in developed Western countries. The aim of this study was to investigate the biomechanics of spinal osteoporosis and osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures by developing multi-scale computational, Finite Element (FE) models of both healthy and osteoporotic vertebral bodies. The multi-scale approach included the overall vertebral body anatomy, as well as a detailed representation of the internal trabecular microstructure. This novel, multi-scale approach overcame limitations of previous investigations by allowing simultaneous investigation of the mechanics of the trabecular micro-structure as well as overall vertebral body mechanics. The models were used to simulate the progression of osteoporosis, the effect of different loading conditions on vertebral strength and stiffness, and the effects of vertebroplasty on vertebral and trabecular mechanics. The model development process began with the development of an individual trabecular strut model using 3D beam elements, which was used as the building block for lattice-type, structural trabecular bone models, which were in turn incorporated into the vertebral body models. At each stage of model development, model predictions were compared to analytical solutions and in-vitro data from existing literature. The incremental process provided confidence in the predictions of each model before incorporation into the overall vertebral body model. The trabecular bone model, vertebral body model and vertebroplasty models were validated against in-vitro data from a series of compression tests performed using human cadaveric vertebral bodies. Firstly, trabecular bone samples were acquired and morphological parameters for each sample were measured using high resolution micro-computed tomography (CT). Apparent mechanical properties for each sample were then determined using uni-axial compression tests. Bone tissue properties were inversely determined using voxel-based FE models based on the micro-CT data. Specimen specific trabecular bone models were developed and the predicted apparent stiffness and strength were compared to the experimentally measured apparent stiffness and strength of the corresponding specimen. Following the trabecular specimen tests, a series of 12 whole cadaveric vertebrae were then divided into treated and non-treated groups and vertebroplasty performed on the specimens of the treated group. The vertebrae in both groups underwent clinical-CT scanning and destructive uniaxial compression testing. Specimen specific FE vertebral body models were developed and the predicted mechanical response compared to the experimentally measured responses. The validation process demonstrated that the multi-scale FE models comprising a lattice network of beam elements were able to accurately capture the failure mechanics of trabecular bone; and a trabecular core represented with beam elements enclosed in a layer of shell elements to represent the cortical shell was able to adequately represent the failure mechanics of intact vertebral bodies with varying degrees of osteoporosis. Following model development and validation, the models were used to investigate the effects of progressive osteoporosis on vertebral body mechanics and trabecular bone mechanics. These simulations showed that overall failure of the osteoporotic vertebral body is initiated by failure of the trabecular core, and the failure mechanism of the trabeculae varies with the progression of osteoporosis; from tissue yield in healthy trabecular bone, to failure due to instability (buckling) in osteoporotic bone with its thinner trabecular struts. The mechanical response of the vertebral body under load is highly dependent on the ability of the endplates to deform to transmit the load to the underlying trabecular bone. The ability of the endplate to evenly transfer the load through the core diminishes with osteoporosis. Investigation into the effect of different loading conditions on the vertebral body found that, because the trabecular bone structural changes which occur in osteoporosis result in a structure that is highly aligned with the loading direction, the vertebral body is consequently less able to withstand non-uniform loading states such as occurs in forward flexion. Changes in vertebral body loading due to disc degeneration were simulated, but proved to have little effect on osteoporotic vertebra mechanics. Conversely, differences in vertebral body loading between simulated invivo (uniform endplate pressure) and in-vitro conditions (where the vertebral endplates are rigidly cemented) had a dramatic effect on the predicted vertebral mechanics. This investigation suggested that in-vitro loading using bone cement potting of both endplates has major limitations in its ability to represent vertebral body mechanics in-vivo. And lastly, FE investigation into the biomechanical effect of vertebroplasty was performed. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the effect of vertebroplasty on overall vertebra mechanics is strongly governed by the cement distribution achieved within the trabecular core. In agreement with a recent study, the models predicted that vertebroplasty cement distributions which do not form one continuous mass which contacts both endplates have little effect on vertebral body stiffness or strength. In summary, this work presents the development of a novel, multi-scale Finite Element model of the osteoporotic vertebral body, which provides a powerful new tool for investigating the mechanics of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures at the trabecular bone micro-structural level, and at the vertebral body level.


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Fusionless scoliosis surgery is an emerging treatment for idiopathic scoliosis as it offers theoretical advantages over current forms of treatment. Currently the treatment options for idiopathic scoliosis are observation, bracing and fusion. While brace treatment is non-invasive, and preserves the growth, motion, and function of the spine, it does not correct deformity and is only modestly successful in preventing curve progression. In adolescents who fail brace treatment, surgical treatment with an instrumented spinal fusion usually results in better deformity correction but is associated with substantially greater risk. Furthermore in younger patients requiring surgical treatment, fusion procedures are known to adversely effect the future growth of the chest and spine. Fusionless treatments have been developed to allow effective surgical treatment of patients with idiopathic scoliosis who are too young for fusion procedures. Anterior vertebral stapling is one such fusionless treatment which aims to modulate the growth of vertebra to allow correction of scoliosis whilst maintaining normal spinal motion The Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Brisbane has begun to use anterior vertebral stapling to treat patients with idiopathic scoliosis who are too young for fusion procedures. Currently the only staple approved for clinical use is manufactured by Medtronic Sofamor Danek (Memphis, TN). This thesis explains the biomechanical and anatomical changes that occur following anterior vertebral staple insertion using in vitro experiments performed on an immature bovine model. Currently there is a paucity of published information about anterior vertebral stapling so it is hoped that this project will provide information that will aid in our understanding of the clinical effects of staple insertion. The aims of this experimental study were threefold. The first phase was designed to determine the changes in the bending stiffness of the spine following staple insertion. The second phase was designed to measure the forces experienced by the staple during spinal movements. The third and final phase of testing was designed to describe the structural changes that occur to a vertebra as a consequence of staple insertion. The first phase of testing utilised a displacement controlled testing robot to compare the change in stiffness of a single spinal motion segment following staple insertion for the three basic spinal motions of flexion-extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. For the second phase of testing strain gauges were attached to staples and used to measure staple forces during spinal movement. In the third and final phase the staples were removed and a testing specimen underwent micro-computed tomography (CT) scanning to describe the anatomical changes that occur following staple insertion. The displacement controlled testing showed that there was a significant decrease in bending stiffness in flexion, extension, lateral bending away from the staple, and axial rotation away from the staple following staple insertion. The strain gauge measurements showed that the greatest staple forces occurred in flexion and the least in extension. In addition, a reduction in the baseline staple compressive force was seen with successive loading cycles. Micro-CT scanning demonstrated that significant damage to the vertebral body and endplate occurred as a consequence of staple insertion. The clinical implications of this study are significant. Based on the findings of this project it is likely that the clinical effect of the anterior vertebral staple evaluated in this project is a consequence of growth plate damage (also called hemiepiphysiodesis) causing a partial growth arrest of the vertebra rather than simply compression of the growth plate. The surgical creation of a unilateral growth arrest is a well established treatment used in the management of congenital scoliosis but has not previously been considered for use in idiopathic scoliosis.


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Osteoporotic spinal fractures are a major concern in ageing Western societies. This study develops a multi-scale finite element (FE) model of the osteoporotic lumbar vertebral body to study the mechanics of vertebral compression fracture at both the apparent (whole vertebral body) and micro-structural (internal trabecular bone core)levels. Model predictions were verified against experimental data, and found to provide a reasonably good representation of the mechanics of the osteoporotic vertebral body. This novel modelling methodology will allow detailed investigation of how trabecular bone loss in osteoporosis affects vertebral stiffness and strength in the lumbar spine.