967 resultados para Ca(2 ) modulation


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Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cell type in the brain. Although not apposite for long-range rapid electrical communication, astrocytes share with neurons the capacity of chemical signaling via Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter exocytosis. Despite this recent finding, little is known about the specific properties of regulated secretion and vesicle recycling in astrocytes. Important differences may exist with the neuronal exocytosis, starting from the fact that stimulus-secretion coupling in astrocytes is voltage independent, mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors and the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. Elucidating the spatiotemporal properties of astrocytic exo-endocytosis is, therefore, of primary importance for understanding the mode of communication of these cells and their role in brain signaling. We here take advantage of fluorescent tools recently developed for studying recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses (Voglmaier et al., 2006; Balaji and Ryan, 2007); we combine epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to investigate with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, the stimulus-secretion coupling underlying exo-endocytosis of glutamatergic synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes. Our main findings indicate that (1) exo-endocytosis in astrocytes proceeds with a time course on the millisecond time scale (tau(exocytosis) = 0.24 +/- 0.017 s; tau(endocytosis) = 0.26 +/- 0.03 s) and (2) exocytosis is controlled by local Ca(2+) microdomains. We identified submicrometer cytosolic compartments delimited by endoplasmic reticulum tubuli reaching beneath the plasma membrane and containing SLMVs at which fast (time-to-peak, approximately 50 ms) Ca(2+) events occurred in precise spatial-temporal correlation with exocytic fusion events. Overall, the above characteristics of transmitter exocytosis from astrocytes support a role of this process in fast synaptic modulation.


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Au cours des dernières années, il est devenu évident que les sociétés des pays industrialisés sont à haut risque de maladies métaboliques. Une alimentation riche en énergie (lipide/glucide), combinée à une sédentarité accrue, est un facteur environnemental contribuant à l'augmentation de la prévalence de maladies reliées spécifiquement à des troubles endocriniens comme l'obésité et le diabète. Le traitement de ces désordres métaboliques doit donc passer par la connaissance et la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent ces désordres et le développement de traitements ciblés vers les facteurs responsables. Le tissu adipeux est une glande endocrine qui sécrète des substances, regroupées sous le terme d'adipokines, qui contrôlent l'homéostasie énergétique. L'augmentation de la masse adipeuse est responsable du développement de dérégulation hormonale qui mène à des dysfonctions physiologiques et métaboliques. Pour contrecarrer le développement démesuré du tissu adipeux, la signalisation insulinique ainsi que l’apport énergétique, responsables de la différenciation adipocytaire, doivent être inhibés. In vivo, la leptine, adipokine dont la concentration est corrélée à la masse adipeuse, présente des actions pro ou anti-insuliniques dans l’organisme pour réguler ce phénomène. Elle favorise l’effet inhibiteur de l’insuline sur la synthèse hépatique de glucose alors qu’elle s’oppose à son action sur l’expression des enzymes glucokinase et phosphoénol-pyruvate carboxykinase. La leptine influence aussi le taux circulant de triglycérides en diminuant sa concentration plasmatique. D'autre part, l'adiponectine, adipokine insulino- sensibilisante, voit sa sécrétion diminuée avec la prise de poids. La sensibilité à l'insuline est ainsi diminuée au fur et à mesure que le débalancement de ces deux adipokines s'accentue. La résistance à l'insuline s'installe alors pour s'opposer au stockage énergétique et à la prise illimitée de poids et la glycémie augmente. L'augmentation du glucose sanguin stimule la sécrétion d'insuline au niveau des cellules pancréatiques. C'est le diabète caractérisé par une hyperglycémie et une résistance à l'insuline. Le diabète, une des premières causes de mortalité dans le monde, est plus répandu sous sa forme non insulinodépendante (diabète de type 2, DT2) liée à l'obésité. Récemment, différents facteurs de transcription ont été identifiés comme régulateurs de l'expression d'une panoplie de gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme glucidique et lipidique. Parmi eux, les récepteurs des inducteurs de la prolifération des peroxysomes (PPAR, Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor), appartenant à la famille des récepteurs nucléaires. Les PPAR ont été démontrés comme ayant un rôle central dans le contrôle de la transcription des gènes codants pour des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme : les adipokines. PPARg, en plus de son implication dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie glucidique et lipidique, est reconnu comme étant un facteur de transcription pivot régulant l'adipogenèse du fait de son expression majeure dans le tissu adipeux. D'autre part, il est bien établi maintenant que l'obésité et le diabète sont des facteurs contribuant au développement du processus inflammatoire vasculaire caractéristique de l’athérosclérose. En effet, les cellules endothéliales et musculaires lisses, principales composantes de la média de l’artère, sont très sensibles aux altérations métaboliques. Une diminution de la sensibilité à l’insuline entraine une réduction de la disponibilité du glucose et l’utilisation des acides gras comme alternatif par ces cellules. Ceci induit l’accumulation des acides gras oxydés dans l’intima et leur filtration dans la média pour former un core lipidique. Bien que l’induction de la dysfonction endothéliale soit impliquée très précocement, certaines études pointent l’accumulation lipidique dans les cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CML) et leur dysfonction comme déclencheurs de l’athérosclérose. Ce travail visait donc, dans un premier temps, à développer un modèle d'altérations métaboliques liées à la modulation de l'activité du tissu adipeux via une alimentation riche en lipides. Dans un second temps, cette étude tentait d'évaluer l’impact des adipocytes de souris sur les CML vasculaires et sur la modulation de leurs fonctions dans ce modèle d'altérations métaboliques et DT2 liés à l'alimentation et à l'obésité. Ainsi, par le biais de deux diètes pauvres en cholestérol à profil lipidique différent, nous avons développé un modèle murin présentant divers stades d'altérations du métabolisme allant jusqu'au DT2 en lien avec l'obésité chez les mâles et chez les femelles. D’autre part, des signes de cardiomyopathie ainsi qu’une modulation du taux des adipokines sont reliés à ces mêmes diètes. Parallèlement, l’activité de PPAR!2 est modulée chez les souris sous diètes enrichies en gras. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que les adipocytes, provenant de souris alimentées avec une diète enrichie en gras, modulaient la migration et la prolifération des CML comparativement au groupe contrôle. Ces modulations dépendaient en grande partie de la nature de la diète consommée, mais également du sexe de la souris. Par ailleurs, les altérations fonctionnelles des CML, couplées à des modulations géniques, sont associées aux changements du profil de sécrétion des adipokines mesurées chez les adipocytes. L’ensemble de ces travaux suggère une action directe de la nature de la stimulation du tissu adipeux blanc dans la modulation du profil de sécrétion des adipokines et l'induction du DT2 in vivo. Ces altérations de la physiologie adipocytaire se reflètent in vitro où le tissu adipeux contribue aux altérations physiopathologiques des CML liées au DT2. Ainsi, cette étude est l'une des premières à établir un lien direct entre les modulations adipocytaires et les effets de leurs sécrétions sur la physiologie des CML. Ces observations peuvent être exploitées cliniquement dans un développement futur d’outils thérapeutiques visant à prévenir et à traiter les troubles métaboliques et le DT2, en ciblant le tissu adipeux comme entité métabolique et endocrine.


