841 resultados para Breed difference


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, health policies are decided at the local level, but little is known regarding their impact on the management of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In this study, we assessed geographical differences within Switzerland regarding management of AMI. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Swiss hospital discharge database for period 2007-2008 (26,204 discharges from AMI). Seven Swiss regions (Leman, Mittelland, Northwest, Zurich, Central, Eastern, and Ticino) were analysed. RESULTS: Almost 53.7% of discharges from AMI were managed in a single hospital, ranging from 62.1% (Leman) to 31.6% (Ticino). The highest intensive care unit admission rate was in Leman (69.4%), the lowest (16.9%) in Ticino (Swiss average: 36.0%). Intracoronary revascularization rates were highest in Leman (51.1%) and lowest (30.9%) in Central Switzerland (average: 41.0%). Bare (non-drug-eluting) stent use was highest in Leman (61.4%) and lowest (16.9%) in Ticino (average: 42.1%), while drug-eluting stent use was highest (83.2%) in Ticino and lowest (38.6%) in Leman (average: 57.9%). Coronary artery bypass graft rates were highest (4.8%) in Ticino and lowest (0.5%) in Eastern Switzerland (average: 2.8%). Mechanical circulatory assistance rates were highest (4.2%) in Zurich and lowest (0.5%) in Ticino (average: 1.8%). The differences remained after adjusting for age, single or multiple hospital management, and gender. CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, significant geographical differences in management and revascularization procedures for AMI were found.


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Background: Peach fruit undergoes a rapid softening process that involves a number of metabolic changes. Storing fruit at low temperatures has been widely used to extend its postharvest life. However, this leads to undesired changes, such as mealiness and browning, which affect the quality of the fruit. In this study, a 2-D DIGE approach was designed to screen for differentially accumulated proteins in peach fruit during normal softening as well as under conditions that led to fruit chilling injury. Results:The analysis allowed us to identify 43 spots -representing about 18% of the total number analyzed- that show statistically significant changes. Thirty-nine of the proteins could be identified by mass spectrometry. Some of the proteins that changed during postharvest had been related to peach fruit ripening and cold stress in the past. However, we identified other proteins that had not been linked to these processes. A graphical display of the relationship between the differentially accumulated proteins was obtained using pairwise average-linkage cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Proteins such as endopolygalacturonase, catalase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, pectin methylesterase and dehydrins were found to be very important for distinguishing between healthy and chill injured fruit. A categorization of the differentially accumulated proteins was performed using Gene Ontology annotation. The results showed that the 'response to stress', 'cellular homeostasis', 'metabolism of carbohydrates' and 'amino acid metabolism' biological processes were affected the most during the postharvest. Conclusions: Using a comparative proteomic approach with 2-D DIGE allowed us to identify proteins that showed stage-specific changes in their accumulation pattern. Several proteins that are related to response to stress, cellular homeostasis, cellular component organization and carbohydrate metabolism were detected as being differentially accumulated. Finally, a significant proportion of the proteins identified had not been associated with softening, cold storage or chilling injury-altered fruit before; thus, comparative proteomics has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding fruit softening and postharvest.


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In this study we determine whether blood pressure readings using a cuff of fixed size systematically differed from readings made with a triple-bladder cuff (Tricuff) that automatically adjusts bladder width to arm circumference and assessed subsequent clinical and epidemiological effects. Blood pressure was measured with a standard cuff or a Tricuff in 454 patients visiting an outpatient clinic in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). Overall means of within-individual standard cuff-Tricuff differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressures were examined in relation to arm circumference and sex. The standard cuff-Tricuff difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased monotonically with circumference (from 4.7 +/- 0.8/3.2 +/- 0.7 mm Hg for arm circumference of 30 to 31 cm to 10.0 +/- 1.1/8.0 +/- 0.9 mm Hg for arm circumference > or = 36 cm) and was larger in women than men. Multivariate linear regression indicated independent effects of arm circumference and sex. Forty percent of subjects with a diastolic blood pressure of > or = 95 mm Hg measured with a standard cuff had values less than 95 mm Hg measured with a Tricuff. Extrapolation to the entire population of the Seychelles decreased the prevalence of blood pressure greater than or equal to 160/95 mm Hg by 11.5% and 24.0% in men and women, respectively, aged 35 to 64 years. The age-adjusted effect of body mass index on systolic and diastolic blood pressures decreased twofold using blood pressure readings made with a Tricuff instead of a standard cuff.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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We provide robust examples of symmetric two-player coordination games in normal form that reveal that equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Young (1993) is essentially different from equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Kandori, Mailath and Rob (1993).


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We suggest that cultivating an individual's connectedness to others promotes sociallyresponsible behavior both directly and indirectly through increased perceived abilityto make a difference. Individuals whose interdependent self is more prominent feel theyhave more of an impact on larger scale societal outcomes and, therefore, engage more insocially responsible behaviors than do individuals whose independent self is moreprominent. We test these hypotheses in two experiments in which participants makefinancial contributions or exert an effort for a social cause. In a survey, we find thatperceived effectiveness mediates the effect of self-construal on socially responsibleconsumption.


