1000 resultados para Co-orbitals
The interaction between the reproductive axis and energy balance suggests that leptin acts as a possible mediator. This hormone acts in the regulation of metabolism, feeding behaviour and reproduction. Animals homozygous for the gene `ob` (ob/ob) are obese and infertile, and these effects are reversed after systemic administration of leptin. Thus, the present study aimed to determine: (i) whether cells that express leptin also express oestrogen receptors of type-alpha (ER-alpha) or -beta (ER-beta) in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and in the arcuate (ARC), dorsomedial (DMH) and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and (ii) whether there is change in the gene and protein expression of leptin in these brain areas in ovariectomised (OVX) animals when oestrogen-primed. Wistar female rats with normal oestrous cycles or ovariectomised oestrogen-primed or vehicle (oil)-primed were utilised. To determine whether there was a co-expression, immunofluorescence was utilised for double staining. Confocal microscopy was used to confirm the co-expression. The technique of real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blotting were employed to analyse gene and protein expression, respectively. The results obtained showed co-expression of leptin and ER-alpha in the MPOA and in the DMH, as well as leptin and ER-beta in the MPOA, DMH and ARC. However, we did not detect leptin in the MPOA, ARC and DMH using western blotting and there was no statistical difference in leptin gene expression in the MPOA, DMH, ARC, pituitary or adipose tissue between OVX rats treated with oestrogen or vehicle. In conclusion, the results obtained in the present study confirm that the brain is also a source of leptin and reveal co-expression of oestrogen receptors and leptin in the same cells from areas related to reproductive function and feeding behaviour. Although these data corroborate the previous evidence obtained concerning the interaction between the action of brain leptin and reproductive function, the physiological relevance of this interaction remains uncertain and additional studies are necessary to elucidate the exact role of central leptin.
A 14-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired cat was presented for evaluation of a mass in the right eye. Ophthalmic examination revealed a blind right eye and presence of two distinct masses: a pink and a red-to-brown mass, the latter occupying most of the cornea and part of the conjunctiva. Exenteration was performed under general anesthesia, and the ocular tissues were processed routinely for histopathology. Upon microscopic examination, a malignant epithelial neoplasm and a benign vascular neoplasm were present in the cornea. The conjunctiva and the third eyelid were also affected. Upon immunohistochemistry, the epithelial tumor was positive for cytokeratin and negative for vimentin and the endothelial tumor was negative for cytokeratin and positive for vimentin. A diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and hemangioma was made. The SCC was affecting the cornea, bulbar conjunctiva (lateral and inferior) and the base of the third eyelid, whereas the hemangioma was affecting the cornea and medial limbus. To the authors` knowledge, this is the first report of concomitant SCC and hemangioma affecting the ocular surface in a cat.
This work provides experimental phase diagram of mitotane, a drug used in the chemotherapy treatment of adrenocortical carcinoma, in compressed and/or supercritical CO(2). The synthetic-static method in a high-pressure variable-volume view cell coupled with a transmitted-light intensity probe was used to measure the solid-fluid (SF) equilibrium data. The phase equilibrium experiments were determined in temperature ranging from (298.2 to 333.1) K and pressure up to 22 MPa. Peng-Robinson equation of state (PR-EoS) with classical mixing rule was used to correlate the experimental data. Excellent agreement was found between experimental and calculated values. