999 resultados para B4


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Many extractors are used to quantify available P in soils, but few studies have assessed the availability of P in soils of the wet tropics amended with high rates of biosolids. In this study, ion exchange resin, Mehlich-1 solution, and Fe-impregnated strips were used to quantify available P in samples from an Oxisol amended with surface-applied biosolids in a long-term field experiment. The soil's maximum capacity for P adsorption was also estimated. Experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with four treatments and three replicates. Samples of biosolids were collected every year during the experiment, from 1999 to 2002. In 1999, two applications were made before growing maize (Zea mays L.) in austral summer and winter. Treatments were: Control (no biosolids added); B (biosolids added at rates based on their total N content); B2 (biosolids added at twice the rate of B), and B4 (biosolids added at four times the rate of B). Soil samples were collected at 0- to 0.1-, 0.1- to 0.2-, and 0.2- to 0.4-m depths. Biosolids were broadcast applied and incorporated into the soil to a depth of 0.2 m using a rotary hoe. The Oxisol had a high P-adsorption capacity (around 2450 mg kg(-1)) because of its high contents of clay and Fe and Al oxides. All the extractors were effective at assessing P availability and were positively correlated among themselves. Available P soil contents correlated positively with P content in maize leaves and grains, and the resin method yielded the highest correlation with P contents in leaves and grains.


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Pattern recognition receptors for fungi include dectin-1 and mannose receptor, and these mediate phagocytosis, as well as production of cytokines, reactive oxygen species, and the lipid mediator leukotriene B-4 (LTB4). The influence of G protein-coupled receptor ligands such as LTB4 on fungal pattern recognition receptor expression is unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of LTB4 signaling in dectin-1 expression and responsiveness in macrophages. Genetic and pharmacologic approaches showed that LTB4 production and signaling through its high-affinity G protein-coupled receptor leukotriene B4 receptor 1 (BLT1) direct dectin-1-dependent binding, ingestion, and cytokine production both in vitro and in vivo. Impaired responses to fungal glucans correlated with lower dectin-1 expression in macrophages from leukotriene (LT)- and BLT1-deficent mice than their wildtype counterparts. LTB4 increased the expression of the transcription factor responsible for dectin-1 expression, PU.1, and PU.1 small interfering RNA abolished LTB4-enhanced dectin-1 expression. GM-CSF controls PU.1 expression, and this cytokine was decreased in LT-deficient macrophages. Addition of GM-CSF to LT-deficient cells restored expression of dectin-1 and PU.1, as well as dectin-1 responsiveness. In addition, LTB4 effects on dectin-1, PU.1, and cytokine production were blunted in GM-CSF-/- macrophages. Our results identify LTB4-BLT1 signaling as an unrecognized controller of dectin-1 transcription via GM-CSF and PU.1 that is required for fungi-protective host responses. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 189: 906-915.


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Using numerical models that couple surface processes, flexural isostasy, faulting and the thermal effects of rifting, we show that fault-bounded escarpments created at rift flanks by mechanical unloading and flexural rebound have little potential to "survive" as retreating escarpments if the lower crust under the rift flank is substantially stretched. In this configuration, a drainage divide that persists through time appears landward of the initial escarpment in a position close to a secondary bulge that is created during the rifting event at a distance that depends on the flexural rigidity of the upper crust. Moreover, the migration of the escarpment to the secondary bulge occurs when the pre-rift topography dips landward, otherwise the evolution of the escarpment is guided by the pre-existing inland drainage divide. To illustrate this new mechanism for the evolution of passive margins, we study the examples of Southeastern Australia and Southeastern Brazil. We propose that a pre-existing inland drainage divide with rift related flank uplift can produce the double drainage divide observed in Southeastern Australia. On the other hand, we conclude that it is possible that the Serra do Mar escarpments on the Southeastern Brazilian margin originated as a secondary flexural bulge during rifting that persisted through time. In both cases, the retreating escarpment scenario is unlikely and the present-day margin morphology can be explained as resulting from rift-related vertical motions alone, without requiring significant post-rift "rejuvenation".


