862 resultados para CONSUMER BEHAVIOR
Este estudo enquadra-se num contexto do Marketing Digital e do Comportamento do Consumidor, tendo como tema o impacto dos social media no comportamento dos consumidores de health clubs no mercado português. O principal objectivo deste trabalho está em perceber até que ponto são os consumidores influenciados por aquilo que é publicado nos social media, no momento de aderir a um health club. O desenvolvimento da Web 2.0 proporcionou o aparecimento de uma nova forma de comunicação através dos social media. Inicialmente apareceram como meio de comunicar entre familiares e amigos, só há pouco tempo os social media começaram a ser vistos pelas empresas como uma ferramenta de comunicação. A partir de então a forma de comunicar das empresas sofreu significativas alterações. Como consequência desta nova forma de comunicação, deparamo-nos com uns consumidores mais informados, activos e exigentes que exercem um maior controlo sobre consumo que fazem dos media. De acordo com um estudo da Marktest de 2013, é o Facebook que lidera as preferências dos utilizadores das redes sociais. Numa sociedade de consumo onde reina o culto ao corpo, o desporto assume actualmente um papel fulcral no bem-estar dos indivíduos pois não só é visto como meio para se melhorar as condições físicas e de saúde mas também como meio de relaxamento e anti-stress. Desde os anos 80 que se tem vindo a multiplicar os health clubs pelos centros urbanos, altura em que a prática de exercício físico começou a assumir uma maior regularidade na vida dos portugueses. No entanto, constatamos nos dias de hoje que existe uma grande preocupação em corresponderem às necessidades da sociedade relativamente à prática de actividade física. De modo a perceber-se melhor esta problemática foi desenvolvida uma investigação focada nas páginas na rede social Facebook de health clubs do mercado português. Neste estudo foram utilizados estudos do tipo qualitativo e quantitativo. No que respeita ao método qualitativo recorremos a duas entrevistas exploratórias estruturadas a responsáveis pela concepção e implementação das estratégias de Marketing Digital nos departamentos de Comunicação e Marketing de dois diferentes health clubs. Por outro lado, utilizamos o inquérito por questionário, onde foram recolhidas cem respostas, e a observação directa às páginas do Facebook do Fitness Hut Arco do Cego, Solinca, Holmes Place Alvalade e Virgin Active Portugal em dois diferentes dias. Apesar de se concluir que a maioria dos inquiridos não só tem conhecimento que o health club que frequenta tem página numa rede social como também é seguidor/amigo/colocou um like na mesma, a percentagem de inquiridos que afirma que a sua decisão no momento de escolha em aderir a um health club foi condicionada por um comentário que publicado numa rede social é bastante reduzida. Porém, a mesma situação aplicada a comentários/ posts num blogue ainda é mais insignificante. Outra conclusão a que chegámos prende-se com o facto das páginas de Facebook dos health clubs estarem, pelo conteúdo publicado, mais direccionadas para satisfazer as necessidades dos consumidores que já são clientes do que para conquistar novos.
A influência das práticas do Marketing nas redes sociais é o assunto central desta investigação. Muitos afirmam que o marketing digital afecta diretamente a vida das pessoas e consumidores. Saber em que momentos ou situações essa influência se dá é importante para estabelecer até que ponto os utilizadores permitem que o seu comportamento enquanto consumidor seja moldado. Incidindo sobre a área da cosmética, abordamos a questão da utilização de produtos de cosmética sob uma ótica sociológica que envolve desde a inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho, os padrões de beleza existentes e o fenómeno da metrossexualidade que acontece desde os anos 2000. A investigação analisou o impacto do marketing nas redes sociais de “O Boticário” e “Kiko Make Up Milano”, duas empresas estrangeiras que actuam no mercado português de forma física e virtual. Do ponto de vista das redes sociais, o Facebook foi escolhido porque é a mais popular actualmente. A pesquisa utilizou como metodologia entrevistas e inquérito, este último alojado online. Após a realização da análise, foi constatado que “O Boticário” está mais adaptado ao mercado português, por meio de uma estratégia diferenciada, do que a “Kiko Make Up Milano”, que aplica a mesma estratégia vigente nas lojas do seu país de origem em Portugal. Foi verificado ainda que o Marketing praticado nas redes sociais aproxima as empresas do seus consumidores e muitas vezes os levam às lojas, seja para conhecer um novo produto ou para uma atitude de compra.
Companhia das Quintas, Limited Company wishes to conquer the Chinese market with its wines. For that, it decided to enter in a partnership with a local importer and distributor. This project analyses the macroeconomic factors of the country, the local market and the consumer behavior, using on-site research that included interviews with professionals of the industry, unstructured observation of the consumer and existing statistical data analysis. Finally, the project presents a marketing plan to make this partnership a success.