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Although principally produced by the pancreas to degrade dietary proteins in the intestine, trypsins are also expressed in the nervous system and in epithelial tissues, where they have diverse actions that could be mediated by protease-activated receptors (PARs). We examined the biological actions of human trypsin IV (or mesotrypsin) and rat p23, inhibitor-resistant forms of trypsin. The zymogens trypsinogen IV and pro-p23 were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to apparent homogeneity. Enteropeptidase cleaved both zymogens, liberating active trypsin IV and p23, which were resistant to soybean trypsin inhibitor and aprotinin. Trypsin IV cleaved N-terminal fragments of PAR(1), PAR(2), and PAR(4) at sites that would expose the tethered ligand (PAR(1) = PAR(4) > PAR(2)). Trypsin IV increased [Ca(2+)](i) in transfected cells expressing human PAR(1) and PAR(2) with similar potencies (PAR(1), 0.5 microm; PAR(2), 0.6 microm). p23 also cleaved fragments of PAR(1) and PAR(2) and signaled to cells expressing these receptors. Trypsin IV and p23 increased [Ca(2+)](i) in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons that responded to capsaicin and which thus mediate neurogenic inflammation and nociception. Intraplantar injection of trypsin IV and p23 in mice induced edema and granulocyte infiltration, which were not observed in PAR (-/-)(1)(trypsin IV) and PAR (-/-)(2) (trypsin IV and p23) mice. Trypsin IV and p23 caused thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia in mice, and these effects were absent in PAR (-/-)(2) mice but maintained in PAR (-/-)(1) mice. Thus, trypsin IV and p23 are inhibitor-resistant trypsins that can cleave and activate PARs, causing PAR(1)- and PAR(2)-dependent inflammation and PAR(2)-dependent hyperalgesia.


