925 resultados para BASIC NEEDS


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O presente estudo tem como objeto a análise da produção do espaço no interior da cidade capitalista, ratificado historicamente por meio da lógica de desigualdade social que perversamente estabelece a disparidade existente na distribuição de serviços públicos e habitações, através do acesso desigual à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos, estabelecendo um quadro tenso e contraditório de segregação socioespacial vivenciado por uma grande massa de trabalhadores. Tendo como objetivo apreender o processo de reprodução social dos trabalhadores residentes no Conjunto Parque Modelo II, bairro Curuçambá, no município de Ananindeua a partir das condições de acesso à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos que definem o processo de segregação socioespacial naquela área. Neste sentido, para que se alcançasse o objetivo proposto pelo trabalho, inicialmente foi desenvolvida pesquisa bibliográfica que subsidiasse a reconstrução sócio - histórica do espaço urbano no município de Ananindeua e no bairro Curuçambá, e posteriormente foi realizada pesquisa de campo estruturada por meio de formulários aplicados junto a uma amostra de 64 (sessenta e quatro) famílias residentes no Conjunto, buscando-se o levantamento de dados que possibilitasse a posterior interpretação das informações obtidas. Com base nos dados, informações e nas análises realizadas, constatou-se que o Conjunto Parque Modelo II em sua gênese e desenvolvimento acompanha a expansão do núcleo urbano central de Ananindeua, sendo constituído em sua maioria por uma população migrante que busca moradia na área visando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência, por não possuir condições materiais (renda e trabalho) para se instalar ou se manter no centro ou em áreas próximas, e por isso se reproduzem a partir da convivência cotidiana com a violência, ausência de infraestrutura, serviços e equipamentos urbanos precários e da consequente não satisfação de necessidades básicas que revelam a essência do quadro socioeconômico de segregação socioespacial.


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Quando colocamos um animal em cativeiro, limitamos suas ações, assumindo o controle de boa parte das variáveis que atuam sobre um ambiente restrito. Essas variáveis, apesar de suprirem as necessidades básicas dos animais, tem o potencial de ser extremamente previsíveis e, por conseguinte, estressantes. Enriquecimento ambiental pode ser um dos mais importantes avanços na área de saúde animal em cativeiro nos últimos tempos, elevando os parâmetros psicológicos e fisiológicos de bem-estar, suprimidos pelo cativeiro. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi criar e verificar a efetividade de um equipamento de enriquecimento ambiental denominado “roleta”, com a função de minimizar os efeitos danosos do cativeiro a dois macacos-prego, ao aumentar o tempo dedicado às atividades de forrageamento, aproximando seu orçamento de atividades àquele pertinente aos animais em vida livre. As observações foram realizadas pelo método de amostragem instantânea, em cinco etapas: 1) pré-intervenção, 2) D5, 3) D10, 4) D15 e 5) pós-intervenção, sendo, posteriormente, comparadas longitudinalmente. Os dados demonstram a efetividade da roleta como item enriquecedor do ambiente, uma vez que a frequência de comportamentos associados à exploração e deslocamento sofreu incremento ao longo das intervenções – com exceção à D10, que oportunamente será reavaliada – mantendo-se frequência média de forrageamento próxima ao esperado em animais de vida livre (Rímoli, 2001) ainda nas observações pós-intervenção, em detrimento da frequência de comportamentos considerados anormais ou estereotipados.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The intensive development in the urbanization process implied a series of economic, social, and gradually, environmental transformations, essentially, since its intensification, which took place from the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America. In Latin American countries, including Brazil, there was such acceleration in urban sprawl, only in the middle of the twentieth century, fomented by a peculiar industrialization, coming from the scientific-technical revolution, which occurred in developing countries. In this context, and with a lack of planning and an effective organization, cities of the dependent countries face an inordinate population growth and an unprecedented industrial swelling. Brazil, following this trend, presents several issues regarding the gaps in the provision of necessary infrastructure to meet the most basic needs of its population and the intense activity and anthropogenic effects on the environment. In this sense, environmental problems, related to air and water pollution, degradation and contamination of soil, paving roads, reduction of green areas, urban heat island, among others, reaching ever deeper into the Brazilian urban areas. It is important the analysis in this final project, the weather events related to episodes of strong winds and the events and the impacts to the population of Rio Claro (SP) in the period 2005 to 2010, basing themselves in Geographical Climatology and Urban climate studies. In this scenario, we found the prevalence of occurrences linked to falling trees in the study area, connected, at the same time, to the occurrence and to the absence of episodes of extreme events, with measurements of strong winds, showing a connection between the events and external facts to episodes of winds


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The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education


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This project was grounded in public policy for inclusive education in the city of Bauru / Brazil. Its objective was to examine the struture of these public policies aimed at inclusive education, which are in place and their effectiveness from the viewpoint of specialist teachers in municipal schools in Bauru/ Brazil. Subjects were 20 teachers of special education specialists who work with students from kindergarten and elementary school in the city of Bauru. To collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical studies carried out showed that the legislation today was the result of many years of changes in structure and design on the figure of people with disabilities and their integration into society. As a result it was possible to draw a profile of specialist teachers, their training, and that has knowledge about the specific legislation. As the profile of the specialist teacher noticed that they have good training, but this should be a continuous process, during his performance.Public policy for Special Education but there are geared towards a macro-structure, which makes them often decontextualized from everyday classroom, and often not enforced because of lack of policies in other areas of basic needs that are constitutional law as well as education


