118 resultados para CIVICS


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Cultural theorists have given much attention recently to the notion of 'affect', yet such discussions have not seriously, if at all, raised the question of disability. However we would suggest that disability has very strong relationships with affect. In this paper we argue for the importance of rethinking affect and communication from the perspective of a critical, socio-political account of disability. To illustrate this, we look at affect and disability in two important cases of refugees in Australia.


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The aim of this article is to discuss and problematize how teachers in civics in upper secondary school construct drama, and how it relates to teaching, and students’ knowledge formation in civics. A study like this is important as the aesthetic subjects are becoming more prominent in young people’s everyday life at the same time as school by recent reformations is increasing the adjustment to efficiency and measurability. The theoretical framework is built on discursive psychology, which emanates from social constructionist and poststructuralist theory. Data consists of interviews with four upper secondary teachers in civics. Findings show that drama can be a valuable resource for teaching and learning civics, but also a problem when it comes to assessment. The position of the student as an object, teaching as entertainment and the domination of text is also discussed and problematized. Findings are considered as problematic as drama in civics, in relation to assessment, rather enhances a text-focused three-subject school than offering an alternative challenge


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The aim of this study is to examine how teachers view their teaching in civics in vocational programmes. The question formation are: in what extent civic teachers choose to connect the subject with the student’s future profession. Also how the teaching conditions in civics differ between vocational- and pre-university programmes. Lastly the study examines how the teachers experience that their teaching in civics has change since the upper secondary school reform in year 2011. The data was collected through nine interviews with teachers in civic who teach at vocational programmes in Jönköping municipality. The two theories used in the study is the motivational process and Kolbs learning styles. The result show that all the teachers choose to connect their subject with the students’ future profession. But in which extent the teachers choose to do it differs, depending on student’s wishes and the possibility of doing natural connections between the subject and the profession. The terms that differ between vocational- and preuniversity programmes civic lessions are the student’s motivation and how the students learn the best. The biggest change after GY11 is that the teacher’s feel that they have less time but as much material as before. They think it’s harder to do all the different parts of the course because they don’t have enough time. It’s also harder to individualize. The result consistently show that the teaching are most effected by which type of group the students consist of.


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Denna samhällskunskapsdidaktiska studies syfte är att undersöka vad samhällskunskapslärare själva upplever som de viktigaste påverkansfaktorerna för transformeringen av samhällskunskap som skolämne till samhällskunskap som undervisning utifrån didaktiska frågor som Vad?, Hur? och Varför?, samt hur detta upplevs förändrats över en tidsperiod om cirka tjugo år eller mer. Studien bygger på hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats där fenomenologisk beskrivning och hermeneutisk tolkning är centralt. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med tio samhällskunskapslärare med lång yrkeserfarenhet från högstadium, gymnasium eller vuxenutbildning. Resultatet tematiseras utifrån inspiration från ramfaktorteoretiska utgångspunkteri fyra dimensioner av påverkansfaktorer, vilka är Den personliga dimensionen, Den didaktiska dimensionen, Den styrande dimensionen och Den samhälleliga dimensionen. Var och en av dessa dimensioner delas upp i ett antal variationer. Dimensionerna är konstruerade utifrån principen om det personligt nära till det samhälleligt distanserade. Utöver dessa dimensioner har en aspekt på dessa lagts till. Det är Den elevnära aspekten vars innehåll utgörs av eleverna som påverkansfaktor för hur undervisningen blir. Lärarna i studien pratar aldrig om eleverna som påverkansfaktor utan att koppla detta till någon av de fyra dimensionerna. Slutsatser som dras i studien är att de tio lärarna alla har mycket olika berättelserom vad de uppfattar som viktigaste påverkansfaktorer. Några lägger mest fokus på sin personliga bakgrund eller personliga intressen. Andra fokuserar mer på didaktiska idéer, på styrdokument eller på organisatoriska ramar. Studien visar också att lärarna alla har en eller ett par dominerande dimensioner som dels syns mest i berättelsen, dels också påverkar hur de pratar om de andra dimensionerna. Lärarnas berättelser visar även att de upplever att undervisningen och vad som påverkar denna påtagligt förändras över tid. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är kanske att den exemplifierar teoretiska perspektiv. Inte minst genom att belysa att vad som påverkar undervisningen i ett ämne är så komplext att den ramfaktorteoretiska byggnadsställningen måste anpassas efter den specifika undersökningen med dess frågeställningar och undersökningsmaterial.


