847 resultados para Building information modelling (BIM)
Una de las exigencias técnicas más demandadas hoy en día dentro del ámbito edificatorio es el manejo de programas de diseño arquitectónico integrado, al convertirse en una formación indispensable frente al diseño tradicional. De este modo, la utilización de tecnologías BIM (Building Information Modeling) en el ámbito proyectual está suponiendo un impulso profesional cualitativo muy importante mediante la utilización de bases de datos específicas asociadas a dibujos convencionales desde distintas perspectivas y a todos los niveles. El objeto del presente estudio es la aplicación constructiva de esta herramienta en el ámbito docente de la Universidad de Alicante, suponiendo una oportunidad para implementar el estudio de nuevas tecnologías y conocer una interesante herramienta de trabajo implantada actualmente en muchas empresas de arquitectura y construcción. La metodología y los contenidos impartidos en el curso consideran una aplicación práctica de forma que los conocimientos adquiridos sean graduales y de aplicación sucesiva. En conclusión, el curso planteado responde a las crecientes necesidades profesionales en el ámbito constructivo con herramientas BIM y enriquece las habilidades de los estudiantes, mejorando su pericia en el ámbito del diseño y ampliando su capacidad de visión espacial; ambas cualidades indispensables en la práctica profesional arquitectónica.
Context-aware applications rely on implicit forms of input, such as sensor-derived data, in order to reduce the need for explicit input from users. They are especially relevant for mobile and pervasive computing environments, in which user attention is at a premium. To support the development of context-aware applications, techniques for modelling context information are required. These must address a unique combination of requirements, including the ability to model information supplied by both sensors and people, to represent imperfect information, and to capture context histories. As the field of context-aware computing is relatively new, mature solutions for context modelling do not exist, and researchers rely on information modelling solutions developed for other purposes. In our research, we have been using a variant of Object-Role Modeling (ORM) to model context. In this paper, we reflect on our experiences and outline some research challenges in this area.
The integration between architectural design and structur al systems consi sts, in academic education, one of the main challenges to the architectural design education . Recent studies point to the relevance of the use of computational tools in academic settings as an important strategy for such integration. Although in recent yea rs teaching experience using BIM (BuildingInformationModeling) may be incorporated by the a rchitecture schools , notes the need for further didactic and pedagogical practices that promote the architectural design and structur al integration teaching. This pa per analyzes experiences developed within the UFRN and UFPB, seeking to identify tools, processes and products used, pointing limitations and potentials in subjects taught in these institutions. The research begins with a literature review on teaching BIM and related aspects to the integration of architectural design and stru c tur e . It has been used as data collection techniques in studio the direct observation, the use of questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers, and mixed method, qualitativ e and quantitative analysis . In UFRN, the scope of the Integrated Workshop as a compulsory subject in the curriculum, favors the integration of disciplines studied here as it allows teachers from different disciplines at the same project studio . Regarding the use of BIM form initial users, BIM modelers, able to extract quantitative and automatically speed up production, gaining in quality in the products, however learn the tool and design in parallel cause some difficulties. UFPB, lack of required courses o n BIM, generates lack of knowledge and confidence in using the tool and processes, by most students. Thus we see the need for greater efforts by school to adopt BIM skills and training. There is a greater need for both BIM concept, in order to promote BIM process and consequent better use of tools, and obsolete avoiding impairment of technology, merely a tool. It is considered the inclusion of specific subjects with more advanced BIM skills, through partnerships with engineering degrees and the promotion of trans disciplinary integration favoring the exchange of different cultures from the academic environment.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015.
