256 resultados para Chocolate.


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Procedimentos para o monitoramento; Ácaro rajado; Ácaro branco; Cochonila; Cigarrinha; Mosca branca; Mosca-das-frutas; Mandarová; Variola ou pinta preta; Mancha de corynespora; Podridão de phytophthora; Podridão preta (Phoma); Oidiose; Mancha chocolate; Carvão interno;. Mancha anelar; Meleira; Inimigos naturais; Mancha fisiológica; Escala diagramática e fórmula para cálculo de incidência (Pinta preta); Ficha de campo para o monitoramento.


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Receitas basicas; Extrato ou leite de soja; Extrato de soja condensado; Farinha de soja; Graos de soja cozido; Hidratacao da PVT (Proteina Vegetal Texturizada); Tofu ou "queijo" de soja; Salgados; Bolinho de mandioca ou batata e residuo de soja; Bolo salgado de soja; Croquete de residuo de soja; Hamburguer de PVT; Macarrao com molho de ¨leite¨ de soja e PVT; Pao de cebola com farinha e "leite" de soja; Salada de soja; Sopa de frango, arroz e residuo de soja; Sopa de residuo de soja; Strogonoff de camarao e graos de soja cozidos; Sufle de milho verde e residuo de soja; Torta de mandioca com residuo de soja e PVT; Doces; Arroz doce com "leite" de soja; Biscoito de coco e farinha de soja; Creme de soja; Curau de milho verde e "leite" de soja; Pudim de "leite" de soja; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Torta de banana caramelada; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Bolos; Bolo de cenoura com farinha de soja; Bolo de coco com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de fuba com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de laranja com farinha de soja; Bolo de formigueiro com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de maracuja com farinha de soja; Receitas festivas; Bolo de natal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo ingles com farinha e "leite" de soja; Colomba Pascal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Panetone com farinha de soja.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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32 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.


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Functional food ingredients, with scientifically proven and validated bioactive effects, present an effective means of inferring physiological health benefits to consumers to reduce the risk of certain diseases. The search for novel bioactive compounds for incorporation into functional foods is particularly active, with brewers’ spent grain (BSG, a brewing industry co-product) representing a unique source of potentially bioactive compounds. The DNA protective, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects of phenolic extracts from both pale (P1 - P4) and black (B1 – B4) BSG were examined. Black BSG extracts significantly (P < 0.05) protected against DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and extracts with the highest total phenolic content (TPC) protected against 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1)-induced oxidative DNA damage, measured by the comet assay. Cellular antioxidant activity assays were used to measured antioxidant potential in the U937 cell line. Extracts P1 – P3 and B2 - B4 demonstrated significant (P < 0.05) antioxidant activity, measured by the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity and gluatathione (GSH) content assays. Phenolic extracts P2 and P3 from pale BSG possess anti-inflammatory activity measured in concanavalin-A (conA) stimulated Jurkat T cells by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); significantly (P < 0.05) reducing production of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-4 (IL-4, P2 only), interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Black BSG phenolic extracts did not exhibit anti-inflammatory effects in vitro. Hydroxycinnamic acids (HA) have previously been shown to be the phenolic acids present at highest concentration in BSG; therefore the HA profile of the phenolic extracts used in this research, the original barley (before brewing) and whole BSG was characterised and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The concentration of HA present in the samples was in the order of ferulic acid (FA) > p-coumaric acid (p-CA) derivatives > FA derivatives > p-CA > caffeic acid (CA) > CA derivatives. Results suggested that brewing and roasting decreased the HA content. Protein hydrolysates from BSG were also screened for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. A total of 34 BSG protein samples were tested. Initial analyses of samples A – J found the protein samples did not exert DNA protective effects (except hydrolysate H) or antioxidant effects by the comet and SOD assays, respectively. Samples D, E, F and J selectively reduced IFN-γ production (P < 0.05) in Jurkat T cells, measured using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Further testing of hydrolysates K – W, including fractionated hydrolysates with molecular weight < 3, < 5 and > 5 kDa, found that higher molecular weight (> 5 kDa) and unfractionated hydrolysates demonstrate greatest anti-inflammatory effects, while fractionated hydrolysates were also shown to have antioxidant activity, by the SOD activity assay. A commercially available yogurt drink (Actimel) and snack-bar and chocolate-drink formulations were fortified with the most bioactive phenolic and protein samples – P2, B2, W, W < 3 kDa, W < 5 kDa, W > 5 kDa. All fortified foods were subjected to a simulated gastrointestinal in vitro digestion procedure and bioactivity retention in the digestates was determined using the comet and ELISA assays. Yogurt fortified with B2 digestate significantly (P < 0.05) protected against H2O2-induced DNA damage in Caco-2 cells. Greatest immunomodulatory activity was demonstrated by the snack-bar formulation, significantly (P < 0.05) reducing IFN-γ production in con-A stimulated Jurkat T cells. Hydrolysate W significantly (P < 0.05) increased the IFN-γ reducing capacity of the snack-bar. Addition of fractionated hydrolysate W < 3 kDa and W < 5 kDa to yogurt also reduced IL-2 production to a greater extent than the unfortified yogurt (P < 0.05).


