136 resultados para Bioprocess
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Current studies about lipase production involve the use of agro-industrial residues and newly isolated microorganisms aimed at increasing economic attractiveness of the process. Based on these aspects, the main objective of this work is to perform the partial characterization of enzymatic extracts produced by a newly isolated Penicillium crustosum in solid-state fermentation. Lipase extract presented optimal temperature and pH of 37 A degrees C and 9-10, respectively. The concentrated enzymatic extract showed more stability at 25 A degrees C and pH 7. The enzymes kept 100% of their enzymatic activity until 60 days of storage at 4 and -10 A degrees C. The stability under calcium salts indicated that the hydrolytic activity presented decay with the increase of calcium concentration. The specificity under several substrates indicated good enzyme activities in triglycerides from C4 to C18.
Autotrophic denitrification coupled with sulfide oxidation represents an interesting alternative for the simultaneous removal of nitrate/nitrite and sulfide from wastewaters. The applicability of such bioprocess is especially advantageous for the post treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors, since they usually produce sulfides, which can be used as endogenous electron donor for autotrophic denitrification. This study evaluated the effect of sulfide concentration on this bioprocess using nitrate and nitrite as electron acceptors in vertical fixed-bed reactors. The results showed that intermediary sulfur compounds were mainly produced when excess of electron donor was applied, which was more evident when nitrate was used. Visual evidences suggested that elemental sulfur was the intermediary compound produced. There was also evidence that the elemental sulfur previously formed was being used when sulfide was applied in stoichiometric concentration relative to nitrate/nitrite. Nitrite was more readily consumed than nitrate. For both electron acceptors and sulfide concentrations tested, autotrophic denitrification was not affected by residual heterotrophic denitrification via endogenic activity, occurring as a minor additional nitrogen removal process. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Agroindustrial residues are materials often rich in cellulose and hemicellulose. The use of these substrates for the microbial production of enzymes of industrial interest is mainly due to their high availability associated with their low cost. In this work, corncob (CCs) particles decomposed to soluble compounds (liquor) were incorporated in the microbial growth medium through autohydrolysis, as a strategy to increase and undervalue xylanase and beta-xylosidase production by Aspergillus terricola and Aspergillus ochraceus. The CCs autohydrolysis liquor produced at 200 A degrees C for 5, 15, 30 or 50 min was used as the sole carbon source or associated with untreated CC. The best condition for enzyme synthesis was observed with CCs submitted to 30 min of autohydrolysis. The enzymatic production with untreated CCs plus CC liquor was higher than with birchwood xylan for both microorganisms. A. terricola produced 750 total U of xylanase (144 h cultivation) and 30 total U of beta-xylosidase (96-168 h) with 0.75% untreated CCs and 6% CCs liquor, against 650 total U of xylanase and 2 total U of beta-xylosidase in xylan; A. ochraceus produced 605 total U of xylanase and 56 total U of beta-xylosidase (168 h cultivation) with 1% untreated CCs and 10% CCs liquor against 400 total U of xylanase and 38 total U of beta-xylosidase in xylan. These results indicate that the treatment of agroindustrial wastes through autohydrolysis can be a viable strategy in the production of high levels of xylanolytic enzymes.
