983 resultados para Cognitive Radio, FFT pruning, FPGA


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Sommario Il progetto descritto in questo documento consiste nella realizzazione di una prima applicazione pratica di uno specifico studio di ricerca rivolto al ripristino di reti wireless in scenari post-calamità naturali. In principio è stata descritta un’ampia analisi delle problematiche di rete che si vengono a creare in seguito ad eventi catastrofici. Successivamente, analizzando le varie tecniche e tecnologie oggetto di studio di diversi gruppi di ricerca, si è scelto di collaborare con il progetto STEM-Mesh, essendo ancora in fase sperimentale, il quale affronta il problema di ristabilire la connettività di rete in questi particolari scenari, attraverso l’utilizzo di tecnologie Cognitive Radio (CR), mobilità controllata e principi di reti auto-organizzanti. Di questo primo approccio pratico sono state poi descritte le fasi di progettazione, implementazione e testing. Nella fase di progettazione sono state studiate le componenti hardware e software che rispettassero il più possibile i requisiti e le caratteristiche dei dispositivi “staminali” STEM-Node cuore del progetto STEM-Mesh, ovvero dei dispositivi wireless altamente auto-riconfiguranti ed auto-organizzanti che possono diventare dispositivi sostituivi ai nodi compromessi in una rete, riconfigurandosi appunto in base alle funzionalità interrotte. Nella fase di implementazione si è passati alla stesura del codice, in Python e Wiring, abilitante il dispositivo STEM-Node. Infine nella fase di testing si è verificato che i risultati fossero quelli desiderati e che il sistema realizzato funzionasse come previsto.


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La Cognitive Radio è un dispositivo in grado di reagire ai cambiamenti dell’ambiente radio in cui opera, modificando autonomamente e dinamicamente i propri parametri funzionali tra cui la frequenza, la potenza di trasmissione e la modulazione. Il principio di base di questi dispositivi è l’accesso dinamico alle risorse radio potenzialmente non utilizzate, con cui utenti non in possesso di licenze possono sfruttare le frequenze che in un determinato spazio temporale non vengono usate, preoccupandosi di non interferire con gli utenti che hanno privilegi su quella parte di spettro. Devono quindi essere individuati i cosiddetti “spectrum holes” o “white spaces”, parti di spettro assegnate ma non utilizzate, dai quali prendono il nome i dispositivi.Uno dei modi per individuare gli “Spectrum holes” per una Cognitive Radio consiste nel cercare di captare il segnale destinato agli utenti primari; questa tecnica è nota con il nome di Spectrum Sensing e consente di ottenere essenzialmente una misura all’interno del canale considerato al fine di determinare la presenza o meno di un servizio protetto. La tecnica di sensing impiegata da un WSD che opera autonomamente non è però molto efficiente in quanto non garantisce una buona protezione ai ricevitori DTT che usano lo stesso canale sul quale il WSD intende trasmettere.A livello europeo la soluzione che è stata ritenuta più affidabile per evitare le interferenze sui ricevitori DTT è rappresentata dall’uso di un geo-location database che opera in collaborazione con il dispositivo cognitivo.Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare un algoritmo che permette di combinare i due approcci di geo-location database e Sensing per definire i livelli di potenza trasmissibile da un WSD.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di illustrare gli standard IEEE 802.22 WRAN e IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX. Di questi standard verranno analizzate le caratteristiche principali, i metodi di funzoinamento ed alcuni protocolli. Nel primo capitolo viene fatta una breve spiegazione delle tecnologie wireless con un focus sullo spettro radio, sulle tecniche di modulazione dell’onda radio, sugli scenari operativi LOS, nLOS ed NLOS, sulle tecniche di duplexing e le tecniche di accesos multiplo, inoltre vengono brevente illustrate alcune delle problematiche che affliggono le trasmissioni senza fili ed infine vengono illustrate i quattro più comuni livelli di QoS. Nel secondo capitolo viene illustrato lo standard IEEE 802.22 con un focus sullo stato dell’arte della tecnologia WRAN, come si è sviluppato lo standard e per quali motivi è stato redatto, lo spettro di frequeza utilizzato e come, il funzionamento delle Cognitive Radio, i dispositivi che caratterizzano le reti WRAN e la topologia di rete utilizzata. In seguito sono spiegati nello specifico i livelli fisico e MAC e le loro caratteristiche e metodi di funzionamento. Nel terzo capitolo vengono illustrate le caratteristiche dello standard IEEE 802.16e cercando di riprendere gli stessi punti toccati nel capitolo precedente con una caratterizzazione dello standard nei suoi particolari.