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Abstract Background Extracellular matrix proteins are key factors that influence the regenerative capacity of tissues. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of enamel matrix derivative (EMD), TGF-β1, and the combination of both factors (EMD+TGF-β1) on human osteoblastic cell cultures. Methods Cells were obtained from alveolar bone of three adult patients using enzymatic digestion. Effects of EMD, TGF-β1, or a combination of both were analyzed on cell proliferation, bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin (OPN) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) immunodetection, total protein synthesis, ALP activity and bone-like nodule formation. Results All treatments significantly increased cell proliferation compared to the control group at 24 h and 4 days. At day 7, EMD group showed higher cell proliferation compared to TGF-β1, EMD + TGF-β1 and the control group. OPN was detected in the majority of the cells for all groups, whereas fluorescence intensities for ALP labeling were greater in the control than in treated groups; BSP was not detected in all groups. All treatments decreased ALP levels at 7 and 14 days and bone-like nodule formation at 21 days compared to the control group. Conclusions The exposure of human osteoblastic cells to EMD, TGF-β1 and the combination of factors in vitro supports the development of a less differentiated phenotype, with enhanced proliferative activity and total cell number, and reduced ALP activity levels and matrix mineralization.


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Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is a hallmark of asthma and many factors modulate bronchoconstriction episodes. A potential correlation of formaldehyde (FA) inhalation and asthma has been observed; however, the exact role of FA remains controversial. We investigated the effects of FA inhalation on Ovalbumin (OVA) sensitisation using a parameter of respiratory mechanics. The involvement of nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase-derived products were also evaluated. The rats were submitted, or not, to FA inhalation (1%, 90 min/day, 3 days) and were OVA-sensitised and challenged 14 days later. Our data showed that previous FA exposure in allergic rats reduced bronchial responsiveness, respiratory resistance (Rrs) and elastance (Ers) to methacholine. FA exposure in allergic rats also increased the iNOS gene expression and reduced COX-1. L-NAME treatment exacerbated the bronchial hyporesponsiveness and did not modify the Ers and Rrs, while Indomethacin partially reversed all of the parameters studied. The L-NAME and Indomethacin treatments reduced leukotriene B4 levels while they increased thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin E2. In conclusion, FA exposure prior to OVA sensitisation reduces the respiratory mechanics and the interaction of NO and PGE2 may be representing a compensatory mechanism in order to protect the lung from bronchoconstriction effects.


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Da ormai sette anni la stazione permanente GPS di Baia Terranova acquisisce dati giornalieri che opportunamente elaborati consentono di contribuire alla comprensione della dinamica antartica e a verificare se modelli globali di natura geofisica siano aderenti all’area di interesse della stazione GPS permanente. Da ricerche bibliografiche condotte si è dedotto che una serie GPS presenta molteplici possibili perturbazioni principalmente dovute a errori nella modellizzazione di alcuni dati ancillari necessari al processamento. Non solo, da alcune analisi svolte, è emerso come tali serie temporali ricavate da rilievi geodetici, siano afflitte da differenti tipologie di rumore che possono alterare, se non opportunamente considerate, i parametri di interesse per le interpretazioni geofisiche del dato. Il lavoro di tesi consiste nel comprendere in che misura tali errori, possano incidere sui parametri dinamici che caratterizzano il moto della stazione permanente, facendo particolare riferimento alla velocità del punto sul quale la stazione è installata e sugli eventuali segnali periodici che possono essere individuati.


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Deutsch:In dieser Arbeit wurden Versuche zur funktionellen Expression von schwer ektopisch exprimierbaren nAChR in HEK-293/a1-Zellen durchgeführt: a7 nAChR und a6-enthaltenden nAChR. Die Probleme lagen dabei nicht auf dem Niveau der Transfektion, Transkription, Translation oder der Assemblierung, sondern beim Transport der Rezeptoren zur Zellmembran.Die Expression von a7 nAChR in der Plasmamembran von HEK-293/a1-Zellen konnte durch verbesserte Expressionsbedingungen (Koexpression des Faltungshelfers Calnexin oder weiterer nAChR-Untereinheiten, Erniedrigung der Expressionstemperatur, Expression in Gegenwart nikotinischer Antagonisten) nicht erreicht werden. Auch in anderen Zellinien mit neuronalem oder nicht-neuronalem Ursprung (QT6, GH4C1, S2 und PCC7-Mz1) war die EGFP-gekoppelte a7 nAChR-Untereinheit nur im Zellinneren lokalisiert.Eine intrazelluläre Lokalisation verhinderte auch eine funktionelle Expression homomerer a6 sowie heteromerer a6b2 und a6b3 nAChR in HEK-293/a1-Zellen. Im Gegensatz dazu führte eine Expression von stabil mit den nAChR-Untereinheiten a6 und b4 transfizierten HEK-293/a1-Zellen in Gegenwart von Calciumphosphat-Transfektionslösung und anschließend bei 30°C zu einem verbesserten Transport der Rezeptoren zur Zellmembran und damit zum erfolgreichen Expression funktioneller a6b4 nAChR. Die Wirkung der Transfektionslösung kann durch die erhöhte Calciumkonzentration erklärt werden, da in Ganzzellableitungen eine potenzierende Wirkung von Calciumionen auf den a6b4 nAChR bewiesen wurde. Somit konnte erstmalig der humane a6b4 nAChR in einer Säugerzellinie stabil und funktionell exprimiert werden.