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A family of scaling corrections aimed to improve the chi-square approximation of goodness-of-fit test statistics in small samples, large models, and nonnormal data was proposed in Satorra and Bentler (1994). For structural equations models, Satorra-Bentler's (SB) scaling corrections are available in standard computer software. Often, however, the interest is not on the overall fit of a model, but on a test of the restrictions that a null model say ${\cal M}_0$ implies on a less restricted one ${\cal M}_1$. If $T_0$ and $T_1$ denote the goodness-of-fit test statistics associated to ${\cal M}_0$ and ${\cal M}_1$, respectively, then typically the difference $T_d = T_0 - T_1$ is used as a chi-square test statistic with degrees of freedom equal to the difference on the number of independent parameters estimated under the models ${\cal M}_0$ and ${\cal M}_1$. As in the case of the goodness-of-fit test, it is of interest to scale the statistic $T_d$ in order to improve its chi-square approximation in realistic, i.e., nonasymptotic and nonnormal, applications. In a recent paper, Satorra (1999) shows that the difference between two Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistics for overall model fit does not yield the correct SB scaled difference test statistic. Satorra developed an expression that permits scaling the difference test statistic, but his formula has some practical limitations, since it requires heavy computations that are notavailable in standard computer software. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an easy way to compute the scaled difference chi-square statistic from the scaled goodness-of-fit test statistics of models ${\cal M}_0$ and ${\cal M}_1$. A Monte Carlo study is provided to illustrate the performance of the competing statistics.


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We provide robust examples of symmetric two-player coordination games in normal form that reveal that equilibrium selection bythe evolutionary model of Young (1993) is essentially different from equilibrium selection by the evolutionary model of Kandori, Mailath and Rob (1993).


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The aim of this master's thesis was to assess the ten- year trends and regional differences in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) within Switzerland. The thesis is composed of two articles. First, in the article "Trends in hospital management of acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland, 1998 to 2008" over 102,700 cases of AMI with corresponding management and revascularization procedures were assessed. The results showed a considerable increase in the numbers of hospital discharges for AMI, namely due to the increase of between- hospital transfers. Rates of intensive care unit admissions remained stable. All types of revascularization procedures showed an increase. In particular, overall stenting rates increased with drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. Second, in the article "The region makes the difference: disparities in management of acute myocardial infarction within Switzerland" around 25,600 cases of AMI with corresponding management were assessed for the period of 2007-2008 and according to seven Swiss regions. As reported by our results, considerable regional differences in AMI management were stated within Switzerland. Although each region showed different trends regarding revascularization interventions, Leman and Ticino contrast significantly by presenting the minimum and maximum rates in almost all assessed parameters. As a consequence these two regions differ the most from the Swiss average. The impact of the changes in trends and the regional differences in AMI management on Swiss patient's outcome and economics remains to be assessed. Purpose: To assess ten-year trends in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Switzerland. Methods: Swiss hospital discharge database for the 1998 to 2008 period. AMI was defined as a primary discharge diagnosis code I21 according to the CIM-10 classification of the World Health Organization. Management and revascularization procedures were assessed. Results: Overall, 102,729 hospital discharges with a diagnosis of AMI were analyzed. The number of hospital discharges increased almost three-fold from 5530 in 1998 to 13,834 in 2008, namely due to a considerable increase in between-hospital transfers (1352 in 1998, 6494 in 2008). Relative to all hospital discharges, Intensive Care Unit admission rate was 38.0% in 1998 and remained stable (36.2%) in 2008 (p for trend=0.25). Percutaneous revascularization rates increased from 6.0% to 39.9% (p for trend<0.001). Non-drug-eluting stent use increased from 1.3% to 16.6% (p for trend<0.05). Drug eluting stents appeared in 2004 and increased to 23.5% of hospital discharges in 2008 (p for trend=0.07). Coronary artery bypass graft increased from 1.0% to 3.0% (p for trend<0.001). Circulatory assistance increased from 0.2% to 1.7% (p for trend<0.001). Thrombolysis showed no significant changes, from 0.5% to 1.9% (p for trend=0.64). Most of these trends were confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Conclusion: Between 1998 and 2008 the number of hospital discharges for AMI increased considerably in Switzerland, namely due to between-hospital transfers. Overall stenting rates increased, drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. The impact of these changes on outcome and economics remains to be assessed.


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MAP5, a microtubule-associated protein characteristic of differentiating neurons, was studied in the developing visual cortex and corpus callosum of the cat. In juvenile cortical tissue, during the first month after birth, MAP5 is present as a protein doublet of molecular weights of 320 and 300 kDa, defined as MAP5a and MAP5b, respectively. MAP5a is the phosphorylated form. MAP5a decreases two weeks after birth and is no longer detectable at the beginning of the second postnatal month; MAP5b also decreases after the second postnatal week but more slowly and it is still present in the adult. In the corpus callosum only MAP5a is present between birth and the end of the first postnatal month. Afterwards only MAP5b is present but decreases in concentration more than 3-fold towards adulthood. Our immunocytochemical studies show MAP5 in somata, dendrites and axonal processes of cortical neurons. In adult tissue it is very prominent in pyramidal cells of layer V. In the corpus callosum MAP5 is present in axons at all ages. There is strong evidence that MAP5a is located in axons while MAP5b seems restricted to somata and dendrites until P28, but is found in callosal axons from P39 onwards. Biochemical experiments indicate that the state of phosphorylation of MAP5 influences its association with structural components. After high speed centrifugation of early postnatal brain tissue, MAP5a remains with pellet fractions while most MAP5b is soluble. In conclusion, phosphorylation of MAP5 may regulate (1) its intracellular distribution within axons and dendrites, and (2) its ability to interact with other subcellular components.


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