Nel seguente elaborato di tesi è stato approfondito il tema dell’interoperabilità da software BIM a FEM nell’ambito degli edifici a parete in legno. L’utilizzo di programmi di Building Information Modeling si è affermato in maniera crescente nel mondo delle costruzioni. Infatti, la possibilità di costruire modelli tridimensionali della struttura, che associano ad ogni elemento presente nell’opera tutte le informazioni utili ai fini della sua, realizzazione (quali geometrie, costi, proprietà meccaniche, fasi d’impiego, ecc..) permette di accorciare notevolmente il tempo di progettazione e costruzione, diminuendo gli errori dovuti alla trasmissione dei dati tra le varie figure professionali. Nel campo delle costruzioni, l’elemento “parete in legno” non è ancora presente all’interno dei principali software BIM. Per questo motivo, è stato necessario, per lo svolgimento del presente progetto di tesi, uno studio dei principali parametri meccanici descrittivi del reale comportamento in opera delle pareti in legno. Tali parametri sono stati calcolati secondo i due principali metodi esistenti nell’ambito delle costruzioni in legno: il metodo fenomenologico e il metodo per componenti. Nel primo caso, l’influenza sul comportamento delle pareti da parte delle connessioni metalliche viene calcolata sotto forma di parametri meccanici equivalenti. Nel secondo metodo, invece, il comportamento in opera della parete risulta essere la conseguenza dell’interazione tra la rigidezza della parete stessa e quella delle connessioni, che vengono modellate come dei vincoli equivalenti. Al fine di validare i risultati ottenuti, si è proceduto ad applicare i parametri equivalenti a due casi studio. Il primo caso è rappresentato da una parete semplice (3.2m x 3.75m) sottoposta ad una forza concentrata in sommità. Successivamente è stato studiato il caso di un edificio a parete di legno di tre piani, sottoposto ai carichi di un edificio adibito a civile abitazione.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
A whole life-cycle information management vision is proposed, the organizational requirements for the realization of the scenario is investigated. Preliminary interviews with construction professionals are reported. Discontinuities at information transfer throughout life-cycle of built environments are resulting from lack of coordination and multiple data collection/storage practices. A more coherent history of these activities can improve the work practices of various teams by augmenting decision making processes and creating organizational learning opportunities. Therefore, there is a need for unifying these fragmented bits of data to create a meaningful, semantically rich and standardized information repository for built environment. The proposed vision utilizes embedded technologies and distributed building information models. Two diverse construction project types (large one-off design, small repetitive design) are investigated for the applicability of the vision. A functional prototype software/hardware system for demonstrating the practical use of this vision is developed and discussed. Plans for case-studies for validating the proposed model at a large PFI hospital and housing association projects are discussed.
The Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE) produced a technical memorandum (TM36) presenting research on future climate impacting building energy use and thermal comfort. One climate projection for each of four CO2 emissions scenario were used in TM36, so providing a deterministic outlook. As part of the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) probabilistic climate projections are being studied in relation to building energy simulation techniques. Including uncertainty in climate projections is considered an important advance to climate impacts modelling and is included in the latest UKCIP data (UKCP09). Incorporating the stochastic nature of these new climate projections in building energy modelling requires a significant increase in data handling and careful statistical interpretation of the results to provide meaningful conclusions. This paper compares the results from building energy simulations when applying deterministic and probabilistic climate data. This is based on two case study buildings: (i) a mixed-mode office building with exposed thermal mass and (ii) a mechanically ventilated, light-weight office building. Building (i) represents an energy efficient building design that provides passive and active measures to maintain thermal comfort. Building (ii) relies entirely on mechanical means for heating and cooling, with its light-weight construction raising concern over increased cooling loads in a warmer climate. Devising an effective probabilistic approach highlighted greater uncertainty in predicting building performance, depending on the type of building modelled and the performance factors under consideration. Results indicate that the range of calculated quantities depends not only on the building type but is strongly dependent on the performance parameters that are of interest. Uncertainty is likely to be particularly marked with regard to thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings.
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
The building budgeting quickly and accurately is a challenge faced by the companies in the sector. The cost estimation process is performed from the quantity takeoff and this process of quantification, historically, through the analysis of the project, scope of work and project information contained in 2D design, text files and spreadsheets. This method, in many cases, present itself flawed, influencing the making management decisions, once it is closely coupled to time and cost management. In this scenario, this work intends to make a critical analysis of conventional process of quantity takeoff, from the quantification through 2D designs, and with the use of the software Autodesk Revit 2016, which uses the concepts of building information modeling for automated quantity takeoff of 3D model construction. It is noted that the 3D modeling process should be aligned with the goals of budgeting. The use of BIM technology programs provides several benefits compared to traditional quantity takeoff process, representing gains in productivity, transparency and assertiveness
