936 resultados para Best available techniques
Industrial heritage tourism has been in focus for many academic studies and tourism is an alternative developmental tool for mines and contributes to their economic success. This thesis is about the Falu Mine in Dalarna, Sweden, which has World Heritage status since 2001 and is one of the biggest attractions in the region. Its history and cultural importance are reasons for the importance of preserving the heritage. The Falu Mine is under the management of the Great Copper Mountain Trust and one of their ambitions is to ensure the continuous popularity among domestic and international visitors. In order to gain a better understanding of the visitors and to find strategies to improve performance, a visitor survey has been conducted in the summer of 2011. It is the authors believe that the guides of the Falu Mine have the best available insight and that their perceptions help to add to the understanding about the visitors. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the perceptions of the guides about their visitors, to investigate how the perceptions correspond to the statistical results and to study if there are any differences between domestic and international visitors. The mixed methods approach will increase the depth and accuracy of the results, by linking qualitative with quantitative data. The results show that differences between domestic and international visitors exist, both proven by interviews with the guides and the visitor survey. These differences occur in the factors, such as level of education of the visitors, group size and number of children in the group, knowledge of the visitors prior to and after the visit, sources of information and the fulfillment of the visitor expectations. The perceptions emphasize how these differences impact the guided tours. The guides of the Falu Mine have to be aware of those differences in order to adjust the tour accordingly, as well as the management of the Falu Mine can use this knowledge in order to identify strategies for improving performance.
Current scientific applications are often structured as workflows and rely on workflow systems to compile abstract experiment designs into enactable workflows that utilise the best available resources. The automation of this step and of the workflow enactment, hides the details of how results have been produced. Knowing how compilation and enactment occurred allows results to be reconnected with the experiment design. We investigate how provenance helps scientists to connect their results with the actual execution that took place, their original experiment and its inputs and parameters.
Many contaminants are currently unregulated by the government and do not have a set limit, known as the Maximum Contaminant Level, which is dictated by cost and the best available treatment technology. The Maximum Contaminant Level Goal, on the other hand, is based solely upon health considerations and is non-enforceable. In addition to being naturally occurring, contaminants may enter drinking water supplies through industrial sources, agricultural practices, urban pollution, sprawl, and water treatment byproducts. Exposure to these contaminants is not limited to ingestion and can also occur through dermal absorption and inhalation in the shower. Health risks for the general public include skin damage, increased risk of cancer, circulatory problems, and multiple toxicities. At low levels, these contaminants generally are not harmful in our drinking water. However, children, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to the health risks associated with these contaminants. Vulnerable peoples should take additional precautions with drinking water. This research project was conducted in order to learn more about our local drinking water and to characterize our exposure to contaminants. We hope to increase public awareness of water quality issues by educating the local residents about their drinking water in order to promote public health and minimize exposure to some of the contaminants contained within public water supplies.
Visamos contribuir para o desenvolvimento do crédito produtivo popular no Brasil. Um passo nesta direção é diminuir a assimetria de informações existentes entre os gestores de políticas públicas e o seu público-alvo. O presente trabalho se beneficia da melhor oportunidade disponível de explorar informações sobre os negócios nanicos, a pesquisa sobre Economia Informal Urbana – ECINF, realizada pelo IBGE em 1997, onde foram entrevistados quase 50000 conta-próprias e empregadores até cinco empregados. Descrevemos a partir da ECINF as formas de acesso ao crédito destes estabelecimentos. O mercado de microcrédito se revela incipiente nas áreas urbanas do país, apenas 7% dos negócios nanicos obtiveram acesso a crédito nos três meses anteriores a pesquisa. Descrevemos o padrão de correlações do uso do crédito produtivo popular com outras variáveis, em particular àquelas ligadas a posse de garantias reais ou colaterais sociais nas áreas urbanas brasileiras. A ligação a alguns elementos do capital social está correlacionada à obtenção do crédito, onde a vantagem aumenta em 33% para quem está associado a algum sindicato, associação ou cooperativa em relação aos que não possuem ligação com estes. A questão da legalidade também apresenta correlação forte para conseguir o acesso a crédito: quem possui constituição jurídica possui uma vantagem de 55% maior em relação aos que não possuem. Destaca-se a variável indicativa da posse de equipamentos, é nesta variável que observamos um dos maiores valores na estimativa, onde a vantagem de quem utiliza é aproximadamente duas vezes maior em relação a quem não utiliza. O fato de estar numa região metropolitana influi pouco na obtenção do crédito, a vantagem é apenas 10% maior do que as pessoas que encontram-se nas demais áreas urbanas. De maneira geral os resultados são consistentes com a importância atribuída na literatura por garantias reais e alternativas na obtenção de crédito.
