893 resultados para Chitosan. Adsorption kinetics. Kinetic Model. Adsorption Isotherm.Tetracycline. Sodium Cromoglycate
Background The adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto mesoporous silica spheres (MPS) synthesized from silica colloids was studied employing real time in situ measurements. The stabilities of the BSA at different pH values, their isoelectric points and zeta potentials were determined in order to probe the interactions between the protein and the mesoporous silica. Results The pore size of MPS was designed for protein, and this, coupled with an in depth understanding of the physico-chemical characteristics of the protein and MPS has yielded a better binding capacity and delivery profile. The adsorption isotherm at pH 4.2 fitted the Langmuir model and displayed the highest adsorption capacity (71.43 mg mL-1 MPS). Furthermore, the delivery rates of BSA from the MPS under physiological conditions were shown to be dependent on the ionic strength of the buffer and protein loading concentration. Conclusion Economics and scale-up considerations of mesoporous material synthesized via destabilization of colloids by electrolyte indicate the scaleability and commercial viability of this technology as a delivery platform for biopharmaceutical applications.
Remediation of bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous solutions by adsorption using organoclays synthesized from montmorillonite (MMT) with different types of organic surfactant molecules was demonstrated. High adsorption capacities of the organoclays for the uptake of BPA were observed and these demonstrated their potential application as strong adsorbents for noxious organic water contaminants. The adsorption of BPA was significantly influenced by pH, with increased adsorption of BPA in acidic pH range. However, the organoclays intercalated with highly loaded surfactants and/or large surfactant molecules were less influenced by the pH of the environment and this was thought to be due to the shielding the negative charge from surfactant molecules and the development of more positive charge on the clay surface, which leads to the attraction of anionic BPA even at alkaline pH. The hydrophobic phase created by loaded surfactant molecules contributed to a partitioning phase, interacting with BPA molecules strongly through hydrophobic interaction. Pseudo-second order kinetic model and Langmuir isotherm provided the best fit for the adsorption of BPA onto the organoclays. In addition, the adsorption process was spontaneous and exothermic with lower temperature facilitating the adsorption of BPA onto the organoclays. The described process provides a potential pathway for the removal of BPA from contaminated waters.
The adsorption of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) onto alumina has been studied as a function of pH, both individually and in the presence of each other. The adsorption density of PAA is found to decrease with an increase of pH while that of PVA shows the opposite trend. In a binary system containing PAA and PVA, the presence of PVA does not affect the adsorption of PAA onto alumina, but the addition of PAA diminishes the adsorption of PVA in the pH range investigated. The adsorption isotherm of PAA at acidic pH exhibits high-affinity Langmuirian behavior. The isotherms for PVA appear rounded and are of the low-affinity type, Once again the adsorption isotherms of PAA remain unaltered in the presence of PVA whereas those of PVA are significantly affected resulting in a lowering of the adsorption density consequent to PAA addition. A variation in the sequence of addition of PAA and PVA does not affect the adsorption behavior of either of the polymers, The electrokinetic behavior of alumina with PAA is hardly influenced by the addition of PVA, On the other hand, the electrophoretic mobility of alumina in the presence of PVA is significantly altered in the presence of PAA and closely resembles the trend observed with PAA alone. Desorption studies reveal that over 80% of PVA could be desorbed in the pH range 3-9 whereas in the case of PAA, the percent desorption increases from 20 to about 70% as the pH is increased from about 3 to 8. Solution conductivity tests confirm interaction of aluminum species and PAA in the bulk solution. FTIR spectroscopic data provide evidence in support of hydrogen bonding and chemical interaction in the case of the PAA-alumina system and hydrogen bonding with respect to the PVA-alumina interaction. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
