284 resultados para Bitumen.


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Polymer modified bitumens, PMBs, are usually prepared at high temperature and subsequently stored for a period of time, also at high temperature. The stability of PMBs, in these conditions, has a decisive influence in order to obtain the adequate performances for practical applications. In this article the attention is focused in the analysis of the factors that determine the stability of styrene–butadiene–styrene copolymer (SBS)/sulfur modified bitumens when the mixtures are maintained at high temperature. Bitumens from different crude oil sources were used to prepare SBS/sulfur modified bitumens. Changes in the values of viscosity, softening point, as well as in the morphology of PMB samples, stored at 160 °C, were related to the bitumen chemical composition and to the amount of asphaltene micelles present in the neat bitumen used in their preparation El trabajo se centra en el estudio de la influencia de la estructura /composición del betún sobre la compatibilidad del sistema betún/SBS. Cuatro betunes provenientes de dos crudos distintos se seleccionaron y sus mezclas se utilizaron para preparar betunes modificados con contenidos de SBS del 3% en peso


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Due to a growing concern over global warming, the bituminous mixture industry is making a constant effort to diminish its emissions by reducing manufacturing and installation temperatures without compromising the mechanical properties of the bituminous mixtures. The use of mixtures with tyre rubber has demonstrated that these mixtures can be economical and ecological and that they improve the behaviour of the pavements. However, bituminous mixtures with a high rubber content present one major drawback: they require higher mixing and installation temperatures due to the elevated viscosity caused by the high rubber content and thus they produce larger amounts of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional bituminous mixtures. This article presents a study of the effect of four viscosity-reducing additives (Sasobit®, Asphaltan A®, Asphaltan B® and Licomont BS 100®) on a bitumen modified with 15% rubber. The results of this study indicate that these additives successfully reduce viscosity, increase the softening temperature and reduce penetration. However, they do not have a clear effect on the test for elastic recovery and ductility at 25 °C.


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Alkanes having unusual saturated isoprenoidal and methyl-branched structures have been isolated from the bitumen of several sediments. The methanogenic biomarkers 2,6,10,15,19-pentamethyleicosane and squalane were found in sediments which also contained bacteriogenic glycerol ethers. However, in one ether-containing sediment, 2,6,10,13,17,21-hexamethyldocosane was tentatively identified and this compound was found in place of the established alkane biomarkers. Other hydrocarbons found were regular C21 and C23 isoprenoid alkanes, compounds which cannot be derived from phytol; two isoprenoids of the type 3,7,11.-polymethylalkane, previously reported only in petroleums; 8-methylheptadecane, a probable biomarker for cyanobacteria and a number of its homologs and other methyl-branched alkanes. Ubiquitous branched-chain alkylbenzenes and a homology of trimethylalkylbenzenes were also isolated. Most, or all, of the compounds reported here are probably not catagenetic products but may represent direct algal or bacterial bioinputs.


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Bituminologic analysis of sediment cores from the Black Sea (water depth up to 2000 m, drilling depth up to 625 m) has revealed all components typical for fossilized rocks, viz. hydrocarbons, resins, asphaltenes, and insoluble matter. Proportions of these components, their composition and properties do not display any dependence on depth in hole and seem to be governed by composition of organic matter and conditions and degree of its transformation at early stages of lithogenesis.


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Notable compositional changes of organic matter are observed below the silica transition zone in thermally immature sediments. The increase of bitumen ratio, and hopane and sterane isomerization parameters indicate an acceleration of the kinetics of the chemical reactions which transform the organic matter. This phenomenon is probably due to the numerous mineral and textural changes induced by the transformation of amorphous biogenic silica into crystalline authigenic silica.


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Thesis (doctoral)--


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Several roads in Iceland with bio-oil modified surface dressings exhibited severe distresses such as bleeding, binder drain down, and eventually as surface dressing sticking to tires. Samples from six road sections were evaluated in the laboratory to determine the causes of the failure. Binders with and without bio-oil, rapeseed oil and fish oil, were evaluated through a comprehensive rheological and chemical characterization. Both oils, exhibited solubility issues with the bitumen; consequently, the oils covered the aggregates, preventing bonding between binder and stones. It appears that fish oil worked a little better than rapeseed oil for binder modification.


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The purpose of this investigation was to interpret the bitumen-aggregate adhesion based on the dielectric spectroscopic response of individual material components utilizing their dielectric constants, refractive indices and average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent). Dielectric spectroscopy of bitumen binders at room temperature was performed in the frequency range of 0.01–1000 Hz. Dielectric spectroscopy is an experimental method for characterizing the dielectric permittivity of a material as a function of frequency. Adhesion data has been determined using the Rolling bottle method. The results show that the magnitude of the average tangent of the dielectric loss angle (average loss tangent) depends on bitumen type. The average loss tangent in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz is introduced as a potential indicator for predicting polarizability and, thereby, adhesion potential of bitumen binders to quartz aggregates when using Portland cement. In order to obtain acceptable adhesion of 70/100 penetration grade bitumen binders and quartz aggregates when using Portland cement, it is suggested that the binder have an average tan δ > 0.035 in the frequency range 0.01–1 Hz.