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Cholecystitis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. Inflammation induces the activation of proteases that can signal to cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs) to induce hemostasis, inflammation, pain, and repair. However, the distribution of PARs in the gallbladder is unknown, and their effects on gallbladder function have not been fully investigated. We localized immunoreactive PAR(1) and PAR(2) to the epithelium, muscle, and serosa of mouse gallbladder. mRNA transcripts corresponding to PAR(1) and PAR(2), but not PAR(4), were detected by RT-PCR and sequencing. Addition of thrombin and a PAR(1)-selective activating peptide (TFLLRN-NH(2)) to the serosal surface of mouse gallbladder mounted in an Ussing chamber stimulated an increase in short-circuit current in wild-type but not PAR(1) knockout mice. Similarly, serosally applied trypsin and PAR(2) activating peptide (SLIGRL-NH(2)) increased short-circuit current in wild-type but not PAR(2) knockout mice. Proteases and activating peptides strongly inhibited electrogenic responses to subsequent stimulation with the same agonist, indicating homologous desensitization. Removal of HCO(3)(-) ions from the serosal buffer reduced responses to thrombin and trypsin by >80%. Agonists of PAR(1) and PAR(2) increase intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in isolated and cultured gallbladder epithelial cells. The COX-2 inhibitor meloxicam and an inhibitor of CFTR prevented the stimulatory effect of PAR(1) but not PAR(2). Thus PAR(1) and PAR(2) are expressed in the epithelium of the mouse gallbladder, and serosally applied proteases cause a HCO(3)(-) secretion. The effects of PAR(1) but not PAR(2) depend on generation of prostaglandins and activation of CFTR. These mechanisms may markedly influence fluid and electrolyte secretion of the inflamed gallbladder when multiple proteases are generated.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: We studied the role of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)) and its activating enzymes, trypsins and tryptase, in Clostridium difficile toxin A (TxA)-induced enteritis. METHODS: We injected TxA into ileal loops in PAR(2) or dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI) knockout mice or in wild-type mice pretreated with tryptase inhibitors (FUT-175 or MPI-0442352) or soybean trypsin inhibitor. We examined the effect of TxA on expression and activity of PAR(2) and trypsin IV messenger RNA in the ileum and cultured colonocytes. We injected activating peptide (AP), trypsins, tryptase, and p23 in wild-type mice, some pretreated with the neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist SR140333. RESULTS: TxA increased fluid secretion, myeloperoxidase activity in fluid and tissue, and histologic damage. PAR(2) deletion decreased TxA-induced ileitis, reduced luminal fluid secretion by 20%, decreased tissue and fluid myeloperoxidase by 50%, and diminished epithelial damage, edema, and neutrophil infiltration. DPPI deletion reduced secretion by 20% and fluid myeloperoxidase by 55%. In wild-type mice, FUT-175 or MPI-0442352 inhibited secretion by 24%-28% and tissue and fluid myeloperoxidase by 31%-71%. Soybean trypsin inhibitor reduced secretion to background levels and tissue myeloperoxidase by up to 50%. TxA increased expression of PAR(2) and trypsin IV in enterocytes and colonocytes and caused a 2-fold increase in Ca(2+) responses to PAR(2) AP. AP, tryptase, and trypsin isozymes (trypsin I/II, trypsin IV, p23) caused ileitis. SR140333 prevented AP-induced ileitis. CONCLUSIONS: PAR(2) and its activators are proinflammatory in TxA-induced enteritis. TxA stimulates existing PAR(2) and up-regulates PAR(2) and activating proteases, and PAR(2) causes inflammation by neurogenic mechanisms.