A biossorção é o termo aplicado à tecnologia de adsorção de íons metálicos em solução, por meio de materiais de natureza biológica inativa, comparável à adsorção utilizando-se adsorventes convencionais. A biossorção depende da temperatura, pH, concentração inicial do íon metálico, e tipo de biosorvente. O objetivo principal dessa dissertação é estudar e comparar os processos de adsorção de cobre iônico a partir de soluções aquosas utilizando Sargassum sp., alginato de cálcio úmido e desidratado e carvão ativo em pó e granular, em regime de batelada e contínuo. O alginato de cálcio foi preparado através de uma solução 4% (m/v) de alginato de sódio gotejada em solução 37% (m/v) de cloreto de cálcio dihidratado. O alginato de cálcio apresentou uma umidade de 89% após secagem em estufa a 100C por 24 horas. Os parâmetros da biossorção foram fixados em: a dose de adsorventes de 2 g/L; a temperatura em 30C; pH da solução em 5,0; e velocidade de rotação da chapa rotatória em 150 rpm. Para os estudos de cinética e equilíbrio, os ensaios foram feitos em regime de batelada. Nos ensaios cinéticos para duas concentrações medias (0,16 e 3,15 mmol/L) variou-se o tempo de contato (1 a 120 min) para se atingir o equilíbrio. Nos ensaios de equilíbrio variou-se as concentrações (0,16 a 15,72 mmol/L) utilizando o tempo de equilíbrio determinado nos ensaios cinéticos. Foram utilizadas duas modelagens cinéticas (a de pseudo-primeira ordem e a de segunda ordem) e duas modelagens do equilíbrio (Langmuir e Freundlich). O modelo cinético de segunda ordem ajustou melhor os resultados. O tempo de equilíbrio para adsorção do cobre foi de 60 minutos para Sargassum sp. e pellets de alginatos de cálcio úmido e desidratado. Para os carvões ativos os tempos de equilíbrio para a adsorção do cobre foram mais rápidos, mas a capacidade de remoção do cobre foram muito baixas. Com base nos resultados desfavoráveis obtidos para os carvões ativos eles foram descartados para se prosseguir com os ensaios de equilíbrio. A isoterma de Freundlich melhor ajusta os dados experimentais para Sargassum sp. e alginato de cálcio úmido. A capacidade de adsorção máxima calculada pelo modelo de Freundlich: na concentração de equilíbrio de 11,66 0,06 mmol/L foi de 1,97 0,07 mmol/g para Sargassum sp.; e na concentração de equilíbrio de 12,12 0,03 mmol/L foi de 1,69 0,04 mmol/g para alginato de cálcio úmido. O processo de biossorção em regime contínuo, com alturas de leito variável de 10 a 40 cm, teve melhor desempenho com a altura de 40 cm. Em regime de batelada, o desempenho da Sargassum sp. foi superior ao dos alginatos de cálcio (úmido melhor que o desidratado), que por sua vez foram superiores ao desempenho dos carvões ativos em pó e granular (em pó melhor que o granular). O sistema contínuo com concentração inicial de cobre de 8,5 mmol/L deve ser operado com altura de leito igual ou superior a 40 cm, ou com sistemas multicolunas para soluções mais concentradas
Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o potencial de biossorção de lantânio pelas microalgas Ankistrodesmus sp. e Golenkinia sp. livres e pellets de alginato de cálcio, com e sem as microalgas imobilizadas, a partir de soluções aquosas. Para isso foram realizados estudos em regime batelada e em coluna de leito fixo. Modelos cinéticos de pseudo-primeira ordem e de segunda ordem e isotermas de equilíbrio de Langmuir e de Freundlich foram utilizados para a descrição quantitativa e a previsão do comportamento de adsorção do metal pelas biomassas livres e imobilizadas no sistema descontínuo. Os dados foram mais bem ajustados pelo modelo cinético de segunda ordem, com coeficientes de determinação (r2) maiores que 0,98. Foram obtidos tempos de equilibrio muito curtos, na faixa de 1-30 minutos. A isoterma de Langmuir foi a que melhor se ajustou aos dados experimentais, com valores de r2 maiores que 0,94. Foram observados valores de qmáx, isto é, a quantidade máxima de metal captado pelo biossorvente, entre 0,96 e 10,43 mmol/g. As células livres mostraram-se mais eficientes do que os pellets caracterizados com e sem os micro-organismos. Os pellets mostraram melhor potencial quando contendo microalgas imobilizadas, em comparação com eles puros. No estudo dinâmico, 12 L de solução contendo uma concentração de La (III) de 150 mmol/L ascenderam pela coluna contendo Ankistrodesmus sp. e Golenkinia sp. imobilizadas e pellets de alginato de cálcio puros durante 8 horas. No último minuto, os três biossorventes ainda apresentaram cerca de 80% de eficiência de remoção. Desta forma, o ponto de satuação não foi atingido. A rápida e alta capacidade de adsorção das microalgas revelou que sua aplicação em escala superior é possível em ambos os processos estudados, uma vez que a imobilização desses biomateriais não mudou a sua capacidade de sorção e nem o rápido contato entre o adsorvente e o soluto no processo de biossorção de lantânio
O lixiviado gerado em aterro sanitário possui substâncias de difícil degradação e amônia, que dificulta o tratamento biológico. O tratamento do lixiviado gerado em aterros sanitários requer uma série de processos de elevado custo e, outras técnicas de tratamento têm sido investigadas no intuito de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência do tratamento. A evaporação do lixiviado é uma técnica que aproveita o gás de aterro como fonte de calor, e é utilizada na redução do volume a tratar; porém as emissões atmosféricas geradas durante essa evaporação indicam a presença de amônia, o que pode causar impactos negativos em torno do aterro. Desta forma, é importante a realização de estudos que aprimorem esta técnica, para que a evaporação torne-se ambientalmente e economicamente viável. A amônia presente em amostras com pH em torno de 8,0 e temperatura em torno de 25C, está na forma de íon amônio, o que favorece ao processo de troca iônica. A troca iônica é um processo que tem sido estudado por muitos pesquisadores e consiste na troca de um ou mais constituintes de uma fase fluida para a superfície de uma fase sólida (resinas poliméricas). Este trabalho apresenta a eficiência de quatro tipos diferentes de resinas poliméricas: Amberlyst 15 Wet, Lewatit VPOC 1800, Dowex Mac-3 e Purolite MN250 na remoção e posterior, recuperação do íon amônio presente nos vapores condensados da evaporação de lixiviados. A princípio foi investigado a quantidade e o momento em que o amônio é lançado durante o processo de evaporação. Em seguida, caracterizaram-se as resinas quanto à eficiência de remoção, o tempo de contato e a quantidade ideal da resina. Estão apresentadas neste estudo as isotermas de adsorção de Langmuir, Freundlich e Temkin em diferentes temperaturas (298-318 K) e as condições ideais do processo. Os resultados apontaram duas resinas com eficiência de remoção, em torno de 40%, para concentrações acima de 1000 mg dm-3 de amônio, utilizando 0,5 g de resina e um tempo de contato de 20 minutos. Diferentes modelos cinéticos foram aplicados: Pseudo-Primeira Ordem, Pseudo-Segunda Ordem, difusão intrapartícula, Elovich e o modelo cinético de difusão externa e os resultados discutidos. Foi possível tratar Através da condensação dos vapores emitidos durante a evaporação do lixiviado, foi possível tratar foi possível obter uma recuperação em torno de 70% do íon amônio contido no vapor condensado proveniente da evaporação do lixiviado.