The development of an effective pricing strategy requires the acquaintance of consumers’ price perception as well as the range of elements that influence the price sensitivity. This paper analyses the relationships between product features, individual characteristics and the level of price increase/decrease that induces the consumers to change their purchase decisions. The results of a dedicated survey show, that price sensitivity, individual preferences, type of product and direction of price change and individual characteristics of consumers (gender, age, professional situation) have a significant impact on a threshold at which people are willing to choose the less attractive, but cheaper alternative to their favorite product or give up the variety in consumption. From a consumer behavior perspective, these findings play a fundamental role in pricing.
Este é um estudo sobre o perfil do e-consumidor brasileiro. Através de um enquadramento do ecommerce no Brasil e de uma pesquisa qualitativa, o trabalho busca identificar quem é este consumidor, o que ele compra, porque ele compra online, como coleta as informações necessárias para escolher um produto ou serviço, quais são os fatores determinantes da compra e quais os locais escolhidos.
Field Lab: Children consumer behaviour
Field lab in marketing: Children consumer behaviour
In this study in the field of Consumer Behavior, brand name memory of consumers with regard to verbal and visual incongruent and congruent information such as memory structure of brands was tested. Hence, four experimental groups with different constellations of verbal and visual congruity and incongruity were created to compare their brand name memory performance. The experiment was conducted in several classes with 128 students, each group with 32 participants. It was found that brands, which are presented in a congruent or moderately incongruent relation to their brand schema, result in a better brand recall than their incongruent counterparts. A difference between visual congruity and moderately incongruity could not be confirmed. In contrast to visual incongruent information, verbal incongruent information does not result in a worse brand recall performance.
Ainda que a publicidade seja capaz de influenciar ou despertar necessidades e motivações, é o consumidor quem decide o que consume. É por este motivo que o estudo do comportamento do consumidor torna-se importante para o marketing, pois permite descobrir novas formas de comunicação, assim como, compreender os processos de compra dos indivíduos. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo compreender o consumidor, conhecer e inter-relacionar as tendências e dinâmicas do processo de compra, assim como, descobrir quais as necessidades e motivações que compõem as suas escolhas, a partir de uma abordagem alternativa – a etnografia.
The aim of this research is to evaluate if a premium beauty brand, in this case, Lancôme, can influence positively the purchase intention from Brazilian young adults, between 18 and 29 years old, consumers of beauty products, by initiating a relationship with a local celebrity or “it” girl on social media. This hypothesis has not been tested, and this research is a first attempt of evaluating it. Additionally, the consumer behavior, brand preferences and social media activeness of this age segment in Brazil are further studied as important insights for beauty brands to conquer these consumers. Results did not confirm the positive influence of local celebrities on this age segment’s purchase intention but several suggestions are made for future research to revisit this topic. Furthermore, there is a significant brand love for M.A.C., an international Lancôme competitor, amongst this target, as well as a probable price sensitivity facing premium beauty brands.
The project, conducted within a direct research internship at Sonae Sierra, aims to propose innovative digital approaches for Shopping Centres (SC) to deal successfully with millennial consumer behavior concerning digital devices and online content in relation to shopping. An online survey followed by a focus group were conducted for this purpose. Results show a demand for specific digital services created by a SC and that their perception depends highly on gender of millennials. Moreover it´s a cohort seeking for personalized content, providing emotional or functional benefit. Consequently a SC must deliver services, as presented in this work satisfying those needs.
There is a rising demand for local food which traveled only short distances and is marketed directly by the producer. With growing importance of local food also the amount of literature in this field increased. Yet, literature is lacking to examine the challenges and burdens consumers face while trying to purchase local food. Evidence is shown that a gap exists between the intention of consumers who would like to purchase local food and their actual behavior. However, reasons for this gap are only discovered as byproducts of other research objectives. Consequently, this study investigates the specific reasons for the intention-behavior gap of consumers in the local food market. The study makes use of semi-structured face-to-face interviews with rural and urban respondents. The interviews are analyzed by qualitative content analysis based on Elo and Kyngäs (2008). Revealed key drivers for the intention-behavior gap are (1) the lack of awareness where to purchase local food products, (2) the limited reachability of local food producers, (3) the assortment of the local producer in regard to size and composition and (4) the lack in transparency of the prices of local food. Consequently, it is the producers turn to eliminate the revealed barriers by proactively bringing their products closer to the consumer.
