937 resultados para Business Administration, Management|Engineering, Industrial


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- Preface by Richard T. Watson - Discusses the emerging challenges of designing “green” business processes - Presents tools and methods that organizations can use in order to design and implement environmentally sustainable processes - Provides insights from cases where organizations successfully engaged in more sustainable business practices Green Business Process Management – Towards the Sustainable Enterprise" consolidates the global state-of-the-art knowledge about how business processes can be managed and improved in light of sustainability objectives. Business organizations, a dominant part of our society, have always been a major contributor to the degradation of our natural environment, through the resource consumption, greenhouse emissions, and wastage production associated with their business processes. In order to lessen their impact on the natural environment, organizations must design and implement environmentally sustainable business processes. Finding solutions to this organizational design problem is the key challenge of Green Business Process Management. This book discusses the emerging challenges of designing “green” business processes, presents tools and methods that organizations can use in order to design and implement environmentally sustainable processes, and provides insights from cases where organizations successfully engaged in more sustainable business practices. The book is of relevance to both practitioners and academics who are interested in understanding, designing, and implementing “green” business processes. It also constitutes a valuable resource for students and lecturers in the fields of information systems, management, and sustainable development.


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The advances made within the aviation industry over the past several decades have significantly improved the availability, affordability and convenience of air travel and have been greatly beneficial in both social and economic terms. Air transport has developed into an irreplaceable service being relied on by millions of people each day and as such airports have become critical elements of national infrastructure to facilitate the movement of people and goods. As components of critical infrastructure (CI), airports are integral parts of a national economy supporting regional as well as national trade, commercial activity and employment. Therefore, any disruption or crisis which impacts the continuity of operations at airports can have significant negative consequences for the airport as a business, for the local economy and other nodes of transport infrastructure as well as for society. Due to the highly dynamic and volatile environment in which airports operate in, the aviation industry has faced many different challenges over the years ranging from terrorist attacks such as September 11, to health crises such as the SARS epidemic to system breakdowns such as the recent computer system outage at Virgin Blue Airlines in Australia. All these events have highlighted the vulnerability of airport systems to a range of disturbances as well as the gravity and widespread impact of any kind of discontinuity in airport functions. Such incidents thus emphasise the need for increasing resilience and reliability of airports and ensuring business continuity in the event of a crisis...


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First Asia Pacific Conference, AP-BPM 2013, Beijing, China, August 29-30, 2013. Selected Papers


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This thesis investigated both the potential for Business Continuity Management to enhance organisational reliability, and appropriate levels of Business Continuity Management capability resident in a number of Australian international and regional airports. Findings indicated that a host of regulatory and business processes including Business Continuity Management can assist in creating reliability in aviation infrastructure systems in Australia. Further, the thesis developed a multi-level maturity assessment framework for defining the depth of implementation of Business Continuity Management capabilities in airports, along with other recommendations to improve functional reliability of airport operations.


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A cross-domain workflow application may be constructed using a standard reference model such as the one by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) [7] but the requirements for this type of application are inherently different from one organization to another. The existing models and systems built around them meet some but not all the requirements from all the organizations involved in a collaborative process. Furthermore the requirements change over time. This makes the applications difficult to develop and distribute. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based approaches such as the BPET (Business Process Execution Language) intend to provide a solution but fail to address the problems sufficiently, especially in the situations where the expectations and level of skills of the users (e.g. the participants of the processes) in different organisations are likely to be different. In this paper, we discuss a design pattern that provides a novel approach towards a solution. In the solution, business users can design the applications at a high level of abstraction: the use cases and user interactions; the designs are documented and used, together with the data and events captured later that represents the user interactions with the systems, to feed an intermediate component local to the users -the IFM (InterFace Mapper) -which bridges the gaps between the users and the systems. We discuss the main issues faced in the design and prototyping. The approach alleviates the need for re-programming with the APIs to any back-end service thus easing the development and distribution of the applications


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This project aims to delineate recovery strategies for a Portuguese Bank, as a way to increase its preparedness towards unexpected disruptive events, thus avoiding an operational crisis escalation. For this purpose, Business Continuity material was studied, a risk assessment performed, a business impact analysis executed and new strategic framework for selecting strategies adopted. In the end, a set of recovery strategies were chosen that better represented the Bank’s appetite for risk, and recommendations given for future improvements.