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Certain serine proteases signal to cells by cleaving protease-activated receptors (PARs) and thereby regulate hemostasis, inflammation, pain and healing. However, in many tissues the proteases that activate PARs are unknown. Although pancreatic trypsin may be a physiological agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in the small intestine and pancreas, these receptors are expressed by cells not normally exposed pancreatic trypsin. We investigated whether extrapancreatic forms of trypsin are PAR agonists. Epithelial cells lines from prostate, colon, and airway and human colonic mucosa expressed mRNA encoding PAR(2), trypsinogen IV, and enteropeptidase, which activates the zymogen. Immunoreactive trypsinogen IV was detected in vesicles in these cells. Trypsinogen IV was cloned from PC-3 cells and expressed in CHO cells, where it was also localized to cytoplasmic vesicles. We expressed trypsinogen IV with an N-terminal Igkappa signal peptide to direct constitutive secretion and allow enzymatic characterization. Treatment of conditioned medium with enteropeptidase reduced the apparent molecular mass of trypsinogen IV from 36 to 30 kDa and generated enzymatic activity, consistent with formation of trypsin IV. In contrast to pancreatic trypsin, trypsin IV was completely resistant to inhibition by polypeptide inhibitors. Exposure of cell lines expressing PAR(2) and PAR(4) to trypsin IV increased [Ca(2+)](i) and strongly desensitized cells to PAR agonists, whereas there were no responses in cells lacking these receptors. Thus, trypsin IV is a potential agonist of PAR(2) and PAR(4) in epithelial tissues where its resistance to endogenous trypsin inhibitors may permit prolonged signaling.


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G protein-coupled receptors of nociceptive neurons can sensitize transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels, which amplify neurogenic inflammation and pain. Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR(2)), a receptor for inflammatory proteases, is a major mediator of neurogenic inflammation and pain. We investigated the signaling mechanisms by which PAR(2) regulates TRPV4 and determined the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation in this process. Human TRPV4 was expressed in HEK293 cells under control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter, allowing controlled and graded channel expression. In cells lacking TRPV4, the PAR(2) agonist stimulated a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i). TRPV4 expression led to a markedly sustained increase in [Ca(2+)](i). Removal of extracellular Ca(2+) and treatment with the TRPV4 antagonists Ruthenium Red or HC067047 prevented the sustained response. Inhibitors of phospholipase A(2) and cytochrome P450 epoxygenase attenuated the sustained response, suggesting that PAR(2) generates arachidonic acid-derived lipid mediators, such as 5',6'-EET, that activate TRPV4. Src inhibitor 1 suppressed PAR(2)-induced activation of TRPV4, indicating the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation. The TRPV4 tyrosine mutants Y110F, Y805F, and Y110F/Y805F were expressed normally at the cell surface. However, PAR(2) was unable to activate TRPV4 with the Y110F mutation. TRPV4 antagonism suppressed PAR(2) signaling to primary nociceptive neurons, and TRPV4 deletion attenuated PAR(2)-stimulated neurogenic inflammation. Thus, PAR(2) activation generates a signal that induces sustained activation of TRPV4, which requires a key tyrosine residue (TRPV4-Tyr-110). This mechanism partly mediates the proinflammatory actions of PAR(2).


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Plasmodium falciparum, the most important etiological agent of human malaria, is endowed with a highly complex cell cycle that is essential for its successful replication within the host. A number of evidence suggest that changes in parasite Ca(2+) levels occur during the intracellular cycle of the parasites and play a role in modulating its functions within the RBC. However, the molecular identification of Plasmodium receptors linked with calcium signalling and the causal relationship between Ca(2+) increases and parasite functions are still largely mysterious. We here describe that increases in P. falciparum Ca(2+) levels, induced by extracellular ATP, modulate parasite invasion. In particular, we show that addition of ATP leads to an increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) in trophozoites and segmented schizonts. Addition of the compounds KN62 and Ip5I on parasites blocked the ATP-induced rise in [Ca(2+)](c). Besides, the compounds or hydrolysis of ATP with apyrase added in culture drastically reduce RBC infection by parasites, suggesting strongly a role of extracellular ATP during RBC invasion. The use of purinoceptor antagonists Ip5I and KN62 in this study suggests the presence of putative purinoceptor in P. falciparum. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that increases in [Ca(2+)](c) in the malarial parasite P. falciparum by ATP leads to the modulation of its invasion of red blood cells.