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En los últimos años, el mercado de cacao fino o de aroma ha tenido un crecimiento constante en respuesta a la demanda de chocolates de alto contenido de cacao, origen conocido, sabores distintivos y producidos responsablemente, presionando a las industrias de chocolate premium a proveerse de cacaos diferenciados y de alta calidad. Esto exige a las cadenas agroalimentarias ajustar sus estrategias de producción y mercadeo con el fin de poder aprovechar las oportunidades (demanda creciente del producto, aranceles preferenciales para este país, entre otras) que ofrece el mercado. Sin embargo, Ecuador a pesar de ser el principal productor y exportador de cacao fino o de aroma del mundo (exporta alrededor del 96,3 por ciento de su producción), encuentra dificultades para mejorar la inserción de su producto en el mercado internacional y aprovechar estas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, el siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un diagnóstico del Sistema Agroindustrial (SAG) del cacao fino o de aroma del Ecuador, con la finalidad de identificar las oportunidades y las limitaciones en el ambiente institucional, organizacional, tecnológico y comercial, y de este modo, generar información que contribuya a la mejora de la inserción del producto en el mercado mundial. El trabajo se desarrolló partir de un enfoque fenomenológico utilizando como herramienta metodológica el método EPESA. Los resultados del estudio se interpretaron y discutieron a partir de la base conceptual de la Nueva Economía Institucional y los distritos agroindustriales y agrocomerciales. Los resultados obtenidos indicarían que las restricciones institucionales estarían dadas por la ausencia de una ley que proteja los derechos de propiedad a los productores de cacao fino o de aroma. En el ambiente comercial el sistema de formación de precios no está alineado con el tipo de producto que se comercializa (especialidad), generándose alta incertidumbre especialmente para los pequeños y medianos productores que explican el 88 por ciento de los actores de la producción. De este modo aparecen comportamientos oportunistas y se generan cuasi rentas apropiables por el eslabón siguiente de la cadena. Esto desincentiva la inversión en tecnología y la innovación dando por resultado una meseta en la producción y restringiendo la mejora en la inserción del producto en el mercado mundial.