Nitrogen removal coupled with sulfide oxidation has potential for the treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors because they contain sulfide, which can be used as an endogenous electron donor for denitrification. This work evaluated the intrinsic kinetics of sulfide-oxidizing autotrophic denitrification via nitrate and nitrite in systems containing attached cells. Differential reactors were fed with nitrified synthetic domestic sewage and different sulfide concentrations. The intrinsic kinetic parameters of nitrogen removal were determined when the mass transfer resistance was negligible. This bioprocess could be described by a half-order kinetic model for biofilms. The half-order kinetic coefficients ranged from 0.425 to 0.658 mg N-1/2 L-1/2 h(-1) for denitrification via nitrite and from 0.190 to 0.609 mg N-1/2 L-1/2 h(-1) for denitrification via nitrate. In this latter, the lower value was due to the use of electrons donated from intermediary sulfur compounds whose formation and subsequent consumption were detected. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract Background Overflow metabolism is an undesirable characteristic of aerobic cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during biomass-directed processes. It results from elevated sugar consumption rates that cause a high substrate conversion to ethanol and other bi-products, severely affecting cell physiology, bioprocess performance, and biomass yields. Fed-batch culture, where sucrose consumption rates are controlled by the external addition of sugar aiming at its low concentrations in the fermentor, is the classical bioprocessing alternative to prevent sugar fermentation by yeasts. However, fed-batch fermentations present drawbacks that could be overcome by simpler batch cultures at relatively high (e.g. 20 g/L) initial sugar concentrations. In this study, a S. cerevisiae strain lacking invertase activity was engineered to transport sucrose into the cells through a low-affinity and low-capacity sucrose-H+ symport activity, and the growth kinetics and biomass yields on sucrose analyzed using simple batch cultures. Results We have deleted from the genome of a S. cerevisiae strain lacking invertase the high-affinity sucrose-H+ symporter encoded by the AGT1 gene. This strain could still grow efficiently on sucrose due to a low-affinity and low-capacity sucrose-H+ symport activity mediated by the MALx1 maltose permeases, and its further intracellular hydrolysis by cytoplasmic maltases. Although sucrose consumption by this engineered yeast strain was slower than with the parental yeast strain, the cells grew efficiently on sucrose due to an increased respiration of the carbon source. Consequently, this engineered yeast strain produced less ethanol and 1.5 to 2 times more biomass when cultivated in simple batch mode using 20 g/L sucrose as the carbon source. Conclusion Higher cell densities during batch cultures on 20 g/L sucrose were achieved by using a S. cerevisiae strain engineered in the sucrose uptake system. Such result was accomplished by effectively reducing sucrose uptake by the yeast cells, avoiding overflow metabolism, with the concomitant reduction in ethanol production. The use of this modified yeast strain in simpler batch culture mode can be a viable option to more complicated traditional sucrose-limited fed-batch cultures for biomass-directed processes of S. cerevisiae.
In this study was developed a natural process using a biological system for the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) and possible removal of copper from wastewater by dead biomass of the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. Dead and live biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was used to analyze the equilibrium and kinetics of copper biosorption by the yeast in function of the initial metal concentration, contact time, pH, temperature, agitation and inoculum volume. Dead biomass exhibited the highest biosorption capacity of copper, 26.2 mg g(-1), which was achieved within 60 min of contact, at pH 5.0, temperature of 30°C, and agitation speed of 150 rpm. The equilibrium data were best described by the Langmuir isotherm and Kinetic analysis indicated a pseudo-second-order model. The average size, morphology and location of NPs biosynthesized by the yeast were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The shape of the intracellularly synthesized NPs was mainly spherical, with an average size of 10.5 nm. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the copper NPs confirmed the formation of metallic copper. The dead biomass of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa may be considered an efficiently bioprocess, being fast and low-cost to production of copper nanoparticles and also a probably nano-adsorbent of this metal ion in wastewater in bioremediation process
Le acque di vegetazione (AV) costituiscono un serio problema di carattere ambientale, sia a causa della loro elevata produzione sia per l’ elevato contenuto di COD che oscilla fra 50 e 150 g/l. Le AV sono considerate un refluo a tasso inquinante fra i più elevati nell’ambito dell’industria agroalimentare e la loro tossicità è determinata in massima parte dalla componente fenolica. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare e ottimizzare un processo non solo di smaltimento di tale refluo ma anche di una sua valorizzazione, utlizzandolo come materia prima per la produzione di acidi grassi e quindi di PHA, polimeri biodegradabili utilizzabili in varie applicazioni. