967 resultados para Catalogs, Classified (Dewey decimal)
O aspecto fulcral desta dissertação centra-se-à volta do desafio de procurar facilitar o acesso à informação contida na base de dados bibliográfica da Biblioteca Universitária João Paulo II (BUJPII) da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) cujo conteúdo temático tem sido até agora representado pela Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU), linguagem documental pouco acessível a grande parte dos nossos utilizadores, na sua maioria estudantes universitários que a consideram um instrumento de pesquisa pouco amigável porque estão muito pouco ou nada familiarizados com este tipo de classificação numérica preferindo o uso de palavras-chave no acesso ao conteúdo temático das obras. Com este objectivo em vista, propusemo-nos levar a cabo este trabalho de investigação fazendo a harmonização (correspondência) entre as notações da CDU, usada na classificação da colecção de fundos da BUJPII e uma lista simplificada de Cabeçalhos de Assunto da Biblioteca do Congresso, com o propósito de iniciar um processo de atribuição de cabeçalhos de assunto, mapeados a partir das notações da CDU, a parte dos referidos fundos, cuja recuperação de conteúdo tem sido feita até agora através da Classificação Decimal Universal. O estudo incidiu experimentalmente numa amostragem de monografias de áreas não indexadas mas já classificadas, cujos registos bibliográficos se encontram na base de dados da Biblioteca Universitária João Paulo II. O projecto consistiu na atribuição de cabeçalhos de assunto, traduzidos manualmente para português a partir da lista em inglês dos Cabeçalhos de Assunto da Biblioteca do Congresso (LCSH). Procurou-se que estivessem semanticamente tão próximos quanto possível dos assuntos que correspondiam às notações da Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU) com as quais as monografias tinham sido anteriormente classificadas. O trabalho foi primeiro elaborado de forma manual e depois “carregado” no software Horizon, dado ser este o sistema informático de gestão integrada em uso na Biblioteca Universitária João Paulo II, sendo o objectivo futuro a indexação de todas as áreas do seu acervo bibliográfico, como forma complementar privilegiada no acesso à informação.
The utility of the decimal growth stage (DGS) scoring system for cereals is reviewed. The DGS is the most widely used scale in academic and commercial applications because of its comprehensive coverage of cereal developmental stages, the ease of use and definition provided and adoption by official agencies. The DGS has demonstrable and established value in helping to optimise the timing of agronomic inputs, particularly with regard to plant growth regulators, herbicides, fungicides and soluble nitrogen fertilisers. In addition, the DGS is used to help parameterise crop models, and also in understanding the response and adaptation of crops to the environment. The value of the DGS for increasing precision relies on it indicating, to some degree, the various stages in the development of the stem apex and spike. Coincidence of specific growth stage scores with the transition of the apical meristem from a vegetative to a reproductive state, and also with the period of meiosis, is unreliable. Nonetheless, in pot experiments it is shown that the broad period of booting (DGS 41–49) appears adequate for covering the duration when the vulnerability of meiosis to drought and heat stress is exposed. Similarly, the duration of anthesis (61–69) is particularly susceptible to abiotic stresses: initially from a fertility perspective, but increasingly from a mean grain weight perspective as flowering progresses to DGS 69 and then milk development. These associations with DGS can have value at the crop level of organisation: for interpreting environmental effects, and in crop modelling. However, genetic, biochemical and physiological analysis to develop greater understanding of stress acclimation during the vegetative state, and tolerance at meiosis, does require more precision than DGS can provide. Similarly, individual floret analysis is needed to further understand the genetic basis of stress tolerance during anthesis.
PEREIRA, Edinete do Nascimento et al. Classificação bibliográfica: as diversas contribuições para o tratamento da informação. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 15., 2009. Anais... Natal: UFRN, 2009.
Este artigo expõe ideias de Sigmund Freud sobre temas que são fundamentais para compreender o homem contemporâneo: a constituição do psiquismo; a formação e a resolução das patologias mentais; a cultura em sentido amplo e a educação como elemento mediador entre o indivíduo e a sociedade. O objetivo é apresentar e comparar as análises feitas por John Dewey sobre esses mesmos temas, tomando por base o livro Human nature and conduct. As comparações entre os discursos freudiano e deweyano são feitas por meio da metodologia proposta por Chaïm Perelman no livro Tratado da argumentação (elaborado em coautoria com Olbrechts-Tyteca), que busca esclarecer as estratégias argumentativas usadas por um autor para obter ou aumentar a adesão às teses propostas e, com isso, despertar ações concretas. As conclusões sugerem que, embora Dewey discorde de Freud, existem pontos de concordância entre ambos, especialmente no que diz respeito ao significado dos impulsos e da sublimação e à concepção de que o conhecimento é mutável e impreciso, o que rejeita a crença em certezas absolutas e insere as decisões e ações humanas no âmbito da probabilidade.