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The prion protein (PrP(C)) is a conserved glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored cell surface protein expressed by neurons and other cells. Stress-inducible protein 1 (STI1) binds PrP(C) extracellularly, and this activated signaling complex promotes neuronal differentiation and neuroprotection via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase 1 (PKA) pathways. However, the mechanism by which the PrPC-STI1 interaction transduces extracellular signals to the intracellular environment is unknown. We found that in hippocampal neurons, STI1-PrP(C) engagement induces an increase in intracellular Ca(2+) levels. This effect was not detected in PrP(C)-null neurons or wild-type neurons treated with an STI1 mutant unable to bind PrP(C). Using a best candidate approach to test for potential channels involved in Ca(2+) influx evoked by STI1-PrP(C), we found that alpha-bungarotoxin, a specific inhibitor for alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (alpha 7nAChR), was able to block PrP(C)-STI1-mediated signaling, neuroprotection, and neuritogenesis. Importantly, when alpha 7nAChR was transfected into HEK 293 cells, it formed a functional complex with PrP(C) and allowed reconstitution of signaling by PrP(C)-STI1 interaction. These results indicate that STI1 can interact with the PrP(C).alpha 7nAChR complex to promote signaling and provide a novel potential target for modulation of the effects of prion protein in neurodegenerative diseases.


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Mu hiding resistance associated protein 2 (Mrp2) is a canalicular transporter responsible for organic anion secretion into bile. Mrp2 activity is regulated by insertion into the plasma membrane; however, the factors that control this are not understood. Calcium (Ca(2+)) signaling regulates exocytosis of vesicles in most cell types, and the type II inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R2) regulates Ca(2+) release in the canalicular region of hepatocytes. However, the role of InsP(3)R2 and of Ca(2+) signals in canalicular insertion and function of Mrp2 is not known. The aim of this study was to determine the role of InsP(3)R2-mediated Ca(2+) signals in targeting Mrp2 to the canalicular membrane. Livers, isolated hepatocytes, and hepatocytes in collagen sandwich culture from wild-type (WT) and InsP(3)R2 knockout (KO) mice were used for western blots, confocal immunofluorescence, and time-lapse imaging of Ca(2+) signals and of secretion of a fluorescent organic anion. Plasma membrane insertion of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Mrp2 expressed in HepG2 cells was monitored by total internal reflection microscopy. InsP(3)R2 was concentrated in the canalicular region of WT mice but absent in InsP(3)R2 KO livers, whereas expression and localization of InsP(3)R1 was preserved, and InsP(3)R3 was absent from both WT and KO livers. Ca(2+) signals induced by either adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or vasopressin were impaired in hepatocytes lacking InsP(3)R2. Canalicular secretion of the organic anion 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) was reduced in KO hepatocytes, as well as in WT hepatocytes treated with 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N`,N`-tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA). Moreover, the choleretic effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) was impaired in InsP(3)R2 KO mice. Finally, ATP increased GFP-Mrp2 fluorescence in the plasma membrane of HepG2 cells, and this also was reduced by BAPTA. Conclusion: InsP(3)R2-mediated Ca(2+) signals enhance organic anion secretion into bile by targeting Mrp2 to the canalicular membrane. (HEPATOLOGY 2010;52:327-337)