The oxo-triazole derivative (DTP) was synthesized and its inhibiting action on the corrosion of mild steel in sulphuric acid was investigated by means of weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, EIS and SEM. The results revealed that DTP was an excellent inhibitor and the inhibition efficiencies obtained from weight loss experiment and electrochemical experiment were in good agreement. Potentiodynamic polarization studies clearly revealed that DTP acted essentially as the mixed-type inhibitor. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters were obtained from weight loss of the different experimental temperatures, which suggested that at different temperatures (298-333 K) the adsorption of DTP on metal surface obeyed Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three triazole derivatives (4-chloro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (CATM), 4-methoxyl-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (MATM) and 4-fluoro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (FATM)) have been synthesized as new inhibitors for the corrosion of mild steel in acid media. The inhibition efficiencies of these inhibitors were evaluated by means of weight loss and electrochemical techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Then the surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adsorption of triazole derivatives is found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and the thermodynamic parameters were determined and discussed. The relationship between molecular structure of these compounds and their inhibition efficiency has been investigated by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The electronic properties such as the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels, energy gap (LUMO-HOMO), dipole moment and molecular orbital densities were computed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The binding of the electroactive hexaammineruthenium (III) complex ions to anionic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) has been investigated by means of chronocoulometry and ac voltammetry. From chronocoulometric data recorded in 10-2 M LiClO4 containing different [Ru(NH3)6]3+ concentrations, we have established the adsorption isotherm of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ on a compact monolayer of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole-5-sulfonate (MBIS) self-assembled on Au(1 1 1). The data were satisfactorily fitted to the linearized Langmuir adsorption isotherm and a binding constant of 4.0 (±0.4) × 106 M-1 has been determined. The electrostatic binding of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ to a dilute PNA-DNA monolayer formed after hybridization on a PNA-modified gold electrode by self-assembly from a mixed solution of mercaptobutan-1-ol and PNA oligonucleotides has been studied by ac voltammetry. The admittance of the PNA-modified electrode after hybridization with complementary DNA was measured in 0.01 M Tris-HCl buffer containing different [Ru(NH3)6]3+ concentrations. Based on these data, a binding constant of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ to the surface-confined PNA-DNA duplex was derived from the Langmuir isotherm and amounts to 2.9 (±0.3) × 105 M-1. As the interactions between [Ru(NH3)6]3+ and the immobilized PNA-DNA hybrids on the gold surface are essentially electrostatic, the adsorption of the highly charged cationic redox complex at low concentrations to the negatively charged PNA-DNA modified surface is in large competition with other monovalent cations present in the electrolyte at higher concentrations. The influence of competing sodium cations was thus studied by adding different NaCl concentrations in the 0.01 M Tris-HCl electrolyte. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peat has been widely used as a low cost adsorbent to remove a variety of materials including organic compounds and heavy metals from water. Various functional groups in lignin allow such compounds to bind on active sites of peat. The adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions on Irish peat moss was studied both as a pure ion and from their binary mixtures under both equilibrium and dynamic conditions in the concentration range of 5–100 mg/L. The pH of the solutions containing either Cu2+ or Ni2+ was varied over a range of 2–8. The adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni+2 on peat was found to be pH dependent. The adsorption data could be fitted to a two-site Langmuir adsorption isotherm and the maximum adsorption capacity of peat was determined to be 17.6 mg/g for Cu2+ and 14.5 mg/g for Ni2+ at 298 K when the initial concentration for both Cu2+ and Ni2+ was 100 mg/L, and the pH of the solution was 4.0 and 4.5, respectively. Column studies were conducted to generate breakthrough data for both pure component and binary mixtures of copper and nickel. Desorption experiments showed that 2 mM EDTA solution could be used to remove all of the adsorbed copper and nickel from the bed.
The kinetics of oxidative dissolution of a number of different samples of chromium(III) oxide by periodate ions in 1 mol dm-3 HClO4 solution have been studied and the results interpreted using the inverse-cubic rate law. The metaperiodate acts as a two-electron oxidant and the overall reaction stoichiometry involves the reaction of 3 mol of periodate with 1 mol of Cr(III) oxide. From a detailed study of the kinetics of dissolution the rate-determining step appears to be the reaction between an adsorbed periodate ion and its associated Cr(III) oxide surface site, with inhibition by one of the reaction products, iodate, through competitive adsorption. Analysis of the kinetic data generates values for the Langmuir adsorption coefficients for periodate and iodate ions on highly hydrated Cr(III) oxide of 84 +/- 8 and 2600 +/- 370 dm3 mol-1, respectively. The Cr(III) oxide-periodate reaction has a high overall activation energy, 82 +/- 6 kJ mol-1. The kinetics of dissolution of highly hydrated Cr(III) oxide under conditions in which the simple inverse-cubic rate law function does not apply can be successfully predicted using a simple kinetic model.