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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[ES] Las necesidades básicas de las empresas suelen ser las mismas, ya sea una empresa grande que pequeña, la infraestructura sobre la que montan sus procesos de negocio y las aplicaciones para gestionarlos suelen ser casi iguales. Si dividimos la infraestructura TIC de una empresa en hardware, sistema y aplicaciones, podemos ver que en la mayoría de ellas el sistema es casi idéntico. Además, gracias a la virtualización, que ha entrado de manera arrolladora en el mundo de la informática, podemos independizar totalmente el software del hardware, de forma que obtenemos una flexibilidad enorme a la hora de planificar despliegues de infraestructura. Sobre estas dos ideas, uniformidad de sistema e independencia de hardware, son sobre las que se va a desarrollar el siguiente TFG. Para el desarrollo de la primera de ellas se realizará el estudio de la infraestructura básica ( sistema) que cualquier empresa suele tener. Se intentará dar una solución que sea válida para una gran cantidad de empresas de nuestro entorno y se realizará el diseño del mismo. Con la segunda idea desarrollaremos un sistema basado en servicios, que sea lo suficientemente completa para poder dar respuesta a las necesidades vistas pero, a su vez, suficientemente flexible para que el crecimiento en capacidades o servicios se pueda realizar de forma sencilla sin que la estructura del sistema, o sus módulos deban modificarse para realizarlos. Por tanto, vamos a realizar un diseño integral y completa, de forma que será tanto de hardware como de software, haciendo énfasis en la integración de los sistemas y la interrelación entre los distintos elementos de ellos. Se dará, a su vez, la valoración económica del mismo. Por último, y como ejemplo de la flexibilidad del diseño elegido veremos dos modificaciones sobre el diseño original. El primero de ellos será una ampliación para dar mayor seguridad en cuanto a redundancia de almacenamiento y, ya en un paso definitivo, montar un CPD remoto. El segundo de ellos será un diseño de bajo coste, en el que, mantenimiento los mismos servicios, bajaremos el coste del diseño con productos con algo menos de prestaciones, pero manteniendo la solución en conjunto unos altos niveles de calidad y servicio.


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A major challenge for a developing country such as Bangladesh is to supply basic services to its most marginalized populations, which includes both rural and urban dwellers. The government struggles to provide basic necessities such as water and electricity. In marginalized urban communities in Bangladesh, in particular informal settlements, meeting basic needs is even direr. Most informal settlements are built to respond to a rapid immigration to urban centers, and are thought of as ‘temporary structures’, though many structures have been there for decades. In addition, as the settlements are often squatting on private land, access to formalized services such as electricity or water is largely absent. In some cases, electricity and water connections are brought in - but through informal and non-government sanctioned ways -- these hookups are deemed ‘illegal’ by the state. My research will focus on recent efforts to help ameliorate issues associated with lack of basic services in informal settlements in Bangladesh – in this case lack of light. When the government fails to meet the needs of the general population, different non-government organizations tend to step in to intervene. A new emphasis on solar bottle systems in informal urban settlement areas to help address some energy needs (specifically day-time lighting). One such example is the solar bottle light in Bangladesh, a project introduced by the organization ‘Change’. There has been mixed reactions on this technology among the users. This is where my research intervenes. I have used quantitative method to investigate user satisfactions for the solar bottle lights among the residents of the informal settlements to address the overarching question, is there a disconnect between the perceived benefits of the ENGO and the user satisfaction of the residents of the informal settlements of Dhaka City? This paper uses survey responses to investigate level of user satisfaction and the contributing factors.


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Madagascar’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have long supported a unique set of ecological communities, many of whom are endemic to the tropical island. Those same ecosystems have been a source of valuable natural resources to some of the poorest people in the world. Nevertheless, with pride, ingenuity and resourcefulness, the Malagasy people of the southwest coast, being of Vezo identity, subsist with low development fishing techniques aimed at an increasingly threatened host of aquatic seascapes. Mangroves, sea grass bed, and coral reefs of the region are under increased pressure from the general populace for both food provisions and support of economic opportunity. Besides purveyors and extractors, the coastal waters are also subject to a number of natural stressors, including cyclones and invasive, predator species of both flora and fauna. In addition, the aquatic ecosystems of the region are undergoing increased nutrient and sediment runoff due, in part, to Madagascar’s heavy reliance on land for agricultural purposes (Scales, 2011). Moreover, its coastal waters, like so many throughout the world, have been proven to be warming at an alarming rate over the past few decades. In recognizing the intimate interconnectedness of the both the social and ecological systems, conservation organizations have invoked a host of complimentary conservation and social development efforts with the dual aim of preserving or restoring the health of both the coastal ecosystems and the people of the region. This paper provides a way of thinking more holistically about the social-ecological system within a resiliency frame of understanding. Secondly, it applies a platform known as state-and-transition modeling to give form to the process. State-and-transition modeling is an iterative investigation into the physical makeup of a system of study as well as the boundaries and influences on that state, and has been used in restorative ecology for more than a decade. Lastly, that model is sited within an adaptive management scheme that provides a structured, cyclical, objective-oriented process for testing stakeholders cognitive understanding of the ecosystem through a pragmatic implementation and monitoring a host of small-scale interventions developed as part of the adaptive management process. Throughout, evidence of the application of the theories and frameworks are offered, with every effort made to retool conservation-minded development practitioners with a comprehensive strategy for addressing the increasingly fragile social-ecological systems of southwest Madagascar. It is offered, in conclusion, that the seascapes of the region would be an excellent case study worthy of future application of state-and-transition modeling and adaptive management as frameworks for conservation-minded development practitioners whose multiple projects, each with its own objective, have been implemented with a single goal in mind: preserve and protect the state of the supporting environment while providing for the basic needs of the local Malagasy people.