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A partir del siglo XIX con el desarrollo de la industria del chocolate en Europa, la producción de cacao se incrementó aceleradamente en Brasil y Ecuador, y más tarde a través de los colonizadores, se promovió el cultivo en África, llegando primero a Ghana y luego a Nigeria, Camerún y Costa de Marfil. El mercado mundial de cacao en grano distingue dos amplias categorías: el cacao fino y de aroma y el cacao común u ordinario. Alrededor del 95 por ciento de la producción mundial es cacao común, el cual procede en su mayoría de África, Asia, América Central y del Sur. El restante de la producción, es decir el 5 por ciento, corresponde a cacao fino y de aroma, el mismo que se produce en Ecuador, Indonesia, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad y Tobago, entre otros (ICCO, 2009), y cuyas características distintivas de aroma y sabor son buscadas principalmente por los fabricantes de chocolates finos, por lo que reciben un plus o premio al precio base en los mercados internacionales. La demanda de cacao fino y de aroma es muy limitada y selectiva, ya que se usa en la elaboración de chocolates de calidad premium o gourmet, los mismos que para ser considerados finos deben elaborarse con más del 75 por ciento de esta variedad. En otros casos, el cacao fino y de aroma se combina con el cacao común para reducir el costo de la materia prima, en la elaboración de chocolates de calidad superior a la estándar como chocolates oscuros, tabletas y coberturas. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, el mercado de estos tipos de chocolate ha crecido en respuesta a los altos estándares de vida en los países consumidores, como son Europa y Estados Unidos. Actualmente, en el ámbito mundial, el grado de exigencia de los consumidores respecto de los alimentos se ha elevado y diversificado, en virtud del aumento de su poder de negociación, de la cantidad de información disponible, y de la oferta de una gran variedad de productos. Los consumidores buscan productos auténticos, genuinos, de identificación cultural, avalados por una tradición del saber hacer, es decir, alimentos que tengan un cuento que contar. De aquí la importancia de la Denominación de Origen como sello de certificación. En el Ecuador existe un tipo de cacao fino y de aroma único en el mundo, conocido en el país con el nombre de "Cacao Arriba" que posee características de sabor y aroma muy distintivas y valoradas a nivel mundial, como notas florales, frutales y a nuez. Este reconocimiento le permite ser competitivo en calidad, mas no en productividad, ya que los países africanos son los mayores productores a nivel mundial, y se han especializado en rendimiento y no en atributos.


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The spontaneous formation of the neurotoxic carcinogen acrylamide in a wide range of cooked foods has recently been discovered. These foods include bread and other bakery products, crisps, chips, breakfast cereals, and coffee. To date, the diminutive size of acrylamide (71.08Da) has prevented the development of screening immunoassays for this chemical. In this study, a polyclonal antibody capable of binding the carcinogen was produced by the synthesis of an immunogen comprising acrylamide derivatised with 3-mercaptobenzoic acid (3-MBA), and its conjugation to the carrier protein bovine thyroglobulin. Antiserum from the immunised rabbit was harvested and fully characterised. it displayed no binding affinity for acrylamide or 3-MBA but had a high affinity for 3-MBA-derivitised acrylamide. The antisera produced was utilised in the development of an ELISA based detection system for acrylamide. Spiked water samples were assayed for acrylamide content using a previously published extraction method validated for coffee, crispbread, potato, milk chocolate and potato crisp matrices. Extracted acrylamide was then subjected to a rapid 1-h derivatisation with 3-MBA, pre-analysis. The ELISA was shown to have a high specificity for acrylamide, with a limit of detection in water samples of 65.7 mu g kg(-1), i.e. potentially suitable for acrylamide detection in a wide range of food commodities. Future development of this assay will increase sensitivity further. This is the first report of an immunoassay capable of detecting the carcinogen, as its small size has necessitated current analytical detection via expensive, slower, physico-chemical techniques such as Gas or Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.

METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8 weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50 g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.

RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.


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Iron helps your blood carry enough oxygen to all parts of your body. Low iron levels can make you feel tired, grumpy, or more likely to become ill. You can do four things to build up iron in your blood: Eat several of these iron rich foods daily ; Eat a vitamin C-rich food with your iron food ; Cook more often in an iron skillet ; Avoid tea, chocolate, coffee, soda.


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The antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of brewer's spent grain (BSG) extracts obtained by microwave-assisted extraction from twomalt types (light and darkmalts) were investigated. The total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity among the light BSG extracts (pilsen, melano, melano 80 and carared)were significantly different (p b 0.05) compared to dark extracts (chocolate and black types), with the pilsen BSG showing higher TPC (20 ± 1 mgGAE/g dry BSG). In addition, the antioxidant activity assessed by 2,2-diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl, 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and deoxyribose assays decreased as a result of increasing kilning temperatures in the following order: pilsen N melano N melano 80 N carared N chocolate N black. HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS/MS analysis indicated the presence of phenolic acids, such as ferulic, p-coumaric and syringic acids, as well as several isomeric ferulate dehydrodimers and one dehydrotrimer. Chocolate and black extracts, obtained frommalts submitted to the highest kilning temperatures, showed the lowest levels of ferulic and p-coumaric acids. These results suggested that BSG extracts from pilsen malt might be used as an inexpensive and good natural source of antioxidants with potential interest for the food, pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic industries after purification.