A utilização de pellets de madeira é bastante difundida nos países desenvolvidos, em particular na Europa, e apresenta demanda crescente para a produção de energia elétrica e térmica, incluindo a calefação residencial. O Brasil apresenta capacidade indiscutível para a geração de diferentes biomassas e em quantidades expressivas, dada à vantagem competitiva de suas condições edafo-climáticas, sua extensão territorial e de ter baixos custos de produção. Apontar-se-á neste trabalho as condições mercadológicas, logísticas, normativas, de incentivos fiscais e de ambiente econômico, com as quais o país poderá se consolidar como um grande produtor e consumidor desta fonte de energia limpa e renovável. Este estudo apresenta as melhores técnicas conhecidas para a venda a pequenos e médios consumidores e para a produção, eficiente e com escala, de pellets de madeira, dentro do Estado de São Paulo. É discutida a necessidade de se ter florestas plantadas com o único propósito de serem transformadas em pellets. Nos últimos anos, os preços dos resíduos de madeira subiram no mercado interno, praticamente os excluindo como fonte de matéria-prima, num cenário de longo prazo. O objetivo final desta dissertação é apresentar os principais aspectos econômico-financeiros que influenciam os cenários para que os pellets de madeira possam substituir o óleo BPF-A1 no mercado regional, e assim discutindo se sua produção se mostrará atraente e confiável para potenciais investidores. Para a avaliação da viabilidade financeira, são utilizados os métodos-chave, Payback, Valor Presente Líquido e Taxa Interna de Retorno, e uma análise de sensibilidade das principais variáveis identificadas. Os principais resultados revelam um Payback de 47 meses, um NPV de R$10.942.127 e uma IRR de 25,18% a.a. em termos reais, para o cenário-base, além de identificar o preço da matéria-prima e a escala de produção como as variáveis mais sensíveis.
without practical results so far. Protocols used in biotechnological cultured aquatic organisms aimed at increasing growth rates and disease resistance, have been studied and perfected. Among the available techniques, the application of chromosomal manipulation, although still nascent, is presented as a tool aimed at mitigating ecological and economical issues in shrimp farming. The polyploidization artificial method already employed in fish and shellfish, has been widely researched for use in farmed shrimp. Some limitations of this method of expansion in shrimp refer to a better knowledge of cytogenetic aspects, the level of sexual dimorphism and performance in growing conditions. To contribute on some of these issues, the present study aimed to characterize cytogenetic species Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda) and Artemia franciscana (Anostraca), analyze the effectiveness of methods for detection of ploidy, through the use of flow cytometry in processes of induction polyploidy cold thermal shock at different stages of development of newly fertilized eggs. Additionally, aimed also the qualitative and quantitative comparison of larval development between diploid and polyploid organisms, besides the identification of sexual dimorphism in L. vannamei, through geometric morphometrics. The results provide information relevant to the improvement and widespread use of biotechnological methods applied toward national productivity in shrimp farming
INTRODUÇÃO: O hipotireoidismo subclínico (HSC), definido por concentrações elevadas do TSH em face de níveis normais dos hormônios tireoidianos, tem elevada prevalência no Brasil, particularmente entre mulheres e idosos. Embora um número crescente de estudos venha associando o HSC com maior risco de doença arterial coronariana e de mortalidade, não há ensaio clínico randomizado sobre o benefício do tratamento com levotiroxina na redução dos riscos e o tratamento permanece controverso. OBJETIVO: Este consenso, patrocinado pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia e desenvolvido por especialistas brasileiros com vasta experiência clínica em tireoide, apresenta recomendações baseadas em evidências para uma abordagem clínica do paciente com HSC no Brasil. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Após estruturação das questões clínicas, a busca das evidências disponíveis na literatura foi realizada inicialmente na base de dados do MedLine-PubMed e posteriormente nas bases Embase e SciELO - Lilacs. A força da evidência, avaliada pelo sistema de classificação de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se a melhor evidência disponível para cada questão e a experiência brasileira. RESULTADOS: Os temas abordados foram definição e diagnóstico, história natural, significado clínico, tratamento e gestação, que resultaram em 29 recomendações para a abordagem clínica do paciente adulto com HSC. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento com levotiroxina foi recomendado para todos os pacientes com HSC persistente com níveis séricos do TSH > 10 mU/L e para alguns subgrupos especiais de pacientes.
