374 resultados para Chruchill, Winston


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Este trabajo pretende una aproximación a la vida y obra de cuatro poetas andinos. Los poetas en mención se caracterizaron – pese a no ser contemporáneos entre sí- en el trasiego que vivieron al pasar de una vida a la “otra” –tres de ellos fueron suicidas- al experimentar una especie de metempsicosis en su estructura mental y cuerpo escritural o poético, y a la proximidad que advirtieron en el panorama de lo oculto, lo alquímico y lo esotérico. Llama poderosamente la atención sus locus primero. Si es loable la sola ruptura con su espacio y su tiempo, imaginémonos el proceso de fuga que vivenciaron al no tener un antecedente claro en sus lugares de orígenes, y al constituirse en figuras excepcionales en sus respectivos países o terrenos concretos de nacionalidad; ni Ramos Sucre, ni Carlos Obregón, ni César Dávila Andrade y mucho menos Jaime Sáez llegaron al ocultismo por una tradición literaria. Por tal motivo, esta investigación –si puede llamársele asípersigue tres propósitos fundamentales: • Rescatar de la marginalidad la obra de Carlos Obregón y Jaime Sáenz. • Dar cuenta de las vertientes recorridas por Ramos Sucre y Dávila Andrade –a mi modo de ver los más perfeccionados del grupo. • Recuperar una serie de textos de suma relevancia para la poética continental. • Realizar un balance de la obra de estos cuatro “poetas malditos”. El texto o cuerpo de texto estará constituido por una serie de reflexiones en torno a la evocación de lo oculto, el ocultismo como poética, la metafísica como estética, el suicidio como búsqueda de lo absoluto y el rosacrucismo como alteridad o vía de acceso poético.


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Abandon hope all ye who enter here: a society cannot be truly dystopian if travellers can come and go freely. Anti-utopias and 'satirical utopias' - that is, societies considered perfect by their advocates but not by the implied reader - must be well-regulated enough to prevent the possible disruption caused by a visitor. There is no exit at all from the classic twentieth-century dystopias, which end either in an actual death, like that of the Savage in Huxley's Brave New World (1932), or in a spiritual death like Winston Smith's in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). Any glimmers of hope that the protagonist may have felt are quickly destroyed.


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This paper presents empirical evidence for a sample of 48 UK property company initial public offerings over the period 1986 to 1995. From which a number of conclusions can be drawn. First, property companies in general show positive average first day returns. Second, the average first day return by property trading companies is significantly higher than that for property investment companies


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This article uses discourse analysis to study the continuities in British foreign policy thinking within the Labour party from the 1960s to the present day. Using representative extracts from speeches by Hugh Gaitskell, Harold Wilson, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, it identifies the ideational consis- tencies in the leaders’ attitudes to: Empire; federalism in the EEC/EU; and laying down conditions that have to be met before any constructive engagement with ‘Europe’ can be countenanced. We argue that these consistencies, spanning a 50-year period, exemplify a certain stagnation both within Labour’s European discourses and within British foreign policy thinking more widely. We develop the idea that Labour party thinking has been crucially framed by both small ‘c’ conser- vative and upper-case Conservative ideology, popularised by Winston Churchill in his ‘three circles’ model of British foreign policy.


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The research reported here is a retrospective case study of the recent (2010) introduction of the Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL) as a post-graduate level programme of professional development for teachers. It contributes to the debate and research over the past two decades about the impact of post-graduate professional development and appropriate ways of delivering it. The study is located within an extensive body of literature dealing with the importance of the teaching profession with regard to the success of schools and pupils and the impact of professional development on teaching quality and of teaching quality on attainment. A further relevant context is the ongoing tension between the teaching profession and academics on the one hand and government and political actors on the other, in respect of the approaches to professional development and to the control of educational processes. The research questions which inform the study deal with the perspectives of various participants – policy makers, programme directors, coaches and teachers studying for the MTL – on the extent to which the MTL is likely to have an ameliorative effect on teaching and pupil attainment, their experiences of the process of policy development and their experiences as course participants. The study adopts a case study approach which involves elite interviews with those responsible for the development and implementation of the MTL, questionnaires completed by MTL course participants and a comparison group taking a conventional MA and in depth interviews with participants and coaches. The results revealed tensions and difficulties associated with the development of the MTL including uneasy relationships between HE institutions and government agencies, ideas about ‘producer capture’, the relevance of the MBA model and concern over the role of coaches. However, while acknowledging various difficulties and some misconceived expectations they viewed its potential to meet its expressed aims positively, given time. Course participants were positive about their experience of the MTL and felt that it had contributed to many aspects of their professional development. Most saw it as a positive experience despite the variable quality of support from their schools, particularly in the form of the school-based coach the concept of which had been heralded as the bellwether of the MTL. It was striking that the responses of the MTL participants were very similar to those of teachers taking a conventional MA. A finding which would repay further investigation is that while the great majority of course participants felt that the MTL (and the MA) had contributed to their becoming more effective teachers they were much less confident that it had contributed to increased pupil attainment.


