915 resultados para Bibliographic databases


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Tesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178 p.


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[Es]Introducción: El manejo óptimo de la vía aérea extrahospitalaria es todavía incierto. Los dispositivos supraglóticos y la intubación endotraqueal han sido utilizados en los últimos años por los servicios de emergencia, pero no se conoce aún si el uso de los nuevos dispositivos supraglóticos mejora la supervivencia. Objetivo: Determinar la supervivencia a corto plazo (igual o menor a 1 mes) entre los dispositivos supraglóticos y la intubación endotraqueal en la parada cardíaca extrahospitalaria. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos de Cochrane, Pubmed, MEDES, Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct e IBECS y una búsqueda manual en las revistas Emergencias, Prehospital Emergency Care y Annals Emergency Medicine de estudios comprendidos entre los años 2004- 2014 que comparasen la supervivencia en la parada cardíaca extrahospitalaria del adulto entre los dispositivos supraglóticos y la intubación endotraqueal. Resultados: Se identificaron 9 estudios elegibles: 2 revisiones sistemáticas (una con metaanálisis), 1 ensayo clínico aleatorizado y 6 estudios de cohortes. 6 de los estudios mostraron mejores resultados en la intubación endotraqueal, 2 en los que no hubo diferencias y uno de ellos mostró mejores resultados en los dispositivos supraglóticos. Conclusiones: La intubación endotraqueal proporciona mayor supervivencia que los dispositivos supraglóticos en la parada cardíaca extrahospitalaria en adultos. Los dispositivos supraglóticos deberían utilizarse por parte de personal con poca experiencia en el uso de la intubación endotraqueal o como alternativa a la intubación fallida o con dificultad.


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Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica na modalidade integrativa, enfocando estudos que abordam a temática relacionada à consulta de enfermagem permeada em ações educativas à pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Foi delimitado o problema de pesquisa: qual seria a contribuição da consulta de enfermagem visando o controle e gerenciamento dos sinais e sintomas nos pacientes portadores de IC? Os objetivos propostos pelo estudo foram descrever as características da produção encontrada que abordam a consulta de enfermagem baseada na educação em saúde no paciente com IC, e avaliar as intervenções mediante as estratégias utilizadas na consulta. A estratégia de busca ocorreu através do Portal Capes nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo, Scopus, Pubmed e Web of Science. O levantamento bibliográfico abrangeu as publicações nacionais e internacionais, de janeiro de 1995 a julho de 2012. Foram identificados 769 artigos, sendo excluídos 739 por diferentes motivos, restando 30 artigos que compuseram a amostra final do estudo. A análise dos estudos permitiu identificar que os mesmos foram publicados com maior frequência pela comunidade internacional (63,33%) e que as publicações se intensificaram a partir de 2003. Em relação à identificação dos autores, 66,6% são enfermeiros, 20,0% são médicos e enfermeiros e 13,3% são médicos. Houve um predomínio de estudos quantitativos (86,6%). As principais estratégias de ensino identificadas e direcionadas à pacientes com IC foram: orientação individual, monitorização telefônica, visita domiciliar, impressos, orientações em grupo e recurso audiovisual. Dentre as principais abordagens envolvendo a educação em saúde e ações de enfermagem à pacientes com IC destacamos a educação para o conhecimento da doença, monitorização dos sinais e sintomas de descompensação, orientação para o uso de medicamentos e educação para aderência de medidas não farmacológicas. Concluímos que a consulta de enfermagem permeada em ações educativas nos pacientes com IC aumenta a aderência ao tratamento, reduz as taxas de morbimortalidade incluindo as reinternações, diminui os custos com a saúde e melhora a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.