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Range estimation is the core of many positioning systems such as radar, and Wireless Local Positioning Systems (WLPS). The estimation of range is achieved by estimating Time-of-Arrival (TOA). TOA represents the signal propagation delay between a transmitter and a receiver. Thus, error in TOA estimation causes degradation in range estimation performance. In wireless environments, noise, multipath, and limited bandwidth reduce TOA estimation performance. TOA estimation algorithms that are designed for wireless environments aim to improve the TOA estimation performance by mitigating the effect of closely spaced paths in practical (positive) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions. Limited bandwidth avoids the discrimination of closely spaced paths. This reduces TOA estimation performance. TOA estimation methods are evaluated as a function of SNR, bandwidth, and the number of reflections in multipath wireless environments, as well as their complexity. In this research, a TOA estimation technique based on Blind signal Separation (BSS) is proposed. This frequency domain method estimates TOA in wireless multipath environments for a given signal bandwidth. The structure of the proposed technique is presented and its complexity and performance are theoretically evaluated. It is depicted that the proposed method is not sensitive to SNR, number of reflections, and bandwidth. In general, as bandwidth increases, TOA estimation performance improves. However, spectrum is the most valuable resource in wireless systems and usually a large portion of spectrum to support high performance TOA estimation is not available. In addition, the radio frequency (RF) components of wideband systems suffer from high cost and complexity. Thus, a novel, multiband positioning structure is proposed. The proposed technique uses the available (non-contiguous) bands to support high performance TOA estimation. This system incorporates the capabilities of cognitive radio (CR) systems to sense the available spectrum (also called white spaces) and to incorporate white spaces for high-performance localization. First, contiguous bands that are divided into several non-equal, narrow sub-bands that possess the same SNR are concatenated to attain an accuracy corresponding to the equivalent full band. Two radio architectures are proposed and investigated: the signal is transmitted over available spectrum either simultaneously (parallel concatenation) or sequentially (serial concatenation). Low complexity radio designs that handle the concatenation process sequentially and in parallel are introduced. Different TOA estimation algorithms that are applicable to multiband scenarios are studied and their performance is theoretically evaluated and compared to simulations. Next, the results are extended to non-contiguous, non-equal sub-bands with the same SNR. These are more realistic assumptions in practical systems. The performance and complexity of the proposed technique is investigated as well. This study’s results show that selecting bandwidth, center frequency, and SNR levels for each sub-band can adapt positioning accuracy.


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We study a cognitive radio scenario in which the network of sec- ondary users wishes to identify which primary user, if any, is trans- mitting. To achieve this, the nodes will rely on some form of location information. In our previous work we proposed two fully distributed algorithms for this task, with and without a pre-detection step, using propagation parameters as the only source of location information. In a real distributed deployment, each node must estimate its own po- sition and/or propagation parameters. Hence, in this work we study the effect of uncertainty, or error in these estimates on the proposed distributed identification algorithms. We show that the pre-detection step significantly increases robustness against uncertainty in nodes' locations.


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Many problems in digital communications involve wideband radio signals. As the most recent example, the impressive advances in Cognitive Radio systems make even more necessary the development of sampling schemes for wideband radio signals with spectral holes. This is equivalent to considering a sparse multiband signal in the framework of Compressive Sampling theory. Starting from previous results on multicoset sampling and recent advances in compressive sampling, we analyze the matrix involved in the corresponding reconstruction equation and define a new method for the design of universal multicoset codes, that is, codes guaranteeing perfect reconstruction of the sparse multiband signal.


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This paper presents an overview of preliminary results of investigations within the WHERE2 Project on identifying promising avenues for location aided enhancements to wireless communication systems. The wide ranging contributions are organized according to the following targeted systems: cellular networks, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and cognitive radio. Location based approaches are found to alleviate significant signaling overhead in various forms of modern communication paradigms that are very information hungry in terms of channel state information at the transmitter(s). And this at a reasonable cost given the ubiquitous availability of location information in recent wireless standards or smart phones. Location tracking furthermore opens the new perspective of slow fading prediction.