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Mostra que o sucesso inicial do Plano Real está intimamente associado ao processo de abertura comercial implementado a partir de 1988. Demonstra que o seqüenciamento ideal entre as políticas de abertura e estabilização econômica não supõe, necessariamente, a antecedência da estabilização. Analisa as interrelações entre as duas políticas por meio de aspectos levantados pela literatura recente, do exame de experiências latino-americanas e da análise da relação entre volume importado e preços praticados pelo setor doméstico de máquinas e equipamentos.


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Esta dissertação tem com objetivo avaliar uma das implicações da hipótese de expectativas para a estrutura a termo de taxa de juros brasileira. Utilizando testes lineares tradicionais e através da reprodução de testes não lineares TAR de Enders e Granger (1998) e ESTAR Kapetanios e Shin (2003) conclui-se que a hipótese de expectativas não é totalmente válida para a ETTJ do Brasil, além disso, são encontradas evidências de não linearidade nas séries de spreads que demandam mais pesquisa sobre o assunto.


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CONTEXTO: A cirurgia videolaparoscópica (CVL) vem evoluindo como alternativa cirúrgica menos invasiva para o tratamento da doença aterosclerótica oclusiva aorto-ilíaca e do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. Poucos estudos avaliaram objetivamente a curva de aprendizado com essa técnica em cirurgia vascular. OBJETIVO: Avaliar objetivamente os tempos e a evolução de cada passo cirúrgico e demonstrar a exeqüibilidade dessa técnica. MÉTODOS: Entre outubro 2007 e janeiro de 2008, dois cirurgiões vasculares iniciantes na CVL operaram, após cursos e treinamentos, seis porcos consecutivos, com dissecção aórtica e interposição de um enxerto de dácron em um segmento da aorta infra-renal abdominal, com técnica totalmente laparoscópica. RESULTADOS: Todos os tempos cirúrgicos foram decrescentes ao longo do estudo, apresentando redução de 45,9% no tempo total de cirurgia, 85,8% no tempo de dissecção da aorta, 81,2% na exposição da aorta, 55,1% no clampeamento total, 71% na confecção da anastomose proximal e 64,9% na anastomose distal. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo mostrou que os resultados técnicos satisfatórios da CVL vascular ocorreram somente após longa curva de aprendizado, que foi decrescente ao longo do tempo, à medida que aumentou a experiência e vivência com os materiais e com a visão não-estereoscópica. Essa técnica pode ser realizada com perfeição por cirurgiões vasculares desde que façam cursos especializados, com treinamento em simuladores e animais, e desde que busquem constante aprimoramento a fim de conseguir resultados similares aos obtidos com a cirurgia convencional.


