167 resultados para CDA.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introdução: Sabe-se que a prática regular e sistematizada de atividade física é uma eficiente estratégia para evitar a deterioração cognitiva e funcional associada à Doença de Alzheimer (DA), uma doença progressiva, degenerativa e irreversível. Na população idosa os benefícios observados com a prática de exercícios físicos aeróbios já se encontram bem estabelecidos, contudo pouco ainda se sabe quanto à prática deste tipo de atividade em pacientes com DA. Em estudos realizados com modelo animal pode-se observar que o exercício físico aeróbio foi capaz de reduzir os níveis da proteína β-amilóide, sendo esta uma proteína característica da DA, que provoca degeneração no cérebro dos pacientes. A redução dos marcadores característicos da doença pode promover benefícios para os pacientes. Objetivos: Promover a prática de exercícios físicos para promoção/manutenção da saúde de pacientes com DA. Métodos: O estudo está sendo desenvolvido no PRO-CDA (Programa de Cinesioterapia Funcional e Cognitiva em Idosos com Doença de Alzheimer), projeto de Extensão do Departamento de Educação Física da UNESP – Campus Rio Claro, vinculado ao Núcleo Local UNESP-UNATI. O projeto atende atualmente 34 pacientes, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Convívio Social e Grupo Exercício. O primeiro tem por objetivo desenvolver a adaptação do paciente à rotina do projeto. Já o segundo grupo busca promover os benefícios observados com a prática de atividade física nos pacientes participantes. Ambos os grupos realizam atividades três vezes na semana, com 60 minutos de duração cada sessão. O projeto conta com a participação de alunos de graduação, dos cursos de educação física, pedagogia e biologia, bem como discentes de pós-graduação da UNESP, além de aprimorandos graduandos e graduados dos cursos de educação física, fisioterapia, gerontologia e psicologia de outras universidades, que atuam sob a coordenação de docentes vinculados ao Departamento de Educação Física e de Educação. Resultados: Por se tratar de um protocolo de intervenção motora iniciado recentemente, o presente estudo ainda não apresenta resultados. Contudo protocolos de atividade física desenvolvidos anteriormente no PRO-CDA evidenciam melhora na realização de atividades de vida diária, manutenção das funções cognitivas, qualidade de vida e redução dos distúrbios de comportamento nos pacientes participantes. Espera-se que o protocolo de exercício físico aeróbio possa influenciar positivamente os participantes do projeto, com melhora na qualidade de vida, tanto de pacientes como de cuidadores, redução de sintomas depressivos, melhora dos distúrbios do sono e da condição motora.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of starch and calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) apparent availability were evaluated in five cereal grain products and byproducts (corn, wheat meal, rice grain, rice bran and sorghum) for Nile tilapia. Chromic oxide was used as an external digestibility marker. The highest Ca and P apparent availability, respectively, were obtained for rice grain (43.03 and 64.79%), sorghum (39.89 and 58.09%) and corn (22.18 and 19.48%), while rice bran (-31.49 and 3.25%) and wheat meal (5.80 and 1.18%) showed the lowest values. Starch digestibility varied between 99.45 and 95.59% among the evaluated ingredients. This high ADC of starch observed in this study confirms that Nile tilapia is able to efficiently digest and utilize complex carbohydrates.