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In this paper, we propose three relay selection schemes for full-duplex heterogeneous networks in the presence of multiple cognitive radio eavesdroppers. In this setup, the cognitive small-cell nodes (secondary network) can share the spectrum licensed to the macro-cell system (primary network) on the condition that the quality-of-service of the primary network is always satisfied subjected to its outage probability constraint. The messages are delivered from one small-cell base station to the destination with the help of full-duplex small-cell base stations, which act as relay nodes. Based on the availability of the network’s channel state information at the secondary information source, three different selection criteria for full-duplex relays, namely: 1) partial relay selection; 2) optimal relay selection; and 3) minimal self-interference relay selection, are proposed. We derive the exact closed-form and asymptotic expressions of the secrecy outage probability for the three criteria under the attack of non-colluding/colluding eavesdroppers. We demonstrate that the optimal relay selection scheme outperforms the partial relay selection and minimal self-interference relay selection schemes at the expense of acquiring full channel state information knowledge. In addition, increasing the number of the full-duplex small-cell base stations can improve the security performance. At the illegitimate side, deploying colluding eavesdroppers and increasing the number of eavesdroppers put the confidential information at a greater risk. Besides, the transmit power and the desire outage probability of the primary network have great influences on the secrecy outage probability of the secondary network. 


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The evolution of wireless communication systems leads to Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio, which requires reliable spectrum sensing techniques. Among the spectrum sensing methods proposed in the literature, those that exploit cyclostationary characteristics of radio signals are particularly suitable for communication environments with low signal-to-noise ratios, or with non-stationary noise. However, such methods have high computational complexity that directly raises the power consumption of devices which often have very stringent low-power requirements. We propose a strategy for cyclostationary spectrum sensing with reduced energy consumption. This strategy is based on the principle that p processors working at slower frequencies consume less power than a single processor for the same execution time. We devise a strict relation between the energy savings and common parallel system metrics. The results of simulations show that our strategy promises very significant savings in actual devices.


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The evolution of wireless communication systems leads to Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio, which requires reliable spectrum sensing techniques. Among the spectrum sensing methods proposed in the literature, those that exploit cyclostationary characteristics of radio signals are particularly suitable for communication environments with low signal-to-noise ratios, or with non-stationary noise. However, such methods have high computational complexity that directly raises the power consumption of devices which often have very stringent low-power requirements. We propose a strategy for cyclostationary spectrum sensing with reduced energy consumption. This strategy is based on the principle that p processors working at slower frequencies consume less power than a single processor for the same execution time. We devise a strict relation between the energy savings and common parallel system metrics. The results of simulations show that our strategy promises very significant savings in actual devices.


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In this work, spectrum sensing for cognitive radios is considered in the presence of multiple Primary Users (PU) using frequency-hopping communication over a set of frequency bands. The detection performance of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Average Ratio (FAR) algorithm is obtained in closed-form, for a given FFT size and number of PUs. The effective throughput of the Secondary Users (SU) is formulated as an optimization problem with a constraint on the maximum allowable interference on the primary network. Given the hopping period of the PUs, the sensing duration that maximizes the SU throughput is derived. The results are validated using Monte Carlo simulations. Further, an implementation of the FAR algorithm on the Lyrtech (now, Nutaq) small form factor software defined radio development platform is presented, and the performance recorded through the hardware is observed to corroborate well with that obtained through simulations, allowing for implementation losses. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The increasing design complexity associated with modern Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has prompted the emergence of 'soft'-programmable processors which attempt to replace at least part of the custom circuit design problem with a problem of programming parallel processors. Despite substantial advances in this technology, its performance and resource efficiency for computationally complex operations remains in doubt. In this paper we present the first recorded implementation of a softcore Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) on Xilinx Virtex FPGA technology. By employing a streaming processing architecture, we show how it is possible to achieve architectures which offer 1.1 GSamples/s throughput and up to 19 times speed-up against the Xilinx Radix-2 FFT dedicated circuit with comparable cost.