This thesis places boundary conditions on the withdrawal model in the frontline setting of service organizations by considering continuance commitment and supervisory support as moderators of the relationship between job dissatisfaction and customer-oriented citizenship behaviors (COCBs). Departing from traditional research in the areas of the service-profit chain and employee withdrawal, the author advances our understanding of conditions that may lead frontline service employees who are dissatisfied to deposit COCBs into the organizational system. Specifically, based on principles derived from social exchange theory, high continuance commitment and high supervisory support are expected to lead to COCBs, because under this condition the benefits of performing such behaviors are increased (i.e., promotion-based, reciprocity-based), while the costs are decreased (i.e., opportunity costs). Utilizing a sample of 127 frontline employees from both the financial services and travel agency industries, the hypothesized relationships are empirically supported using moderated hierarchical regression analysis. To conclude discussion, implications of the results for both academics and p
The relative ease tha t a person experiences while performing cognitive operations, namely processing fluency, affects a broad range of judgments such as product evaluations. For example, an increase in fluency through repeated exposure to product packages enhances attitude toward the brand (Janiszewski 1993). This thesis examined the effect of fluency on taste perception and demonstrated where the fluency created an advantage or disfluency created a disadvantage for taste evaluations. Experiment 1 examined the effect of perceptual fluency on taste perception. It was found that perceptual disfluency derived from r eading the labels (i.e., font) lowered taste evaluations only when it was experienced be for the sensory experience. Experiment 2 examined the effect of linguistic fluency (i.e., pronunciation) on taste perception. However there was no evidence for the effect of linguistic fluency on taste perception. Thus, it is concluded that either the effect size of linguistic fluency is lower than perceptual fluency, or participants discounted their linguistic fluency experience because they realized that the brand names used in Experiment 2 were not real brand names. To sum up, it was found that perceptual disfluency created by presenting a difficult to read product-related information created a disadvantage for taste perception compared to when no information was presented. Therefore, this thesis provides the first evidence for the effect of the metacognitive cue of fluency on sensory evaluations.
Le présent travail de recherche analyse l’acte d’achat et fait une brèche dans la relation mystérieuse que nous développons avec les biens de consommation. En microéconomie et en sociologie de la consommation, on considère que le consommateur fait des choix rationnels, et ce à travers un processus d’achat (Langlois, 2002). Ce processus est divisé en cinq étapes : la reconnaissance du problème, la recherche d’informations, l’évaluation des alternatives en concurrence, le choix et l’analyse post-achat (Brée, 2004). Bien que l’étape du choix soit certainement l’étape charnière du processus, car elle détermine le choix final menant à l’achat, elle est souvent comprise comme l’aboutissement de calculs préalables et non comme un moment régi par ses propres dynamiques. Le paradigme dominant en matière de choix, la théorie du choix rationnel, avance que nous formulons nos choix en recourant à des calculs d’utilité. Nous évaluons rationnellement les options afin d’optimiser notre situation en sélectionnant le choix qui nous rapporte le plus en nous coûtant le moins (Abell, 1991). Par contre, certains critiques de la théorie du choix rationnel allèguent que la multiplicité de choix encouragée par notre société engendre un stress lors de l’achat qui embrouille le jugement menant au choix. Cela invite à considérer la singularité du moment menant au choix. Que se passe-t-il chez le consommateur lorsqu’il est mis en présence d’un objet? En vérité, les disciplines qui s’intéressent au comportement du consommateur éludent la présence de l’objet comme forme d’influence sur le jugement. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous entendons par la mise en présence le moment où un individu est en présence d’un objet spécifique ou d’une représentation d’un objet. Lorsque mis en présence de l’objet, le consommateur fera un jugement qui sera potentiellement relatif aux sensations de beauté (Hutcheson, 1991) et aux émotions provoquées par un objet spécifique. Ainsi, les sens « externes » (la vue, l’ouïe, l’odorat, le goût, le toucher) stimulent un sens « esthétique » : le sens interne de la beauté (Hutcheson, 1991). De plus, il peut survenir, en consommation, lors de la mise en présence que l’émotion prenne la forme d’un jugement (Nussbaum, 2001). On définit les émotions comme un état affectif situationnel dirigé vers une chose (Desmet, 2002). C’est ainsi que la recherche s’est articulé autour de l’hypothèse suivante : de quelle manière la mise en présence influence le jugement du consommateur pendant le processus d’achat? Nous avons mené une enquête inspirée d’une approche qualitative auprès de consommateurs dont les résultats sont ici exposés et discutés. L’enquête tente dans un premier temps de cerner l’impact de la mise en présence dans le processus d’achat. Puis, le récit de magasinage de quatre participants est analysé à l’aide d’éléments tels les critères de choix, les facteurs, les influences et les contraintes. L’enquête montre notamment que la mise en présence intervient et modifie le jugement du consommateur. L’analyse des entretiens met en avant une tendance chez nos participants à la scénarisation tout au long du processus d’achat et particulièrement lors des moments de mise en présence. Nous avons observé que les moments de mise en présence alimentent le scénario imaginé par le consommateur et lui permet de créer des scénarios de vie future en interaction avec certains biens de consommation.