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due bioreattori anaerobici a biomassa adesa, di identica configurazione, con cui si sono condotti due esperimenti in continuo a diverse temperature e carichi organici al fine di studiare l’influenza di tali parametri sul processo. Il primo esperimento è stato condotto a 35°C e carico organico pari a 12,39 g/Ld, il secondo a 25°C e carico organico pari a 8,40 g/Ld. Si è scelto di allestire e mettere in opera un processo a cellule immobilizzate in quanto questa tecnologia si è rivelata vantaggiosa nel trattamento continuo di reflui ad alto contenuto di COD e carichi variabili. Inoltre si è scelto di lavorare in continuo poiché tale condizione, per debiti tempi di ritenzione idraulica, consente di minimizzare la metanogenesi, mediata da microrganismi con basse velocità specifiche di crescita. Per costituire il letto fisso dei due reattori si sono utilizzati due diversi tipi di supporto, in modo da poter studiare anche l’influenza di tale parametro, in particolare si è fatto uso di carbone attivo granulare (GAC) e filtri ceramici Vukopor S10 (VS). Confrontando i risultati si è visto che la massima quantità di VFA prodotta nell’ambito del presente studio si ha nel VS mantenuto a 25°C: in tale condizione si arriva infatti ad un valore di VFA prodotti pari a 524,668 mgCOD/L. Inoltre l’effluente in uscita risulta più concentrato in termini di VFA rispetto a quello in entrata: nell’alimentazione la percentuale di materiale organico presente sottoforma di acidi grassi volatili era del 54 % e tale percentuale, in uscita dai reattori, ha raggiunto il 59 %. Il VS25 rappresenta anche la condizione in cui il COD degradato si è trasformato in percentuale minore a metano (2,35 %) e questo a prova del fatto che l’acidogenesi ha prevalso sulla metanogenesi. Anche nella condizione più favorevole alla produzione di VFA però, si è riusciti ad ottenere una loro concentrazione in uscita (3,43 g/L) inferiore rispetto a quella di tentativo (8,5 g/L di VFA) per il processo di produzione di PHA, sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’università “La Sapienza” di Roma, relativa ad un medium sintetico. Si può constatare che la modesta produzione di VFA non è dovuta all’eccessiva degradazione del COD, essendo questa nel VS25 appena pari al 6,23%, ma piuttosto è dovuta a una scarsa concentrazione di VFA in uscita. Questo è di buon auspicio nell’ottica di ottimizzare il processo migliorandone le prestazioni, poiché è possibile aumentare tale concentrazione aumentando la conversione di COD in VFA che nel VS25 è pari a solo 5,87%. Per aumentare tale valore si può agire su vari parametri, quali la temperatura e il carico organico. Si è visto che il processo di acidogenesi è favorito, per il VS, per basse temperature e alti carichi organici. Per quanto riguarda il reattore impaccato con carbone attivo la produzione di VFA è molto ridotta per tutti i valori di temperatura e carichi organici utilizzati. Si può quindi pensare a un’applicazione diversa di tale tipo di reattore, ad esempio per la produzione di metano e quindi di energia.
Introduction 1.1 Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the environment Worldwide industrial and agricultural developments have released a large number of natural and synthetic hazardous compounds into the environment due to careless waste disposal, illegal waste dumping and accidental spills. As a result, there are numerous sites in the world that require cleanup of soils and groundwater. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the major groups of these contaminants (Da Silva et al., 2003). PAHs constitute a diverse class of organic compounds consisting of two or more aromatic rings with various structural configurations (Prabhu and Phale, 2003). Being a derivative of benzene, PAHs are thermodynamically stable. In addition, these chemicals tend to adhere to particle surfaces, such as soils, because of their low water solubility and strong hydrophobicity, and this results in greater persistence under natural conditions. This persistence coupled with their potential carcinogenicity makes PAHs problematic environmental contaminants (Cerniglia, 1992; Sutherland, 1992). PAHs are widely found in high concentrations at many industrial sites, particularly those associated with petroleum, gas production and wood preserving industries (Wilson and Jones, 1993). 1.2 Remediation technologies Conventional techniques used for the remediation of soil polluted with organic contaminants include excavation of the contaminated soil and disposal to a landfill or capping - containment - of the contaminated areas of a site. These methods have some drawbacks. The first method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create significant risks in the excavation, handling and transport of hazardous material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and containment method is only an interim solution since the contamination remains on site, requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants, if possible, or transform them into harmless substances. Some technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and various types of chemical decomposition (for example, base-catalyzed dechlorination, UV oxidation). However, these methods have significant disadvantages, principally their technological complexity, high cost , and the lack of public acceptance. Bioremediation, on the contrast, is a promising option for the complete removal and destruction of contaminants. 