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Aim. Duplex scanning has been used in the evaluation of the aorta and proximal arteries of the lower extremities, but has limitations in evaluating the arteries of the leg. The utilization of ultrasonographic contrast (USC) may be helpful in improving the quality of the image in these arteries. The objective of the present study was to verify whether the USC increases the diagnostic accuracy of patency of the leg arteries and if it diminishes the time needed to perform duplex scanning.Methods. Twenty patients with critical ischemia (20 lower extremities) were examined by standard duplex scanning, duplex scanning with contrast and digital subtraction arteriography (DSA). The 3 arteries of the leg were divided into 3 segments, for a total of 9 segments per limb. Each segment was evaluated for patency in order to compare the 3 diagnostic methods. Comparison was made between standard duplex scanning and duplex scanning with contrast in terms of quality of the color-coded Doppler signal and of the spectral curve, and also of the time to perform the exams.Results. Duplex scanning with contrast was similar to arteriography in relation to patency diagnosis (p>0.3) and even superior in some of the segments. Standard duplex scanning was inferior to arteriography and to duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001). There were improvements of 70% in intensity of the color-coded Doppler signal and 76% in the spectral curve after the utilization of contrast. The time necessary to perform the examinations was 23.7 minutes for standard duplex scanning and 16.9 minutes for duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001).Conclusion. The use of ultrasonographic contrast increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of patency of leg arteries and diminished the time necessary for the execution of duplex scanning.


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Aim. Autologous vein (AV) is sometimes not suitable or present for a vascular restoration. Homologous vein preserved in glutaraldehyde may be an alternative to AV, but little is yet known about this graft and its healing process after implantation in arteries. The purpose of this study was to compare the initial healing process of glutaraldehyde-tanned homologous venous grafts (group 1) with fresh autologous venous grafts (group 2), at 4 or 15 days.Methods. Forty Norfolk rabbits were allocated in 2 groups of 20 animals each. The grafts was interposed in the infra-renal aorta of the rabbit. Anastomotic tensile strength (TS), hydroxyproline (HP) determination, and histology (HA) were performed.Results. TS increased in both groups, from the 4th to 15th day, (p < 0.01) in both proximal (G1: from 364.5 &PLUSMN; 98.3 g to 491.8 &PLUSMN; 107.3 g; G2: from 366.26 &PLUSMN; 85.15 g to 518.46 &PLUSMN; 82.79 g) and distal anastomosis (GI: from 363.53 &PLUSMN; 96.26 g to 507.32 &PLUSMN; 91.01 g; G2: from 352.30 &PLUSMN; 102.41 g to 528.67 &PLUSMN; 48.58 g), with no difference between the groups. HP did not change (p > 0.10) in this same period and was similar in both groups, in the proximal (GI: from 677.99 +/- 153.98 mug/100 mg to 914.92 +/- 459.83 mug/100 mg; G2: from 668.65 +/- 170.28 mug/100 mg to 669.46 +/- 319.80 mug/100 mg) as well as in the distal anastomosis (G1:from 740.07 +/- 213.53 mug/100 mg to 923.52 +/- 270.57 mug/100 mg; G2: from 737.66 +/- 266.76 mug/100 mg to 707.68 +/- 171.25 mug/100 mg). Initial inflammatory and reparative features of the anastomosis were similar in both groups.Conclusion. We can conclude that the healing process of the glutaraldehyde-tanned homologous vein graft was similar to that of the fresh autologous venous graft.


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Aim. Extrinsic compression of the popliteal artery and absence of surrounding anatomical abnormalities characterize the functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). The diagnosis is confirmed to individuals who have typical symptoms of popliteal entrapment and occlusion or important stenosis of the popliteal artery with color duplex sonography (CDS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arteriography during active plantar flexion-extension maneuvers. However, variable result findings in normal asymptomatic subjects have raised doubts as to the validity of these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of popliteal artery compression in 2 groups of asymptomatic subjects, athletes and non-athletes.Methods. Forty-two individuals were studied. Twenty-one subjects were indoor soccer players, and 21 were sedentary individuals. Physical activity was evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Evaluation of popliteal artery compression was performed in lower limbs with CDS, ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements and continuous wave Doppler of the posterior tibial artery.Results. The athletes studied fulfilled the criteria of high level of physical activity whereas sedentary subjects met the criteria of low level of activity. Popliteal artery compression was observed with CDS in 6 (14.2%) studied subjects; 2 of whom (4.7%) were athletes and 4 (9.5%) were non-athletes. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.21). Doppler of the tibial arteries and ABI measurements gave good specificity and sensibility in the identification of popliteal artery compression.Conclusion. The frequency of popliteal artery compression during maneuvers in normal subjects was 14.2% irrespective of whether or not they performed regular physical activities. Both Doppler and ABI showed good agreement with CDS and should be considered in screening popliteal arteries in individuals suspected of PAES.