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O presente relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico pretende dar a conhecer os aspetos inerentes à dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi na instituição Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, no Brasil, na cidade de Florianópolis, no ano letivo de 2015; e na instituição Escola Básica dos Canaviais, em Portugal, na cidade de Évora, no ano letivo de 2015/2016. Este relatório incide na temática Cidadania na Infância. Tive como propósito legitimar a criança como sujeito social (a criança cidadã) e contribuir para uma educação que vise a cidadania como direito na infância. Foi deste modo que me propus compreender como poderia contribuir nos espaços institucionais para uma educação na cidadania, vivida no presente, e uma educação para a cidadania, projetada para uma integração do cidadão também no futuro. Considerei que as instituições educativas devem criar uma relação com o dia-a-dia da criança nas diversas áreas, disciplinares e não disciplinares. Numa perspetiva de cidadania participativa, valorizando as instituições educativas como espaços de aquisição e de desenvolvimento de atitudes e competências do cidadão. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de pré-escolar pretendeu acentuar a consciência de uma identidade cultural, coletiva e individual, valorizando os saberes que as crianças trazem do meio sociocultural de origem. A dimensão investigativa que desenvolvi no contexto de 1.ºciclo pretendeu promover espaços de diálogo, coconstrutivos para as aprendizagens do e entre o grupo. Através de uma análise reflexiva dos instrumentos de recolha de dados tentei dar resposta às questões que orientaram a investigação-ação que realizei, sendo estas: [O que é que a cidadania pode significar nos contextos educativos?]; [Como se promove a cidadania nas instituições escolares?] e [Como criar ambientes que permitam a participação cívica de todos?]; Report of the Supervised Teaching Practice to achieve the Master’s Degree in Pre-school Education and Teaching of the Primary School Abstract: The present report of Supervised Teaching Practice in Preschool Education and in Primary School aims to present the aspects inherent to the research dimension that I developed at the Núcleo de Educação Infantil Colônia Z-11, in Brazil, in the City of Florianopolis, in the academic year of 2015; And at the institution Escola Básica dos Canaviais, in Portugal, in the city of Évora, in the academic year of 2015/2016. The report focuses on the theme of Citizenship in childhood. I had the purpose to legitimize the child as a social subject (the child citizen) and contribute to an education that aims at citizenship as a right in childhood. It was in this way that I set out to understand how I could contribute in the institutional spaces for an education in citizenship, lived in the present, and an education for citizenship, projected for an integration of the citizen in the future. I considered that educational institutions should create a relationship with the child's daily life in the various areas, disciplinary and non-disciplinary. In a perspective of participatory citizenship, valuing educational institutions as spaces for acquisition and development of citizens' attitudes and skills. The research dimension that I developed in the pre-school context sought to accentuate the awareness of a collective, individual and cultural identity, valuing the knowledge that children bring from the socio-cultural environment where the child was born and lives. The investigative dimension that I developed in the context of the Primary School was intended to promote spaces for dialogue, coconstructives to the learnings of and between the group. Through a reflexive analysis of the instruments of data collection I tried to answer the questions that guide the action research that I realized, being these: [What can citizenship mean in the school contexts?]; [How citizenship could be promoted in the school institutions?] And [How to create environments which allow the civics participation of all?].


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With the implementation of the new Civics Syllabi, new expectations are opened so that the civil education is approached in a more integral way. This will let the teachers explore different techniques to develop their students´ citizenship competences, in order for them to join a society where local, national and global participation allow them to take relevant and committed attitudes. The execution of the Regional Students´ Government Forums is an example on how education contributes to create opportunities for leading students, so that they can have spaces to reflect, give their opinions and offer solutions to the problems that society is facing, and that at the same time, in the future they will be assumed by these students when they have their full citizenship.