1.3 Bioremediation of PAH contaminated soil & groundwater Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade or detoxify hazardous wastes into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide, water and cell biomass Most PAHs are biodegradable unter natural conditions (Da Silva et al., 2003; Meysami and Baheri, 2003) and bioremediation for cleanup of PAH wastes has been extensively studied at both laboratory and commercial levels- It has been implemented at a number of contaminated sites, including the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989, the Mega Borg spill off the Texas coast in 1990 and the Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait in 1994 (Purwaningsih, 2002). Different strategies for PAH bioremediation, such as in situ , ex situ or on site bioremediation were developed in recent years. In situ bioremediation is a technique that is applied to soil and groundwater at the site without removing the contaminated soil or groundwater, based on the provision of optimum conditions for microbiological contaminant breakdown.. Ex situ bioremediation of PAHs, on the other hand, is a technique applied to soil and groundwater which has been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). Hazardous contaminants are converted in controlled bioreactors into harmless compounds in an efficient manner. 1.4 Bioavailability of PAH in the subsurface Frequently, PAH contamination in the environment is occurs as contaminants that are sorbed onto soilparticles rather than in phase (NAPL, non aqueous phase liquids). It is known that the biodegradation rate of most PAHs sorbed onto soil is far lower than rates measured in solution cultures of microorganisms with pure solid pollutants (Alexander and Scow, 1989; Hamaker, 1972). It is generally believed that only that fraction of PAHs dissolved in the solution can be metabolized by microorganisms in soil. The amount of contaminant that can be readily taken up and degraded by microorganisms is defined as bioavailability (Bosma et al., 1997; Maier, 2000). Two phenomena have been suggested to cause the low bioavailability of PAHs in soil (Danielsson, 2000). The first one is strong adsorption of the contaminants to the soil constituents which then leads to very slow release rates of contaminants to the aqueous phase. Sorption is often well correlated with soil organic matter content (Means, 1980) and significantly reduces biodegradation (Manilal and Alexander, 1991). The second phenomenon is slow mass transfer of pollutants, such as pore diffusion in the soil aggregates or diffusion in the organic matter in the soil. The complex set of these physical, chemical and biological processes is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, biodegradation processes are taking place in the soil solution while diffusion processes occur in the narrow pores in and between soil aggregates (Danielsson, 2000). Seemingly contradictory studies can be found in the literature that indicate the rate and final extent of metabolism may be either lower or higher for sorbed PAHs by soil than those for pure PAHs (Van Loosdrecht et al., 1990). These contrasting results demonstrate that the bioavailability of organic contaminants sorbed onto soil is far from being well understood. Besides bioavailability, there are several other factors influencing the rate and extent of biodegradation of PAHs in soil including microbial population characteristics, physical and chemical properties of PAHs and environmental factors (temperature, moisture, pH, degree of contamination). Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing possible rate-limiting processes during bioremediation of hydrophobic organic contaminants in a contaminated soil-water system (not to scale) (Danielsson, 2000). 1.5 Increasing the bioavailability of PAH in soil Attempts to improve the biodegradation of PAHs in soil by increasing their bioavailability include the use of surfactants , solvents or solubility enhancers.. However, introduction of synthetic surfactant may result in the addition of one more pollutant. (Wang and Brusseau, 1993).A study conducted by Mulder et al. showed that the introduction of hydropropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HPCD), a well-known PAH solubility enhancer, significantly increased the solubilization of PAHs although it did not improve the biodegradation rate of PAHs (Mulder et al., 1998), indicating that further research is required in order to develop a feasible and efficient remediation method. Enhancing the extent of PAHs mass transfer from the soil phase to the liquid might prove an efficient and environmentally low-risk alternative way of addressing the problem of slow PAH biodegradation in soil.
Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) is a novel haemorrhagic disease in sucking calves, characterised by bleeding, haematological changes and high mortality. Dams that gave birth to BNP affected calves were immunized with PregSure® BVD, a highly adjuvanted vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD). We can show that bioprocess impurities in the vaccine, originating from the cell line used for vaccine production induces alloantibodies in vaccinated cattle. Via flow cytometry and immunoprecipitation we can demonstrate that PregSure® BVD immunization leads to BNP alloantibody production. BNP alloantibodies target highly polymorphic bovine MHC-I molecules (BoLA I). We sequenced eight BoLA I variants expressed by the production cell line and identified three alleles which are responsible for the majority of PregSure® BVD induced BoLA I reactivity. The BoLA I alleles of BNP unaffected calves are not recognized by the BNP associated alloantibodies of their respective dams. We also examined whether BNP alloantibodies cross-react with human cells, thus being a potential hazard for human colostrum consumers and could show that BNP alloantibodies are cross-reactive to human MHC-I and can even be found in commercial colostrum powder manufactured from cows immunized with PregSure® BVD. Overall we can demonstrate that BNP is a vaccine induced alloimmune disease.