INTRODUÇÃO: O hipertireoidismo é caracterizado pelo aumento da síntese e liberação dos hormônios tireoidianos pela glândula tireoide. A tireotoxicose refere-se à síndrome clínica decorrente do excesso de hormônios tireoidianos circulantes, secundário ao hipertireoidismo ou não. Este artigo descreve diretrizes baseadas em evidências clínicas para o manejo da tireotoxicose. OBJETIVO: O presente consenso, elaborado por especialistas brasileiros e patrocinado pelo Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, visa abordar o manejo, diagnóstico e tratamento dos pacientes com tireotoxicose, de acordo com as evidências mais recentes da literatura e adequadas para a realidade clínica do país. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Após estruturação das questões clínicas, foi realizada busca das evidências disponíveis na literatura, inicialmente na base de dados do MedLine-PubMed e posteriormente nas bases Embase e SciELO - Lilacs. A força das evidências, avaliada pelo sistema de classificação de Oxford, foi estabelecida a partir do desenho de estudo utilizado, considerando-se a melhor evidência disponível para cada questão. RESULTADOS: Foram definidas 13 questões sobre a abordagem clínica inicial visando ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento que resultaram em 53 recomendações, incluindo investigação etiológica, tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas, iodo radioativo e cirurgia. Foram abordados ainda o hipertireoidismo em crianças, adolescentes ou pacientes grávidas e o manejo do hipertireoidismo em pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves e com outras causas diversas de tireotoxicose. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico clínico do hipertireoidismo, geralmente, não oferece dificuldade e a confirmação diagnóstica deverá ser feita com as dosagens das concentrações séricas de TSH e hormônios tireoidianos. O tratamento pode ser realizado com drogas antitireoidianas, administração de radioiodoterapia ou cirurgia de acordo com a etiologia da tireotoxicose, as características clínicas, disponibilidade local de métodos e preferências do médico-assistente e paciente.
This paper deals with hybrid method for transient stability analysis combining time domain simulation and a direct method. Nowadays, the step-by-step simulation is the best available tool for allowing the uses of detailed models and for providing reliable results. The main limitation of this approach involves the large time of computational simulations and the absence of stability margin. On the other hand, direct methods, that demand less CPU time, did not show ample reliability and applicability yet. The best way seems to be using hybrid solutions, in which a direct method is incorporated in a time domain simulation tool. This work has studied a direct method using the transient potential and kinetic energy of the critical machine only. In this paper the critical machine is identified by a fast and efficient method, and the proposal is new for using to get stability margins from hybrid approaches. Results from systems, like 16-machine, show stability indices to dynamic security assessment. © 2001 IEEE.
Includes bibliography
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper focuses on several key economic issues relevant to climate change. Given the fact that changes in climate are projections using the best available data, it examines the economic principles of uncertainty and the precautionary approach, and then continues to address the key drivers of climate change. Climate change is expected to result in negative impacts and, in this regard, the consequences of anticipated rising temperatures and sea levels as well as changes in precipitation that may result in flooding and/or drought are addressed. However, the situation is not all negative and, as such, the opportunities that are likely to arise through adaptation and mitigation are discussed especially with respect to the Caribbean. In this regard and recognizing that it would be useful to Caribbean policymakers to utilize these opportunities and to address the negative impacts, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through its subregional headquarters for the Caribbean, is spearheading a review of the economics of climate change in the Caribbean with a view to providing quantitative information to stakeholders in dealing with climate change. The paper makes recommendations for the Caribbean to address climate change at the national level. These include macroplanning; promotion of energy efficiency; creation of incentives to obtain support for implementation of alternative energy technologies; maintaining the will among stakeholders on a sustained basis for addressing climate change; and the conduct of relevant research into varieties of plants and animals that could adapt to changing climatic conditions. Finally, it must be recognized that to successfully combat climate change, the threats and opportunities must be properly assessed as part of an ongoing region-wide system of risk management, which should not be incidental, but integral, to national and regional planning and forecasting for the future.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
The food industry has been rapidly modernized, and with this the disposal and the consumption of industrialized food has been increasing continually. These products lose their original morphological characteristics, requiring fast and reliable tests that could help to identify the species in question, as most fraudulent behavior in the milk and dairy industry (meat and fish) is carried out where there is partial or total exchange of the original material for other with less value at market. Nowadays there is a lot of techniques that can be used for the identification of animal species, based on muscle protein, or DNA analysis. In the case of protein based analysis, we can mention several types of electrophoresis and immunologic methods, as ELISA. In the case of DNA based methods, we have several assays that use the amplification of DNA fragments, known as PCR, as proof. All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages that can be affected by factors- the sample condition, or the degree of relation between the species in question. Because of this, it’s necessary that a continuous study looking for the improvement of the available techniques, making sure that the confirmation of food authenticity is in place. This is to ensure the true product value, to comply with labeling regulationand and protect the consumer of frauds
The identification of tree species is a key step for sustainable management plans of forest resources, as well as for several other applications that are based on such surveys. However, the present available techniques are dependent on the presence of tree structures, such as flowers, fruits, and leaves, limiting the identification process to certain periods of the year Therefore, this article introduces a study on the application of statistical parameters for texture classification of tree trunk images. For that, 540 samples from five Brazilian native deciduous species were acquired and measures of entropy, uniformity, smoothness, asymmetry (third moment), mean, and standard deviation were obtained from the presented textures. Using a decision tree, a biometric species identification system was constructed and resulted to a 0.84 average precision rate for species classification with 0.83accuracy and 0.79 agreement. Thus, it can be considered that the use of texture presented in trunk images can represent an important advance in tree identification, since the limitations of the current techniques can be overcome.