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of CO(2) laser irradiation (10.6 mu m) at 0.3 J/cm(2) (0.5 mu s; 226 Hz) on the resistance of softened enamel to toothbrushing abrasion, in vitro. Methods: Sixty human enamel samples were obtained, polished with silicon carbide papers and randomly divided into five groups (n = 12), receiving 5 different surface treatments: laser irradiation (L), fluoride (AmF/NaF gel) application (F), laser prior to fluoride (LF), fluoride prior to laser (FL), non-treated control (C). After surface treatment they were submitted to a 25-day erosive-abrasive cycle in 100 ml sprite light (90 s) and brushed twice daily with an electric toothbrush. Between the demineralization periods samples were immersed in supersaturated mineral solution. At the end of the experiments enamel surface loss was determined using a contact profilometer and morphological analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For SEM analysis of demineralization pattern, cross-sectional cuts of cycled samples were prepared. The data were statistically analysed by one-way ANOVA model with subsequent pairwise comparison of treatments. Results: Abrasive surface loss was significantly lower in all laser groups compared to both control and fluoride groups (p < 0.0001 in all cases). Amongst the laser groups no significant difference was observed. Softened enamel layer underneath lesions was less pronounced in laser-irradiated samples. Conclusion: Irradiation of dental enamel with a CO(2) laser at 0.3 J/cm(2) (5 mu s, 226 Hz) either alone or in combination with amine fluoride gel significantly decreases toothbrushing abrasion of softened-enamel, in vitro. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to investigate whether dentine irradiation with a pulsed CO(2) laser (10.6 mu m) emitting pulses of 10 ms is capable of reducing dentine calcium and phosphorus losses in an artificial caries model. Design: The 90 dentine slabs obtained from bovine teeth were randomly divided into six groups (n = 15): negative control group (GC); positive control group, treated with fluoride 1.23% (GF); and laser groups irradiated with 8 J/cm(2) (L8); irradiated as in L8 + fluoride 1.23% (L8F); irradiated with 11j/cm(2) (L11); irradiated as in L11 + fluoride 1.23% (L11F). After laser irradiation the samples were submitted to a pH-cycling model for 9 days. The calcium and phosphorous contents in the de- and remineralization solutions were measured by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer - ICP-OES. Additionally intra-pulpal temperature measurements were performed. The obtained data were analysed by means of ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: In the demineralization solutions the groups L11F and GF presented significantly lower means of calcium and phosphorous losses than the control group; and in L11F means were significantly lower than in the fluoride group. Both irradiation parameters tested caused intrapulpal temperature increase below 2 degrees C. Conclusion: It can be concluded that under the conditions of this study, CO(2) laser irradiation (10.6 mu m) with 11J/cm(2) (540 mJ and 10 Hz) of fluoride treated dentine surfaces decreases the loss of calcium and phosphorous in the demineralization process and does not cause excessive temperature increase inside the pulp chamber. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Although the cariostatic effects of CO(2) laser on enamel have been shown, its effects on root surface demineralization remains uncertain. The objectives of this in vitro research was to establish safe parameters for a pulsed 10.6 mu m CO(2) laser and to evaluate its effect on morphological features of the root surface, as well as on the reduction of root demineralization. Ninety-five human root surfaces were randomly divided into five groups: G1-No treatment (control); G2-2.5 J/cm(2); G3-4.0 J/cm(2); G4-5.0 J/cm(2); and G5-6.0 J/cm(2). Intrapulpal temperature was evaluated during root surface irradiation by a thermocouple and morphological changes were evaluated by SEM. After the surface treatment, the specimens were submitted to a 7-day pH-cycling model. Subsequently, the cross-sectional Knoop microhardness values were measured. For all irradiated groups, intrapulpal temperature changes were less than 1.5 degrees C. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that fluences as low as 4.0 J/cm(2) were sufficient to induce morphological changes in the root surface. Additionally, for fluences reaching or exceeding 4.0 J/cm(2), laser-induced inhibitory effects on root surface demineralization were observed. It was concluded that laser energy density in the range of 4.0 to 6.0 J/cm(2) could be applied to a dental root to reduce demineralization of this surface without compromising pulp vitality.