Biosensors find wide application in clinical diagnostics, bioprocess control and environmental monitoring. They should not only show high specificity and reproducibility but also a high sensitivity and stability of the signal. Therefore, I introduce a novel sensor technology based on plasmonic nanoparticles which overcomes both of these limitations. Plasmonic nanoparticles exhibit strong absorption and scattering in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. The plasmon resonance, the collective coherent oscillation mode of the conduction band electrons against the positively charged ionic lattice, is sensitive to the local environment of the particle. I monitor these changes in the resonance wavelength by a new dark-field spectroscopy technique. Due to a strong light source and a highly sensitive detector a temporal resolution in the microsecond regime is possible in combination with a high spectral stability. This opens a window to investigate dynamics on the molecular level and to gain knowledge about fundamental biological processes.rnFirst, I investigate adsorption at the non-equilibrium as well as at the equilibrium state. I show the temporal evolution of single adsorption events of fibrinogen on the surface of the sensor on a millisecond timescale. Fibrinogen is a blood plasma protein with a unique shape that plays a central role in blood coagulation and is always involved in cell-biomaterial interactions. Further, I monitor equilibrium coverage fluctuations of sodium dodecyl sulfate and demonstrate a new approach to quantify the characteristic rate constants which is independent of mass transfer interference and long term drifts of the measured signal. This method has been investigated theoretically by Monte-Carlo simulations but so far there has been no sensor technology with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio.rnSecond, I apply plasmonic nanoparticles as sensors for the determination of diffusion coefficients. Thereby, the sensing volume of a single, immobilized nanorod is used as detection volume. When a diffusing particle enters the detection volume a shift in the resonance wavelength is introduced. As no labeling of the analyte is necessary the hydrodynamic radius and thus the diffusion properties are not altered and can be studied in their natural form. In comparison to the conventional Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy technique a volume reduction by a factor of 5000-10000 is reached.
Pichia pastoris, a methylotrophic yeast, is an established system for the production of heterologous proteins, particularly biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. To maximise and optimise the production of recombinant products, recent molecular research has focused on numerous issues including the design of expression vectors, optimisation of gene copy number, co-expression of secretory proteins such as chaperones, engineering of glycosylation and secretory pathways, etc. However, the physiological effects of different cultivation strategies are often difficult to separate from the molecular effects of the gene construct (e.g., cellular stress through over-expression or incorrect post-translational processing). Hence, overall system optimisation is difficult, even though it is urgently required in order to describe and understand the behaviour of new molecular constructs. This review focuses on particular aspects of recombinant protein production related to variations in biomass growth and their implications for strain design and screening, as well as on the concept of rational comparisons between cultivation systems for the development of specific production processes in bioreactors. The relationship between specific formation rates of secreted recombinant proteins, qp, and specific growth rates, μ, has been analysed in a conceptual attempt to compare different systems, particularly those based on AOX1/methanol and GAP/glucose, and this has now evolved into a pivotal concept for bioprocess engineering of P. pastoris.
The study of temperature gradients in cold stores and containers is a critical issue in the food industry for the quality assurance of products during transport, as well as forminimizing losses. The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space graphs of temperature and enthalpy, collected by means of multidistributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors and loggers. A transoceanic refrigerated transport of lemons in a reefer container ship from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) was monitored with a network of 39 semi-passive TurboTag RFID loggers and 13 i-button loggers. Transport included intermodal transit from transoceanic to short shipping vessels and a truck trip. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative phase diagrams computed on the basis of Takens?Ruelle reconstruction of attractors. Fruit stress is quantified in terms of the phase diagram area which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature. Areas within the enthalpy phase diagram computed for the short sea shipping transport were 5 times higher than those computed for the long sea shipping, with coefficients of variation above 100% for both periods. This new methodology for data analysis highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermohygrometric conditions at different locations in the container.