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The US Fish and Wildlife Service Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (CRNWR) and the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR) at Charleston are interested in assessing the status of our coastal resources in light of increased coastal development and recreational use. Through an Interagency Agreement (FWS #1448-40181-00-H-001), an ecological characterization was undertaken to describe the status of and potential impacts to resources at CRNWR. This report describes historic fisheries-independent or non-commercial data relevant to CRNWR that can be used to evaluate the role of the Refuge as habitat for nearshore and offshore fish species. The purpose of this document is two-fold, first to give resource managers an understanding of fisheries data that have been collected over the years and, second, to illustrate how these data can be applied to address specific management issues. This report provides an overview of historic fisheries data collected along the southeast coast, as well as basic summaries of that data relevant to CRNWR, indicating how these data can be used to address specific questions of interest to Refuge managers and biologists.


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This paper reports the availability of a database of protein structural domains (DDBASE), an alignment database of homologous proteins (HOMSTRAD) and a database of structurally aligned superfamilies (CAMPASS) on the World Wide Web (WWW). DDBASE contains information on the organization of structural domains and their boundaries; it includes only one representative domain from each of the homologous families. This database has been derived by identifying the presence of structural domains in proteins on the basis of inter-secondary structural distances using the program DIAL [Sowdhamini & Blundell (1995), Protein Sci. 4, 506-520]. The alignment of proteins in superfamilies has been performed on the basis of the structural features and relationships of individual residues using the program COMPARER [Sali & Blundell (1990), J. Mol. Biol. 212, 403-428]. The alignment databases contain information on the conserved structural features in homologous proteins and those belonging to superfamilies. Available data include the sequence alignments in structure-annotated formats and the provision for viewing superposed structures of proteins using a graphical interface. Such information, which is freely accessible on the WWW, should be of value to crystallographers in the comparison of newly determined protein structures with previously identified protein domains or existing families.


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Images represent a valuable source of information for the construction industry. Due to technological advancements in digital imaging, the increasing use of digital cameras is leading to an ever-increasing volume of images being stored in construction image databases and thus makes it hard for engineers to retrieve useful information from them. Content-Based Search Engines are tools that utilize the rich image content and apply pattern recognition methods in order to retrieve similar images. In this paper, we illustrate several project management tasks and show how Content-Based Search Engines can facilitate automatic retrieval, and indexing of construction images in image databases.


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In the modern and dynamic construction environment it is important to access information in a fast and efficient manner in order to improve the decision making processes for construction managers. This capability is, in most cases, straightforward with today’s technologies for data types with an inherent structure that resides primarily on established database structures like estimating and scheduling software. However, previous research has demonstrated that a significant percentage of construction data is stored in semi-structured or unstructured data formats (text, images, etc.) and that manually locating and identifying such data is a very hard and time-consuming task. This paper focuses on construction site image data and presents a novel image retrieval model that interfaces with established construction data management structures. This model is designed to retrieve images from related objects in project models or construction databases using location, date, and material information (extracted from the image content with pattern recognition techniques).


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One of the most important kinds of queries in Spatial Network Databases (SNDB) to support location-based services (LBS) is the shortest path query. Given an object in a network, e.g. a location of a car on a road network, and a set of objects of interests, e.g. hotels,gas station, and car, the shortest path query returns the shortest path from the query object to interested objects. The studies of shortest path query have two kinds of ways, online processing and preprocessing. The studies of preprocessing suppose that the interest objects are static. This paper proposes a shortest path algorithm with a set of index structures to support the situation of moving objects. This algorithm can transform a dynamic problem to a static problem. In this paper we focus on road networks. However, our algorithms do not use any domain specific information, and therefore can be applied to any network. This algorithm’s complexity is O(klog2 i), and traditional Dijkstra’s complexity is O((i + k)2).


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This thesis describes a system that synthesizes regularity exposing attributes from large protein databases. After processing primary and secondary structure data, this system discovers an amino acid representation that captures what are thought to be the three most important amino acid characteristics (size, charge, and hydrophobicity) for tertiary structure prediction. A neural network trained using this 16 bit representation achieves a performance accuracy on the secondary structure prediction problem that is comparable to the one achieved by a neural network trained using the standard 24 bit amino acid representation. In addition, the thesis describes bounds on secondary structure prediction accuracy, derived using an optimal learning algorithm and the probably approximately correct (PAC) model.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Medicina Dentária