Il tema della casa, e più in generale dell’abitare, è argomento tornato al centro del dibattito sociale più di quanto non sia avvenuto in campo tecnico‐architettonico. Sono infatti abbastanza evidenti i limiti delle proposte che nel recente passato sono state, di norma, elaborate nelle nostre città, proposte molto spesso incapaci di tener conto delle molteplici dimensioni che l’evoluzione dei costumi e della struttura urbana e sociale ha indotto anche nella sfera della residenza e che sono legate a mutate condizioni lavorative, alla diversità di cultura e di religione di nuovi gruppi etnici insediati, alla struttura dei nuclei familiari (ove ancora esistano) ed a molti altri fattori; cambiate le esigenze, un tempo composte nella struttura della famiglia, sono cambiati desideri e richieste mentre l’apparato normativo è rimasto strutturato su modelli sociali ed economici superati. Il tema dunque assume, oggi più che mai, connotazioni con forti relazioni fra problematiche funzionali, tecnologiche e simboliche. Stimolata da queste osservazioni generali, la ricerca si è mossa partendo da un’analisi di casi realizzati nel periodo storico in cui si è esaurita, in Italia, l’emergenza abitativa post‐bellica, nell’intento di riconsiderare l’approccio vitale che era stato messo in campo in quella drammatica circostanza, ma già consapevole che lo sviluppo che avrebbe poi avuto sarebbe stato molto più circoscritto. La tesi infatti, dopo aver osservato rapidamente la consistenza tipologica ed architettonica di quegli interventi, per trarne suggestioni capaci di suggerire un credibile e nuovo prototipo da indagare, attraverso un’analisi comparativa sugli strumenti oggi disponibili per la comunicazione e gestione del progetto, si è soffermata sulla potenzialità delle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione (IT). Non si può infatti non osservare che esse hanno modificato non solo il modo di vivere, di lavorare, di produrre documenti e di scambiare informazioni, ma anche quello di controllare il processo di progetto. Il fenomeno è tuttora in corso ma è del tutto evidente che anche l'attività progettuale, seppure in un settore quale è quello dell'industria edilizia, caratterizzato da una notevole inerzia al cambiamento e restio all'innovazione, grazie alle nuove tecnologie ha conosciuto profonde trasformazioni (già iniziate con l’avvento del CAD) che hanno accelerato il progressivo mutamento delle procedure di rappresentazione e documentazione digitale del progetto. Su questo tema quindi si è concentrata la ricerca e la sperimentazione, valutando che l'”archivio di progetto integrato”, (ovvero IPDB ‐ Integrated Project Database) è, probabilmente, destinato a sostituire il concetto di CAD (utilizzato fino ad ora per il settore edilizio ed inteso quale strumento di elaborazione digitale, principalmente grafica ma non solo). Si è esplorata quindi, in una prima esperienza di progetto, la potenzialità e le caratteristiche del BIM (Building Information Model) per verificare se esso si dimostra realmente capace di formulare un archivio informativo, di sostegno al progetto per tutto il ciclo di vita del fabbricato, ed in grado di definirne il modello tridimensionale virtuale a partire dai suoi componenti ed a collezionare informazioni delle geometrie, delle caratteristiche fisiche dei materiali, della stima dei costi di costruzione, delle valutazioni sulle performance di materiali e componenti, delle scadenze manutentive, delle informazioni relative a contratti e procedure di appalto. La ricerca analizza la strutturazione del progetto di un edificio residenziale e presenta una costruzione teorica di modello finalizzata alla comunicazione e gestione della pianificazione, aperta a tutti i soggetti coinvolti nel processo edilizio e basata sulle potenzialità dell’approccio parametrico.
Consecrated in 1297 as the monastery church of the four years earlier founded St. Catherine’s monastery, the Gothic Church of St. Catherine was largely destroyed in a devastating bombing raid on January 2nd 1945. To counteract the process of disintegration, the departments of geo-information and lower monument protection authority of the City of Nuremburg decided to getting done a three dimensional building model of the Church of St. Catherine’s. A heterogeneous set of data was used for preparation of a parametric architectural model. In effect the modeling of historic buildings can profit from the so called BIM method (Building Information Modeling), as the necessary structuring of the basic data renders it into very sustainable information. The resulting model is perfectly suited to deliver a vivid impression of the interior and exterior of this former mendicant orders’ church to present observers.
Linked Data is the key paradigm of the Semantic Web, a new generation of the World Wide Web that promises to bring meaning (semantics) to data. A large number of both public and private organizations have published their data following the Linked Data principles, or have done so with data from other organizations. To this extent, since the generation and publication of Linked Data are intensive engineering processes that require high attention in order to achieve high quality, and since experience has shown that existing general guidelines are not always sufficient to be applied to every domain, this paper presents a set of guidelines for generating and publishing Linked Data in the context of energy consumption in buildings (one aspect of Building Information Models). These guidelines offer a comprehensive description of the tasks to perform, including a list of steps, tools that help in achieving the task, various alternatives for performing the task, and best practices and recommendations. Furthermore, this paper presents a complete example on the generation and publication of Linked Data about energy consumption in buildings, following the presented guidelines, in which the energy consumption data of council sites (e.g., buildings and lights) belonging to the Leeds City Council jurisdiction have been generated and published as Linked Data.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to their supporters. Drs Jim Cousins, S.R. Uma and Ken Gledhill facilitated this research by providing access to GeoNet seismic data and structural building information. Piotr Omenzetter’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.