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Pour devenir plus flexible, le secteur public a ouvert la voie à de nouveaux principes inspirés de la gestion propre aux firmes, soit la marchandisation des services (Fairbrother et Poynter, 2001). Notre recherche souhaite mieux comprendre les facteurs qui peuvent influencer l’implication du syndicat lorsque la marchandisation est introduite dans la gestion de la prestation des services municipaux. Pour se faire, nous avons choisi de comparer des cas des municipalités dans deux pays, la Ville de Québec et Edinburgh en Écosse, afin de nous aider à comprendre davantage les interactions entre les influences nationales et locales. Nous proposons que les ressources de pouvoir du syndicat local et la stratégie patronale influencent l’implication du syndicat dans la gestion de la prestation des services municipaux, peu importe le contexte national. Les résultats de la recherche nous indiquent que les ressources de pouvoir et la stratégie patronale influencent directement l’implication syndicale. Alors que les ressources de pouvoir donnent un rapport de force au syndicat face à l’employeur, la stratégie patronale peut encourager ou freiner l'implication syndicale. Nos résultats ont aussi soulevé certaines différences entre les contextes nationaux de l’Écosse et du Québec affectant l’implication syndicale: les législations de « Best Value » au Royaume-Uni et celles encadrant les conventions collectives et relations de travail au Québec. Ainsi, des recherches futures sont nécessaires pour mettre à l’épreuve les modèles nationaux couramment utilisés en relations industrielles pour contribuer à la création d’une nouvelle théorie comparative.


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La globalización de los mercados, la apertura económica, los tratados de libre comercio y el entorno de competencia exigen empresas y organizaciones que sean capaces de enfrentar su futuro con parámetros de efi ciencia y efi cacia. Las soluciones tecnológicas solicitadas por los clientes para mantener y aprovechar el crecimiento empresarial de largo plazo en gestión, hacen que soluciones como BPM (Business Process Management) apoyen estas condiciones, convirtiendo la gestión de procesos de negocios en una técnica estratégica, que permite generar y controlar “cambios” de forma ágil, oportuna, confi able y de calidad, con miras al logro de los objetivos estratégicos establecidos por dichas empresas. La gestión empresarial ha evolucionado a tal punto que hoy en día se considera que los procesos son un activo fundamental en el desarrollo de toda organización, razón por la cual las empresas deben adaptarlos, optimizarlos e integrarlos, apoyándose en soluciones de negocio conformadas por plataformas, sistemas de información y aplicativos que responden ante los cambios que produce el entorno, facilitan una mayor productividad del empleado y una mayor y mejor colaboración con socios comerciales y clientes de valor, evitando así riesgos innecesarios que disminuyen la rentabilidad y los benefi cios de las mismas. Es por todo esto que muchas de las empresas interesadas en su perdurabilidad a través del tiempo han adoptado soluciones BPM (Business Process Management), cuyo objetivo es la mejora de la eficiencia a través de la gestión sistemática de los procesos de negocio, los cuales deben ser integrales, automatizados, optimizados, monitoreados y documentados de una forma continua, siendo esta una plataforma de soporte en la toma de decisiones gerenciales relacionadas con ciclos del producto más cortos, inteligencia colectiva en la demanda del mercado y reacciones ágiles frente a las fl uctuaciones de los precios.


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El programa BTEC es un programa de estudios que permite obtener una cualificación profesional o laboral en un sector profesional. Este recurso está preparado para ayudar al alumno del curso BTEC, nivel 1, de administración de empresas y se divide en trece unidades que coinciden con las unidades de la especificación, cada unidad se compone a su vez de pequeños temas, todos ellos con recuadros de: actividades; estudios de casos que indican cómo lo que se aprende se aplica en el mundo real del trabajo; habilidades funcionales en inglés, matemáticas y TIC; términos clave cuyo significado se explica; recuadros para recordar información importante y otros recordatorios; además de páginas de evaluación, con una evaluación general y consejos de tareas de Edexcel.


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Esta guía contiene una revisión de todos los temas de ciencias empresariales para el Programa del Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional (IB Diploma). Los temas del libro son: la organización y el entorno empresarial (naturaleza de la actividad empresarial, tipos de organización, objetivos, herramientas de planificación de la organización, crecimiento y evolución, globalización), recursos humanos (relaciones empleador y empleado, liderazgo y gestión, motivación), las cuentas y finanzas (fuentes de financiación), marketing (el papel del marketing, producto, precio, promoción, lugar de distribución, marketing internacional), las operaciones de gestión.