959 resultados para Blue-green laser


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The word ”Broads” is used to describe a series of relatively shallow lakes resulting from the flooding of medieval peat diggings. Broadland is essentially freshwater, but because the rivers have such low gradients the lower reaches are brackish. The influence of tide is particularly apparent on the River Yare; in Norwich 40 km from the sea there is a vertical movement of half a metre at spring tide. This study examines the problems that the broadlands are facing. The problems are basically the progressive loss of aquatic plants, in particular the macro- phytes, animal life, outbreaks of avian botulism, occasional fish kills due to a toxin produced by the blue-green alga Prymesium parvum and the emergence of very heavy algal blooms. The main factor for the deteriation of the Broaslands is the eutrophication resulting from enhanced nutrient inputs, in particular of nitrates and phosphates, from a variety of sources. The most important of these are sewage effluents, agricultural drainage, which includes fertilisers and nutrient rich effluents from piggeries and dairy un


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Esthwaite Water is the most productive or eutrophic lake in the English Lake District. Since 1945 its water quality has been determined from weekly or biweekly measurements of temperature, oxygen, plant nutrients and phytoplankton abundance. The lake receives phosphorus from its largely lowland-pasture catchment, sewage effluent from the villages of Hawkshead and Near Sawrey, and from a cage-culture fish farm. From 1986 phosphorus has been removed from the sewage effluent of Hawkshead which was considered to contribute between 47% and 67% of the total phosphorus loading to the lake. At the commencement of phosphorus removal regular measurements of phosphorus in the superficial 0-4 cm layer of lake sediment were made from cores collected at random sites. Since 1986 the mean annual concentration of alkali-extractable sediment phosphorus has decreased by 23%. This change is not significant at the 5% level but nearly so. There has been no marked change in water quality over this period. Summer dominance of blue-green algae which arose in the early 1980s after decline of the previous summer forms, Ceratium spp., has been maintained. Improvement in water quality is unlikely to be achieved at the present phosphorus loading.


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研究了平均功率超过30 W的稳定高效全固态绿光激光器,分析得出影响全固态腔内倍频激光器倍频效率和输出稳定性的主要因素是倍频晶体局部温升造成的相位失配和热透镜效应,采用温度梯度补偿控温法对大尺寸倍频晶体进行温度控制,降低激光器工作中倍频晶体内外温度梯度从而有效地克服因晶体局部温升造成的倍频相位匹配角失配和热透镜效应。采用三条60 W的半导体激光二极管阵列板条侧面抽运Nd:YAG激光增益介质棒,采用声光调Q,平凹直腔和腔内倍频结构配合温度梯度补偿控温法对大尺寸倍频晶体进行温度控制,得到了稳定高效的532 nm


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The experiment result of Nd:YVO4 laser pumped by laser diode that was amplified by double-cladding Yb3+ fiber is reported. Stable mode-locking pulses are obtained at repetition rate of 320 MHz and the output power is 15 mW. When laser power is amplified by Yb3+- doped double-cladding fiber amplifier, its power can get to 600 mW. Based on these, experiment of double-frequency is carried out, and green laser with power of 4 mW is obtained. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Blue, green and red emissions through frequency upconversion and energy transfer processes in Tm3+/Er3+/Yb3+-codoped oxyhalide tellurite glass under 980 nm excitation are investigated. The intense blue (476 nm), green (530 and 545 nm) and red (656 nm) emissions are simultaneously observed at room temperature. The blue (476 nm) emission was originated from the (1)G(4)->H-3(6) transition of Tm3+. The green (530 and 545 nm), and red (656 nm) upconversion luminescences were identified from the H-2(11/2)->I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2)->I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2)->I-4(15/2) transitions of Er3+, respectively. The energy transfer processes and possible upconversion mechanisms are evaluated. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To obtain efficient blue upconversion laser glasses, upconversion luminescence and mechanisms of Tm3+/Yb3+-codoped oxyhalide tellurite glasses were investigated under 980nm excitation. The results showed that upconversion blue and red emission intensities of Tm3+ first increase, reach its maximum at TM2O3% =0.1 mol%, and then decrease with increasing Tm2O3 content. The effect of TM2O3 content on upconversion intensity is discussed, and possible effect mechanisms are evaluated. The investigated results were conducing to increase upconversion luminescence efficiency of Tm3+. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report on the multicolor luminescence in oxygen-deficient Tb3+-doped calcium aluminogermanate glasses. A simple method was proposed to control oxygen-deficient defects in glasses by adding metal Al instead of the corresponding oxide (Al2O3), resulting in efficient blue and red emissions from Tb3+-undoped glasses with 300 and 380 nm excitation wavelengths, respectively. Moreover, in Tb3+-doped oxygen-deficient glasses, bright three-color (sky-blue, green or yellow, and red) luminescence was observed with 300, 380, and 395 nm excitation wavelengths, respectively. These glasses are useful for the fabrication of white light-emitting diode (LED) lighting.