The central question of the present study is to identify the epistemological knowledge that the teachers-trainees possess regarding the characteristics (properties) of the decimal numbering system; its purpose is to offer a contribution to the pedagogic practice of the teachers who work within the Basic Literacy Cycle, in terms of what concerns both the acquisition of contents and the development of the knowledge that helps them in the elaboration of adequate strategies to working with the Decimal Numbering System in the classroom. The study is based on the constructivist sociointeractionist approach to teaching Mathematics and it constitutes, in itself, a methodological intervention with the teachers-trainees engaged in the Professional Qualification Program in Basic Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The foundations of the study were found in investigations of researchers who had carried out studies on the construction of numerical writing, showing, for instance, that the construction process of ideas and procedures involved in groupings and changes to base 10 take a lot longer to be accomplished than one can imagine. A set of activities was then elaborated which could not only contribute to the acquisition of contents but that could also make the teachers-trainees reflect upon their teaching practices in the classroom so that in this way they will be able to elaborate more consistent didactic approaches, taking into consideration the previous knowledge of the students and also some obstacles that often appear along the way. Even when teachers have access to the most appropriate dicactic resources, the lack of knowledge of the content and of the real meaning of that content make the Decimal Numbering System, a subject of fundamental importance, be taught most times in a mechanical way. The analisys of the discussions and behaviours of the teachers-trainees during the activities reavealed that they made them reflect upon their current practices in the classroom and that, as a whole, the aims of each of the activities carried out with the teachers-trainers were reached
This study contributes to a critical synthesis of the principle of literary warrant, initially formulated by Hulme in 1911. Hulme proposed that the terms of a classification system should be derived from the literature to be classified, rather than based on purely theoretical considerations. Founding literary warrant on literature which is actually documented rather than on scientific or philosophical classifications or on the supposed authority of the first classificationists implied a clear departure from the conceptions of Harris and Dewey, who had used the classifications of Bacon and Leibniz as models. The validity of this principle over the past century is studied by means of diverse documental data (entries in dictionaries, retrieval by Google, etc.), as it is recognized as a main methodological element for classification standards and systems. This study also discusses the situation with respect to the top-down or bottom-up methodologies of system design. Three traditional applications of literary warrant are described as well as three new applications are suggested, in light of its methodological potential. It is possible to conclude that this principle will find increasing applications in other contexts, within and beyond Information Science.
Specificity and updating of the bibliographic classification systems can be considered a determinant factor to the quality of organization and representation of the legal documentation. In the specific case of Brazil, the Brazilian Law Decimal Classification, does not foresee specific subdivisions for Labor Law procedures. In this sense, it carries out a terminological work based on table of contents of doctrinal Labor Law books of the mentioned area, which are compared to the conceptual structure of the Brazilian Law Decimal Classification. As a result, it presents an extension proposal for Labor Procedures as well as a methodological background for further extensions and updates.
O trabalho analisa artigos publicados em periódicos educacionais brasileiros entre 1930 e 1960, cujos temas são educação, democracia, filosofia, ciência e verdade, entre outros, desenvolvidos segundo concepções de Dewey. em todos, ocupam posição central as noções de mudança e transformação, em oposição a estabilidade, fixidez e permanência. O objetivo é mostrar a relevância da noção de mundo em movimento, tanto para os brasileiros quanto para Dewey.
This work examines the discourse of the American philosopher and educator John Dewey (1859-1852) about human nature, adopting as reference the book Human nature and conduct: an introduction to Social Psychology. In this book, published in 1922, Dewey discusses fundamental concepts of Psychology - instinct, habit, intelligence, and others - and proposes a new psychological science; the author's elaborations cover the fields of philosophy, psychology and education. The methodology to analyze his discourse follows the studies developed by the Research Group Rhetoric and Argumentation in Pedagogy. Such studies are based on Chaïm Perelman's and Stephen Toulmin's theories.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)