Abstract Background Mycelium-to-yeast transition in the human host is essential for pathogenicity by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and both cell types are therefore critical to the establishment of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic mycosis endemic to Latin America. The infected population is of about 10 million individuals, 2% of whom will eventually develop the disease. Previously, transcriptome analysis of mycelium and yeast cells resulted in the assembly of 6,022 sequence groups. Gene expression analysis, using both in silico EST subtraction and cDNA microarray, revealed genes that were differential to yeast or mycelium, and we discussed those involved in sugar metabolism. To advance our understanding of molecular mechanisms of dimorphic transition, we performed an extended analysis of gene expression profiles using the methods mentioned above. Results In this work, continuous data mining revealed 66 new differentially expressed sequences that were MIPS(Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences)-categorised according to the cellular process in which they are presumably involved. Two well represented classes were chosen for further analysis: (i) control of cell organisation – cell wall, membrane and cytoskeleton, whose representatives were hex (encoding for a hexagonal peroxisome protein), bgl (encoding for a 1,3-β-glucosidase) in mycelium cells; and ags (an α-1,3-glucan synthase), cda (a chitin deacetylase) and vrp (a verprolin) in yeast cells; (ii) ion metabolism and transport – two genes putatively implicated in ion transport were confirmed to be highly expressed in mycelium cells – isc and ktp, respectively an iron-sulphur cluster-like protein and a cation transporter; and a putative P-type cation pump (pct) in yeast. Also, several enzymes from the cysteine de novo biosynthesis pathway were shown to be up regulated in the yeast form, including ATP sulphurylase, APS kinase and also PAPS reductase. Conclusion Taken together, these data show that several genes involved in cell organisation and ion metabolism/transport are expressed differentially along dimorphic transition. Hyper expression in yeast of the enzymes of sulphur metabolism reinforced that this metabolic pathway could be important for this process. Understanding these changes by functional analysis of such genes may lead to a better understanding of the infective process, thus providing new targets and strategies to control PCM.
Nella tesi si analizzano le principali fonti del rumore aeronautico, lo stato dell'arte dal punto di vista normativo, tecnologico e procedurale. Si analizza lo stato dell'arte anche riguardo alla classificazione degli aeromobili, proponendo un nuovo indice prestazionale in alternativa a quello indicato dalla metodologia di certificazione (AC36-ICAO) Allo scopo di diminuire l'impatto acustico degli aeromobili in fase di atterraggio, si analizzano col programma INM i benefici di procedure CDA a 3° rispetto alle procedure tradizionali e, di seguito di procedure CDA ad angoli maggiori in termini di riduzione di lunghezza e di area delle isofoniche SEL85, SEL80 e SEL75.
Il carcinoma polmonare rappresenta un problema socio-sanitario di grande rilievo, essendo la prima causa di morte per neoplasia. Il carcinoma polmonare non a piccole cellule (non small cell lung cancer - NSCLC) rappresenta la variante istologica più frequente (80% dei casi di tumore polmonare). Al momento della diagnosi circa il 60-70% dei pazienti presenta una malattia in stadio avanzato o metastatico non essendo suscettibile di trattamento chirurgico. Per questi pazienti il trattamento chemioterapico determina un prolungamento della sopravvivenza e un miglioramento della qualità della vita rispetto alla sola terapia di supporto, identificandosi come standard terapeutico. L'individuazione del migliore trattamento chemioterapico per questo subset di pazienti rappresenta pertanto una delle principali sfide della ricerca oncologica. I regimi polichemioterapici si possono dividere schematicamente in tre generazioni in relazione all'introduzione nel corso degli anni di nuovi agenti chemioterapici. Con l'avvento dei regimi di terza generazione, il trattamento del NSCLC avanzato sembra aver raggiunto un plateau, mancando infatti chiare dimostrazioni di superiorità di un regime di ultima generazione rispetto ad un altro. Tra questi l'associazione cisplatino e gemcitabina rappresenta uno dei regimi standard più utilizzati in considerazione del suo favorevole rapporto costo-beneficio. Al fine di migliorare i risultati del trattamento chemioterapico in termini di attività ed efficacia, una possibilità consiste nell'individuazione di parametri predittivi che ci consentano di identificare il miglior trattamento per il singolo paziente. Tra i vari parametri predittivi valutabili, un crescente interesse è stato rivolto a quelli di carattere genetico, anche grazie all'avvento di nuove tecniche di biologia molecolare e al sequenziamento del genoma umano che ha dato nuovo impulso a studi di farmacogenetica e farmacogenomica. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, in questa tesi è stato effettuato uno studio mirato a valutare l'espressione di determinanti molecolari coinvolti nel meccanismo di azione di gemcitabina e cisplatino in pazienti affetti dai due tipi istologici principali di NSCLC, adenocarcinomi e carcinomi squamocellulari. Lo studio dei livelli di espressione genica è stata effettuata in tessuti di 69 pazienti affetti da NSCLC arruolati presso l'Istituto Europeo di Oncologia di Milano. In particolare, mediante Real Time PCR è stata valutata l'espressione genica di ERCC1, hENT1, dCK, 5'-NT, CDA, RRM1 e RRM2 in 85 campioni isolati con microdissezione da biopsie provenienti dai tessuti polmonari normali o tumorali o dalle metastasi linfonodali. Le analisi di questi tessuti hanno mostrato differenze significative per i pattern di espressione genica di diversi determinanti molecolari potenzialmente utile nel predire l'efficacia di gemcitabina/cisplatino e per personalizzare i trattamenti in pazienti affetti da cancro. In conclusione, l'evoluzione delle tecniche di biologia molecolare promossa dagli studi di farmacogenetica racchiude in sè notevoli potenzialità per quanto concerne l'ideazione di nuovi protocolli terapeutici. Identificando le caratteristiche genotipiche e i livelli di espressione geniche di determinanti molecolari implicati nella risposta ai farmaci potremmo infatti predisporre delle mappe di chemiosensibilità -chemioresistenza per ciascun paziente, nell'ottica di approntare di volta in volta le più appropriate terapie antitumorali in base alle caratteristiche genetiche del paziente e della sua patologia neoplastica.
In this thesis, the development of an enantioselective oxidation of α-branched aldehydes using covalent organocatalysis is described. At state of the art, the asymmetric organocatalysis approach, gave often serous difficulties for these kind of substrate respect “classic” aldehydes. We have used a primary cinchona alkaloid derived amine (specially the 9-epi-NH2-CDA) to develop the reaction in combinations with additives. With benzoyl peroxide as oxidant and 2-phenylpropionaldehyde as reference substrate, we have tried to optimize this system but we not found great results about enantiomeric excess.
Daily administration of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (Cladribine, CDA) is a standard treatment for hairy cell leukemia, but may cause severe neutropenia and neutropenic fever. This trial compared toxicity and efficacy of weekly versus daily CDA administration. One hundred patients were randomized to receive standard (CDA 0.14 mg/kg/day day 1-5 [Arm A]) or experimental treatment (CDA 0.14 mg/kg/day once weekly for 5 weeks [Arm B]). The primary endpoint was average leukocyte count within 6 weeks from randomization. Secondary endpoints included response rates, other acute hematotoxicity, acute infection rate, hospital admission, remission duration, event-free, and overall survival. There was no significant difference in average leukocyte count. Response rate (complete + partial remission) at week 10 was 78% (95% confidence interval (CI) 64-88%) in Arm A and 68% (95% CI 54-80%) in Arm B (p = 0.13). Best response rates during follow-up were identical (86%) in both arms. No significant difference was found in the rate of grade 3+4 leukocytopenia (94%vs. 84%), grade 3+4 neutropenia (90%vs. 80%), acute infection (44%vs. 40%), hospitalization (38%vs. 34%), and erythrocyte support (22%vs. 30%) within 10 weeks. Overall, these findings indicate that there are no apparent advantages in toxicity and efficacy by giving CDA weekly rather than daily.
Bulky extramedullary hematopoiesis is not a rare complication of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
Bulky extramedullary hematopoiesis, usually detected in the thorax by imaging techniques, is a well-known complication in many types of congenital anemias. Here, we describe 12 cases of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia with extramedullary hematopoiesis which was always located in the paravertebral space of the thoracic spine and in other paraspinal regions in a few cases. All bulks were originally detected in chest radiographs and confirmed by imaging techniques such as computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, thoracotomy was performed for suspected malignancy. Although the true prevalence is not known, paravertebral masses in patients with CDA of any type are not uncommon and should be the first differential diagnosis considered when masses adjacent to the spine are detected in this disorder.