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Il trigono della vescica urinaria (UBT) è un'area limitata attraverso la quale penetrano nella vescica la maggior parte dei vasi e fibre e in cui le fibre nervose e neuroni intramurali sono più concentrati. Mediante l’utilizzo combinato di un tracciante retrogrado(FB) e dell’immunoistochimica sono stati valutati il fenotipo e l’area del soma dei neuroni dei gangli spinali (DRG), dei neuroni post-gangliari, il fenotipo dei gangli della catena simpatica (STG) e i gangli mesenterici caudali (CMG) innervanti l’UBT. - Caratterizzazione dei neuroni dei DRG con: peptide correlato al gene della calcitonina (CGRP)(30±3%, 29±3%, rispettivamente), sostanza P(SP)(26±8%, 27±12%), ossido nitrico sintasi neuronale (nNOS)(21±4%; 26±7%), neurofilamento 200kDa (NF200)(75±14%, 81±7% ) , transient receptor potential vanilloid1 (TRPV1)(48±13%, 43±6%) e isolectina-B4-positivi (IB4) (56±6%;43±10%). I neuroni sensoriali, distribuiti da L2 a Ca1 (DRG), hanno presentato una localizzazione segmentale, mostrando maggior densità nei DRG L4-L5 e S2-S4. I neuroni sensoriali lombari sono risultati significativamente più grandi di quelle sacrali (1.112±624μm2 vs716±421μm2). Complessivamente, questi dati indicano che le vie lombari e sacrali probabilmente svolgono ruoli diversi nella trasmissione sensitiva del trigono della vescica urinaria. -I neuroni FB+ della STG e dei CMG sono risultati immunoreattivi per la tirosina idrossilasi (TH)(66±10,1%, 53±8,2%, rispettivamente), la dopamina beta-idrossilasi (DβH)(62±6,2%, 52±6,2%), neuropeptideY (NPY)(59±8%; 66±7%), CGRP(24±3%, 22±3%), SP(22±2%; 38±8%), polipeptide intestinale vasoattivo (VIP)(19±2%; 35±4%), nNOS(15±2%; 33±8%), trasportatore vescicolare dell'acetilcolina (VAChT)(15±2%; 35±5%), leu-encefalina (LENK)(14±7%; 26±9%), e somatostatina (SOM)(12±3%;32±7%).Il numero medio di neuroni FB+ (1845,1±259,3) era nella STG in L1-S3, con i pirenofori più piccoli (465,6±82.7μm2). Un gran numero (4287,5±1450,6) di neuroni FB+ di piccole dimensioni (476,1±103,9μm2) sono stati localizzati lungo il margine dei CMG. Il maggior numero (4793,3±1990,8) di neuroni FB + è stato osservato nel plesso pelvico, dove i neuroni marcati erano raggruppati in micro-gangli e con pirenoforo ancora più piccolo (374,9±85,4 μm2).


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The intermediate stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) comprises a highly heterogeneous patient population and therefore poses unique challenges for therapeutic management, different from the early and advanced stages. Patients classified as having intermediate HCC by the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system present with varying tumor burden and liver function. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) is currently recommended as the standard of care in this setting, but there is considerable variation in the clinical benefit patients derive from this treatment.In April 2012, a panel of experts convened to discuss unresolved issues surrounding the application of current guidelines when managing patients with intermediate HCC. The meeting explored the applicability of a subclassification system for intermediate HCC patients to tailor therapeutic interventions based on the evidence available to date and expert opinion. The present report summarizes the proposal of the expert panel: four substages of intermediate HCC patients, B1 to B4.