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A gold nanoparticle-coated screen-printed carbon electrode was used as the transducer in the development of an electrochemical immunosensor for Ara h 1 (a major peanut allergen) detection in food samples. Gold nanoparticles (average diameter=32 nm) were electrochemically generated on the surface of screen-printed carbon electrodes. Two monoclonal antibodies were used in a sandwich-type immunoassay and the antibody–antigen interaction was electrochemically detected through stripping analysis of enzymatically (using alkaline phosphatase) deposited silver. The total time of the optimized immunoassay was 3 h 50 min. The developed immunosensor allowed the quantification of Ara h 1 between 12.6 and 2000 ng/ml, with a limit of detection of 3.8 ng/ml, and provided precise (RSD <8.7%) and accurate (recovery >96.6%) results. The immunosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of complex food matrices (cookies and chocolate), being able to detect Ara h 1 in samples containing 0.1% of peanut.


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The presented dissertation was developed within a partnership between Nova School of Business and Economics and the Portuguese retailer Sonae MC. The main objective of the study was to develop an analysis for the confectionary category to identify potential development opportunities for new Private Label products. In order to do so, the starting point was to understand how the confectionery market was behaving, followed by and understanding of Continente’s performance in that market. Aiming to point out development opportunities, the analysis was split between the subcategories – Chocolate, Chewing Gums and Sweets. The Subcategory performance was assessed in terms of sales, number of SKU’s, Private Label weight and it market position in terms of share. For the potential development opportunities a comparison between the top selling Branded Product and the competitors’ position was developed, in order to establish a reasonable size and retail price for such products. Key Word: Private Label, Branded Products, Continente, Sonae MC, Retail, SKU’s, Sales, Price, Market Share,


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Consumers’ indecisions about the ethical value of their choices are amongst the highest concerns regarding ethical products’ purchasing. This is especially true for Fair Trade certified products where the ethical attribute information provided by the packaging is often unacknowledged by consumers. While well-informed consumers are likely to generate positive consumer reactions to ethical products and increase its ethical consumption, less knowledgeable buyers show different purchasing patterns. In such circumstances, decisions are often driven by socio-cultural beliefs about the low functional performance of ethical or sustainable attributes. For instance, products more congruent with sustainability (e.g., produce) are considered to be simpler but less tasty than less sustainable products. Less sustainable products instead, are considered to be more sophisticated and to provide consumers with more hedonic pleasures (e.g., chocolate mousse). The extent that ethicality is linked with experiences that provide consumers with more pain than pleasure is also manifested in pro-social social behaviors. More specifically through conspicuous self-sacrificial consumption experiences like running for charity in marathons with wide public exposure. The willingness of consumers to engage in such costly initiatives is moderated by gender differences and further, mediated by the chronic productivity orientation of some individuals to use time in a productive manner. Using experimental design studies, I show that consumers (1) use a set of affective and cognitive associations with on-package elements to interpret ethical attributes, (2) implicitly associate ethicality with simplicity, and that (3) men versus women show different preferences in their forms of contribution to pro-social causes.


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The Woodruff Family Collection: From the time the Woodruff Family came to Canada from the United States in 1795, they took an active role in the forming of their communities both in a civic and social manner. This is evident through the documents contained in this collection. The Woodruffs played an active role in the battles fought in Upper Canada and they were an integral part of the Village of St. Davids. They were educated, business-minded and socially engaged. They accumulated much of their fortune through land dealings. Much of this collection focuses on Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was principally a businessman. His dedication to his work is shown through his numerous undertakings. He made his mark on the Niagara Peninsula through his work on the railways, roads, marsh land revisions, canals and the paper industry. He was also involved with the founding of the Long Point Company and he took control of building DeVeaux Hall down to the last detail. His offspring inherited his work ethic and his business acumen. The people who married into the Woodruff Family also possessed key social, political and business ties. Anne and Margaret Clement were from a staunch Loyalist background. Samuel Zimmerman was instrumental to the founding of Niagara Falls and Judge Samuel DeVeaux left behind a legacy for poor and homeless boys in Niagara Falls, New York. The Woodruff Family undoubtedly left a mark on the Niagara Peninsula. This collection brings to light many endeavours of the family and their varied contributions.