Although CO(2) laser irradiation can decrease enamel demineralisation, it has still not been clarified which laser wavelength and which irradiation conditions represent the optimum parameters for application as preventive treatment. The aim of the present explorative study was to find low-fluence CO(2) laser (lambda = 10.6 mu m) parameters resulting in a maximum caries-preventive effect with the least thermal damage. Different laser parameters were systematically evaluated in 3 steps. In the first experiment, 5 fluences of 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 J/cm(2), combined with high repetition rates and 10 mu s pulse duration, were chosen for the experiments. In a second experiment, the influence of different pulse durations (5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 mu s) on the demineralisation of dental enamel was assessed. Finally, 3 different irradiation times (2, 5 and 9 s) were tested in a third experiment. In total, 276 bovine enamel blocks were used for the experiments. An 8-day pH-cycling regime was performed after the laser treatment. Demineralisation was assessed by lesion depth measurements with a polarised light microscope, and morphological changes were assessed with a scanning electron microscope. Irradiation with 0.3 J/cm(2), 5 mu s, 226 Hz for 9 s (2,036 overlapping pulses) increased caries resistance by up to 81% compared to the control and was even significantly better than fluoride application (25%, p < 0.0001). Scanning electron microscopy examination did not reveal any obvious damage caused by the laser irradiation. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
This study investigated whether subablative-pulsed CO(2) laser (10.6 mu m) irradiation, using fluences lower than 1 J/cm(2), was capable of reducing enamel acid solubility. Fifty-one samples of bovine dental enamel were divided into three groups: control group, which was not irradiated (CG); group laser A (LA) irradiated with 0.3 J/cm ; and group laser B (LB) irradiated with 0.7 J/cm(2). After irradiation, the samples were subjected to demineralization in an acetate buffer solution and were then analyzed by SEM. A finite-element model was used to calculate the temperature increase. The calcium and phosphorous content in the demineralization solution were measured with an ICP-OES. ANOVA and the t-test pairwise comparison (p < 0.016) revealed that LB showed significantly lower mean Ca and P content values in the demineralization solution than other groups. A reduction in the enamel solubility can be obtained with pulsed CO(2) laser irradiation (0.7 J/cm(2), 135 mJ/pulse, 74 Hz, 100 mu s) without any surface photomodification and a less than 2 degrees C temperature increase at a 3-mm depth from the surface.
Objectives: The aims of the present study were to investigate whether irradiation with a CO(2) laser could prevent surface softening (i) in sound and (ii) in already softened enamel in vitro. Methods: 130 human enamel samples were obtained and polished with silicon carbide papers. They were divided into 10 groups (n = 13) receiving 5 different surface treatments: laser irradiation (L), fluoride (AmF/NaF gel) application (F), laser prior to fluoride (LF), fluoride prior to laser (FL), non-treated control (C); and submitted to 2 different procedures: half of the groups was acid-softened before surface treatment and the other half after. Immersion in 1% citric acid was the acid challenge. Surface microhardness (SMH) was measured at baseline, after softening and after treatment. Additionally, fluoride uptake in the enamel was quantified. The data were statistically analysed by two-way repeated measurements ANOVA and post hoc comparisons at 5% significance level. Results: When softening was performed either before or after laser treatment, the L group presented at the end of the experiments SMH means that were not significantly different from baseline (p = 0.8432, p = 0.4620). Treatment after softening resulted for all laser groups in statistically significant increase in SMH means as compared to values after softening (p < 0.0001). Enamel fluoride uptake was significantly higher for combined laser-fluoride treatment than in control (p < 0.0001). Conclusion: Irradiation of dental enamel with a CO(2) laser at 0.3J/cm(2) (5 mu s, 226 Hz) not only significantly decreased erosive mineral loss (97%) but also rehardened previously softened enamel in vitro. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of monomer content on fracture toughness (K(Ic)) before and after ethanol solution storage, flexural properties and degree of conversion (DC) of bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate (Bis-GMA) co-polymers. Methods. Five formulations were tested, containing Bis-GMA (B) combined with TEGDMA (T), UDMA (U) or Bis-EMA (E), as follows (in mol%): 30B:70T; 30B:35T:35U; 30B:70U; 30B:35T:35E; 30B:70E. Bimodal filler was introduced at 80 wt%. Single-edge notched beams for fracture toughness (FT, 25 mm x 5 mm x 2.5 mm, a/w = 0.5, n = 20) and 10 mm x 2 mm x 1 mm beams for flexural strength (FS) and modulus (FM) determination (10 mm x 2 mm x 1 mm, n = 10) were built and then stored in distilled water for 24 h at 37 degrees C. All FS/FM beams and half of the FT specimens were immediately submitted to three-point bending test. The remaining FT specimens were stored in a 75%ethanol/25%water (v/v) solution for 3 months prior to testing. DC was determined with FT-Raman spectroscopy in fragments of both FT and FS/FM specimens at 24 h. Data were submitted to one-way ANOVA/Tukey test (alpha = 5%). Results. The 30B:70T composite presented the highest K(Ic) value (in MPa m(1/2)) at 24 h (1.3 +/- 0.4), statistically similar to 30B:35T:35U and 30B:70U, while 30B:70E presented the lowest value (0.5 +/- 0.1). After ethanol storage, reductions in K(Ic) ranged from 33 to 72%. The 30B:70E material presented the lowest reduction in FT and 30B:70U, the highest. DC was similar among groups (69-73%), except for 30B:70U (52 +/- 4%, p < 0.001). 30B:70U and 30B:35T:35U presented the highest FS (125 +/- 21 and 122 +/- 14 MPa, respectively), statistically different from 30B:70T or 30B:70E (92 +/- 20 and 94 +/- 16 MPa, respectively). Composites containing UDMA or Bis-EMA associated with Bis-GMA presented similar FM, statistically lower than 30B:35T:35U. Significance. Composites formulated with Bis-GMA:TEGDMA:UDMA presented the best compromise between conversion and mechanical properties. (C) 2009 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Examined the barriers faced by people with Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) when integrating their Assistive Technology (AT) into the workplace, as well as factors that contribute to successful integration. In-depth interviews were taken with 5 men (aged 37-50 yrs) with SCI, 3 of their employers and 2 co-workers. Results indicate that in addition to the barriers previously outlined in the literature related to funding the technology, time delays, information availability, training and maintenance, other issues were highlighted. Implications for service providers are considered in relation to these barriers and the factors that prompted successful integration. The author discusses limitations of the study and makes recommendations for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2007 APA, all rights reserved)
Background: There are no reported studies comparing different parameter settings of the CO(2) laser and irradiation direction considering their effect on the morphology of radicular dentine surface. Purpose: To evaluate the alterations of radicular dentine (cervical, middle, and apical thirds) irradiated with CO(2) laser at different potencies and irradiation directions. Study Design: Roots of 35 canines were prepared and randomly distributed according to the laser potency: GI: no laser treatment (control) (n = 5); GII, 2 W (n = 10); GIII: 4 W (n = 10); GIV: 6 W (n = 10). Each group (excepting GI) was divided in two subgroups according to the irradiation distance (n = 5): (A) parallel and (B) perpendicular to the root canal walls. The roots were splited longitudinally and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in a qualiquatitative way. The scores were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s tests. Results: No significant statistical differences were observed among root canal thirds (P > 0.05). The specimens irradiated with 2 W were statistically different (P < 0.05) from those irradiated with 4 and 6 W, which were statistically similar between themselves (P > 0.05). With 2, 4, and 6 W at in parallel irradiation and 2 W in perpendicular direction, the surface showed a fissured aspect. With 4 W in perpendicular direction and 6 W in parallel and perpendicular direction, surface was modified by laser action and exhibited fused areas. Conclusions: The intensity of the effects is dependent on the laser-irradiation dosimetries. Alterations were more intense when higher parameters were used. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:737-743, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The diffusion of water into a series of hydroxyethyl methacrylate, HEMA, copolymers with tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate, THFMA, has been studied over a range of copolymer compositions using NMR imaging analyses. For polyHEMA the diffusion was found to be consistent with a Fickian model. The mass diffusion coefficient of water in polyHEMA at 37 degreesC was determined from the profiles of the diffusion front to be 1.5 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1), which is less than the value based upon mass uptake, 2.0 x 10(-11) m(2) s(-1). The profiles of the water diffusion front obtained from the NMR images showed that stress was induced at the interface between the rubbery and glassy regions which led to formation of small cracks in this region of the glassy matrix of polyHEMA and its copolymers with mole fractions of HEMA greater than 0.6. Water was shown to be able to enter these cracks forming water pools. For copolymers of HEMA and THFMA with mole fractions of HEMA less than 0.6 the absence of cracks was attributed to the ability of the THFMA sequences to undergo stress relaxation by creep.