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The Canadian economy is largely dependent on the distribution of large volumes of oil to domestic and international markets by a long network of pipelines. Unfortunately, accidents occur, and oil can leak or spill from these pipelines before it reaches its destination. Of particular concern are the long-term consequences of oil spills in freshwater, which include sinking of oil in water and the contamination of sensitive areas, such as where fish (e.g., salmon) deposit their eggs in gravel-dominated river sediments. There is a knowledge gap regarding the fate and behaviour of oil in river sediment. To this end, this study aimed at finding the potential for diluted bitumen (dilbit) oil to become trapped in gravel and to transfer hydrocarbons into water by dissolution, which are harmful to aquatic life. Two sets of laboratory experiments were conducted to simulate conditions of an oil spill on an exposed bank or in shallow water. In the first set, by conducting capillary pressure-saturation (Pc-Sw) experiments it was found that dilbit can enter gravel pores without much resistance and approximately 14% of the pore volume can be occupied by discontinuous single or multipore blobs of dilbit following imbibition of water. Air-water Pc-Sw experiments done in laboratory 1-D columns required gravity correction and could be successfully scaled to predict dilbit-water Pc-Sw curves, except for the trapped amount of dilbit. Trapped dilbit constituents can be dissolved into the water flowing through gravel pores (hyporheic flow) at different velocities. In the second set, dissolution experiments suggested that for the duration of the test, hydrocarbons that cause acute toxicity dissolve rapidly, likely resulting in a decrease in their effective solubility. However, dilbit saturation changed only <2% within that time. Chronically toxic PAH compounds were also detected in the effluent water. The total concentration of all detected PAHs and alkylPAHs exceeded the threshold literature value to protect early-life stage fish. Observations of decreased concentrations with increased aqueous velocities as well as less than equilibrium concentrations indicated that the mass transfer was rate-limited. A correlation was developed for the mass transfer rate coefficient to understand the mass transfer behaviour beyond the conditions used in the experiments, which had a Reynolds number exponent similar to the studies of NAPL dissolution in groundwater.


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This thesis evaluates the rheological behaviour of asphalt mixtures and the corresponding extracted binders from the mixtures containing different amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt (RA). Generally, the use of RA is limited to certain amounts. The study materials are Stone Mastic Asphalts including a control sample with 0% RA, and other samples with RA rates of 30%, 60% and 100%. Another set of studied mixtures are Asphalt Concretes (AC) types with again a control mix having 0% RA rate and the other mixtures designs containing 30%, 60% and 90% of reclaimed asphalt which also contain additives. In addition to the bitumen samples extracted from asphalt mixes, there are bitumen samples directly extracted from the original RA. To characterize the viscoelastic behaviour of the binders, Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) tests were conducted on bitumen specimens. The resulting influence of the RA content in the bituminous binders are illustrated through master curves, black diagrams and Cole-Cole plots with regressing these experimental data by the application of the analogical 2S2P1D and the analytical CA model. The advantage of the CA model is in its limited number of parameters and thus is a simple model to use. The 2S2P1D model is an analogical rheological model for the prediction of the linear viscoelastic properties of both asphalt binders and mixtures. In order to study the influence of RA on mixtures, the Indirect Tensile Test (ITT) has been conducted. The master curves of different mixture samples are evaluated by regressing the test data points to a sigmoidal function and subsequently by comparing the master curves, the influence of RA materials is studied. The thesis also focusses on the applicability and also differences of CA model and 2S2P1D model for bitumen samples and the sigmoid function for the mixtures and presents the influence of the RA rate on the investigated model parameters.


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Esta dissertação apresenta a avaliação térmica, econômica e ambiental de um sistema de aquecimento solar (SHS) que é usado em uma usina de asfalto, através de simulação computacional com TRNSYS. O processo escolhido é o aquecimento do betume a partir da temperatura de armazenamento até a temperatura de mistura, usando óleo mineral como fluido de transferência de calor (HTF). Os componentes do sistema são o trocador de calor HTF-betume, o coletor concentrador solar parabólico composto (CPC), o aquecedor auxiliar e a bomba de circulação. A simulação no TRNSYS calcula os balanços de massa e energia no circuito fechado do HTF a cada hora. Dados horários do Ano Meteorológico Típico (TMY) do Rio de Janeiro foram utilizados para executar este trabalho. Em muitos casos, a temperatura do HTF ultrapassou 238C, mostrando que o CPC é apropriado para esta aplicação. Economia de combustível e emissões evitadas foram consideradas para as análises economica e ambiental. Este trabalho descreve as fontes renováveis de energia, os tipos de usinas de asfalto e de aquecedores de betume. Ele também mostra a fração brasileira de algumas destas fontes. Os resultados, portanto, mostram ser possível encorajar políticas públicas ambientalmente corretas para incentivar o uso de energia solar na indústria de asfalto. Além disso, este trabalho pode ajudar na redução da elevada emissão dos gases de efeito estufa a partir da utilização dos combustíveis fósseis nesta indústria.