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Water quality problems are reported to be the factor limiting prawn production in the local prawn farm. This investigation was carried out to monitor water quality and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ponds in order to establish what factors should be monitored in order to predict problems. Pond collapse was found to be associated with high concentrations of ammonium, high pH and blue-green algae dominated phytoplankton populations. There was no easy means of predicting the imminent collapse of ponds as the phenomenon was never associated with the extreme of any of the conditions monitored. Rather it seemed to be related to the stability of the pond's algal population, which was largely unaccounted for. Recommendations toward improving water quality are proposed.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the monthly spatial occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton in River Ogun, Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. This was carried out for seven months between December, 2011 and June, 2012 in 4 stations. A total of 41 species of phytoplankton and 16 zooplankton species from 5 classes respectively were recorded. Zooplankton was dominated by Cladocera throughout the study period while phytoplankton was dominated by blue green algae (Cyanophyta or Cyanobacteria). The dominance of Cyanophyta in this river is similar to findings by Sekadende and co-workers, Ogato, Deng and co-worker, and Shakila and co-worker. The dominance of Cladocera in this river is similar to findings by Ude and co-workers, and Ogbuagu and co-worker.


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Preliminary toxicity trials conducted with "Algistat" (an algicide) indicated that a dose of 0,66ppm of the compound was highly toxic to fish and 0.8ppm was the general lethal level for Spirogyra sp. The blue green algae, Oscillatoria sp., Mycrocystis sp. and Anabaena sp. were adversely affected by dosages higher than 0.5 ppm Euglena sp. was not affected even at 1.0 ppm.


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An extensive study of the hydrobiology of the Colombo Lake was initiated by the authors in May 1969 as a contribution to the International Biological Program (Productivity of freshwater communities) by the Department of Zoology, Vidyalankara University of Ceylon, Kelaniya. The Colombo Lake often referred to as the Beira Lake covers an area of approximately 160 acres. The water is usually very turbid with a greenish blue appearance due to the presence of large quantities of blue green algae.


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The feeding patterns with respect to quality and quantity of food of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus varied with their size and development. The results indicated that the fish in the size group I (7-25 mm TL) were fairly omnivore with particular liking for rotifera, green and blue-green algae while the size group II (25.1-44 mm TL) and III (44.1-55 mm TL) were omnivore with higher tendency of feeding on debris, aquatic plants, green algae, blue-green algae and rotifera. However, the fish of the size group IV (55.1-80 mm TL) were found to be herbivore with feeding preference for aquatic plants, green and blue-green algae. In all the size groups, debris was the most dominant food item. Feeding preference of the fish showed clear ontogenetic shift. The electivity indices revealed that the fish were selective feeder.


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Phytoplankton cell count, percentage composition and species diversity at 4 locations of different depth contours in the coastal waters of Mangalore, west coast of India were studied for a period of 8 months. A total of 27 genera of phytoplankton were recorded from the area of which 20 belonged to diatoms, 6 /dinoflagellates and 1 blue-green algae. On an average the population density was higher at 4 m depth contour (280.48xl04 cells/m3 ) than 8m depth contour (97.79xl04 cells/m3 ). The plankton cell density in the present study is much higher than the earlier observations made elsewhere which might be due to intense blooming of Chaetoceros, Cosctnodiscus, Ceratium, Dinophysis and blue-green algae along this coast during the study period.


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Milkfish and prawn pond operation in the Philippines is often associated with lab-lab culture. Lab-lab is a biological complex of blue-green algae, diatoms, bacteria and various animals which form a mat at the bottom of nursery ponds or floating patches along the margins of ponds. This complex is considered the most favorable food of milkfish in brackishwater ponds. Variations in the quantity and quality of lab-lab between and within areas of a 1,000 sq. m. pond was determined over 2 culture periods (6 month duration) and the applicability and suitability of stratified random sampling as a method of sampling lab-lab was evaluated.