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Atrial tissue expresses both connexin 40 (Cx40) and 43 (Cx43) proteins. To assess the relative roles of Cx40 and Cx43 in atrial electrical propagation, we synthesized cultured strands of atrial myocytes derived from mice with genetic deficiency in Cx40 or Cx43 expression and measured propagation velocity (PV) by high-resolution optical mapping of voltage-sensitive dye fluorescence. The amount of Cx40 and/or Cx43 in gap junctions was measured by immunohistochemistry and total or sarcolemmal Cx43 or Cx40 protein by immunoblotting. Progressive genetic reduction in Cx43 expression decreased PV from 34+/-6 cm/sec in Cx43(+/+) to 30+/-8 cm/sec in Cx43(+/-) and 19+/-11 cm/sec in Cx43(-/-) cultures. Concomitantly, the cell area occupied by Cx40 immunosignal in gap junctions decreased from 2.0+/-1.6% in Cx43(+/+) to 1.7+/-0.5% in Cx43(+/-) and 1.0+/-0.2% in Cx43(-/-) strands. In contrast, progressive genetic reduction in Cx40 expression increased PV from 30+/-2 cm/sec in Cx40(+/+) to 40+/-7 cm/sec in Cx40(+/-) and 45+/-10 cm/sec in Cx40(-/-) cultures. Concomitantly, the cell area occupied by Cx43 immunosignal in gap junctions increased from 1.2+/-0.9% in Cx40(+/+) to 2.8+/-1.4% in Cx40(+/-) and 3.1+/-0.6% in Cx40(-/-) cultures. In accordance with the immunostaining results, immunoblots of the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction revealed an increase of Cx43 in gap junctions in extracts from Cx40-ablated atria, whereas total cellular Cx43 remained unchanged. Our results suggest that the relative abundance of Cx43 and Cx40 is an important determinant of atrial impulse propagation in neonatal hearts, whereby dominance of Cx40 decreases and dominance of Cx43 increases local propagation velocity.


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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Low blood pressure, inadequate tissue oxygen delivery and mitochondrial dysfunction have all been implicated in the development of sepsis-induced organ failure. This study evaluated the effect on liver mitochondrial function of using norepinephrine to increase blood pressure in experimental sepsis. METHODS: Thirteen anaesthetized pigs received endotoxin (Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide B0111:B4; 0.4 mug/kg per hour) and were subsequently randomly assigned to norepinephrine treatment or placebo for 10 hours. Norepinephrine dose was adjusted at 2-hour intervals to achieve 15 mmHg increases in mean arterial blood pressure up to 95 mmHg. Systemic (thermodilution) and hepatosplanchnic (ultrasound Doppler) blood flow were measured at each step. At the end of the experiment, hepatic mitochondrial oxygen consumption (high-resolution respirometry) and citrate synthase activity (spectrophotometry) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) increased only in norepinephrine-treated animals (from 73 [median; range 69 to 81] to 63 [60 to 68] in controls [P = 0.09] and from 83 [69 to 93] to 96 [86 to 108] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.019]). Cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) increased in both groups, but significantly more in the norepinephrine group (P < 0.03 for both). Cardiac index (ml/min per.kg) increased from 99 (range: 72 to 112) to 117 (110 to 232) in controls (P = 0.002), and from 107 (84 to 132) to 161 (147 to 340) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.001). DO2 (ml/min per.kg) increased from 13 (range: 11 to 15) to 16 (15 to 24) in controls (P = 0.028), and from 16 (12 to 19) to 29 (25 to 52) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.018). Systemic oxygen consumption (systemic VO2) increased in both groups (P < 0.05), whereas hepatosplanchnic flows, DO2 and VO2 remained stable. The hepatic lactate extraction ratio decreased in both groups (P = 0.05). Liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios were increased in the norepinephrine group (complex I: 3.5 [range: 2.1 to 5.7] in controls versus 5.8 [4.8 to 6.4] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.015]; complex II: 3.1 [2.3 to 3.8] in controls versus 3.7 [3.3 to 4.6] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.09]). No differences were observed in citrate synthase activity. CONCLUSION: Norepinephrine treatment during endotoxaemia does not increase hepatosplanchnic flow, oxygen delivery or consumption, and does not improve the hepatic lactate extraction ratio. However, norepinephrine increases the liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios. This effect was probably mediated by a direct effect of norepinephrine on liver cells.