BACKGROUND Pinschers and other dogs with coat color dilution show a characteristic pigmentation phenotype. The fur colors are a lighter shade, e.g. silvery grey (blue) instead of black and a sandy color (Isabella fawn) instead of red or brown. In some dogs the coat color dilution is sometimes accompanied by hair loss and recurrent skin inflammation, the so called color dilution alopecia (CDA) or black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD). In humans and mice a comparable pigmentation phenotype without any documented hair loss is caused by mutations within the melanophilin gene (MLPH). RESULTS We sequenced the canine MLPH gene and performed a mutation analysis of the MLPH exons in 6 Doberman Pinschers and 5 German Pinschers. A total of 48 sequence variations was identified within and between the breeds. Three families of dogs showed co-segregation for at least one polymorphism in an MLPH exon and the dilute phenotype. No single polymorphism was identified in the coding sequences or at splice sites that is likely to be causative for the dilute phenotype of all dogs examined. In 18 German Pinschers a mutation in exon 7 (R199H) was consistently associated with the dilute phenotype. However, as this mutation was present in homozygous state in four dogs of other breeds with wildtype pigmentation, it seems unlikely that this mutation is truly causative for coat color dilution. In Doberman Pinschers as well as in Large Munsterlanders with BHFD, a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) around exon 2 was identified that show a highly significant association to the dilute phenotype. CONCLUSION This study provides evidence that coat color dilution is caused by one or more mutations within or near the MLPH gene in several dog breeds. The data on polymorphisms that are strongly associated with the dilute phenotype will allow the genetic testing of Pinschers to facilitate the breeding of dogs with defined coat colors and to select against Large Munsterlanders carrying BHFD.
5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (DAC) is a cytidine analogue that strongly inhibits DNA methylation, and was recently approved for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). To maximize clinical results with DAC, we investigated its use as an anti-cancer drug. We also investigated mechanisms of resistance to DAC in vitro in cancer cell lines and in vivo in MDS patients after relapse. We found DAC sensitized cells to the effect of 1-β-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine (Ara-C). The combination of DAC and Ara-C or Ara-C following DAC showed additive or synergistic effects on cell death in four human leukemia cell lines in vitro, but antagonism in terms of global methylation. RIL gene activation and H3 lys-9 acetylation of short interspersed elements (Alu). One possible explanation is that hypomethylated cells are sensitized to cell killing by Ara-C. Turning to resistance, we found that the IC50 of DAC differed 1000 fold among and was correlated with the dose of DAC that induced peak hypomethylation of long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) (r=0.94, P<0.001), but not with LINE methylation at baseline (r=0.05, P=0.97). Sensitivity to DAC did not significantly correlate with sensitivity to another hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine (AZA) (r=0.44, P=0.11). The cell lines most resistant to DAC had low dCK, hENT1, and hENT2 transporters and high cytosine deaminase (CDA). In an HL60 leukemia cell line, resistance to DAC could be rapidly induced by drug exposure, and was related to a switch from monoallelic to biallelic mutation of dCK or a loss of wild type DCK allele. Furthermore, we showed that DAC induced DNA breaks evidenced by histone H2AX phosphorylation and increased homologous recombination rates 7-10 folds. Finally, we found there were no dCK mutations in MDS patients after relapse. Cytogenetics showed that three of the patients acquired new abnormalities at relapse. These data suggest that in vitro spontaneous and acquired resistance to DAC can be explained by insufficient incorporation of drug into DNA. In vivo resistance to DAC is likely due to methylation-independent pathways such as chromosome changes. The lack of cross resistance between DAC and AZA is of potential clinical relevance, as is the combination of DAC and Ara-C. ^