The kinetics of oxidation of water to oxygen by MnO4-, mediated by thermally activated ruthenium dioxide hydrate, has been studied. The rate of catalysis is 0.8 order with respect to the surface concentration of MnO4- (which in turn appears to fit a Langmuir adsorption isotherm) and proportional to the catalyst concentration, but is independent of the concentration of manganese(II) ions. The catalysed reaction appears to have an activation energy of 50 +/- 1 kJ mol-1. These observed kinetics are readily rationalised using an electrochemical model in which the catalyst particles act as microelectrodes providing a medium for electron transfer between the highly irreversible oxidation of water to O2 and the highly irreversible reduction of MnO4- to Mn2+.
Taguchi method was applied to investigate the optimal operating conditions in the preparation of activated carbon using palm kernel shell with quadruple control factors: irradiation time, microwave power, concentration of phosphoric acid as impregnation substance and impregnation ratio between acid and palm kernel shell. The best combination of the control factors as obtained by applying Taguchi method was microwave power of 800 W, irradiation time of 17 min, impregnation ratio of 2, and acid concentration of 85%. The noise factor (particle size of raw material) was considered in a separate outer array, which had no effect on the quality of the activated carbon as confirmed by t-test. Activated carbon prepared at optimum combination of control factors had high BET surface area of 1,473.55 m² g-1 and high porosity. The adsorption equilibrium and kinetic data can satisfactorily be described by the Langmuir isotherm and a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, respectively. The maximum adsorbing capacity suggested by the Langmuir model was 1000 mg g-1.
The rate and, more importantly, selectivity (ketone vs aromatic ring) of the hydrogenation of 4-phenyl-2-butanone over a Pt/TiO2 catalyst have been shown to vary with solvent. In this study, a fundamental kinetic model for this multi-phase reaction has been developed incorporating statistical analysis methods to strengthen the foundations of mechanistically sound kinetic models. A 2-site model was determined to be most appropriate, describing aromatic hydrogenation (postulated to be over a platinum site) and ketone hydrogenation (postulated to be at the platinum–titania interface). Solvent choice has little impact on the ketone hydrogenation rate constant but strongly impacts aromatic hydrogenation due to solvent-catalyst interaction. Reaction selectivity is also correlated to a fitted product adsorption constant parameter. The kinetic analysis method shown has demonstrated the role of solvents in influencing reactant adsorption and reaction selectivity.
We present a kinetic model for transformations between different self-assembled lipid structures. The model shows how data on the rates of phase transitions between mesophases of different geometries can be used to provide information on the mechanisms of the transformations and the transition states involved. This can be used, for example, to gain an insight into intermediate structures in cell membrane fission or fusion. In cases where the monolayer curvature changes on going from the initial to the final mesophase, we consider the phase transition to be driven primarily by the change in the relaxed curvature with pressure or temperature, which alters the relative curvature elastic energies of the two mesophase structures. Using this model, we have analyzed previously published kinetic data on the inter-conversion of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in the 1-monoolein-30 wt% water system. The data are for a transition between QII(G) and QII(D) phases, and our analysis indicates that the transition state more closely resembles the QII(D) than the QII(G) phase. Using estimated values for the monolayer mean curvatures of the QII(G) and QII(D) phases of -0.123 nm(-1) and -0.133 nm(-1), respectively, gives values for the monolayer mean curvature of the transition state of between -0.131 nm(-1) and -0.132 nm(-1). Furthermore, we estimate that several thousand molecules undergo the phase transition cooperatively within one "cooperative unit", equivalent to 1-2 unit cells of QII(G) or 4-10 unit cells of QII(D).