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Despite the favorable treatment of cranial nerve neuropathology in adulthood, some cases are resistant to therapy leading to permanent functional impairments In many cases, suitable treatment is problematic as the therapeutic target remains unknown Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF 2) is involved in neuronal maintenance and wound repair following nervous system lesions It is one of few neurotrophic molecules acting in autocrine, paracrine and intracrine fashions depending upon specific circumstances Peripheral cranial somatic motor neurons, i e hypoglossal (XII) neurons, may offer a unique opportunity to study cellular FGF 2 mechanisms as the molecule is present in the cytoplasm of neurons and in the nuclei of astrocytes of the central nervous system FGF-2 may trigger differential actions during development, maintenance and lesion of XII neurons because axotomy of those cells leads to cell death during neonatal ages, but not in adult life Moreover, the modulatory effects of astroglial FGF 2 and the Ca+2 binding protein S100 beta have been postulated in paracrine mechanisms after neuronal lesions In our study, adult Wistar rats received a unilateral crush or transection (with amputation of stumps) of XII nerve, and were sacrificed after 72 h or 11 days Brains were processed for immunohistochemical localization of neurofilaments (NF), with or without counterstaining for Nissl substance, ghat fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, as a marker of astrocytes), S100 beta and FGF-2 The number of Nissl positive neurons of axotomized XII nucleus did not differ from controls The NF immunoreactivity increased in the perikarya and decreased in the neuropil of axotomized XII neurons 11 days after nerve crush or transection An astrocytic reaction was seen in the ipsilateral XII nucleus of the crushed or transected animals 72 h and 11 days after the surgery The nerve lesions did not change the number of FGF-2 neurons in the ipsilateral XII nucleus, however, the nerve transection increased the number of FGF-2 ghat profiles by 72 h and 11 days Microdensitometric image analysis revealed a short lasting decrease in the intensity of FGF 2 immunoreactivity in axotomized XII neurons by 72 h after nerve crush or transection and also an elevation of FGF-2 in the ipsilateral of ghat nuclei by 72h and 11 days after the two lesions S100 beta decreased in astrocytes of 11-day transected XII nucleus The two-color immunoperoxidase for the simultaneous detection of the GFAP/FGF-2 indicated FGF-2 upregulation in the nuclei of reactive astrocytes of the lesioned XII nucleus Astroglial FGF-2 may exert paracrine trophic actions in mature axotomized XII neurons and might represent a therapeutic target for neuroprotection in peripheral nerve pathology (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) exert pivotal roles in synaptic transmission, neuroprotection and differentiation. Particularly, homomeric alpha 7 receptors participate in neurite outgrowth, presynaptic control of neurotransmitter release and Ca(2+) influx. However, the study of recombinant alpha 7 nAChRs in transfected cell lines is difficult due to low expression of functional receptor channels. We show that PC12 pheochromocytoma cells induced to differentiation into neurons are an adequate model for studying differential nAChR gene expression and receptor activity. Whole-cell current recording indicated that receptor responses increased during the course of differentiation. Transcription of mRNAs coding for alpha 3, alpha 5, alpha 7, beta 2 and beta 4 subunits was present during the course of differentiation, while mRNAs coding for alpha 2, alpha 4 and beta 3 subunits were not expressed in PC12 cells. alpha 7 subunit expression was highest following 1 day of induction to differentiation. Activity of alpha 7 nAChRs, however, was most elevated on day 2 as revealed by inhibition experiments in the presence of 10 nM methyllycaconitine, rapid current decay and receptor responsiveness to the alpha 7 agonist choline. Increased alpha 7 receptor activity was noted when PC12 were induced to differentiation in the presence of choline, confirming that chronic agonist treatment augments nAChR activity. In summary, PC12 cells are an adequate model to study the role and pharmacological properties of this receptor during neuronal differentiation.


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Arsenic is a known carcinogen found in the soil in gold mining regions at concentrations thousands of times greater than gold. Mining releases arsenic into the environment and surrounding water bodies. The main chemical forms of arsenic found in the environment are inorganic arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)). Yabbies (Cherax destructor) accumulate arsenic at levels comparable to those in the sediment of their environment but the effect on their physiological function is not known. The effects of arsenic exposure (10 ppm sodium arsenite, AsNaO2 - 5.7 ppm As(III)) and 10 ppm arsenic acid, Na2HAsO4·7H2O - 2.6 ppm As(V)) for 40 days on the contractile function of the two major fibre types from the chelae were determined. After exposure, individual fibres were isolated from the chela, "skinned" (membrane removed) and attached to the force recording apparatus. Contraction was induced in solutions containing increasing [Ca(2+)] until a maximum Ca(2+)-activation was obtained. Submaximal force responses were plotted as a percentage of the maximum Ca(2+)-activated force. As(V) exposure resulted in lower levels of calcium required for activation than As(III) indicating an increased sensitivity to Ca(2+) after long term exposure to arsenate compared to arsenite. Myosin heavy chain and tropomyosin content in individual fibres was also decreased as a result of arsenic exposure. Single fibres exposed to As(V) produced significantly more force than muscle fibres from control animals. Long-term exposure of yabbies to arsenic alters the contractile function of the two major fibre types in the chelae.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research on Blindsight, Neglect/Extinction and Phantom limb syndromes, as well as electrical measurements of mammalian brain activity, have suggested the dependence of vivid perception on both incoming sensory information at primary sensory cortex and reentrant information from associative cortex. Coherence between incoming and reentrant signals seems to be a necessary condition for (conscious) perception. General reticular activating system and local electrical synchronization are some of the tools used by the brain to establish coarse coherence at the sensory cortex, upon which biochemical processes are coordinated. Besides electrical synchrony and chemical modulation at the synapse, a central mechanism supporting such a coherence is the N-methyl-D-aspartate channel, working as a 'coincidence detector' for an incoming signal causing the depolarization necessary to remove Mg 2+, and reentrant information releasing the glutamate that finally prompts Ca 2+ entry. We propose that a signal transduction pathway activated by Ca 2+ entry into cortical neurons is in charge of triggering a quantum computational process that accelerates inter-neuronal communication, thus solving systemic conflict and supporting the unity of consciousness. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.